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# Prickle

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## Configuration

To install prickle execute

gem install prickle

Configure by updating the *features/support/env.rb* to include the following:

require 'prickle/capybara'    # require

World do
   include Capybara::DSL
   include Prickle::Capybara  # include  Prickle

*For Capybara 2.0, make sure you are using prickle ≥ 0.1.0*

## Waiting for elements to become visible

To enable this feature you need to set the *Prickle::Capybara.wait_time* property.

Prickle::Capybara.wait_time = 5

If you only want to extend the wait time for a particular feature, then you need to reset the wait time using *Prickle::Capybara = nil* after your call..

Prickle::Capybara.wait_time = 5
element(:href => "http://google.com").click
Prickle::Capybara.wait_time = nil             # reset wait time

## Usage

### Find elements by any html tag(s)

element(:href => "http://google.com")
element(:name => "blue")
element(:id => "key")
element(:class => "key", :id => "button")

You can also find elements by a value contained in the identifier

element(:name.like => "blue") # will match <button name="blue_12345">

### Find elements by type and html tag(s)

element(:link, :href => "http://google.com")    # you can also use link and paragraph (instead of a and p)
element(:input, :name => "blue")

### Apply a search, a click or a text matcher


element(:name => "flower").exists?
element(:name => "flower").click
element(:name => "flower").contains_text? "Roses"
element(:name => "flower").has_text? "Anemone"  # exact match

### Popup



popup.contains_message? "<text>"


popup.confirm {
  #block that triggers confirmation dialog

popup.dismiss {
  #block that triggers confirmation dialog

popup.accept {
  #block that triggers alert

Verifying popup messages


alert = popup.accept {
  #block that triggers alert

alert.contains_message? "<text>"


## Alternative syntax

### Find

find_by_name "green"
find_button_by_name "green" #find_<element_tag>_by_name "<name>"

### Click

click_by_name "blue"
click_input_by_name "blue" #click_<element_tag>_by_name "<name>"

### Match text

div_contains_text? "text" #<element_tag>_contains_text? "text"

## Capturing screenshots

Configure the directory where you want the screenshots to be saved

Prickle::Capybara.image_dir = File.dirname(__FILE__) + "/screenshots/"

capture_screen "<file>"