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2 days
Test Coverage
package gossip

import (

    lru ""


const (
    MimetypeEvent    = "application/event"
    TxTimeBufferSize = 20000
    TxTurnPeriod     = 4 * time.Second
    TxTurnNonces     = 8

// EmitterWorld is emitter's external world
type EmitterWorld struct {
    Store       *Store
    App         *app.Store
    Engine      Consensus
    EngineMu    *sync.RWMutex
    Txpool      txPool
    Am          *accounts.Manager
    OccurredTxs *occuredtxs.Buffer

    Checkers *eventcheck.Checkers

    MinGasPrice        func() *big.Int
    OnEmitted          func(e *inter.Event)
    IsSynced           func() bool
    LastBlockProcessed func() time.Time
    PeersNum           func() int

    IsMigration func() bool

    AddVersion func(e *inter.Event) *inter.Event

type Emitter struct {
    txTime *lru.Cache // tx hash -> tx time

    net    *lachesis.Config
    config *EmitterConfig

    world EmitterWorld

    myStakerID idx.StakerID
    myAddress  common.Address

    syncStatus selfForkProtection

    gasRate         metrics.Meter
    prevEmittedTime time.Time

    intervals EmitIntervals

    done chan struct{}
    wg   sync.WaitGroup


type selfForkProtection struct {
    startupTime             time.Time
    connectedTime           time.Time
    syncedTime              time.Time
    prevLocalEmittedID      hash.Event
    prevExternalEmittedTime time.Time
    becameValidatorTime     time.Time

// NewEmitter creation.
func NewEmitter(
    net *lachesis.Config,
    config *EmitterConfig,
    world EmitterWorld,
) *Emitter {

    txTime, _ := lru.New(TxTimeBufferSize)
    loggerInstance := logger.MakeInstance()
    return &Emitter{
        net:       net,
        config:    config,
        world:     world,
        myAddress: config.Validator,
        gasRate:   metrics.NewMeterForced(),
        txTime:    txTime,
        intervals: config.EmitIntervals,
        Periodic:  logger.Periodic{Instance: loggerInstance},

// init emitter without starting events emission
func (em *Emitter) init() {
    em.syncStatus.connectedTime = time.Now()
    em.syncStatus.startupTime = time.Now()
    validators, epoch :=
    em.OnNewEpoch(validators, epoch)

// StartEventEmission starts event emission.
func (em *Emitter) StartEventEmission() {
    if em.done != nil {
    em.done = make(chan struct{})

    newTxsCh := make(chan evmcore.NewTxsNotify)


    done := em.done
    go func() {
        defer em.wg.Done()
        ticker := time.NewTicker(10 * time.Millisecond)
        defer ticker.Stop()
        for {
            select {
            case txNotify := <-newTxsCh:
            case <-ticker.C:
                // track synced time
                if == 0 {
                    em.syncStatus.connectedTime = time.Now() // connected time ~= last time when it's true that "not connected yet"
                if ! {
                    em.syncStatus.syncedTime = time.Now() // synced time ~= last time when it's true that "not synced yet"

                // must pass at least MinEmitInterval since last event
                if time.Since(em.prevEmittedTime) >= em.intervals.Min {
            case <-done:

// StopEventEmission stops event emission.
func (em *Emitter) StopEventEmission() {
    if em.done == nil {

    em.done = nil

// SetValidator sets event creator.
func (em *Emitter) SetValidator(addr common.Address) {
    em.myAddress = addr

// GetValidator gets event creator.
func (em *Emitter) GetValidator() (idx.StakerID, common.Address) {
    return em.myStakerID, em.myAddress

func (em *Emitter) loadPrevEmitTime() time.Time {
    if em.myStakerID == 0 {
        return em.prevEmittedTime

    prevEventID :=, em.myStakerID)
    if prevEventID == nil {
        return em.prevEmittedTime
    prevEvent :=, *prevEventID)
    if prevEvent == nil {
        return em.prevEmittedTime
    return prevEvent.ClaimedTime.Time()

