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# JSend

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A tiny PHP library that generates JSON responses based on the original [JSend specification](http://labs.omniti.com/labs/jsend).

The specification has been slightly modified to make use for APIs, in which the are now optional `code` and `message` attributes. Both are meant to be human readable, and will not show up if not supplied.

> **Version 2.x requires PHP 7.2+**
> If you need support for PHP >= 5.6, use the 1.x branch.

## Installation

Install JSend via Composer:

$ composer require evandarwin/jsend

## Usage

You can use JSend like so:

use EvanDarwin\JSend\JSendBuilder;

$builder = new JSendBuilder();

// This will return a JSendResponse
$response = $builder->success()
                    ->data(['id' => 3])

// Output the JSON
header('Content-Type: application/json');
echo $response->getResponse();

And the response will be formed like so:

  "status": "success",
  "message": "Hello",
  "code": 12,
  "data": {
    "id": 3

Alternative statuses include:
 - **fail** - For when the user has done something wrong, and they should fix it before requesting again.
 - **error** - An internal server error or something that's not the issue of the user's request

use EvanDarwin\JSend\JSendBuilder;

// These alternatives statuses can be set like so
$builder = new JSendBuilder();

// For failure

// For error

## License

Licensed under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for information.