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namespace EscolaLms\Cart\Http\Swagger\Admin;

use EscolaLms\Cart\Http\Requests\Admin\OrderExportRequest;
use EscolaLms\Cart\Http\Requests\Admin\OrderSearchRequest;
use EscolaLms\Cart\Http\Requests\OrderViewRequest;

use Illuminate\Http\JsonResponse;
use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\BinaryFileResponse;

interface OrderAdminSwagger
     * @OA\Get(
     *      path="/api/admin/orders",
     *      description="Search orders",
     *      tags={"Admin Orders"},
     *      security={
     *          {"passport": {}},
     *      },
     *      @OA\Parameter(
     *          name="order_by",
     *          required=false,
     *          in="query",
     *          @OA\Schema(
     *              type="string",
     *              enum={"created_at","updated_at","user_id"}
     *          ),
     *      ),
     *      @OA\Parameter(
     *          name="order",
     *          required=false,
     *          in="query",
     *          @OA\Schema(
     *              type="string",
     *              enum={"ASC", "DESC"}
     *          ),
     *      ),
     *      @OA\Parameter(
     *          name="page",
     *          description="Pagination Page Number",
     *          required=false,
     *          in="query",
     *          @OA\Schema(
     *              type="integer",
     *              default=1,
     *          ),
     *      ),
     *      @OA\Parameter(
     *          name="per_page",
     *          description="Pagination Per Page",
     *          required=false,
     *          in="query",
     *          @OA\Schema(
     *              type="integer",
     *               default=15,
     *          ),
     *      ),
     *     @OA\Parameter(
     *          name="user_id",
     *          description="User (buyer) ID",
     *          required=false,
     *          in="query",
     *          @OA\Schema(
     *              type="integer",
     *          ),
     *      ),
     *      @OA\Parameter(
     *          name="product_id",
     *          description="Product ID",
     *          required=false,
     *          in="query",
     *          @OA\Schema(
     *              type="integer",
     *          ),
     *      ),
     *      @OA\Parameter(
     *          name="productable_id",
     *          description="Productable ID (for example Course Id)",
     *          required=false,
     *          in="query",
     *          @OA\Schema(
     *              type="integer",
     *          ),
     *      ),
     *      @OA\Parameter(
     *          name="productable_type",
     *          description="Productable type (class) - required if productable_id is sent",
     *          required=false,
     *          in="query",
     *          @OA\Schema(
     *              type="string",
     *          ),
     *      ),
     *      @OA\Parameter(
     *          name="status",
     *          description="Status (0 = PROCESSING, 1 = PAID, 2 = CANCELLED)",
     *          required=false,
     *          in="query",
     *          @OA\Schema(
     *              type="integer",
     *          ),
     *      ),
     *      @OA\Response(
     *          response=200,
     *          description="successful operation",
     *          @OA\MediaType(
     *              mediaType="application/json",
     *          ),
     *          @OA\Schema(
     *              type="object",
     *              @OA\Property(
     *                  property="success",
     *                  type="boolean"
     *              ),
     *              @OA\Property(
     *                  property="data",
     *                  type="array",
     *                  @OA\Items(ref="#/components/schemas/Order")
     *              ),
     *              @OA\Property(
     *                  property="message",
     *                  type="string"
     *              )
     *          )
     *      ),
     *      @OA\Response(
     *          response=422,
     *          description="Bad request",
     *          @OA\MediaType(
     *              mediaType="application/json"
     *          )
     *      )
     *   )
    public function index(OrderSearchRequest $request): JsonResponse;

     * @OA\Get(
     *      path="/api/admin/orders/{id}",
     *      summary="Display the specified Order",
     *      tags={"Admin Orders"},
     *      description="Get Order",
     *      security={
     *         {"passport": {}},
     *      },
     *      @OA\Parameter(
     *          name="id",
     *          description="id of Order",
     *          @OA\Schema(
     *             type="integer",
     *         ),
     *          required=true,
     *          in="path"
     *      ),
     *      @OA\Response(
     *          response=200,
     *          description="successful operation",
     *          @OA\MediaType(
     *              mediaType="application/json"
     *          ),
     *          @OA\Schema(
     *              type="object",
     *              @OA\Property(
     *                  property="success",
     *                  type="boolean"
     *              ),
     *              @OA\Property(
     *                  property="data",
     *                  ref="#/components/schemas/Order"
     *              ),
     *              @OA\Property(
     *                  property="message",
     *                  type="string"
     *              )
     *          )
     *      )
     * )
    public function read(OrderViewRequest $request): JsonResponse;

     * @OA\Get(
     *      path="/api/admin/orders/export",
     *      description="Export orders to file",
     *      tags={"Admin Orders"},
     *      security={
     *          {"passport": {}},
     *      },
     *      @OA\Parameter(
     *          name="order_by",
     *          required=false,
     *          in="query",
     *          @OA\Schema(
     *              type="string",
     *              enum={"created_at","updated_at","user_id"}
     *          ),
     *      ),
     *      @OA\Parameter(
     *          name="order",
     *          required=false,
     *          in="query",
     *          @OA\Schema(
     *              type="string",
     *              enum={"ASC", "DESC"}
     *          ),
     *      ),
     *     @OA\Parameter(
     *          name="user_id",
     *          description="User (buyer) ID",
     *          required=false,
     *          in="query",
     *          @OA\Schema(
     *              type="integer",
     *          ),
     *      ),
     *      @OA\Parameter(
     *          name="product_id",
     *          description="Product ID",
     *          required=false,
     *          in="query",
     *          @OA\Schema(
     *              type="integer",
     *          ),
     *      ),
     *      @OA\Parameter(
     *          name="productable_id",
     *          description="Productable ID (for example Course Id)",
     *          required=false,
     *          in="query",
     *          @OA\Schema(
     *              type="integer",
     *          ),
     *      ),
     *      @OA\Parameter(
     *          name="productable_type",
     *          description="Productable type (class) - required if productable_id is sent",
     *          required=false,
     *          in="query",
     *          @OA\Schema(
     *              type="string",
     *          ),
     *      ),
     *      @OA\Parameter(
     *          name="status",
     *          description="Status (0 = PROCESSING, 1 = PAID, 2 = CANCELLED)",
     *          required=false,
     *          in="query",
     *          @OA\Schema(
     *              type="integer",
     *          ),
     *      ),
     *      @OA\Parameter(
     *          name="format",
     *          description="File format",
     *          required=false,
     *          in="query",
     *          @OA\Schema(
     *              type="string",
     *              enum={"csv", "xlsx", "xls"}
     *          ),
     *      ),
     *      @OA\Response(
     *          response=200,
     *          description="successful operation",
     *          @OA\MediaType(
     *              mediaType="application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet",
     *          ),
     *      ),
     *   )
    public function export(OrderExportRequest $request): BinaryFileResponse;