

1 wk
Test Coverage
/** * Imports ***/
import UtilsCore from '../core/core.utils';
import ParsersVolume from './parsers.volume';

import * as OpenJPEG from 'OpenJPEG.js/dist/openJPEG-DynamicMemory-browser.js';

import { RLEDecoder } from '../decoders/decoders.rle';

let DicomParser = require('dicom-parser');
let Jpeg = require('jpeg-lossless-decoder-js');
let JpegBaseline = require('../../external/scripts/jpeg');
let Jpx = require('../../external/scripts/jpx');
let openJPEG; // for one time initialization

 * Dicom parser is a combination of utilities to get a VJS image from dicom files.
 * Relies on dcmjs, jquery, HTML5 fetch API, HTML5 promise API.
 * image-JPEG2000 (jpx) is still in use, because Cornerstone does it and may have identified some edge corners.
 * Ref:
 * @module parsers/dicom
 * @param arrayBuffer {arraybuffer} - List of files to be parsed. It is urls from which
 * VJS.parsers.dicom can pull the data from.
export default class ParsersDicom extends ParsersVolume {
  constructor(data, id) {

    this._id = id;

    this._arrayBuffer = data.buffer;

    let byteArray = new Uint8Array(this._arrayBuffer);

    // catch error
    // throw error if any!
    this._dataSet = null;

    try {
      this._dataSet = DicomParser.parseDicom(byteArray);
    } catch (e) {
      const error = new Error('parsers.dicom could not parse the file');
      throw error;

   * Series instance UID (0020,000e)
   * @return {String}
  seriesInstanceUID() {
    return this._dataSet.string('x0020000e');

   * Study instance UID (0020,000d)
   * @return {String}
  studyInstanceUID() {
    return this._dataSet.string('x0020000d');

   * Get modality (0008,0060)
   * @return {String}
  modality() {
    return this._dataSet.string('x00080060');

   * Segmentation type (0062,0001)
   * @return {String}
  segmentationType() {
    return this._dataSet.string('x00620001');

   * Segmentation segments
   * -> Sequence of segments (0062,0002)
   *   -> Recommended Display CIELab
   *   -> Segmentation Code
   *   -> Segment Number (0062,0004)
   *   -> Segment Label (0062,0005)
   *   -> Algorithm Type (0062,0008)
   * @return {*}
  segmentationSegments() {
    let segmentationSegments = [];
    let segmentSequence = this._dataSet.elements.x00620002;

    if (!segmentSequence) {
      return segmentationSegments;

    for (let i = 0; i < segmentSequence.items.length; i++) {
      let recommendedDisplayCIELab = this._recommendedDisplayCIELab(segmentSequence.items[i]);
      let segmentationCode = this._segmentationCode(segmentSequence.items[i]);
      let segmentNumber = segmentSequence.items[i].dataSet.uint16('x00620004');
      let segmentLabel = segmentSequence.items[i].dataSet.string('x00620005');
      let segmentAlgorithmType = segmentSequence.items[i].dataSet.string('x00620008');

        segmentationCodeDesignator: segmentationCode['segmentationCodeDesignator'],
        segmentationCodeValue: segmentationCode['segmentationCodeValue'],
        segmentationCodeMeaning: segmentationCode['segmentationCodeMeaning'],

    return segmentationSegments;

   * Segmentation code
   * -> Code designator (0008,0102)
   * -> Code value (0008,0200)
   * -> Code Meaning Type (0008,0104)
   * @param {*} segment
   * @return {*}
  _segmentationCode(segment) {
    let segmentationCodeDesignator = 'unknown';
    let segmentationCodeValue = 'unknown';
    let segmentationCodeMeaning = 'unknown';
    let element = segment.dataSet.elements.x00082218;

    if (element && element.items && element.items.length > 0) {
      segmentationCodeDesignator = element.items[0].dataSet.string('x00080102');
      segmentationCodeValue = element.items[0].dataSet.string('x00080100');
      segmentationCodeMeaning = element.items[0].dataSet.string('x00080104');

    return {

   * Recommended display CIELab
   * @param {*} segment
   * @return {*}
  _recommendedDisplayCIELab(segment) {
    if (!segment.dataSet.elements.x0062000d) {
      return null;

    let offset = segment.dataSet.elements.x0062000d.dataOffset;
    let length = segment.dataSet.elements.x0062000d.length;
    let byteArray = segment.dataSet.byteArray.slice(offset, offset + length);

    let CIELabScaled = new Uint16Array(length / 2);
    for (let i = 0; i < length / 2; i++) {
      CIELabScaled[i] = (byteArray[2 * i + 1] << 8) + byteArray[2 * i];

    let CIELabNormalized = [
      (CIELabScaled[0] / 65535) * 100,
      (CIELabScaled[1] / 65535) * 255 - 128,
      (CIELabScaled[2] / 65535) * 255 - 128,

    return CIELabNormalized;

