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Test Coverage
package gossip

import (

    _params ""


// EmitIntervals is the configuration of emit intervals.
type EmitIntervals struct {
    Min                time.Duration `json:"min"`
    Max                time.Duration `json:"max"`
    Confirming         time.Duration `json:"confirming"` // emit time when there's no txs to originate, but at least 1 tx to confirm
    SelfForkProtection time.Duration `json:"selfForkProtection"`

// EmitterConfig is the configuration of events emitter.
type EmitterConfig struct {
    VersionToPublish string

    Validator common.Address `json:"validator"`

    EmitIntervals EmitIntervals `json:"emitIntervals"` // event emission intervals

    MaxGasRateGrowthFactor float64 `json:"maxGasRateGrowthFactor"` // fine to use float, because no need in determinism

    MaxTxsFromSender int `json:"maxTxsFromSender"`

    EpochTailLength idx.Frame `json:"epochTailLength"` // number of frames before event is considered epoch

    MaxParents int `json:"maxParents"`

    // thresholds on GasLeft
    SmoothTpsThreshold uint64 `json:"smoothTpsThreshold"`
    NoTxsThreshold     uint64 `json:"noTxsThreshold"`
    EmergencyThreshold uint64 `json:"emergencyThreshold"`

// DefaultEmitterConfig returns the default configurations for the events emitter.
func DefaultEmitterConfig() EmitterConfig {
    return EmitterConfig{
        VersionToPublish: _params.VersionWithMeta(),

        EmitIntervals: EmitIntervals{
            Min:                400 * time.Millisecond,
            Max:                12 * time.Minute,
            Confirming:         500 * time.Millisecond,
            SelfForkProtection: 30 * time.Minute, // should be at least 2x of MaxEmitInterval

        MaxGasRateGrowthFactor: 3.0,
        MaxTxsFromSender:       TxTurnNonces,
        EpochTailLength:        1,

        MaxParents: 7,

        SmoothTpsThreshold: (params.EventGas + params.TxGas) * 500,
        NoTxsThreshold:     params.EventGas * 30,
        EmergencyThreshold: params.EventGas * 5,

// RandomizeEmitTime and return new config
func (cfg *EmitIntervals) RandomizeEmitTime(r *rand.Rand) *EmitIntervals {
    config := *cfg
    // value = value - 0.1 * value + 0.1 * random value
    if config.Max > 10 {
        config.Max = config.Max - config.Max/10 + time.Duration(r.Int63n(int64(config.Max/10)))
    // value = value + 0.1 * random value
    if config.SelfForkProtection > 10 {
        config.SelfForkProtection = config.SelfForkProtection + time.Duration(r.Int63n(int64(config.SelfForkProtection/10)))
    return &config

// FakeEmitterConfig returns the testing configurations for the events emitter.
func FakeEmitterConfig() EmitterConfig {
    cfg := DefaultEmitterConfig()
    cfg.EmitIntervals.Max = 10 * time.Second // don't wait long in fakenet
    cfg.EmitIntervals.SelfForkProtection = cfg.EmitIntervals.Max * 3 / 2
    return cfg