export default class ShadersFragment {
// pass uniforms object
constructor(uniforms) {
this._uniforms = uniforms;
this._functions = {};
this._main = '';
functions() {
if (this._main === '') {
// if main is empty, functions can not have been computed
let content = '';
for (let property in this._functions) {
content += this._functions[property] + '\n';
return content;
uniforms() {
let content = '';
for (let property in this._uniforms) {
let uniform = this._uniforms[property];
content += `uniform ${uniform.typeGLSL} ${property}`;
if (uniform && uniform.length) {
content += `[${uniform.length}]`;
content += ';\n';
return content;
main() {
// need to pre-call main to fill up the functions list
this._main = `
float luma (vec3 rgb) {
return (rgb.r + rgb.g + rgb.b)/3.0;
const float T = 0.04;
const float M = 1.0;
const float L = 0.002;
void main(void) {
vec2 texCoord = vec2(((vProjectedCoords.x / vProjectedCoords.w) + 1.0 ) / 2.0,
((vProjectedCoords.y / vProjectedCoords.w) + 1.0 ) / 2.0 );
float borderWidth = uWidth; // in px
float step_u = borderWidth * 1.0 / uCanvasWidth;
float step_v = borderWidth * 1.0 / uCanvasHeight;
vec4 centerPixel = texture2D(uTextureFilled, texCoord);
vec4 rightPixel = texture2D(uTextureFilled, texCoord + vec2(step_u, 0.0));
vec4 bottomPixel = texture2D(uTextureFilled, texCoord + vec2(0.0, step_v));
// now manually compute the derivatives
float _dFdX = length(rightPixel - centerPixel) / step_u;
float _dFdY = length(bottomPixel - centerPixel) / step_v;
// gl_FragColor.r = _dFdX;
// gl_FragColor.g = _dFdY;
gl_FragColor.r = max(max(centerPixel.r, rightPixel.r), bottomPixel.r);
gl_FragColor.g = max(max(centerPixel.g, rightPixel.g), bottomPixel.g);
gl_FragColor.b = max(max(centerPixel.b, rightPixel.b), bottomPixel.b);
float maxDerivative = max(_dFdX, _dFdY);
float clampedDerivative = clamp(maxDerivative, 0., 1.);
gl_FragColor.a = uOpacity * clampedDerivative;
// float h = 1./uCanvasHeight;
// float w = 1./uCanvasWidth;
// vec4 n[9];
// n[0] = texture2D(uTextureFilled, vProjectedTextCoords + vec2( -w, -h));
// n[1] = texture2D(uTextureFilled, vProjectedTextCoords + vec2(0.0, -h));
// n[2] = texture2D(uTextureFilled, vProjectedTextCoords + vec2( w, -h));
// n[3] = texture2D(uTextureFilled, vProjectedTextCoords + vec2( -w, 0.0));
// n[4] = texture2D(uTextureFilled, vProjectedTextCoords);
// n[5] = texture2D(uTextureFilled, texCoord + vec2( w, 0.0));
// n[6] = texture2D(uTextureFilled, texCoord + vec2( -w, h));
// n[7] = texture2D(uTextureFilled, texCoord + vec2(0.0, h));
// n[8] = texture2D(uTextureFilled, texCoord + vec2( w, h));
// vec4 sobel_horizEdge = n[2] + (2.0*n[5]) + n[8] - (n[0] + (2.0*n[3]) + n[6]);
// vec4 sobel_vertEdge = n[0] + (2.0*n[1]) + n[2] - (n[6] + (2.0*n[7]) + n[8]);
// vec3 sobel = sqrt((sobel_horizEdge.rgb * sobel_horizEdge.rgb) + (sobel_vertEdge.rgb * sobel_vertEdge.rgb));
// gl_FragColor = vec4( sobel, max(max(sobel.r, sobel.g), sobel.b) );
// return;
compute() {
let shaderInterpolation = '';
// shaderInterpolation.inline(args) //true/false
// shaderInterpolation.functions(args)
return `
// uniforms
// varying (should fetch it from vertex directly)
varying vec4 vProjectedCoords;
// tailored functions
// main loop