   * Raw dataset
   * @return {*}
  rawHeader() {
    return this._dataSet;

   * SOP Instance UID
   * @param {*} frameIndex
   * @return {*}
  sopInstanceUID(frameIndex = 0) {
    let sopInstanceUID = this._findStringEverywhere('x2005140f', 'x00080018', frameIndex);
    return sopInstanceUID;

   * Transfer syntax UID
   * @return {*}
  transferSyntaxUID() {
    return this._dataSet.string('x00020010');

   * Study date
   * @return {*}
  studyDate() {
    return this._dataSet.string('x00080020');

   * Study description
   * @return {*}
  studyDescription() {
    return this._dataSet.string('x00081030');

   * Series date
   * @return {*}
  seriesDate() {
    return this._dataSet.string('x00080021');

   * Series description
   * @return {*}
  seriesDescription() {
    return this._dataSet.string('x0008103e');

   * Patient name
   * @return {*}
  patientName() {
    return this._dataSet.string('x00100010');

   * Patient ID
   * @return {*}
  patientID() {
    return this._dataSet.string('x00100020');

   * Patient birthdate
   * @return {*}
  patientBirthdate() {
    return this._dataSet.string('x00100030');

   * Patient sex
   * @return {*}
  patientSex() {
    return this._dataSet.string('x00100040');

   * Patient age
   * @return {*}
  patientAge() {
    return this._dataSet.string('x00101010');

   * Photometric interpretation
   * @return {*}
  photometricInterpretation() {
    return this._dataSet.string('x00280004');

  planarConfiguration() {
    let planarConfiguration = this._dataSet.uint16('x00280006');

    if (typeof planarConfiguration === 'undefined') {
      planarConfiguration = null;

    return planarConfiguration;

  samplesPerPixel() {
    return this._dataSet.uint16('x00280002');

  numberOfFrames() {
    let numberOfFrames = this._dataSet.intString('x00280008');

    // need something smarter!
    if (typeof numberOfFrames === 'undefined') {
      numberOfFrames = null;

    return numberOfFrames;

  numberOfChannels() {
    let numberOfChannels = 1;
    let photometricInterpretation = this.photometricInterpretation();

    if (
        photometricInterpretation !== 'RGB' &&
        photometricInterpretation !== 'PALETTE COLOR' &&
        photometricInterpretation !== 'YBR_FULL' &&
        photometricInterpretation !== 'YBR_FULL_422' &&
        photometricInterpretation !== 'YBR_PARTIAL_422' &&
        photometricInterpretation !== 'YBR_PARTIAL_420' &&
        photometricInterpretation !== 'YBR_RCT'
    ) {
      numberOfChannels = 3;

    // make sure we return a number! (not a string!)
    return numberOfChannels;

  invert() {
    let photometricInterpretation = this.photometricInterpretation();

    return photometricInterpretation === 'MONOCHROME1' ? true : false;

  imageOrientation(frameIndex = 0) {
    // expect frame index to start at 0!
    let imageOrientation = this._findStringEverywhere('x00209116', 'x00200037', frameIndex);

    // format image orientation ('1\0\0\0\1\0') to array containing 6 numbers
    if (imageOrientation) {
      // make sure we return a number! (not a string!)
      // might not need to split (floatString + index)
      imageOrientation = imageOrientation.split('\\').map(UtilsCore.stringToNumber);

    return imageOrientation;

  referencedSegmentNumber(frameIndex = 0) {
    let referencedSegmentNumber = -1;
    let referencedSegmentNumberElement = this._findInGroupSequence(

    if (referencedSegmentNumberElement !== null) {
      referencedSegmentNumber = referencedSegmentNumberElement.uint16('x0062000b');

    return referencedSegmentNumber;

  pixelAspectRatio() {
    let pixelAspectRatio = [
      this._dataSet.intString('x00280034', 0),
      this._dataSet.intString('x00280034', 1),

