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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# plugins/Foobar2000/__init__.py
# Copyright (C) 2006 MonsterMagnet
# This file is a plugin for EventGhost.
# Copyright © 2005-2020 EventGhost Project <http://www.eventghost.net/>
# EventGhost is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
# the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
# Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or (at your option)
# any later version.
# EventGhost is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
# ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
# FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for
# more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
# with EventGhost. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.

# Every EventGhost plugin should start with the import of 'eg' and the
# definition of an eg.PluginInfo subclass.

    name = "foobar2000",
    author = "MonsterMagnet",
    version = "1.3.1488",
    kind = "program",
    guid = "{50257196-DB5B-4291-BD62-FF3DE53DDCA2}",
    description = (
        'Adds actions to control the <a href="http://www.foobar2000.net/">'
        'Foobar2000</a> audio player.<br />'
    '<br />'
    'For v1.0 you need I <a href="http://foosion.foobar2000.net/components/?id=runcmd">foosion\'s Run Command (foo_runcmd) plugin</a>.'
    createMacrosOnAdd = True,
    url = "http://www.eventghost.net/forum/viewtopic.php?t=695",
    icon = (

# changelog:
# 1.3 by CHeitkamp
#     - fixed path autodetection
#     - optional use of run_cmd plugin, because v1.0 doesn't work without it
#     - reorderd actionlist into a tree
# 1.2 by CHeitkamp
#     - changed code to get path from uninstall information
# 1.1 by bitmonster
#     - changed code to use new AddActionsFromList method
# 1.0 by MonsterMagnet
#     - initial version

# Now import some other modules that are needed for the special purpose of
# this plugin.
import os
import _winreg
from win32api import ShellExecute

# This plugin will create its actions dynamically from a list of data.
# Here we define a list of tuples, where every tuple contains the following
# information:
#   1. The name of the eg.ActionClass we want to create later.
#   2. A value for the 'name' member.
#   3. A value for the 'description' member.
#   4. A value that is needed by the action to do the actual work. This time
#      it is the parameter that will be used for a command line that calls
#      Foobar2000.

        "Run foobar with its default settings.",
        ( None, None )
        "Quits foobar.",
        ( "/exit", "/exit" )
    ( eg.ActionGroup, "Playback_Control", "Playback Control", "Playback Control Functions\ne.g. Play/Pause",(
            "Simulate a press on the play button.",
            ( "/play", "/play" )
            "Simulate a press on the pause button.",
            ( "/pause", "/pause" )
            "Toggle Play/Pause",
            "Simulate a press on the PlayPause button.",
            ( "/playpause", "/playpause" )
            "Simulate a press on the stop button.",
            ( "/stop", "/stop" )
            "Simulate a press on the random button.",
            ( "/rand", "/rand" )
            "Previous Track",
            "Simulate a press on the previous track button.",
            ( "/prev", "/prev" )
            "Next Track",
            "Simulate a press on the next track button.",
            ( "/next", "/next" )
        ( eg.ActionGroup, "Seek_Functions", "Seek Functions", "Seek Functions",(
                "Seek ahead by 1 seconds",
                "Seek ahead by 1 seconds.",
                ( '/command:"Seek ahead by 1 seconds"', '/runcmd="Seek/Ahead by 1 second"' )
                "Seek ahead by 5 seconds",
                "Seek ahead by 5 seconds.",
                ( '/command:"Seek ahead by 5 seconds"', '/runcmd="Seek/Ahead by 5 second"' )
                "Seek ahead by 10 seconds",
                "Seek ahead by 10 seconds.",
                ( '/command:"Seek ahead by 10 seconds"', '/runcmd="Seek/Ahead by 10 second"' )
                "Seek ahead by 30 seconds",
                "Seek ahead by 30 seconds.",
                ( '/command:"Seek ahead by 30 seconds"', '/runcmd="Seek/Ahead by 30 second"' )
                "Seek ahead by 1 minute",
                "Seek ahead by 1 minute.",
                ( '/command:"Seek ahead by 1 minute"', '/runcmd="Seek/Ahead by 1 minute"' )
                "Seek ahead by 2 minute",
                "Seek ahead by 2 minute.",
                ( '/command:"Seek ahead by 2 minute"', '/runcmd="Seek/Ahead by 2 minute"' )
                "Seek ahead by 5 minute",
                "Seek ahead by 5 minute.",
                ( '/command:"Seek ahead by 5 minute"', '/runcmd="Seek/Ahead by 5 minute"' )
                "Seek ahead by 10 minute",
                "Seek ahead by 10 minute.",
                ( '/command:"Seek ahead by 10 minute"', '/runcmd="Seek/Ahead by 10 minute"' )
                "Seek back by 1 seconds",
                "Seek back by 1 seconds.",
                ( '/command:"Seek back by 1 seconds"', '/runcmd="Seek/Back by 1 second"' )
                "Seek back by 5 seconds",
                "Seek back by 5 seconds.",
                ( '/command:"Seek back by 5 seconds"', '/runcmd="Seek/Back by 5 second"' )
                "Seek back by 10 seconds",
                "Seek back by 10 seconds.",
                ( '/command:"Seek back by 10 seconds"', '/runcmd="Seek/Back by 10 second"' )
                "Seek back by 30 seconds",
                "Seek back by 30 seconds.",
                ( '/command:"Seek back by 30 seconds"', '/runcmd="Seek/Back by 30 second"' )
                "Seek back by 1 minute",
                "Seek back by 1 minute.",
                ( '/command:"Seek back by 1 minute"', '/runcmd="Seek/Back by 1 minute"' )
                "Seek back by 2 minute",
                "Seek back by 2 minute.",
                ( '/command:"Seek back by 2 minute"', '/runcmd="Seek/Back by 2 minute"' )
                "Seek back by 5 minute",
                "Seek back by 5 minute.",
                ( '/command:"Seek back by 5 minute"', '/runcmd="Seek/Back by 5 minute"' )
                "Seek back by 10 minute",
                "Seek back by 10 minute.",
                ( '/command:"Seek back by 10 minute"', '/runcmd="Seek/Back by 10 minute"' )
        ) ),
    ) ),
    ( eg.ActionGroup, "Volume_Control", "Volume Control", "Volume Control Functions",(
            "Volume Up",
            "Turn Volume Up.",
        ( '/command:"Volume up"', '/runcmd="Playback/Volume/Up"' )
            "Volume Down",
            "Turn Volume Down.",
        ( '/command:"Volume down"', '/runcmd="Playback/Volume/Down"' )
            "Volume Mute",
            "Turn Volume Mute.",
        ( '/command:"Volume mute"', '/runcmd="Playback/Volume/Mute"' )
    ) ),
    ( eg.ActionGroup, "Miscellaneous", "Miscellaneous", "Miscellaneous Functions",(
            "Shows foobar.",
            ( "/show", "/show" )
            "Hides foobar.",
            ( "/hide", "/hide" )
    ) ),

