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Test Coverage
# Time-stamp: <Wed 2017-08-23 14:49 svarrette>
# File::      <tt>init.pp</tt>
# Author::    <%= config[:author] %> (<%= config[:mail] %>)
# Copyright:: Copyright (c) <%= Time.now.year %> <%= config[:author] %>
# License::   <%= config[:license].capitalize %>
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# == Class: <%= config[:shortname] %>
# <%= config[:summary] %>
# @param ensure [String] Default: 'present'.
#          Ensure the presence (or absence) of <%= config[:shortname] %>
# === Requires
# n/a
# @example Basic instanciation
#     include '::<%= config[:shortname] %>'
# You can then specialize the various aspects of the configuration,
# for instance:
#         class { '::<%= config[:shortname] %>':
#             ensure => 'present'
#         }
# === Authors
# The UL HPC Team <hpc-sysadmins@uni.lu> of the University of Luxembourg, in
# particular
# * Sebastien Varrette <Sebastien.Varrette@uni.lu>
# * Valentin Plugaru   <Valentin.Plugaru@uni.lu>
# * Sarah Peter        <Sarah.Peter@uni.lu>
# * Hyacinthe Cartiaux <Hyacinthe.Cartiaux@uni.lu>
# * Clement Parisot    <Clement.Parisot@uni.lu>
# See AUTHORS for more details
# === Warnings
# /!\ Always respect the style guide available here[http://docs.puppetlabs.com/guides/style_guide]
# [Remember: No empty lines between comments and class definition]
class <%= config[:shortname] %>(
    String $ensure = $<%= config[:shortname] %>::params::ensure
inherits <%= config[:shortname] %>::params
    validate_legacy('String', 'validate_re', $ensure, ['^present', '^absent'])

    info ("Configuring <%= config[:shortname] %> (with ensure = ${ensure})")

    case $::operatingsystem {
        /(?i-mx:ubuntu|debian)/:        { include ::<%= config[:shortname] %>::common::debian }
        /(?i-mx:centos|fedora|redhat)/: { include ::<%= config[:shortname] %>::common::redhat }
        default: {
            fail("Module ${module_name} is not supported on ${::operatingsystem}")