    // need something smarter!
    if (typeof pixelAspectRatio[0] === 'undefined') {
      pixelAspectRatio = null;

    // make sure we return a number! (not a string!)
    return pixelAspectRatio;

  imagePosition(frameIndex = 0) {
    let imagePosition = this._findStringEverywhere('x00209113', 'x00200032', frameIndex);

    // format image orientation ('1\0\0\0\1\0') to array containing 6 numbers
    if (imagePosition) {
      // make sure we return a number! (not a string!)
      imagePosition = imagePosition.split('\\').map(UtilsCore.stringToNumber);

    return imagePosition;

  instanceNumber(frameIndex = 0) {
    let instanceNumber = null;
    // first look for frame!
    // per frame functionnal group sequence
    let perFrameFunctionnalGroupSequence = this._dataSet.elements.x52009230;

    if (typeof perFrameFunctionnalGroupSequence !== 'undefined') {
      if (perFrameFunctionnalGroupSequence.items[frameIndex].dataSet.elements.x2005140f) {
        let planeOrientationSequence =
        instanceNumber = planeOrientationSequence.intString('x00200013');
      } else {
        instanceNumber = this._dataSet.intString('x00200013');

        if (typeof instanceNumber === 'undefined') {
          instanceNumber = null;
    } else {
      // should we default to undefined??
      // default orientation
      instanceNumber = this._dataSet.intString('x00200013');

      if (typeof instanceNumber === 'undefined') {
        instanceNumber = null;

    return instanceNumber;

  pixelSpacing(frameIndex = 0) {
    // expect frame index to start at 0!
    let pixelSpacing = this._findStringEverywhere('x00289110', 'x00280030', frameIndex);

    if (pixelSpacing === null) {
      pixelSpacing = this._dataSet.string('x00181164');

      if (typeof pixelSpacing === 'undefined') {
        pixelSpacing = null;

    if (pixelSpacing) {
      const splittedSpacing = pixelSpacing.split('\\');
      if (splittedSpacing.length !== 2) {
        console.error(`DICOM spacing format is not supported (could not split string on "\\"): ${pixelSpacing}`);
        pixelSpacing = null;
      } else {
        pixelSpacing =;

    return pixelSpacing;

  ultrasoundRegions(frameIndex = 0) {
    const sequence = this._dataSet.elements['x00186011'];

    if (!sequence || !sequence.items) {
      return [];

    const ultrasoundRegions = [];

    sequence.items.forEach(item => {
        x0: item.dataSet.uint32('x00186018'),
        y0: item.dataSet.uint32('x0018601a'),
        x1: item.dataSet.uint32('x0018601c'),
        y1: item.dataSet.uint32('x0018601e'),
        axisX: item.dataSet.int32('x00186020') || null, // optional
        axisY: item.dataSet.int32('x00186022') || null, // optional
        unitsX: this._getUnitsName(item.dataSet.uint16('x00186024')),
        unitsY: this._getUnitsName(item.dataSet.uint16('x00186026')),
        deltaX: item.dataSet.double('x0018602c'),
        deltaY: item.dataSet.double('x0018602e'),

    return ultrasoundRegions;

  frameTime(frameIndex = 0) {
    let frameIncrementPointer = this._dataSet.uint16('x00280009', 1);
    let frameRate = this._dataSet.intString('x00082144');
    let frameTime;

    if (typeof frameIncrementPointer === 'number') {
      frameIncrementPointer = frameIncrementPointer.toString(16);
      frameTime = this._dataSet.floatString('x0018' + frameIncrementPointer);

    if (typeof frameTime === 'undefined' && typeof frameRate === 'number') {
      frameTime = 1000 / frameRate;

    if (typeof frameTime === 'undefined') {
      frameTime = null;

    return frameTime;

  rows(frameIndex = 0) {
    let rows = this._dataSet.uint16('x00280010');

    if (typeof rows === 'undefined') {
      rows = null;
      // print warning at least...

    return rows;

  columns(frameIndex = 0) {
    let columns = this._dataSet.uint16('x00280011');

    if (typeof columns === 'undefined') {
      columns = null;
      // print warning at least...