// safe for concurrent use
func (em *Emitter) memorizeTxTimes(txs types.Transactions) {
    if em.myStakerID == 0 {
        return // short circuit if not validator
    now := time.Now()
    for _, tx := range txs {
        _, ok := em.txTime.Get(tx.Hash())
        if !ok {
            em.txTime.Add(tx.Hash(), now)

func (em *Emitter) findMyStakerID() (idx.StakerID, bool) {
    myAddress := em.myAddress
    if myAddress == (common.Address{}) {
        return 0, false // short circuit if zero address

    validators :=
    for _, it := range validators {
        if it.Staker.Address == myAddress {
            return it.StakerID, true
    return 0, false

// safe for concurrent use
func (em *Emitter) isMyTxTurn(txHash common.Hash, sender common.Address, accountNonce uint64, now time.Time, validatorsArr []idx.StakerID, validatorsArrStakes []pos.Stake, me idx.StakerID) bool {
    turnHash := hash.Of(sender.Bytes(), bigendian.Int64ToBytes(accountNonce/TxTurnNonces),

    var txTime time.Time
    txTimeI, ok := em.txTime.Get(txHash)
    if !ok {
        txTime = now
        em.txTime.Add(txHash, txTime)
    } else {
        txTime = txTimeI.(time.Time)

    roundIndex := int((now.Sub(txTime) / TxTurnPeriod) % time.Duration(len(validatorsArr)))
    turns := utils.WeightedPermutation(roundIndex+1, validatorsArrStakes, turnHash)

    return validatorsArr[turns[roundIndex]] == me

func (em *Emitter) addTxs(e *inter.Event, poolTxs map[common.Address]types.Transactions) *inter.Event {
    if poolTxs == nil || len(poolTxs) == 0 {
        return e

    maxGasUsed := em.maxGasPowerToUse(e)

    now := time.Now()
    validators :=
    validatorsArr := validators.SortedIDs() // validators must be sorted deterministically
    validatorsArrStakes := make([]pos.Stake, len(validatorsArr))
    for i, addr := range validatorsArr {
        validatorsArrStakes[i] = validators.Get(addr)

    minGasPrice :=

    for sender, txs := range poolTxs {
        if txs.Len() > em.config.MaxTxsFromSender { // no more than MaxTxsFromSender txs from 1 sender
            txs = txs[:em.config.MaxTxsFromSender]

        // txs is the chain of dependent txs
        for _, tx := range txs {
            // not underpriced
            if tx.GasPrice().Cmp(minGasPrice) < 0 {
            // enough gas power
            if tx.Gas() >= e.GasPowerLeft.Min() || e.GasPowerUsed+tx.Gas() >= maxGasUsed {
                break // txs are dependent, so break the loop
            // check not conflicted with already included txs (in any connected event)
            if, tx.Hash()) {
                break // txs are dependent, so break the loop
            // my turn, i.e. try to not include the same tx simultaneously by different validators
            if !em.isMyTxTurn(tx.Hash(), sender, tx.Nonce(), now, validatorsArr, validatorsArrStakes, e.Creator) {
                break // txs are dependent, so break the loop

            // add
            e.GasPowerUsed += tx.Gas()
            e.Transactions = append(e.Transactions, tx)
    return e

func (em *Emitter) findBestParents(epoch idx.Epoch, myStakerID idx.StakerID) (*hash.Event, hash.Events, bool) {
    selfParent :=, myStakerID)
    heads := // events with no descendants

    var strategy ancestor.SearchStrategy
    vecClock :=
    if vecClock != nil {
        strategy = ancestor.NewCasualityStrategy(vecClock,
        if rand.Intn(20) == 0 { // every 20th event uses random strategy is avoid repeating patterns in DAG
            strategy = ancestor.NewRandomStrategy(rand.New(rand.NewSource(time.Now().UnixNano())))

