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package gossip

import (


// HookedEngine is a wrapper around any engine, which hooks ProcessEvent()
type HookedEngine struct {
    engine Consensus

    processEvent func(realEngine Consensus, e *inter.Event) error

// ProcessEvent takes event into processing.
// Event order matter: parents first.
// ProcessEvent is not safe for concurrent use
func (hook *HookedEngine) ProcessEvent(e *inter.Event) error {
    return hook.processEvent(hook.engine, e)

// GetVectorIndex returns vector clock.
func (hook *HookedEngine) GetVectorIndex() *vector.Index {
    if hook.engine == nil {
        return nil
    return hook.engine.GetVectorIndex()

// GetGenesisHash returns PrevEpochHash of first epoch.
func (hook *HookedEngine) GetGenesisHash() common.Hash {
    if hook.engine == nil {
        return common.Hash{}
    return hook.engine.GetGenesisHash()

// Prepare fills consensus-related fields: Frame, IsRoot, MedianTimestamp, PrevEpochHash, GasPowerLeft
// returns nil if event should be dropped
func (hook *HookedEngine) Prepare(e *inter.Event) *inter.Event {
    if hook.engine == nil {
        return e
    return hook.engine.Prepare(e)

// GetEpoch returns current epoch num to 3rd party.
func (hook *HookedEngine) GetEpoch() idx.Epoch {
    if hook.engine == nil {
        return 1
    return hook.engine.GetEpoch()

// GetEpochValidators atomically returns validators of current epoch, and the epoch.
func (hook *HookedEngine) GetEpochValidators() (*pos.Validators, idx.Epoch) {
    if hook.engine == nil {
        return pos.EmptyValidators, 1
    return hook.engine.GetEpochValidators()

// LastBlock returns current block.
func (hook *HookedEngine) LastBlock() (idx.Block, hash.Event) {
    if hook.engine == nil {
        return idx.Block(1), hash.ZeroEvent
    return hook.engine.LastBlock()

// GetValidators returns validators of current epoch.
func (hook *HookedEngine) GetValidators() *pos.Validators {
    if hook.engine == nil {
        return pos.EmptyValidators
    return hook.engine.GetValidators()

// GetConsensusTime calc consensus timestamp for given event, if event is confirmed.
func (hook *HookedEngine) GetConsensusTime(id hash.Event) (inter.Timestamp, error) {
    if hook.engine == nil {
        return 0, nil
    return hook.engine.GetConsensusTime(id)

// Bootstrap restores poset's state from store.
func (hook *HookedEngine) Bootstrap(callbacks inter.ConsensusCallbacks) {
    if hook.engine == nil {