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package gossip

import (

    notify ""


// Constants to match up protocol versions and messages
const (
    lachesis62 = 62 // derived from eth62

// protocolName is the official short name of the protocol used during capability negotiation.
const protocolName = "lachesis"

// ProtocolVersions are the supported versions of the protocol (first is primary).
var ProtocolVersions = []uint{lachesis62}

// protocolLengths are the number of implemented message corresponding to different protocol versions.
var protocolLengths = map[uint]uint64{lachesis62: PackMsg + 1}

const protocolMaxMsgSize = 10 * 1024 * 1024 // Maximum cap on the size of a protocol message

// protocol message codes
const (
    // Protocol messages belonging to eth/62
    EthStatusMsg = 0x00
    EvmTxMsg     = 0x02

    // Protocol messages belonging to lachesis/62

    // Signals about the current synchronization status.
    // The current peer's status is used during packs downloading,
    // and to estimate may peer be interested in the new event or not
    // (based on peer's epoch).
    ProgressMsg = 0xf0

    // Non-aggressive events propagation. Signals about newly-connected
    // batch of events, sending only their IDs.
    NewEventHashesMsg = 0xf1

    // Request the batch of events by IDs
    GetEventsMsg = 0xf2
    // Contains the batch of events.
    // May be an answer to GetEventsMsg, or be sent during aggressive events propagation.
    EventsMsg = 0xf3

    // Request pack infos by epoch:pack indexes
    GetPackInfosMsg = 0xf4
    // Contains the requested pack infos. An answer to GetPackInfosMsg.
    PackInfosMsg = 0xf5

    // Request pack by epoch:pack index
    GetPackMsg = 0xf6
    // Contains the requested pack. An answer to GetPackMsg.
    PackMsg = 0xf7

type errCode int

const (
    ErrMsgTooLarge = iota
    ErrEmptyMessage = 0xf00

func (e errCode) String() string {
    return errorToString[int(e)]

// XXX change once legacy code is out
var errorToString = map[int]string{
    ErrMsgTooLarge:             "Message too long",
    ErrDecode:                  "Invalid message",
    ErrInvalidMsgCode:          "Invalid message code",
    ErrProtocolVersionMismatch: "Protocol version mismatch",
    ErrNetworkIDMismatch:       "NetworkId mismatch",
    ErrGenesisMismatch:         "Genesis object mismatch",
    ErrNoStatusMsg:             "No status message",
    ErrExtraStatusMsg:          "Extra status message",
    ErrSuspendedPeer:           "Suspended peer",
    ErrEmptyMessage:            "Empty message",

type txPool interface {
    // AddRemotes should add the given transactions to the pool.
    AddRemotes([]*types.Transaction) []error

    // Pending should return pending transactions.
    // The slice should be modifiable by the caller.
    Pending() (map[common.Address]types.Transactions, error)

    // SubscribeNewTxsNotify should return an event subscription of
    // NewTxsNotify and send events to the given channel.
    SubscribeNewTxsNotify(chan<- evmcore.NewTxsNotify) notify.Subscription

// ethStatusData is the network packet for the status message. It's used for compatibility with some ETH wallets.
type ethStatusData struct {
    ProtocolVersion   uint32
    NetworkID         uint64
    DummyTD           *big.Int
    DummyCurrentBlock common.Hash
    Genesis           common.Hash

// PeerProgress is synchronization status of a peer
type PeerProgress struct {
    Epoch        idx.Epoch
    NumOfBlocks  idx.Block
    LastPackInfo PackInfo
    LastBlock    hash.Event

type packInfosData struct {
    Epoch           idx.Epoch
    TotalNumOfPacks idx.Pack // in specified epoch
    Infos           []PackInfo

type packInfosDataRLP struct {
    Epoch           idx.Epoch
    TotalNumOfPacks idx.Pack // in specified epoch
    RawInfos        []rlp.RawValue

type getPackInfosData struct {
    Epoch   idx.Epoch
    Indexes []idx.Pack

type getPackData struct {
    Epoch idx.Epoch
    Index idx.Pack

type packData struct {
    Epoch idx.Epoch
    Index idx.Pack
    IDs   hash.Events