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# byteSize

Returns the byte length of an utf8 string or an object (when parsed to JSON)


-   `obj`  

# chalk

Publicly export the chalk color library

# cleanUrl

Replace all (/.../g) leading slash (^\\/) or (|) trailing slash (\\/$) with an empty string.


-   `url` **[String](** URL / Path to cleanup

Returns **[String](** 

# clearLogHistory

Clears (empties) the log object

# colorize

Colors the messages by searching for specific indicator strings
TODO: Allow to add to the colorMap


-   `msg` **[string](** 

Returns **[string](** 

# debug

Prints out debugging information for the current model object


-   `obj` **[object](** Object
-   `silent`  

# error

Prints errors


-   `obj` **[object](** Object
-   `silent`  

# getConfig

Gets the current config

# getDateArray

Returns an array with date / time information
Starts with year at index 0 up to index 6 for milliseconds


-   `date` **[Date](** Optional date object. If falsy, will take current time.

Returns **[Array](** 

# getLogHistory

Returns the global.moboLogObject

Returns **[Array](** 

# getStatistics

Gets the current config

# humanDate

Returns nicely formatted date-time


-   `date` **[object](** 


2015-02-10 16:01:12

Returns **[string](** 

# humanTime

Returns nicely formatted date-time


-   `date` **[object](** 



Returns **[string](** 

# log

Custom Logging function

Writes Logs to console, stringifies objects first


-   `msg` **([string](\|[object](** Message String or Object
-   `obj`  
-   `silent` **[boolean](** Dot not print message to the console, but stores it to the log history.

# pad

Pad a number with n digits


-   `number` **[number](** number to pad
-   `digits` **[number](** number of total digits

Returns **[string](** 

# prettyBytes


-   `bytes`  
-   `si`  

Returns **[string](** 

# prettyNumber

Adds dots as thousand separators to numbers



-   `number`  

Returns **[string](** 

# roboDate

Returns a formatted date-time, optimized for machines


-   `date` **[object](** 



Returns **[string](** 

# roboTime

Returns a formatted date-time, optimized for machines


-   `date` **[object](** 



Returns **[string](** 

# stripTrailingSlash

Strips trailing slashes from URL


-   `url` **[String](** URL to cleanup

Returns **[String](** 

# updateConfig

Updates the config.
Only those parameters that have been given will be updated


-   `config` **[object](** 


A semantic logger that colors and formats messages automatically according to the content


-   **author**: Simon Heimler