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<% unless (config[:license].empty? or config[:license] == "none") %>
[![Licence](<%= FalkorLib::Bootstrap::get_badge("license", config[:license], 'blue') %>)](<%= FalkorLib::Config::Bootstrap::DEFAULTS[:licenses][ config[:license] ][:url] %>)
<% end %>
![By <%= config[:by] %>](https://img.shields.io/badge/by-<%= config[:by] %>-blue.svg) [![<%= config[:forge] %>](https://img.shields.io/badge/git-<%= config[:forge] %>-lightgray.svg)](<%= config[:source] %>) [![Issues](https://img.shields.io/badge/issues-<%= config[:forge] %>-green.svg)](<%= config[:issues_url] %>)

       <%= ::Artii::Base.new().asciify( config[:name] ).split("\n").join("\n       ") %>
       Copyright (c) <%= Time.now.year %> <%= config[:author] %> <<%= config[:mail] %>>

<%= config[:description] %>

This is the main page of the documentation for this repository, which relies on [MkDocs](http://www.mkdocs.org/) and the [Read the Docs](http://readthedocs.io) theme. It proposes to detail the following elements:

* The general [organization and directory layout](layout.md)
* Complete [Installation and Setup notes](setup.md) for this repository
<% if File.exists?(File.join(config[:rootdir], 'Vagrantfile')) %>
* Overview of the [Vagrant](https://www.vagrantup.com/) configuration proposed
<% end %>
* (...)
* [Contributing notes](contributing/index.md) and [semantic versioning](contributing/versioning.md) information of this project