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Test Coverage
// Copyright 2015 The go-ethereum Authors
// This file is part of the go-ethereum library.
// The go-ethereum library is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// The go-ethereum library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
// along with the go-ethereum library. If not, see <>.

// Package filters implements an ethereum filtering system for block,
// transactions and log events.
package filters

import (

    ethereum ""
    notify ""


// Type determines the kind of filter and is used to put the filter in to
// the correct bucket when added.
type Type byte

const (
    // UnknownSubscription indicates an unknown subscription type
    UnknownSubscription Type = iota
    // LogsSubscription queries for new or removed (chain reorg) logs
    // PendingLogsSubscription queries for logs in pending blocks
    // MinedAndPendingLogsSubscription queries for logs in mined and pending blocks.
    // PendingTransactionsSubscription queries tx hashes for pending
    // transactions entering the pending state
    // BlocksSubscription queries hashes for blocks that are imported
    // LastSubscription keeps track of the last index

const (

    // txChanSize is the size of channel listening to NewTxsEvent.
    // The number is referenced from the size of tx pool.
    txChanSize = 4096
    // logsChanSize is the size of channel listening to LogsEvent.
    logsChanSize = 10
    // blocksChanSize is the size of channel listening to BlocksEvent.
    blocksChanSize = 10

var (
    ErrInvalidSubscriptionID = errors.New("invalid id")

type subscription struct {
    id        rpc.ID
    typ       Type
    created   time.Time
    logsCrit  ethereum.FilterQuery
    logs      chan []*types.Log
    hashes    chan []common.Hash
    headers   chan *types.Header
    installed chan struct{} // closed when the filter is installed
    err       chan error    // closed when the filter is uninstalled

// EventSystem creates subscriptions, processes events and broadcasts them to the
// subscription which match the subscription criteria.
type EventSystem struct {
    backend Backend

    // Subscriptions
    txsSub    notify.Subscription // Subscription for new transaction notify
    logsSub   notify.Subscription // Subscription for new log notify
    blocksSub notify.Subscription // Subscription for new chain notify

    // Channels
    install   chan *subscription           // install filter for event notification
    uninstall chan *subscription           // remove filter for event notification
    txsCh     chan core.NewTxsEvent        // Channel to receive new transactions notify
    logsCh    chan []*types.Log            // Channel to receive new log notify
    blocksCh  chan evmcore.ChainHeadNotify // Channel to receive new chain notify

// NewEventSystem creates a new manager that listens for event on the given chans,
// parses and filters them. It uses the all map to retrieve filter changes. The
// work loop holds its own index that is used to forward events to filters.
// The returned manager has a loop that needs to be stopped with the Stop function.
func NewEventSystem(backend Backend) *EventSystem {
    m := &EventSystem{
        backend:   backend,
        install:   make(chan *subscription),
        uninstall: make(chan *subscription),
        blocksCh:  make(chan evmcore.ChainHeadNotify, blocksChanSize),
        txsCh:     make(chan core.NewTxsEvent, txChanSize),
        logsCh:    make(chan []*types.Log, logsChanSize),

    // Subscribe events
    m.blocksSub = m.backend.SubscribeNewBlockEvent(m.blocksCh)
    m.txsSub = m.backend.SubscribeNewTxsEvent(m.txsCh)
    m.logsSub = m.backend.SubscribeLogsEvent(m.logsCh)

    // Make sure none of the subscriptions are empty
    if m.txsSub == nil || m.logsSub == nil || m.blocksSub == nil {
        log.Crit("Subscribe for event system failed")

    go m.eventLoop()
    return m

// Subscription is created when the client registers itself for a particular event.
type Subscription struct {
    ID        rpc.ID
    f         *subscription
    es        *EventSystem
    unsubOnce sync.Once

// Err returns a channel that is closed when unsubscribed.
func (sub *Subscription) Err() <-chan error {
    return sub.f.err

// Unsubscribe uninstalls the subscription from the event broadcast loop.
func (sub *Subscription) Unsubscribe() {
    sub.unsubOnce.Do(func() {
        for {
            // write uninstall request and consume logs/hashes. This prevents
            // the eventLoop broadcast method to deadlock when writing to the
            // filter event channel while the subscription loop is waiting for
            // this method to return (and thus not reading these events).
            select {
            case <- sub.f:
                break uninstallLoop
            case <-sub.f.logs:
            case <-sub.f.hashes:
            case <-sub.f.headers:

        // wait for filter to be uninstalled in work loop before returning
        // this ensures that the manager won't use the event channel which
        // will probably be closed by the client asap after this method returns.

// subscribe installs the subscription in the event broadcast loop.
func (es *EventSystem) subscribe(sub *subscription) *Subscription {
    es.install <- sub
    return &Subscription{ID:, f: sub, es: es}

// SubscribeLogs creates a subscription that will write all logs matching the
// given criteria to the given logs channel. Default value for the from and to
// block is "latest". If the fromBlock > toBlock an error is returned.
func (es *EventSystem) SubscribeLogs(crit ethereum.FilterQuery, logs chan []*types.Log) (*Subscription, error) {
    var from, to rpc.BlockNumber
    if crit.FromBlock == nil {
        from = rpc.LatestBlockNumber
    } else {
        from = rpc.BlockNumber(crit.FromBlock.Int64())
    if crit.ToBlock == nil {
        to = rpc.LatestBlockNumber
    } else {
        to = rpc.BlockNumber(crit.ToBlock.Int64())

