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# KeyTools

Simple functions for coercing Elixir Maps (or Lists of Maps).

## Usage

Say your API provides you with camelCased string keys...

iex(1)> payload = %{
...(1)>   "data" => [
...(1)>     %{
...(1)>       "userName" => "EthanML"
...(1)>     }
...(1)>   ]
...(1)> }

...and you want them to conform to Elixir standards, i.e. have atoms for keys and use snake_casing:

iex(2)> import KeyTools
iex(3)> payload
...(3)> |> atomize_keys
...(3)> |> underscore_keys
%{data: [%{user_name: "EthanML"}]}

And that's about it.

Note that this library uses and thus is bound by the same limitations detailed in the docs for `Macro.underscore/1`:

> This function was designed to underscore language identifiers/tokens, that's
> why it belongs to the Macro module. Do not use it as a general mechanism for
> underscoring strings as it does not support Unicode or characters that are 
> not valid in Elixir identifiers. be careful if you're likely to have to deal with any unusual characters in your keys.

## Current Functions

Current functions include:

- `atomize_keys/1`
- `stringify_keys/1`
- `underscore_keys/1`
- `camelize_keys/1` / `camelize_keys/2`

Check out [the docs]( for full details.

## Installation

How to install from [Hex](

  1. Add `key_tools` to your list of dependencies in `mix.exs`:

    def deps do
      [{:key_tools, "~> 0.4"}]

  2. Ensure `key_tools` is started before your application:

    def application do
      [applications: [:key_tools]]

## How to Contribute

If you'd like to contribute to the project (thanks in advance!) please pull the `dev` branch, then create another branch off of `dev` with your changes. Then, just push your branch and create a Pull Request against `dev` for review.

Alternatively, feel free to write up an Issue.