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# @frsource/cypress-plugin-visual-regression-diff Contributing Guide

Hey! It’s really exciting for us to see your interest in contributing to this library. Before taking off with your work, please take a moment to read through these guidelines:

- [Code of Conduct](
- [Questions?](#questions)
- [Reporting an issue or a feature request](#reporing-an-issue-or-a-feature-request)
- [Pull Request Guidelines](#pull-request-guidelines)
- [Development Setup](#development-setup)

## Questions?

Don’t hesitate to ask a question directly on the [discussions board](!

## Reporting an issue or a feature request

- Please always use GitHub Issues tracker with [appropriate template]( to create a new issue or suggestion

## Pull Request Guidelines

- Check if there isn’t a similar PR already in the [GitHub Pull requests]( - maybe somebody already has covered this topic?

- Checkout the master branch and (after you do your work) file a PR against it

- Read through the [development setup](#development-setup) to learn how to work with this project. Always make sure that `pnpm lint`, `pnpm build` and `pnpm test` pass

- Please use [conventional commits v1.0.0 style guide]( for commits and PR names

- We have no preference about number of commits on the PR - they will be all squashed by GitHub while merging

- When creating a new feature/plugin/integration:

  - Make sure the feature is covered by tests
  - Provide a meaningful description. In most cases it would make sens to first open a issue with a suggestion, discuss about it and have it approved before working on it

- When fixing bug:
  - Try to cover the scenario with tests if possible
  - If an issue for this bug already exists, please reference it via (`Refs: #XYZ` - where `XYZ` is an issue number) at the very bottom of your commit message and PR description as proposed by [conventional commits v1.0.0 style guide](
  - If there is no issue connected with the bug, please provide a detailed description of the problem in the PR. Live demo preferred ([look for the codeine example project in the bug issue template](

## Development Setup

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You will need [Node.js]( **version 16+** and [pnpm](

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After cloning the repository, run:

pnpm i # installs the project dependencies

### Committing Changes

Commit messages should follow the [conventional commits v1.0.0]( so that changelogs can be automatically generated. Commit messages will be automatically validated upon commit.

### These npm scripts are available in the repo

When fired in the project root they will run corresponding actions in every nested package at once.

# build the project for NPM and example usage
$ pnpm build

# run tests once
$ pnpm test

# open cypress component runner from example directory
# requires plugin to be built first via `pnpm build`
$ pnpm test:ct

# open cypress e2e runner from example directory
# requires plugin to be built first via `pnpm build`
$ pnpm test:e2e

# run integration tests once and collect coverage
$ pnpm test:integration:coverage

# run integration tests in watch mode
$ pnpm test:integration:watch

# lint & try to autofix linting errors
$ pnpm fix:lint && pnpm format

# lint files
$ pnpm lint && pnpm format:ci

There are some other scripts available in the `scripts` section of the `package.json` file.

## Credits

Many thanks to all the people who have already contributed to @frsource/cypress-plugin-visual-regression-diff! ❤️