    // only interested in pending logs
    if from == rpc.PendingBlockNumber && to == rpc.PendingBlockNumber {
        return es.subscribePendingLogs(crit, logs), nil
    // only interested in new mined logs
    if from == rpc.LatestBlockNumber && to == rpc.LatestBlockNumber {
        return es.subscribeLogs(crit, logs), nil
    // only interested in mined logs within a specific block range
    if from >= 0 && to >= 0 && to >= from {
        return es.subscribeLogs(crit, logs), nil
    // interested in mined logs from a specific block number, new logs and pending logs
    if from >= rpc.LatestBlockNumber && to == rpc.PendingBlockNumber {
        return es.subscribeMinedPendingLogs(crit, logs), nil
    // interested in logs from a specific block number to new mined blocks
    if from >= 0 && to == rpc.LatestBlockNumber {
        return es.subscribeLogs(crit, logs), nil
    return nil, fmt.Errorf("invalid from and to block combination: from > to")

// subscribeMinedPendingLogs creates a subscription that returned mined and
// pending logs that match the given criteria.
func (es *EventSystem) subscribeMinedPendingLogs(crit ethereum.FilterQuery, logs chan []*types.Log) *Subscription {
    sub := &subscription{
        id:        rpc.NewID(),
        typ:       MinedAndPendingLogsSubscription,
        logsCrit:  crit,
        created:   time.Now(),
        logs:      logs,
        hashes:    make(chan []common.Hash),
        headers:   make(chan *types.Header),
        installed: make(chan struct{}),
        err:       make(chan error),
    return es.subscribe(sub)

// subscribeLogs creates a subscription that will write all logs matching the
// given criteria to the given logs channel.
func (es *EventSystem) subscribeLogs(crit ethereum.FilterQuery, logs chan []*types.Log) *Subscription {
    sub := &subscription{
        id:        rpc.NewID(),
        typ:       LogsSubscription,
        logsCrit:  crit,
        created:   time.Now(),
        logs:      logs,
        hashes:    make(chan []common.Hash),
        headers:   make(chan *types.Header),
        installed: make(chan struct{}),
        err:       make(chan error),
    return es.subscribe(sub)

// subscribePendingLogs creates a subscription that writes transaction hashes for
// transactions that enter the transaction pool.
func (es *EventSystem) subscribePendingLogs(crit ethereum.FilterQuery, logs chan []*types.Log) *Subscription {
    sub := &subscription{
        id:        rpc.NewID(),
        typ:       PendingLogsSubscription,
        logsCrit:  crit,
        created:   time.Now(),
        logs:      logs,
        hashes:    make(chan []common.Hash),
        headers:   make(chan *types.Header),
        installed: make(chan struct{}),
        err:       make(chan error),
    return es.subscribe(sub)

// SubscribeNewHeads creates a subscription that writes the header of a block that is
// imported in the chain.
func (es *EventSystem) SubscribeNewHeads(headers chan *types.Header) *Subscription {
    sub := &subscription{
        id:        rpc.NewID(),
        typ:       BlocksSubscription,
        created:   time.Now(),
        logs:      make(chan []*types.Log),
        hashes:    make(chan []common.Hash),
        headers:   headers,
        installed: make(chan struct{}),
        err:       make(chan error),
    return es.subscribe(sub)

// SubscribePendingTxs creates a subscription that writes transaction hashes for
// transactions that enter the transaction pool.
func (es *EventSystem) SubscribePendingTxs(hashes chan []common.Hash) *Subscription {
    sub := &subscription{
        id:        rpc.NewID(),
        typ:       PendingTransactionsSubscription,
        created:   time.Now(),
        logs:      make(chan []*types.Log),
        hashes:    hashes,
        headers:   make(chan *types.Header),
        installed: make(chan struct{}),
        err:       make(chan error),
    return es.subscribe(sub)

type filterIndex map[Type]map[rpc.ID]*subscription

// broadcast event to filters that match criteria.
func (es *EventSystem) broadcast(filters filterIndex, ev interface{}) {
    if ev == nil {

    switch e := ev.(type) {
    case []*types.Log:
        if len(e) > 0 {
            for _, f := range filters[LogsSubscription] {
                if matchedLogs := filterLogs(e, f.logsCrit.FromBlock, f.logsCrit.ToBlock, f.logsCrit.Addresses, f.logsCrit.Topics); len(matchedLogs) > 0 {
                    f.logs <- matchedLogs
    case core.NewTxsEvent:
        hashes := make([]common.Hash, 0, len(e.Txs))
        for _, tx := range e.Txs {
            hashes = append(hashes, tx.Hash())
        for _, f := range filters[PendingTransactionsSubscription] {
            f.hashes <- hashes
    case evmcore.ChainHeadNotify:
        for _, f := range filters[BlocksSubscription] {
            h := e.Block.EthHeader()
            h.GasLimit = 0xffffffffffff // don't use too much bits here to avoid parsing issues
            f.headers <- h

// eventLoop (un)installs filters and processes mux events.
func (es *EventSystem) eventLoop() {
    // Ensure all subscriptions get cleaned up
    defer func() {

    index := make(filterIndex)
    for i := UnknownSubscription; i < LastIndexSubscription; i++ {
        index[i] = make(map[rpc.ID]*subscription)

    for {
        select {
        // Handle subscribed events
        case ev := <-es.txsCh:
            es.broadcast(index, ev)
        case ev := <-es.logsCh:
            es.broadcast(index, ev)
        case ev := <-es.blocksCh:
            es.broadcast(index, ev)

        case f := <-es.install:
            index[f.typ][] = f

        case f := <-es.uninstall:

        // System stopped
        case <-es.txsSub.Err():
        case <-es.logsSub.Err():
        case <-es.blocksSub.Err():