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3 hrs
Test Coverage
package gossip

import (

    lru ""


// Store is a node persistent storage working over physical key-value database.
type Store struct {
    dbs *flushable.SyncedPool
    cfg StoreConfig

    async *asyncStore

    mainDb kvdb.KeyValueStore
    app    *app.Store
    table  struct {
        Version kvdb.KeyValueStore `table:"_"`

        // network version table
        NetworkVersion kvdb.KeyValueStore `table:"J"`

        // Main DAG tables
        Events         kvdb.KeyValueStore `table:"e"`
        Blocks         kvdb.KeyValueStore `table:"b"`
        PackInfos      kvdb.KeyValueStore `table:"p"`
        Packs          kvdb.KeyValueStore `table:"P"`
        PacksNum       kvdb.KeyValueStore `table:"n"`
        HighestLamport kvdb.KeyValueStore `table:"u"`

        // general economy tables
        EpochStats kvdb.KeyValueStore `table:"E"`

        // gas power economy tables
        LastEpochHeaders kvdb.KeyValueStore `table:"l"`

        // API-only tables
        BlockHashes     kvdb.KeyValueStore `table:"h"`
        TxPositions     kvdb.KeyValueStore `table:"x"`
        DecisiveEvents  kvdb.KeyValueStore `table:"9"`
        EventLocalTimes kvdb.KeyValueStore `table:"!"`

        TmpDbs kvdb.KeyValueStore `table:"T"`

    EpochDbs *temporary.Dbs

    cache struct {
        Events         *lru.Cache   `cache:"-"` // store by pointer
        EventsHeaders  *lru.Cache   `cache:"-"` // store by pointer
        Blocks         *lru.Cache   `cache:"-"` // store by pointer
        PackInfos      *lru.Cache   `cache:"-"` // store by value
        EpochStats     *lru.Cache   `cache:"-"` // store by value
        TxPositions    *lru.Cache   `cache:"-"` // store by pointer
        BlockHashes    *lru.Cache   `cache:"-"` // store by pointer
        HighestLamport atomic.Value // store by value

    mutex struct {
        Inc sync.Mutex


// NewMemStore creates store over memory map.
func NewMemStore() *Store {
    mems := memorydb.NewProducer("")
    dbs := flushable.NewSyncedPool(mems)
    cfg := LiteStoreConfig()
    appCfg := app.LiteStoreConfig()

    return NewStore(dbs, cfg, appCfg)

// NewStore creates store over key-value db.
func NewStore(dbs *flushable.SyncedPool, cfg StoreConfig, appCfg app.StoreConfig) *Store {
    s := &Store{
        dbs:      dbs,
        cfg:      cfg,
        async:    newAsyncStore(dbs),
        mainDb:   dbs.GetDb("gossip-main"),
        Instance: logger.MakeInstance(),

    table.MigrateTables(&s.table, s.mainDb)

    s.EpochDbs = s.newTmpDbs("epoch", func(ver uint64) (
        db kvdb.KeyValueStore,
        tables interface{},
    ) {
        db = s.dbs.GetDb(fmt.Sprintf("gossip-epoch-%d", ver))
        tables = newEpochStore(db)

    s.initCache() = app.NewStore(s.mainDb, appCfg)

    return s

func (s *Store) newTmpDbs(name string, maker temporary.DbMaker) *temporary.Dbs {
    t := table.New(s.table.TmpDbs, []byte(name))
    dbs := temporary.NewDbs(t, maker)

    return dbs

func (s *Store) initCache() {
    s.cache.Events = s.makeCache(s.cfg.EventsCacheSize)
    s.cache.EventsHeaders = s.makeCache(s.cfg.EventsHeadersCacheSize)
    s.cache.Blocks = s.makeCache(s.cfg.BlockCacheSize)
    s.cache.PackInfos = s.makeCache(s.cfg.PackInfosCacheSize)
    s.cache.EpochStats = s.makeCache(s.cfg.EpochStatsCacheSize)
    s.cache.TxPositions = s.makeCache(s.cfg.TxPositionsCacheSize)
    s.cache.BlockHashes = s.makeCache(s.cfg.BlockCacheSize)

// Close leaves underlying database.
func (s *Store) Close() {
    setnil := func() interface{} {
        return nil

    table.MigrateTables(&s.table, nil)
    table.MigrateCaches(&s.cache, setnil)


// Commit changes.
func (s *Store) Commit(flushID []byte, immediately bool) error {
    if flushID == nil {
        // if flushId not specified, use current time
        buf := bytes.NewBuffer(nil)
        buf.Write([]byte{0xbe, 0xee})                                    // 0xbeee eyecatcher that flushed time
        buf.Write(bigendian.Int64ToBytes(uint64(time.Now().UnixNano()))) // current UnixNano time
        flushID = buf.Bytes()

    if !immediately && !s.dbs.IsFlushNeeded() {
        return nil

    // Flush the DBs
    err :=
    if err != nil {
        return err
    return s.dbs.Flush(flushID)

func (s *Store) App() *app.Store {

 * Utils:

// set RLP value
func (s *Store) set(table kvdb.KeyValueStore, key []byte, val interface{}) {
    buf, err := rlp.EncodeToBytes(val)
    if err != nil {
        s.Log.Crit("Failed to encode rlp", "err", err)

    if err := table.Put(key, buf); err != nil {
        s.Log.Crit("Failed to put key-value", "err", err)

// get RLP value
func (s *Store) get(table kvdb.KeyValueStore, key []byte, to interface{}) interface{} {
    buf, err := table.Get(key)
    if err != nil {
        s.Log.Crit("Failed to get key-value", "err", err)
    if buf == nil {
        return nil

    err = rlp.DecodeBytes(buf, to)
    if err != nil {
        s.Log.Crit("Failed to decode rlp", "err", err, "size", len(buf))
    return to

func (s *Store) has(table kvdb.KeyValueStore, key []byte) bool {
    res, err := table.Has(key)
    if err != nil {
        s.Log.Crit("Failed to get key", "err", err)
    return res

func (s *Store) rmPrefix(t kvdb.KeyValueStore, prefix string) {
    it := t.NewIterator([]byte(prefix), nil)
    defer it.Release()

    s.dropTable(it, t)

func (s *Store) dropTable(it ethdb.Iterator, t kvdb.KeyValueStore) {
    keys := make([][]byte, 0, 500) // don't write during iteration

    for it.Next() {
        keys = append(keys, it.Key())

    for i := range keys {
        err := t.Delete(keys[i])
        if err != nil {
            s.Log.Crit("Failed to erase key-value", "err", err)

func (s *Store) makeCache(size int) *lru.Cache {
    if size <= 0 {
        return nil

    cache, err := lru.New(size)
    if err != nil {
        s.Log.Crit("Error create LRU cache", "err", err)
        return nil
    return cache