    return columns;

  pixelType(frameIndex = 0) {
    // 0 integer, 1 float
    // dicom only support integers
    return 0;

  pixelRepresentation(frameIndex = 0) {
    let pixelRepresentation = this._dataSet.uint16('x00280103');
    return pixelRepresentation;

  pixelPaddingValue(frameIndex = 0) {
    let padding = this._dataSet.int16('x00280120');

    if (typeof padding === 'undefined') {
      padding = null;

    return padding;

  bitsAllocated(frameIndex = 0) {
    // expect frame index to start at 0!
    let bitsAllocated = this._dataSet.uint16('x00280100');
    return bitsAllocated;

  highBit(frameIndex = 0) {
    // expect frame index to start at 0!
    let highBit = this._dataSet.uint16('x00280102');
    return highBit;

  rescaleIntercept(frameIndex = 0) {
    return this._findFloatStringInFrameGroupSequence('x00289145', 'x00281052', frameIndex);

  rescaleSlope(frameIndex = 0) {
    return this._findFloatStringInFrameGroupSequence('x00289145', 'x00281053', frameIndex);

  windowCenter(frameIndex = 0) {
    return this._findFloatStringInFrameGroupSequence('x00289132', 'x00281050', frameIndex);

  windowWidth(frameIndex = 0) {
    return this._findFloatStringInFrameGroupSequence('x00289132', 'x00281051', frameIndex);

  sliceThickness(frameIndex = 0) {
    return this._findFloatStringInFrameGroupSequence('x00289110', 'x00180050', frameIndex);

  spacingBetweenSlices(frameIndex = 0) {
    let spacing = this._dataSet.floatString('x00180088');

    if (typeof spacing === 'undefined') {
      spacing = null;

    return spacing;

  dimensionIndexValues(frameIndex = 0) {
    let dimensionIndexValues = null;

    // try to get it from enhanced MR images
    // per-frame functionnal group sequence
    let perFrameFunctionnalGroupSequence = this._dataSet.elements.x52009230;

    if (typeof perFrameFunctionnalGroupSequence !== 'undefined') {
      let frameContentSequence =
      if (frameContentSequence !== undefined && frameContentSequence !== null) {
        frameContentSequence = frameContentSequence.items[0].dataSet;
        let dimensionIndexValuesElt = frameContentSequence.elements.x00209157;
        if (dimensionIndexValuesElt !== undefined && dimensionIndexValuesElt !== null) {
          // /4 because UL
          let nbValues = dimensionIndexValuesElt.length / 4;
          dimensionIndexValues = [];

          for (let i = 0; i < nbValues; i++) {
            dimensionIndexValues.push(frameContentSequence.uint32('x00209157', i));

    return dimensionIndexValues;

  inStackPositionNumber(frameIndex = 0) {
    let inStackPositionNumber = null;

    // try to get it from enhanced MR images
    // per-frame functionnal group sequence
    let perFrameFunctionnalGroupSequence = this._dataSet.elements.x52009230;

    if (typeof perFrameFunctionnalGroupSequence !== 'undefined') {
      let philipsPrivateSequence =
      inStackPositionNumber = philipsPrivateSequence.uint32('x00209057');
    } else {
      inStackPositionNumber = null;

    return inStackPositionNumber;

  stackID(frameIndex = 0) {
    let stackID = null;

    // try to get it from enhanced MR images
    // per-frame functionnal group sequence
    let perFrameFunctionnalGroupSequence = this._dataSet.elements.x52009230;

    if (typeof perFrameFunctionnalGroupSequence !== 'undefined') {
      let philipsPrivateSequence =
      stackID = philipsPrivateSequence.intString('x00209056');
    } else {
      stackID = null;

    return stackID;

  extractPixelData(frameIndex = 0) {
    // decompress
    let decompressedData = this._decodePixelData(frameIndex);

    let numberOfChannels = this.numberOfChannels();

    if (numberOfChannels > 1) {
      return this._convertColorSpace(decompressedData);
    } else {
      return decompressedData;

  // private methods

  _findInGroupSequence(sequence, subsequence, index) {
    let functionalGroupSequence = this._dataSet.elements[sequence];

    if (typeof functionalGroupSequence !== 'undefined') {
      let inSequence = functionalGroupSequence.items[index].dataSet.elements[subsequence];

      if (typeof inSequence !== 'undefined') {
        return inSequence.items[0].dataSet;

    return null;