        // don't link to known cheaters
        heads = vecClock.NoCheaters(selfParent, heads)
        if selfParent != nil && len(vecClock.NoCheaters(selfParent, hash.Events{*selfParent})) == 0 {
            em.Periodic.Error(5*time.Second, "I've created a fork, events emitting isn't allowed", "creator", myStakerID)
            return nil, nil, false
    } else {
        // use dummy strategy in engine-less tests
        strategy = ancestor.NewRandomStrategy(nil)

    maxParents := em.config.MaxParents
    if maxParents < {
        maxParents =
    if maxParents > {
        maxParents =
    _, parents := ancestor.FindBestParents(maxParents, heads, selfParent, strategy)
    return selfParent, parents, true

// createEvent is not safe for concurrent use.
func (em *Emitter) createEvent(poolTxs map[common.Address]types.Transactions) *inter.Event {
    if em.myStakerID == 0 {
        // not a validator
        return nil
    if {
        return nil

    if synced := em.logSyncStatus(em.isSynced()); !synced {
        // I'm reindexing my old events, so don't create events until connect all the existing self-events
        return nil

    var (
        epoch          =
        selfParentSeq  idx.Event
        selfParentTime inter.Timestamp
        parents        hash.Events
        maxLamport     idx.Lamport

    // Find parents
    selfParent, parents, ok := em.findBestParents(epoch, em.myStakerID)
    if !ok {
        return nil

    // Set parent-dependent fields
    parentHeaders := make([]*inter.EventHeaderData, len(parents))
    for i, p := range parents {
        parent :=, p)
        if parent == nil {
            em.Log.Crit("Emitter: head not found", "event", p.String())
        parentHeaders[i] = parent
        if parentHeaders[i].Creator == em.myStakerID && i != 0 {
            // there're 2 heads from me, i.e. due to a fork, findBestParents could have found multiple self-parents
            em.Periodic.Error(5*time.Second, "I've created a fork, events emitting isn't allowed", "creator", em.myStakerID)
            return nil
        maxLamport = idx.MaxLamport(maxLamport, parent.Lamport)

    selfParentSeq = 0
    selfParentTime = 0
    var selfParentHeader *inter.EventHeaderData
    if selfParent != nil {
        selfParentHeader = parentHeaders[0]
        selfParentSeq = selfParentHeader.Seq
        selfParentTime = selfParentHeader.ClaimedTime

    event := inter.NewEvent()
    event.Epoch = epoch
    event.Seq = selfParentSeq + 1
    event.Creator = em.myStakerID

    event.Parents = parents
    event.Lamport = maxLamport + 1
    event.ClaimedTime = inter.MaxTimestamp(inter.Timestamp(time.Now().UnixNano()), selfParentTime+1)

    // add version
    if != nil {
        event =

    // set consensus fields
    event =
    if event == nil {
        em.Log.Warn("Dropped event while emitting")
        return nil

    // calc initial GasPower
    validators :=
    event.GasPowerUsed = basiccheck.CalcGasPowerUsed(event, &
    availableGasPower, err :=, selfParentHeader)
    if err != nil {
        em.Log.Warn("Gas power calculation failed", "err", err)
        return nil
    if event.GasPowerUsed > availableGasPower.Min() {
        em.Periodic.Warn(time.Second, "Not enough gas power to emit event. Too small stake?",
            "gasPower", availableGasPower,
            "stake%", 100*float64(validators.Get(em.myStakerID))/float64(validators.TotalStake()))
        return nil
    event.GasPowerLeft = *availableGasPower.Sub(event.GasPowerUsed)

    // Add txs
    event = em.addTxs(event, poolTxs)

    if !em.isAllowedToEmit(event, selfParentHeader) {
        return nil

    // calc Merkle root
    event.TxHash = types.DeriveSha(event.Transactions, new(trie.Trie))