class ActionPrototype(eg.ActionClass):

    # Every action needs a workhorse.
    def __call__(self):
        if self.plugin.useRunCmdPlugin:
            command = self.value[1]
            command = self.value[0]
        # This one is quite simple. It just calls ShellExecute.
            head, tail = os.path.split(self.plugin.foobar2000Path)
            return ShellExecute(0, None, tail, command, head, 1)
            # Some error-checking is always fine.
            raise self.Exceptions.ProgramNotFound

# Now we can start to define the plugin by sub-classing eg.PluginClass
class Foobar2000(eg.PluginClass):

    def __init__(self):
        self.AddActionsFromList(ACTIONS, ActionPrototype)

    def __start__(self, foobar2000Path=None, useRunCmdPlugin=None):
        if foobar2000Path is None:
            foobar2000Path = self.GetFoobar2000Path()
        if not os.path.exists(foobar2000Path):
            raise self.Exceptions.ProgramNotFound
        self.foobar2000Path = foobar2000Path
        if useRunCmdPlugin is None:
            useRunCmdPlugin = ( self.GetFoobar2000Version() >= '1.0' )
        self.useRunCmdPlugin = useRunCmdPlugin

    def Configure(self, foobar2000Path=None, useRunCmdPlugin=None):
        if foobar2000Path is None:
            foobar2000Path = self.GetFoobar2000Path()
            if foobar2000Path is None:
                foobar2000Path = os.path.join(
        if useRunCmdPlugin is None:
            useRunCmdPlugin = ( self.GetFoobar2000Version() >= '1.0' )
        panel = eg.ConfigPanel()
        filepathCtrl = eg.FileBrowseButton(
            fileMask = "Foobar2000 executable|foobar2000.exe|All-Files (*.*)|*.*",
        panel.AddLabel("Path to foobar2000 executable:")

        useRunCmdPluginCtrl = wx.CheckBox(panel, -1, "Use foo_runcmd plugin (neccessary for foobar2000 v1.0)")

        while panel.Affirmed():
            panel.SetResult(filepathCtrl.GetValue(), useRunCmdPluginCtrl.GetValue())

    def GetFoobar2000Path(self):
        Get the path of Foobar2000's installation directory through querying
        the Windows registry.
            fb = _winreg.OpenKey(
                foobar2000Path, dummy =_winreg.QueryValueEx(fb, "InstallLocation")
            except WindowsError:
                foobar2000Path, dummy =_winreg.QueryValueEx(fb, "UninstallString")
                foobar2000Path = os.path.dirname(foobar2000Path)
            foobar2000Path = os.path.join(foobar2000Path, "foobar2000.exe")
        except WindowsError:
            foobar2000Path = None
        return foobar2000Path

    def GetFoobar2000Version(self):
        Get the version of Foobar2000 through querying the Windows registry.
            fb = _winreg.OpenKey(
            foobar2000Version, dummy =_winreg.QueryValueEx(fb, "DisplayVersion")
        except WindowsError:
            foobar2000Version= None
        return foobar2000Version