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# Providers

`Eye4web\Zf2Abac` uses providers to get permission groups. You're able to use our providers or to create your own.

## Doctrine ORM

You can use the Doctrine ORM Provider to handle all permissions through your database.

### Database structure

The database scheme is located in `data/scheme.sql`

Table: `abac_permissions`

| id  | name  | value | valueId   | group | validator   | validatorOptions |
| 1   | board | vip   | role      | 1     | GreaterThan | {"min": 2}       |

This is an example on how to create a permission. Here is the more detailed description:

* **name**: Name of the access group
* **value**: Specific access area
* **valueId**: This is what we are going to validate
* **group**: Permission group
* **validator**: Name of the validator <sup>1*</sup>
* **validatorOptions**: Options for the ``Zend\Validator`` in JSON-format <sup>2*</sup>

1) See the full validator list here: [ZF2 Documentation: Standard Validation Classes](http://framework.zend.com/manual/2.2/en/modules/zend.validator.set.html)

2) [JSON on Wikipedia](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/JSON)

## Creating your own provider

If you want to create your own provider, all you need to do is implementing `Eye4web\Zf2Abac\Provider\ProviderInterface`.

After that all you need to do is to inject/depend on your own provider in the assertion where you will be using it.

* Continue to [**Using the Authorization Service**](/docs/5.Using the Authorization Service.md)
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