    // sign
    myAddress := em.myAddress
    signer := func(data []byte) (sig []byte, err error) {
        acc := accounts.Account{
            Address: myAddress,
        w, err :=
        if err != nil {
        return w.SignData(acc, MimetypeEvent, data)
    if err := event.Sign(signer); err != nil {
        em.Periodic.Error(time.Second, "Failed to sign event. Please unlock account.", "err", err)
        return nil
    // calc hash after event is fully built
        // sanity check
        if != nil {
            if err :=, parentHeaders); err != nil {
                em.Periodic.Error(time.Second, "Signed event incorrectly", "err", err)
                return nil

    // set event name for debug

    return event

var (
    confirmingEmitIntervalPieces = []piecefunc.Dot{
            X: 0,
            Y: 1.0 * piecefunc.PercentUnit,
            X: 0.33 * piecefunc.PercentUnit,
            Y: 1.05 * piecefunc.PercentUnit,
            X: 0.66 * piecefunc.PercentUnit,
            Y: 1.20 * piecefunc.PercentUnit,
            X: 0.8 * piecefunc.PercentUnit,
            Y: 1.5 * piecefunc.PercentUnit,
            X: 0.9 * piecefunc.PercentUnit,
            Y: 3 * piecefunc.PercentUnit,
            X: 1.0 * piecefunc.PercentUnit,
            Y: 3.9 * piecefunc.PercentUnit,
    maxEmitIntervalPieces = []piecefunc.Dot{
            X: 0,
            Y: 1.0 * piecefunc.PercentUnit,
            X: 1.0 * piecefunc.PercentUnit,
            Y: 0.89 * piecefunc.PercentUnit,

// OnNewEpoch should be called after each epoch change, and on startup
func (em *Emitter) OnNewEpoch(newValidators *pos.Validators, newEpoch idx.Epoch) {
    // update myStakerID
    em.myStakerID, _ = em.findMyStakerID()
    em.prevEmittedTime = em.loadPrevEmitTime()

    // stakers with lower stake should emit less events to reduce network load
    // confirmingEmitInterval = piecefunc(totalStakeBeforeMe / totalStake) * MinEmitInterval
    myIdx := newValidators.GetIdx(em.myStakerID)
    totalStake := pos.Stake(0)
    totalStakeBeforeMe := pos.Stake(0)
    for i, stake := range newValidators.SortedStakes() {
        totalStake += stake
        if idx.Validator(i) < myIdx {
            totalStakeBeforeMe += stake
    stakeRatio := uint64((totalStakeBeforeMe * piecefunc.PercentUnit) / totalStake)
    confirmingEmitIntervalRatio := piecefunc.Get(stakeRatio, confirmingEmitIntervalPieces)
    em.intervals.Confirming = time.Duration(piecefunc.Mul(uint64(em.config.EmitIntervals.Confirming), confirmingEmitIntervalRatio))

    // stakers with lower stake should emit more events at idle, to catch up with other stakers if their frame is behind
    // MaxEmitInterval = piecefunc(totalStakeBeforeMe / totalStake) * MaxEmitInterval
    maxEmitIntervalRatio := piecefunc.Get(stakeRatio, maxEmitIntervalPieces)
    em.intervals.Max = time.Duration(piecefunc.Mul(uint64(em.config.EmitIntervals.Max), maxEmitIntervalRatio))

    // track when I've became validator
    now := time.Now()
    if em.myStakerID != 0 && !, em.myStakerID) {
        em.syncStatus.becameValidatorTime = now

// OnNewEvent tracks new events to find out am I properly synced or not
func (em *Emitter) OnNewEvent(e *inter.Event) {
    if em.myStakerID == 0 || em.myStakerID != e.Creator {
    if em.syncStatus.prevLocalEmittedID == e.Hash() {

