# Rakefile - Configuration file for rake (http://rake.rubyforge.org/)
# Time-stamp: <Sun 2016-11-13 20:53 svarrette>
# Copyright (c) 2012 Sebastien Varrette <Sebastien.Varrette@uni.lu>
# . http://varrette.gforge.uni.lu
# ____ _ __ _ _
# | _ \ __ _| | _____ / _(_) | ___
# | |_) / _` | |/ / _ \ |_| | |/ _ \
# | _ < (_| | < __/ _| | | __/
# |_| \_\__,_|_|\_\___|_| |_|_|\___|
# Use 'rake -T' to list the available actions
# Resources:
# * http://www.stuartellis.eu/articles/rake/
# require 'rubygems'
# FALKORLIB_SPEC = Gem::Specification.load("falkorlib.gemspec")
task :default => [ 'rspec' ]
require 'rake/clean'
CLEAN.add 'pkg'
CLOBBER.add 'doc'
#__________________ My own rake tasks __________________
lib = File.expand_path('../lib', __FILE__)
$LOAD_PATH.unshift(lib) unless $LOAD_PATH.include?(lib)
require "falkorlib"
# Adapt the versioning aspects
FalkorLib.config.versioning do |c|
c[:type] = 'gem'
# Adapt the Git flow aspects
FalkorLib.config.gitflow do |c|
c[:branches] = {
:master => 'production',
:develop => 'devel'
require "falkorlib/tasks/git" # OR require "falkorlib/git_tasks"
require "falkorlib/tasks/gem" # OR require "falkorlib/gem_tasks"
# [ 'rspec', 'yard' ] .each do |tasks|
# load "falkorlib/tasks/#{tasks}.rake"
# end
# desc "clean the directory"
# task :clean => :clobber_package do
# sh "rm -rf doc" if File.directory?("doc")
# end