  _findStringInGroupSequence(sequence, subsequence, tag, index) {
    // index = 0 if shared!!!
    let dataSet = this._findInGroupSequence(sequence, subsequence, index);

    if (dataSet !== null) {
      return dataSet.string(tag);

    return null;

  _findStringInFrameGroupSequence(subsequence, tag, index) {
    return (
      this._findStringInGroupSequence('x52009229', subsequence, tag, 0) ||
      this._findStringInGroupSequence('x52009230', subsequence, tag, index)

  _findStringEverywhere(subsequence, tag, index) {
    let targetString = this._findStringInFrameGroupSequence(subsequence, tag, index);
    if (targetString === null) {
      const petModule = 'x00540022';
      targetString = this._findStringInSequence(petModule, tag);

    if (targetString === null) {
      targetString = this._dataSet.string(tag);

    if (typeof targetString === 'undefined') {
      targetString = null;

    return targetString;

  _findStringInSequence(sequenceTag, tag, index) {
    const sequence = this._dataSet.elements[sequenceTag];

    let targetString;
    if (sequence) {
      targetString = sequence.items[0].dataSet.string(tag);

    if (typeof targetString === 'undefined') {
      targetString = null;

    return targetString;

  _findFloatStringInGroupSequence(sequence, subsequence, tag, index) {
    let dataInGroupSequence = this._dataSet.floatString(tag);

    // try to get it from enhanced MR images
    // per-frame functionnal group
    if (typeof dataInGroupSequence === 'undefined') {
      dataInGroupSequence = this._findInGroupSequence(sequence, subsequence, index);

      if (dataInGroupSequence !== null) {
        return dataInGroupSequence.floatString(tag);

    return dataInGroupSequence;

  _findFloatStringInFrameGroupSequence(subsequence, tag, index) {
    return (
      this._findFloatStringInGroupSequence('x52009229', subsequence, tag, 0) ||
      this._findFloatStringInGroupSequence('x52009230', subsequence, tag, index)

  _decodePixelData(frameIndex = 0) {
    // if compressed..?
    let transferSyntaxUID = this.transferSyntaxUID();

    // find compression scheme
    if (
      transferSyntaxUID === '1.2.840.10008.' ||
      // JPEG 2000 Lossless
      transferSyntaxUID === '1.2.840.10008.'
    ) {
      // JPEG 2000 Lossy
      return this._decodeJ2K(frameIndex);
    } else if (
      transferSyntaxUID === '1.2.840.10008.1.2.5'
      // decodeRLE
    ) {
      return this._decodeRLE(frameIndex);
    } else if (
      transferSyntaxUID === '1.2.840.10008.' ||
      // JPEG Lossless, Nonhierarchical (Processes 14)
      transferSyntaxUID === '1.2.840.10008.'
    ) {
      // JPEG Lossless, Nonhierarchical (Processes 14 [Selection 1])
      return this._decodeJPEGLossless(frameIndex);
    } else if (
      transferSyntaxUID === '1.2.840.10008.' ||
      // JPEG Baseline lossy process 1 (8 bit)
      transferSyntaxUID === '1.2.840.10008.'
    ) {
      // JPEG Baseline lossy process 2 & 4 (12 bit)
      return this._decodeJPEGBaseline(frameIndex);
    } else if (
      transferSyntaxUID === '1.2.840.10008.1.2' ||
      // Implicit VR Little Endian
      transferSyntaxUID === '1.2.840.10008.1.2.1'
    ) {
      // Explicit VR Little Endian
      return this._decodeUncompressed(frameIndex);
    } else if (transferSyntaxUID === '1.2.840.10008.1.2.2') {
      // Explicit VR Big Endian
      let frame = this._decodeUncompressed(frameIndex);
      // and sawp it!
      return this._swapFrame(frame);
    } else {
      throw {
        error: `no decoder for transfer syntax ${transferSyntaxUID}`,

  framesAreFragmented() {
    const numberOfFrames = this._dataSet.intString('x00280008');
    const pixelDataElement = this._dataSet.elements.x7fe00010;

    return numberOfFrames !== pixelDataElement.fragments.length;

  getEncapsulatedImageFrame(frameIndex) {
    if (
      this._dataSet.elements.x7fe00010 &&
    ) {
      // Basic Offset Table is not empty
      return DicomParser.readEncapsulatedImageFrame(

    if (this.framesAreFragmented()) {
      // Basic Offset Table is empty
      return DicomParser.readEncapsulatedImageFrame(
        DicomParser.createJPEGBasicOffsetTable(this._dataSet, this._dataSet.elements.x7fe00010)

    return DicomParser.readEncapsulatedPixelDataFromFragments(

  // used if OpenJPEG library isn't loaded (OHIF/image-JPEG2000 isn't supported and can't parse some images)
  _decodeJpx(frameIndex = 0) {
    const jpxImage = new Jpx();
    // It currently returns either Int16 or Uint16 based on whether the codestream is signed or not.

