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# Laravel ManticoreSearch plugin

An easiest way to use the [official ManticoreSearch client](https://github.com/manticoresoftware/manticoresearch-php)
in your Laravel or Lumen applications.

composer require evilfreelancer/laravel-manticoresearch

* [Post install](#Post-install)
    * [Laravel](#Laravel)
    * [Lumen](#Lumen)
* [How to use](#How-to-use)
* [Logging](#Logging)
* [Links](#Links)

## Post install

### Laravel

The package's service provider will automatically register its service provider.

Publish the configuration file:

php artisan vendor:publish --provider="ManticoreSearch\Laravel\ServiceProvider"

#### Alternative configuration method via .env file

After you publish the configuration file as suggested above, you may configure ManticoreSearch by adding the following
to your application's `.env` file (with appropriate values):


#### All available environments variables

| Name                               | Default value  | Description |
| MANTICORESEARCH_CONNECTION         | default        | Name of default connection |
| MANTICORESEARCH_HOST               | localhost      | Address of host with Manticore server |
| MANTICORESEARCH_PORT               | 9308           | Port number with REST server |
| MANTICORESEARCH_TRANSPORT          | Http           | Type of transport, can be: Http, Https, PhpHttp or your custom driver |
| MANTICORESEARCH_USER               |                | Username |
| MANTICORESEARCH_PASS               |                | Password |
| MANTICORESEARCH_TIMEOUT            | 5              | Timeout between requests |
| MANTICORESEARCH_CONNECTION_TIMEOUT | 1              | Timeout before connection |
| MANTICORESEARCH_PROXY              |                | Url of HTTP proxy server |
| MANTICORESEARCH_PERSISTENT         | true           | Define whenever connection is persistent or not |
| MANTICORESEARCH_RETRIES            | 2              | Amount of retries if connection is lost |

### Lumen

If you work with Lumen, please register the service provider and configuration in `bootstrap/app.php`:

// Enable shortname of facade
$app->withFacades(true, [
    'ManticoreSearch\Laravel\Facade' => 'Facade',

// Register Config Files

// Register Service Providers

Manually copy the configuration file to your application.

## How to use

The `ManticoreSearch` facade is just an entry point into
the [ManticoreSearch client](https://github.com/manticoresoftware/manticoresearch-php), so previously you might have

require_once __DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php';

$config = ['host'=>'', 'port'=>9308];
$client = new \Manticoresearch\Client($config);
$index  = new \Manticoresearch\Index($client);

Instead of these few lines above you can use single line solution:

$index = \ManticoreSearch::index('movies');

That will run the command on the default connection. You can run a command on any connection (see
the [defaultConnection](https://github.com/EvilFreelancer/laravel-manticoresearch/blob/master/config/manticoresearch.php#L9)
and [connections](https://github.com/EvilFreelancer/laravel-manticoresearch/blob/master/config/manticoresearch.php#L11)
array in the configuration file).

$index   = \ManticoreSearch::connection('connectionName')->index($nameOfIndex);
$pq      = \ManticoreSearch::connection('connectionName')->pq();
$cluster = \ManticoreSearch::connection('connectionName')->cluster();
$indices = \ManticoreSearch::connection('connectionName')->indices();
$nodes   = \ManticoreSearch::connection('connectionName')->nodes();

// etc...

methods of the Client class:


// etc...

Lumen users who aren't using facades will need to use dependency injection, or the application container in order to get
the ManticoreSearch Index object:

// using injection:
public function handle(\ManticoreSearch\Laravel\Manager $manticoresearch)

// using application container:
$manticoreSearch = $this->app('manticoresearch');

Of course, dependency injection and the application container work for Laravel applications as well.

## Logging

Since the PHP client of the ManticoreSearch supports logging through PSR-compatible loggers, you can use them in the
same way as presented in the
[official documentation](https://github.com/manticoresoftware/manticoresearch-php/blob/master/docs/logging.md).

For example, you want to use the Monolog logger.

composer require monolog/monolog

By default, you need to write something like this:

$logger = new \Monolog\Logger('name');
$logger->pushHandler(new \Monolog\Handler\StreamHandler('/my/log.file', Logger::INFO));
$config = ['host' => '', 'port' => 9306];
$client = new \Manticoresearch\Client($config, $logger);
$index  = new \Manticoresearch\Index($client);

But if you want to use the Monolog together with this library then you may simplify your code like this:

$logger = new \Monolog\Logger('name');
$logger->pushHandler(new \Monolog\Handler\StreamHandler('/my/log.file', Logger::INFO));

$index = \ManticoreSearch::connection('connectionName', $logger)->index('movies');

## Testing

Just install dev requirements `composer install --dev`, then execute following command from root of this library:


## Links

* https://github.com/manticoresoftware/manticoresearch-php
* https://github.com/cviebrock/laravel-elasticsearch