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### Content

1. [Hello AMI](#hello-ami)
2. [Features](#features)
3. [Usage](#yarn)
4. [Developer corner](#developer-corner)
5. [Change log](#change-log)
6. [Credits](#credits)
7. [Citations](#citations)

## Hello AMI

  <!-- Lesson 00 -->
  <td valign="middle" width="100">
    <a href='' target=_blank>
      <img src="" alt="lesson00" title="Click me!">
  <td valign="top" width="326">
    <a href=''>
      <b>Lesson 00: Load</b>
      Load DICOM Data and get a nice Series/Stack/Frame structure.

  <!-- Lesson 01 -->
  <td valign="middle" width="100">
    <a href='' target=_blank>
      <img src="" style="width:128x, height:128px" alt="lesson01" title="Click me!">
  <td valign="top" width="326">
    <a href=''>
      <b>Lesson 01: Visualize 3D</b>
      Look at the data we loaded in 3D.

  <!-- Lesson 02 -->
  <td valign="middle" width="100">
    <a href='' target=_blank>
      <img src="" style="width:128x, height:128px" alt="lesson00" title="Click me!">
  <td valign="top" width="326">
    <a href=''>
      <b>Lesson 02: Mesh</b>
      Add a mesh to the scene.

  <!-- Lesson 03 -->
  <td valign="middle" width="100">
    <a href='' target=_blank>
      <img src="" style="width:128x, height:128px" alt="lesson00" title="Click me!">
  <td valign="top" width="326">
    <a href=''>
      <b>Lesson 03: Visualize 2D</b>
      Look at the data in 2D.
  <!-- Lesson 04 -->
  <td valign="middle" width="100">
    <a href='' target=_blank>
      <img src="" style="width:128x, height:128px" alt="lesson00" title="Click me!">
  <td valign="top" width="326">
    <a href='' target=_blank>
      <b>Lesson 04: Labelmap</b>
      Overlays on top of you data.

  <!-- Lesson 05 -->
  <td valign="middle" width="100">
    <!--<a href='' target=_blank>-->
    <!--  <img src="" alt="lesson00" title="Click me!">-->
    <!--  <img src="">-->
  <td valign="top" width="326">
    <!--<a href=''>-->
      <b>Lesson 05: TRK</b>
      TRK - coming soon.
  <!-- Lesson 06 -->
  <td valign="middle" width="100">
    <a href='' target=_blank>
      <img src="" style="width:128x, height:128px" alt="lesson00" title="Click me!">
  <td valign="top" width="326">
    <a href=''>
      <b>Lesson 06: Volume Rendering</b>
      Volume Rendering.

  <!-- Lesson 07 -->
  <td valign="middle" width="100">
    <!--<a href='' target=_blank>-->
    <!--  <img src="" alt="lesson00" title="Click me!">-->
    <!--  <img src="">-->
  <td valign="top" width="326">
    <!--<a href=''>-->
      <b>Lesson 07: Lookup tables</b>
      Lookup Tables - coming soon.
  <!-- Lesson 08 -->
  <td valign="middle" width="100">
    <a href='' target=_blank>
      <img src="" style="width:128x, height:128px" alt="lesson00" title="Click me!">
  <td valign="top" width="326">
    <a href=''>
      <b>Lesson 08: Custom progress bar</b>
      Custom progress bars.

### (more) Advanced demos

Volume rendering, 2D viewer, arbitrary reslicing and more examples and advanced demos [there](!

## Features

> ✅  READY

| Capabilities       | Volumes     | Meshes            | Widgets                |
| ✅ 2D Visulization  | ✅ Dicom     | ✅ VTK (THREEJS) | 🔶 Handle (2D/3D)       |
| ✅ 3D Visualization | ✅ NRRD      | ✅ STL (THREEJS) | 🔶 Probe (2D/3D)        |
| ✅ Volume Rendering | ✅ Nifti     | ✅  TRK           | 🔶 Ruler (2D/3D)        |
| ✅ Lookup Tables    | ✅  MHD/(Z)RAW   | ✅  FSM           | 🔶 Orientation (2D/3D)  |
| ✅ Label Maps       | ✅  MGH/MGZ   | ❌ CURV          | 🔶 Angle (2D/3D)        |
|                    | ❌ JPEG      |                  |                         |

## Usage

### Pre-requisites

- ES2015 promises support. (consider using polyfills if needed)
- Load THREEJS your index.html **BEFORE** AMI.


<script src=""></script>


### Yarn


$> yarn add ami.js


*Note*: you might need to include [babel]( transforms in you build process.


// app.js
import * as AMI form 'ami.js';
window.console.log('Ready to rock!!');


### ami.js

Check-out the [lessons](#lessons) to get started quickly.

**New:** Use the new factory not to have to include `three` in index.html.
import * as THREE from 'three';
import {stackHelperFactory} from 'ami.js';

const StackHelper = stackHelperFactory(THREE);
const stackHelper = new StackHelper();

Add AMI in your index.html **after** THREEJS.

<!-- index.html -->
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<script src="app.js"></script>

const AMI = AMI;
window.console.log('Ready to rock!!');


## Developer corner

Get the source code and related packages.


$> git clone
$> cd ami
$> yarn install


To run examples (browserify/babelify/serve the example)


$> yarn example <examples name>

#run the geometries_slice example
$> yarn example geometries_slice


Build standalone library to `lib/`


$> yarn build:ami


Build minified standalone version run


$> yarn build:ami:prod




$> yarn test




$> yarn doc


Build and deploy dist/ to gh-pages


$> yarn deploy


Find out more about the [API](

# [Change log](

# Credits

AMI would not exist without them:

##### [THREEJS](

- Base components such as Vectors, Matrices and Objects3D.
- HTML template for example page.
- Author(s): [mrdoob](

##### [DicomParser](

- DICOM parsing relies on it.
- Author(s): [chafey](

##### [CornerstoneWADOImageLoader](

- Was used to figure out how to use the dicom parser properly.
- Author(s): [chafey](

##### [NIFTI-Reader-JS](

- Nifti parsing relies on it.
- Author(s): [rii-mango](

##### [NRRD-JS](

- NRRD parsing relies on it.
- Author(s): [jaspervdg]( 

##### [JPEGLosslessDecoderJS](

- JPEG Lossless Decoder for DICOM images
- Author(s): [rii-mango](

##### [Image-JPEG2000](

- JPEG 2000 Decoder for DICOM images
- Author(s): [jpambrun](, [mozilla](

##### [Pako](

- GZ file decompression
- Author(s): [nodeca](

# Citations
### 2017
- [From brain imaging to weather imaging - McCaie - informaticslab, Met Office (blog post)](
- [Medical imaging in the browser with the A* Medical Imaging (AMI) toolkit. - Rannou et al. - ESMRMB 2017 (poster)](
- [Reusable Client-Side JavaScript Modules for Immersive Web-Based Real-Time Collaborative Neuroimage Visualization - Bernal-Rusiel et al. - Frontiers in Neuroinformatics 2017 (article)](
### 2016
- [Volume Visualization Tools for Medical Applications in Ubiquitous Platforms - Arbelaiz et al. - LNICST 2016 (article)](
- [Interoperable communication of quantitative image analysis results using DICOM standard (DICOM4QI) - Fedorov et al. - RSNA 2016 (poster)](