    if (jpxImage.componentsCount !== 1) {
      throw new Error(
        'JPEG2000 decoder returned a componentCount of ${componentsCount}, when 1 is expected'

    if (jpxImage.tiles.length !== 1) {
      throw new Error('JPEG2000 decoder returned a tileCount of ${tileCount}, when 1 is expected');

    return jpxImage.tiles[0].items;

  _decodeOpenJPEG(frameIndex = 0) {
    const encodedPixelData = this.getEncapsulatedImageFrame(frameIndex);
    const bytesPerPixel = this.bitsAllocated(frameIndex) <= 8 ? 1 : 2;
    const signed = this.pixelRepresentation(frameIndex) === 1;
    const dataPtr = openJPEG._malloc(encodedPixelData.length);

    openJPEG.writeArrayToMemory(encodedPixelData, dataPtr);

    // create param outpout
    const imagePtrPtr = openJPEG._malloc(4);
    const imageSizePtr = openJPEG._malloc(4);
    const imageSizeXPtr = openJPEG._malloc(4);
    const imageSizeYPtr = openJPEG._malloc(4);
    const imageSizeCompPtr = openJPEG._malloc(4);
    const ret = openJPEG.ccall(
      ['number', 'number', 'number', 'number', 'number', 'number', 'number'],
    const imagePtr = openJPEG.getValue(imagePtrPtr, '*');

    if (ret !== 0) {
      console.log('[opj_decode] decoding failed!');


    // Copy the data from the EMSCRIPTEN heap into the correct type array
    const length =
      openJPEG.getValue(imageSizeXPtr, 'i32') *
      openJPEG.getValue(imageSizeYPtr, 'i32') *
      openJPEG.getValue(imageSizeCompPtr, 'i32');
    const src32 = new Int32Array(openJPEG.HEAP32.buffer, imagePtr, length);
    let pixelData;

    if (bytesPerPixel === 1) {
      if (Uint8Array.from) {
        pixelData = Uint8Array.from(src32);
      } else {
        pixelData = new Uint8Array(length);
        for (let i = 0; i < length; i++) {
          pixelData[i] = src32[i];
    } else if (signed) {
      if (Int16Array.from) {
        pixelData = Int16Array.from(src32);
      } else {
        pixelData = new Int16Array(length);
        for (let i = 0; i < length; i++) {
          pixelData[i] = src32[i];
    } else if (Uint16Array.from) {
      pixelData = Uint16Array.from(src32);
    } else {
      pixelData = new Uint16Array(length);
      for (let i = 0; i < length; i++) {
        pixelData[i] = src32[i];


    return pixelData;

  // from cornerstone
  _decodeJ2K(frameIndex = 0) {
    if (typeof OpenJPEG === 'undefined') {
      // OpenJPEG decoder not loaded
      return this._decodeJpx(frameIndex);

    if (!openJPEG) {
      openJPEG = OpenJPEG();
      if (!openJPEG || !openJPEG._jp2_decode) {
        // OpenJPEG failed to initialize
        return this._decodeJpx(frameIndex);

    return this._decodeOpenJPEG(frameIndex);

  _decodeRLE(frameIndex = 0) {
    const bitsAllocated = this.bitsAllocated(frameIndex);
    const planarConfiguration = this.planarConfiguration();
    const columns = this.columns();
    const rows = this.rows();
    const samplesPerPixel = this.samplesPerPixel(frameIndex);
    const pixelRepresentation = this.pixelRepresentation(frameIndex);

    // format data for the RLE decoder
    const imageFrame = {

    const pixelData = DicomParser.readEncapsulatedPixelDataFromFragments(

    const decoded = RLEDecoder(imageFrame, pixelData);
    return decoded.pixelData;

