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# Docker

Contains the scripts to do lachesis benchmarking (only for fakenet now) with Docker.

## for common purpose

  - build node docker image "lachesis": `make lachesis` (use GOPROXY and TAG env vars optionally);
  - run network: `./`;
  - stop network: `./`;

You could specify number of validators by setting N environment variable.
It is possible to get the error "failed RPC connection to" because nodes start slowly. Try `./` again.

## the same with Sentry service

  - set `SENTRY=yes` before `./`;
  - remove Sentry database: `sentry/`;

After startup go to http://localhost:9000 and sign in using your Sentry-account to watch and manage logs from all running local nodes.
Logs are grouped and colored (info - blue, warn - yellow, error - red).
Each log includes: environment info, message about an error, code line (in case of an error).

## Stake transfer example

from [`docker/`](./docker/) dir

* Start network:
N=3 ./

* Attach js-console to running node0:
docker exec -ti node0 /lachesis attach http://localhost:18545

* Check the balance to ensure that node0 has something to transfer (node0 js-console):

 output shows the balance value:

* Get node1 address:
docker exec -i node1 /lachesis attach --exec "eth.coinbase" http://localhost:18545
 output shows address:

* Transfer some amount from node1 to node2 address as receiver (node0 js-console):
    {from: eth.coinbase, to: "0x239fa7623354ec26520de878b52f13fe84b06971", value:  "1000000000"},
    function(err, transactionHash) {
        if (!err)
            console.log(transactionHash + " success");
 output shows unique hash of the outgoing transaction:
0x68a7c1daeee7e7ab5aedf0d0dba337dbf79ce0988387cf6d63ea73b98193adfd success

* Check the transaction status by its unique hash (js-console):
 output shows number of block, transaction was included in:

* As soon as transaction is included into a block you will see new balance of both node addresses:
docker exec -i node0 /lachesis attach --exec "eth.getBalance(eth.coinbase)" http://localhost:18545                                               
docker exec -i node1 /lachesis attach --exec "eth.getBalance(eth.coinbase)" http://localhost:18545                                               

## Performance testing

[step by step example](./

use `cmd/tx-storm` util to generate transaction streams for each node:

  - build node docker image "tx-storm": `make tx-storm` (use GOPROXY and TAG env vars optionally);
  - start: `./`;
  - stop: `./`;

then collect metrics.

Also you may manually launch transactions generation only for one node - the nodes will exchange a content of their transactions pool.

## Prometheus metrics collection

  - `./` collects metrics from running nodes and tx-storms (so run it after);
  - see webUI at `http://localhost:9090`;
  - stop: `./`;

See results at:

 - client side: [tx latency](http://localhost:9090/graph?g0.range_input=5m&g0.expr=txstorm_tx_ttf&
 - client side: [count of sent txs](http://localhost:9090/graph?g0.range_input=5m&g0.expr=txstorm_tx_count_sent&
 - client side: [count of confirmed txs](http://localhost:9090/graph?g0.range_input=5m&g0.expr=txstorm_tx_count_got&
 - node side: [tx time2finish](http://localhost:9090/graph?g0.range_input=5m&g0.expr=lachesis_tx_ttf&
 - node side: [data dir size](http://localhost:9090/graph?g0.range_input=5m&g0.expr=lachesis_db_size&

## Testing network failures

  - install blockade and add it to "$PATH": `pip install blockade`;
  - use `./` instead normal `./`;
  - test lachesis network with blockade [`commands`](;

## without docker

You can do the same without docker, see `local-*.sh` scripts.

## FAQs

*Q: I get the following error `./ line 3: declare: -l: invalid option`*

A: Try upgrading to the latest version of bash on your machine. If you are on Mac OSX, you can follow this guide [here](