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package gaspowercheck

import (


var (
    // ErrWrongGasPowerLeft indicates that event's GasPowerLeft is miscalculated.
    ErrWrongGasPowerLeft = errors.New("event has wrong GasPowerLeft")

// ValidationContext for gaspower checking
type ValidationContext struct {
    Epoch                idx.Epoch
    Configs              [2]Config
    Validators           *pos.Validators
    PrevEpochLastHeaders inter.HeadersByCreator
    PrevEpochEndTime     inter.Timestamp
    PrevEpochRefunds     map[idx.StakerID]uint64

// DagReader is accessed by the validator to get the current state.
type DagReader interface {
    GetValidationContext() *ValidationContext

// Config for gaspower checking. There'll be 2 different configs for short-term and long-term gas power checks.
type Config struct {
    Idx                int
    AllocPerSec        uint64
    MaxAllocPeriod     inter.Timestamp
    StartupAllocPeriod inter.Timestamp
    MinStartupGas      uint64

// Checker which checks gas power
type Checker struct {
    reader DagReader

// New Checker for gas power
func New(reader DagReader) *Checker {
    return &Checker{
        reader: reader,

func mul(a *big.Int, b uint64) {
    a.Mul(a, new(big.Int).SetUint64(b))

func div(a *big.Int, b uint64) {
    a.Div(a, new(big.Int).SetUint64(b))

func calcValidatorGasPowerPerSec(
    validator idx.StakerID,
    validators *pos.Validators,
    config *Config,
) (
    perSec uint64,
    maxGasPower uint64,
    startup uint64,
) {
    stake := validators.Get(validator)
    if stake == 0 {
        return 0, 0, 0

    gas := config

    validatorGasPowerPerSecBn := new(big.Int).SetUint64(gas.AllocPerSec)
    mul(validatorGasPowerPerSecBn, uint64(stake))
    div(validatorGasPowerPerSecBn, uint64(validators.TotalStake()))
    perSec = validatorGasPowerPerSecBn.Uint64()

    maxGasPower = perSec * (uint64(gas.MaxAllocPeriod) / uint64(time.Second))

    startup = perSec * (uint64(gas.StartupAllocPeriod) / uint64(time.Second))
    if startup < gas.MinStartupGas {
        startup = gas.MinStartupGas


// CalcGasPower calculates available gas power for the event, i.e. how many gas its content may consume
func (v *Checker) CalcGasPower(e *inter.EventHeaderData, selfParent *inter.EventHeaderData) (inter.GasPowerLeft, error) {
    ctx := v.reader.GetValidationContext()
    // check that all the data is for the same epoch
    if ctx.Epoch != e.Epoch {
        return inter.GasPowerLeft{}, epochcheck.ErrNotRelevant

    var res inter.GasPowerLeft
    for i := range ctx.Configs {
        res.Gas[i] = calcGasPower(e, selfParent, ctx, &ctx.Configs[i])

    return res, nil

func calcGasPower(e *inter.EventHeaderData, selfParent *inter.EventHeaderData, ctx *ValidationContext, config *Config) uint64 {
    gasPowerPerSec, maxGasPower, startup := calcValidatorGasPowerPerSec(e.Creator, ctx.Validators, config)

    var prevGasPowerLeft uint64
    var prevMedianTime inter.Timestamp

    if e.SelfParent() != nil {
        prevGasPowerLeft = selfParent.GasPowerLeft.Gas[config.Idx]
        prevMedianTime = selfParent.MedianTime
    } else if prevConfirmedHeader := ctx.PrevEpochLastHeaders[e.Creator]; prevConfirmedHeader != nil {
        prevGasPowerLeft = prevConfirmedHeader.GasPowerLeft.Gas[config.Idx] + ctx.PrevEpochRefunds[e.Creator]
        if prevGasPowerLeft < startup {
            prevGasPowerLeft = startup
        prevMedianTime = prevConfirmedHeader.MedianTime
    } else {
        prevGasPowerLeft = startup + ctx.PrevEpochRefunds[e.Creator]
        prevMedianTime = ctx.PrevEpochEndTime

    if prevMedianTime > e.MedianTime {
        prevMedianTime = e.MedianTime // do not change e.MedianTime

    gasPowerAllocatedBn := new(big.Int).SetUint64(uint64(e.MedianTime - prevMedianTime))
    mul(gasPowerAllocatedBn, gasPowerPerSec)
    div(gasPowerAllocatedBn, uint64(time.Second))

    gasPower := gasPowerAllocatedBn.Uint64() + prevGasPowerLeft
    if gasPower > maxGasPower {
        gasPower = maxGasPower

    return gasPower

// Validate event
func (v *Checker) Validate(e *inter.Event, selfParent *inter.EventHeaderData) error {
    gasPowers, err := v.CalcGasPower(&e.EventHeaderData, selfParent)
    if err != nil {
        return err
    for i := range gasPowers.Gas {
        if e.GasPowerLeft.Gas[i]+e.GasPowerUsed != gasPowers.Gas[i] { // GasPowerUsed is checked in basic_check
            return ErrWrongGasPowerLeft
    return nil