  // from cornerstone
  _decodeJPEGLossless(frameIndex = 0) {
    let encodedPixelData = this.getEncapsulatedImageFrame(frameIndex);
    let pixelRepresentation = this.pixelRepresentation(frameIndex);
    let bitsAllocated = this.bitsAllocated(frameIndex);
    let byteOutput = bitsAllocated <= 8 ? 1 : 2;
    let decoder = new Jpeg.lossless.Decoder();
    let decompressedData = decoder.decode(

    if (pixelRepresentation === 0) {
      if (byteOutput === 2) {
        return new Uint16Array(decompressedData.buffer);
      } else {
        // untested!
        return new Uint8Array(decompressedData.buffer);
    } else {
      return new Int16Array(decompressedData.buffer);

  _decodeJPEGBaseline(frameIndex = 0) {
    let encodedPixelData = this.getEncapsulatedImageFrame(frameIndex);
    let rows = this.rows(frameIndex);
    let columns = this.columns(frameIndex);
    let bitsAllocated = this.bitsAllocated(frameIndex);
    let jpegBaseline = new JpegBaseline();

    if (bitsAllocated === 8) {
      return jpegBaseline.getData(columns, rows);
    } else if (bitsAllocated === 16) {
      return jpegBaseline.getData16(columns, rows);

  _decodeUncompressed(frameIndex = 0) {
    let pixelRepresentation = this.pixelRepresentation(frameIndex);
    let bitsAllocated = this.bitsAllocated(frameIndex);
    let pixelDataElement = this._dataSet.elements.x7fe00010;
    let pixelDataOffset = pixelDataElement.dataOffset;
    let numberOfChannels = this.numberOfChannels();
    let numPixels = this.rows(frameIndex) * this.columns(frameIndex) * numberOfChannels;
    let frameOffset = 0;
    let buffer = this._dataSet.byteArray.buffer;

    if (pixelRepresentation === 0 && bitsAllocated === 8) {
      // unsigned 8 bit
      frameOffset = pixelDataOffset + frameIndex * numPixels;
      return new Uint8Array(buffer, frameOffset, numPixels);
    } else if (pixelRepresentation === 0 && bitsAllocated === 16) {
      // unsigned 16 bit
      frameOffset = pixelDataOffset + frameIndex * numPixels * 2;
      return new Uint16Array(buffer, frameOffset, numPixels);
    } else if (pixelRepresentation === 1 && bitsAllocated === 16) {
      // signed 16 bit
      frameOffset = pixelDataOffset + frameIndex * numPixels * 2;
      return new Int16Array(buffer, frameOffset, numPixels);
    } else if (pixelRepresentation === 0 && bitsAllocated === 32) {
      // unsigned 32 bit
      frameOffset = pixelDataOffset + frameIndex * numPixels * 4;
      return new Uint32Array(buffer, frameOffset, numPixels);
    } else if (pixelRepresentation === 0 && bitsAllocated === 1) {
      let newBuffer = new ArrayBuffer(numPixels);
      let newArray = new Uint8Array(newBuffer);

      frameOffset = pixelDataOffset + frameIndex * numPixels;
      let index = 0;

      let bitStart = frameIndex * numPixels;
      let bitEnd = frameIndex * numPixels + numPixels;

      let byteStart = Math.floor(bitStart / 8);
      let bitStartOffset = bitStart - byteStart * 8;
      let byteEnd = Math.ceil(bitEnd / 8);

      let targetBuffer = new Uint8Array(buffer, pixelDataOffset);

      for (let i = byteStart; i <= byteEnd; i++) {
        while (bitStartOffset < 8) {
          switch (bitStartOffset) {
            case 0:
              newArray[index] = targetBuffer[i] & 0x0001;
            case 1:
              newArray[index] = (targetBuffer[i] >>> 1) & 0x0001;
            case 2:
              newArray[index] = (targetBuffer[i] >>> 2) & 0x0001;
            case 3:
              newArray[index] = (targetBuffer[i] >>> 3) & 0x0001;
            case 4:
              newArray[index] = (targetBuffer[i] >>> 4) & 0x0001;
            case 5:
              newArray[index] = (targetBuffer[i] >>> 5) & 0x0001;
            case 6:
              newArray[index] = (targetBuffer[i] >>> 6) & 0x0001;
            case 7:
              newArray[index] = (targetBuffer[i] >>> 7) & 0x0001;

          // if return..
          if (index >= numPixels) {
            return newArray;
        bitStartOffset = 0;

