If you are asking a question rather than filing a bug, try one of these instead:
- StackOverflow (http://stackoverflow.com/questions/tagged/ami.js)
- FNNDSC #AMI Slack Channel (https://slack.babymri.org)
### Description
<!-- Example: Error thrown when loading file XXX -->
#### Live Demo
<!-- Fork this JSFiddle, or provide your own URL -->
#### Steps to Reproduce
1. Load data XXX
2. Visualize with stack helper
3. Change window level
#### Expected Results
<!-- Example: Nothing changes -->
#### Actual Results
<!-- Example: The window level should change -->
### Browsers Affected
- [ ] All
- [ ] Chrome
- [ ] Firefox
- [ ] Edge
- [ ] Safari 9
- [ ] Safari 8
- [ ] IE 11
### Versions
- AMI: vX.X.X