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# Changelog

All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.

The format is based on [Keep a Changelog](
and this project adheres to [Semantic Versioning](

### [Unreleased][HEAD]

- none

## [5.2.0] - May 20th 2020

- Add support of React 17 and React 18

## [5.1.0] - June 11th 2020

### Changed

- Updated to esri-loader v2.14, `otherwise` vs `catch` issue with JS API ([#178](

## [5.0.0] - October 14th 2019

### Changed

- document how to configure esri-loader via `loaderOptions`

### Breaking

- react-arcgis now declares React and esri-loader as peer dependencies
- react-arcgis no longer exports `loadModules` nor `esriPromise`

See the [v5 migration guide](./

## 4.0.0 - January 9th 2019

### Changed

- `react-arcgis` has been moved into the @esri namespace on npm.

npm install @esri/react-arcgis

import { Map, Scene } from '@esri/react-arcgis';

- React-arcgis will now load version 4.10 of the ArcGIS API for JavaScript by default

## 3.3.3

- React-arcgis will now load version 4.9 of the ArcGIS JS API by default
- Fixed issue with the `zoom` prop on `Scene` components

## 3.3.2

- React-arcgis components now accept a `childrenAsFunction` prop:

    render() {
        return (
                childrenAsFunction={(map: __esri.Map, view: __esri.SceneView) => (
                    <BermudaTriangle map={map} view={view} />

This is helpful for TypeScript users, as it allows the compiler to understand the relationship between parent and child components. If you are not using TypeScript, there is no benefit to using this prop over specifying children in the usual manner.

## 3.3.1

- React-arcgis will now load version 4.8 by default
- Issue with using `mapProperties` in the `WebMap` and `WebScene` components has been fixed

## 3.3.0

- React-arcgis will now load version 4.7 by default
- `loadModules` from []( can now also be imported as `loadModules` instead of just `esriPromise` for consistency. For example:

import { loadModules, esriPromise } from 'react-arcgis';

loadModules === esriPromise // true

## Version 3.2.0:

- You can now include loader options directly in react-arcgis components. This provides an easy way to migrate to esri's newer async/await compatible promises in your react-arcgis application. For example:

render() {
    return (
                dojoConfig: {
                    has: {
                    "esri-promise-compatibility": 1