  _interpretAsRGB(photometricInterpretation) {
    const rgbLikeTypes = ['RGB', 'YBR_RCT', 'YBR_ICT', 'YBR_FULL_422'];

    return rgbLikeTypes.indexOf(photometricInterpretation) !== -1;

  _convertColorSpace(uncompressedData) {
    let rgbData = null;
    let photometricInterpretation = this.photometricInterpretation();
    let planarConfiguration = this.planarConfiguration();
    if  (planarConfiguration === null) {
      planarConfiguration = 0;
      window.console.log('Planar Configuration was not set and was defaulted to  0');

    const interpretAsRGB = this._interpretAsRGB(photometricInterpretation);

    if (interpretAsRGB && planarConfiguration === 0) {
      // planar or non planar planarConfiguration
      rgbData = uncompressedData;
    } else if (interpretAsRGB && planarConfiguration === 1) {
      if (uncompressedData instanceof Int8Array) {
        rgbData = new Int8Array(uncompressedData.length);
      } else if (uncompressedData instanceof Uint8Array) {
        rgbData = new Uint8Array(uncompressedData.length);
      } else if (uncompressedData instanceof Int16Array) {
        rgbData = new Int16Array(uncompressedData.length);
      } else if (uncompressedData instanceof Uint16Array) {
        rgbData = new Uint16Array(uncompressedData.length);
      } else {
        const error = new Error(`unsuported typed array: ${uncompressedData}`);
        throw error;

      let numPixels = uncompressedData.length / 3;
      let rgbaIndex = 0;
      let rIndex = 0;
      let gIndex = numPixels;
      let bIndex = numPixels * 2;
      for (let i = 0; i < numPixels; i++) {
        rgbData[rgbaIndex++] = uncompressedData[rIndex++]; // red
        rgbData[rgbaIndex++] = uncompressedData[gIndex++]; // green
        rgbData[rgbaIndex++] = uncompressedData[bIndex++]; // blue
    } else if (photometricInterpretation === 'YBR_FULL') {
      if (uncompressedData instanceof Int8Array) {
        rgbData = new Int8Array(uncompressedData.length);
      } else if (uncompressedData instanceof Uint8Array) {
        rgbData = new Uint8Array(uncompressedData.length);
      } else if (uncompressedData instanceof Int16Array) {
        rgbData = new Int16Array(uncompressedData.length);
      } else if (uncompressedData instanceof Uint16Array) {
        rgbData = new Uint16Array(uncompressedData.length);
      } else {
        const error = new Error(`unsuported typed array: ${uncompressedData}`);
        throw error;

      let nPixels = uncompressedData.length / 3;
      let ybrIndex = 0;
      let rgbaIndex = 0;
      for (let i = 0; i < nPixels; i++) {
        let y = uncompressedData[ybrIndex++];
        let cb = uncompressedData[ybrIndex++];
        let cr = uncompressedData[ybrIndex++];
        rgbData[rgbaIndex++] = y + 1.402 * (cr - 128); // red
        rgbData[rgbaIndex++] = y - 0.34414 * (cb - 128) - 0.71414 * (cr - 128); // green
        rgbData[rgbaIndex++] = y + 1.772 * (cb - 128); // blue
        // rgbData[rgbaIndex++] = 255; //alpha
    } else {
      const error = new Error(
        `photometric interpolation not supported: ${photometricInterpretation}`
      throw error;

    return rgbData;

   * Swap bytes in frame.
  _swapFrame(frame) {
    // swap bytes ( if 8bits (1byte), nothing to swap)
    let bitsAllocated = this.bitsAllocated();

    if (bitsAllocated === 16) {
      for (let i = 0; i < frame.length; i++) {
        frame[i] = this._swap16(frame[i]);
    } else if (bitsAllocated === 32) {
      for (let i = 0; i < frame.length; i++) {
        frame[i] = this._swap32(frame[i]);

    return frame;

  _getUnitsName(value) {
    const units = {
      0: 'none',
      1: 'percent',
      2: 'dB',
      3: 'cm',
      4: 'seconds',
      5: 'hertz',
      6: 'dB/seconds',
      7: 'cm/sec',
      8: 'cm2',
      9: 'cm2/sec',
      10: 'cm3',
      11: 'cm3/sec',
      12: 'degrees',

    return units.hasOwnProperty(value) ? units[value] : 'none';