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Test Coverage
package gossip

import (

// SetBlock stores chain block.
func (s *Store) SetBlock(b *inter.Block) {
    s.set(s.table.Blocks, b.Index.Bytes(), b)

    // Add to LRU cache.
    if b != nil && s.cache.Blocks != nil {
        s.cache.Blocks.Add(b.Index, b)

// GetBlock returns stored block.
func (s *Store) GetBlock(n idx.Block) *inter.Block {
    // Get block from LRU cache first.
    if s.cache.Blocks != nil {
        if c, ok := s.cache.Blocks.Get(n); ok {
            if b, ok := c.(*inter.Block); ok {
                return b

    block, _ := s.get(s.table.Blocks, n.Bytes(), &inter.Block{}).(*inter.Block)

    // Add to LRU cache.
    if block != nil && s.cache.Blocks != nil {
        s.cache.Blocks.Add(n, block)

    return block

func (s *Store) ForEachBlock(fn func(index idx.Block, block *inter.Block)) {
    it := s.table.Blocks.NewIterator(nil, nil)
    for it.Next() {
        var block inter.Block
        err := rlp.DecodeBytes(it.Value(), &block)
        if err != nil {
            s.Log.Crit("Failed to decode block", "err", err)
        fn(idx.BytesToBlock(it.Key()), &block)

// SetBlockIndex stores chain block index.
func (s *Store) SetBlockIndex(id hash.Event, n idx.Block) {
    if err := s.table.BlockHashes.Put(id.Bytes(), n.Bytes()); err != nil {
        s.Log.Crit("Failed to put key-value", "err", err)

    s.cache.BlockHashes.Add(id, n)

// GetBlockIndex returns stored block index.
func (s *Store) GetBlockIndex(id hash.Event) *idx.Block {
    nVal, ok := s.cache.BlockHashes.Get(id)
    if ok {
        n, ok := nVal.(idx.Block)
        if ok {
            return &n

    buf, err := s.table.BlockHashes.Get(id.Bytes())
    if err != nil {
        s.Log.Crit("Failed to get key-value", "err", err)
    if buf == nil {
        return nil
    n := idx.BytesToBlock(buf)

    s.cache.BlockHashes.Add(id, n)

    return &n

// GetBlockByHash get block by block hash
func (s *Store) GetBlockByHash(id hash.Event) *inter.Block {
    return s.GetBlock(*s.GetBlockIndex(id))