

1 day
Test Coverage
import ShadersBase from '../shaders.base';
import InterpolationIdentity from './shaders.interpolation.identity';

class InterpolationTrilinear extends ShadersBase {
  constructor() {
    super(); = 'interpolationTrilinear';

    // default properties names
    this._currentVoxel = 'currentVoxel';
    this._dataValue = 'dataValue';
    this._gradient = 'gradient';

    baseFragment = this._base,
    currentVoxel = this._currentVoxel,
    dataValue = this._dataValue,
    gradient = this._gradient
  ) {
    this._base = baseFragment;
    return this.compute(currentVoxel, dataValue, gradient);

  compute(currentVoxel, dataValue, gradient) {
    this._base._functions[this._name] = this._definition;
    return `${this._name}(${currentVoxel}, ${dataValue}, ${gradient});`;

  computeDefinition() {
    this._definition = `
void trilinearInterpolation(
  in vec3 normalizedPosition,
  out vec4 interpolatedValue,
  in vec4 v000, in vec4 v100,
  in vec4 v001, in vec4 v101,
  in vec4 v010, in vec4 v110,
  in vec4 v011, in vec4 v111) {
  vec4 c00 = v000 * ( 1.0 - normalizedPosition.x ) + v100 * normalizedPosition.x;
  vec4 c01 = v001 * ( 1.0 - normalizedPosition.x ) + v101 * normalizedPosition.x;
  vec4 c10 = v010 * ( 1.0 - normalizedPosition.x ) + v110 * normalizedPosition.x;
  vec4 c11 = v011 * ( 1.0 - normalizedPosition.x ) + v111 * normalizedPosition.x;

  // c0 and c1
  vec4 c0 = c00 * ( 1.0 - normalizedPosition.y) + c10 * normalizedPosition.y;
  vec4 c1 = c01 * ( 1.0 - normalizedPosition.y) + c11 * normalizedPosition.y;

  // c
  vec4 c = c0 * ( 1.0 - normalizedPosition.z) + c1 * normalizedPosition.z;
  interpolatedValue = c;

void ${this._name}(in vec3 currentVoxel, out vec4 dataValue, out vec3 gradient){

  vec3 lower_bound = floor(currentVoxel);
  lower_bound = max(vec3(0.), lower_bound);
  vec3 higher_bound = lower_bound + vec3(1.);

  vec3 normalizedPosition = (currentVoxel - lower_bound);
  normalizedPosition =  max(vec3(0.), normalizedPosition);

  vec4 interpolatedValue = vec4(0.);

  // fetch values required for interpolation
  vec4 v000 = vec4(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
  vec3 c000 = vec3(lower_bound.x, lower_bound.y, lower_bound.z);
  ${InterpolationIdentity.api(this._base, 'c000', 'v000')}

  vec4 v100 = vec4(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
  vec3 c100 = vec3(higher_bound.x, lower_bound.y, lower_bound.z);
  ${InterpolationIdentity.api(this._base, 'c100', 'v100')}

  vec4 v001 = vec4(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
  vec3 c001 = vec3(lower_bound.x, lower_bound.y, higher_bound.z);
  ${InterpolationIdentity.api(this._base, 'c001', 'v001')}

  vec4 v101 = vec4(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
  vec3 c101 = vec3(higher_bound.x, lower_bound.y, higher_bound.z);
  ${InterpolationIdentity.api(this._base, 'c101', 'v101')}
  vec4 v010 = vec4(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
  vec3 c010 = vec3(lower_bound.x, higher_bound.y, lower_bound.z);
  ${InterpolationIdentity.api(this._base, 'c010', 'v010')}

  vec4 v110 = vec4(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
  vec3 c110 = vec3(higher_bound.x, higher_bound.y, lower_bound.z);
  ${InterpolationIdentity.api(this._base, 'c110', 'v110')}

  vec4 v011 = vec4(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
  vec3 c011 = vec3(lower_bound.x, higher_bound.y, higher_bound.z);
  ${InterpolationIdentity.api(this._base, 'c011', 'v011')}

  vec4 v111 = vec4(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
  vec3 c111 = vec3(higher_bound.x, higher_bound.y, higher_bound.z);
  ${InterpolationIdentity.api(this._base, 'c111', 'v111')}

  // compute interpolation at position
  trilinearInterpolation(normalizedPosition, interpolatedValue ,v000, v100, v001, v101, v010,v110, v011,v111);
  dataValue = interpolatedValue;

  // That breaks shading in volume rendering
  // if (gradient.x == 1.) { // skip gradient calculation for slice helper
  //  return;
  // }

  // compute gradient
  float gradientStep = 0.005;

  // x axis
  vec3 g100 = vec3(1., 0., 0.);
  vec3 ng100 = normalizedPosition + g100 * gradientStep;
  ng100.x = min(1., ng100.x);

  vec4 vg100 = vec4(0.);
  trilinearInterpolation(ng100, vg100 ,v000, v100, v001, v101, v010,v110, v011,v111);

  vec3 go100 = -g100;
  vec3 ngo100 = normalizedPosition + go100 * gradientStep;
  ngo100.x = max(0., ngo100.x);

  vec4 vgo100 = vec4(0.);
  trilinearInterpolation(ngo100, vgo100 ,v000, v100, v001, v101, v010,v110, v011,v111);

  gradient.x = (g100.x * vg100.x + go100.x * vgo100.x);

  // y axis
  vec3 g010 = vec3(0., 1., 0.);
  vec3 ng010 = normalizedPosition + g010 * gradientStep;
  ng010.y = min(1., ng010.y);

  vec4 vg010 = vec4(0.);
  trilinearInterpolation(ng010, vg010 ,v000, v100, v001, v101, v010,v110, v011,v111);

  vec3 go010 = -g010;
  vec3 ngo010 = normalizedPosition + go010 * gradientStep;
  ngo010.y = max(0., ngo010.y);

  vec4 vgo010 = vec4(0.);
  trilinearInterpolation(ngo010, vgo010 ,v000, v100, v001, v101, v010,v110, v011,v111);

  gradient.y = (g010.y * vg010.x + go010.y * vgo010.x);

  // z axis
  vec3 g001 = vec3(0., 0., 1.);
  vec3 ng001 = normalizedPosition + g001 * gradientStep;
  ng001.z = min(1., ng001.z);

  vec4 vg001 = vec4(0.);
  trilinearInterpolation(ng001, vg001 ,v000, v100, v001, v101, v010,v110, v011,v111);

  vec3 go001 = -g001;
  vec3 ngo001 = normalizedPosition + go001 * gradientStep;
  ngo001.z = max(0., ngo001.z);

  vec4 vgo001 = vec4(0.);
  trilinearInterpolation(ngo001, vgo001 ,v000, v100, v001, v101, v010,v110, v011,v111);

  gradient.z = (g001.z * vg001.x + go001.z * vgo001.x);

  // normalize gradient
  // +0.0001  instead of if?
  float gradientMagnitude = length(gradient);
  if (gradientMagnitude > 0.0) {
    gradient = -(1. / gradientMagnitude) * gradient;

export default new InterpolationTrilinear();