    // event was emitted by me on another instance
    em.syncStatus.prevExternalEmittedTime = time.Now()

    eventTime := inter.MaxTimestamp(e.ClaimedTime, e.MedianTime).Time()
    if eventTime.Before(em.syncStatus.startupTime) {

    passedSinceEvent := time.Since(eventTime)
    threshold := em.intervals.SelfForkProtection
    if threshold > time.Minute {
        threshold = time.Minute
    if passedSinceEvent <= threshold {
        reason := "Received a recent event (event id=%s) from this validator (staker ID=%d) which wasn't created on this node.\n" +
            "This external event was created %s, %s ago at the time of this error.\n" +
            "It might mean that a duplicating instance of the same validator is running simultaneously, which may eventually lead to a doublesign.\n" +
            "The node was stopped by one of the doublesign protection heuristics.\n" +
            "There's no guaranteed automatic protection against a doublesign," +
            "please always ensure that no more than one instance of the same validator is running."
        errlock.Permanent(fmt.Errorf(reason, e.Hash().String(), em.myStakerID, e.ClaimedTime.Time().Local().String(), passedSinceEvent.String()))


func (em *Emitter) isSynced() (bool, string, time.Duration) {
    if em.intervals.SelfForkProtection == 0 {
        return true, "", 0 // protection disabled
    if == 0 {
        return false, "no connections", 0
    if ! {
        return false, "synchronizing (all the peers have higher/lower epoch)", 0
    sinceLastExternalEvent := time.Since(em.syncStatus.prevExternalEmittedTime)
    if sinceLastExternalEvent < em.intervals.SelfForkProtection {
        return false, "synchronizing (not downloaded all the self-events)", em.intervals.SelfForkProtection - sinceLastExternalEvent
    sinceBecameValidator := time.Since(em.syncStatus.becameValidatorTime)
    if sinceBecameValidator < em.intervals.SelfForkProtection {
        return false, "synchronizing (just joined the validators group)", em.intervals.SelfForkProtection - sinceBecameValidator
    syncedPassed := time.Since(em.syncStatus.syncedTime)
    if syncedPassed < em.intervals.SelfForkProtection {
        return false, "synchronized (waiting additional time)", em.intervals.SelfForkProtection - syncedPassed
    connectedPassed := time.Since(em.syncStatus.connectedTime)
    if connectedPassed < em.intervals.SelfForkProtection {
        return false, "synchronizing (recently connected)", em.intervals.SelfForkProtection - connectedPassed

    return true, "", 0

func (em *Emitter) logSyncStatus(synced bool, reason string, wait time.Duration) bool {
    if synced {
        return true

    if wait == 0 {
        em.Periodic.Info(25*time.Second, "Emitting is paused", "reason", reason)
    } else {
        em.Periodic.Info(25*time.Second, "Emitting is paused", "reason", reason, "wait", wait)
    return false

// return true if event is in epoch tail (unlikely to confirm)
func (em *Emitter) isEpochTail(e *inter.Event) bool {
    return e.Frame >=

func (em *Emitter) maxGasPowerToUse(e *inter.Event) uint64 {
    // No txs in epoch tail, because tail events are unlikely to confirm
        if em.isEpochTail(e) {
            return 0
    // No txs if power is low
        threshold := em.config.NoTxsThreshold
        if e.GasPowerLeft.Min() <= threshold {
            return 0
        if e.GasPowerLeft.Min() < threshold+params.MaxGasPowerUsed {
            return e.GasPowerLeft.Min() - threshold
    // Smooth TPS if power isn't big
        threshold := em.config.SmoothTpsThreshold
        if e.GasPowerLeft.Min() <= threshold {
            // it's emitter, so no need in determinism => fine to use float
            passedTime := float64(e.ClaimedTime.Time().Sub(em.prevEmittedTime)) / (float64(time.Second))
            maxGasUsed := uint64(passedTime * em.gasRate.Rate1() * em.config.MaxGasRateGrowthFactor)
            if maxGasUsed > params.MaxGasPowerUsed {
                maxGasUsed = params.MaxGasPowerUsed
            return maxGasUsed
    maxGasUsed := uint64(params.MaxGasPowerUsed)
    if time.Since( > 2*em.intervals.Max {
        maxGasUsed /= 2
    if time.Since( > 3*em.intervals.Max {
        maxGasUsed /= 2
    if time.Since( > 4*em.intervals.Max {
        maxGasUsed /= 15
    return maxGasUsed

func (em *Emitter) isAllowedToEmit(e *inter.Event, selfParent *inter.EventHeaderData) bool {
    passedTime := e.ClaimedTime.Time().Sub(em.prevEmittedTime)
    // Slow down emitting if power is low
        threshold := em.config.NoTxsThreshold
        if e.GasPowerLeft.Min() <= threshold {
            // it's emitter, so no need in determinism => fine to use float
            minT := float64(em.intervals.Min)
            maxT := float64(em.intervals.Max)
            factor := float64(e.GasPowerLeft.Min()) / float64(threshold)
            adjustedEmitInterval := time.Duration(maxT - (maxT-minT)*factor)
            if passedTime < adjustedEmitInterval {
                return false
    // Forbid emitting if not enough power and power is decreasing
        threshold := em.config.EmergencyThreshold
        if e.GasPowerLeft.Min() <= threshold {
            if selfParent != nil && e.GasPowerLeft.Min() < selfParent.GasPowerLeft.Min() {
                validators :=
                em.Periodic.Warn(10*time.Second, "Not enough power to emit event, waiting",
                    "power", e.GasPowerLeft.String(),
                    "selfParentPower", selfParent.GasPowerLeft.String(),
                    "stake%", 100*float64(validators.Get(e.Creator))/float64(validators.TotalStake()))
                return false
    // Slow down emitting if no txs to confirm/post, and not at epoch tail
        if passedTime < em.intervals.Max &&
   == 0 &&
            len(e.Transactions) == 0 &&
            !em.isEpochTail(e) {
            return false
    // Emit no more than 1 event per confirmingEmitInterval (when there's no txs to originate, but at least 1 tx to confirm)
        interval := em.intervals.Confirming
        if time.Since( > 2*em.intervals.Max {
            interval *= 2
        if time.Since( > 3*em.intervals.Max {
            interval *= 2
        if time.Since( > 4*em.intervals.Max {
            interval *= 25
        if passedTime < interval &&
   != 0 &&
            len(e.Transactions) == 0 {
            return false

    return true

func (em *Emitter) EmitEvent() *inter.Event {
    if em.myStakerID == 0 {
        return nil // short circuit if not validator

    poolTxs, err := // request txs before locking engineMu to prevent deadlock!
    if err != nil {
        em.Log.Error("Tx pool transactions fetching error", "err", err)
        return nil

    for _, tt := range poolTxs {
        for _, t := range tt {
            span := tracing.CheckTx(t.Hash(), "Emitter.EmitEvent(candidate)")
            defer span.Finish()

    e := em.createEvent(poolTxs)
    if e == nil {
        return nil
    em.syncStatus.prevLocalEmittedID = e.Hash()

    if != nil {
    em.prevEmittedTime = time.Now() // record time after connecting, to add the event processing time"
    em.Log.Info("New event emitted", "id", e.Hash(), "parents", len(e.Parents), "by", e.Creator, "frame", inter.FmtFrame(e.Frame, e.IsRoot), "txs", e.Transactions.Len(), "t", time.Since(e.ClaimedTime.Time()))

    // metrics
    for _, t := range e.Transactions {
        span := tracing.CheckTx(t.Hash(), "Emitter.EmitEvent()")
        defer span.Finish()

    return e

func (em *Emitter) nameEventForDebug(e *inter.Event) {
    name := []rune(hash.GetNodeName(e.Creator))
    if len(name) < 1 {

    name = name[len(name)-1:]
    hash.SetEventName(e.Hash(), fmt.Sprintf("%s%03d",