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Test Coverage
package gossip

    In LRU cache data stored like pointer

import (



type (
    epochStore struct {
        Headers kvdb.KeyValueStore `table:"h"`
        Tips    kvdb.KeyValueStore `table:"t"`
        Heads   kvdb.KeyValueStore `table:"H"`

func newEpochStore(db kvdb.KeyValueStore) *epochStore {
    es := &epochStore{}
    table.MigrateTables(es, db)

    err := errors.New("database closed")

    es.Headers = skiperrors.Wrap(es.Headers, err)
    es.Tips = skiperrors.Wrap(es.Tips, err)
    es.Heads = skiperrors.Wrap(es.Heads, err)

    return es

// getEpochStore is not safe for concurrent use.
func (s *Store) getEpochStore(epoch idx.Epoch) *epochStore {
    tables := s.EpochDbs.Get(uint64(epoch))
    if tables == nil {
        return nil

    return tables.(*epochStore)

// delEpochStore is not safe for concurrent use.
func (s *Store) delEpochStore(epoch idx.Epoch) {
    // Clear full LRU cache.
    if s.cache.EventsHeaders != nil {

// SetLastEvent stores last unconfirmed event from a validator (off-chain)
func (s *Store) SetLastEvent(epoch idx.Epoch, from idx.StakerID, id hash.Event) {
    es := s.getEpochStore(epoch)
    if es == nil {

    key := from.Bytes()
    if err := es.Tips.Put(key, id.Bytes()); err != nil {
        s.Log.Crit("Failed to put key-value", "err", err)

// GetLastEvent returns stored last unconfirmed event from a validator (off-chain)
func (s *Store) GetLastEvent(epoch idx.Epoch, from idx.StakerID) *hash.Event {
    es := s.getEpochStore(epoch)
    if es == nil {
        return nil

    key := from.Bytes()
    idBytes, err := es.Tips.Get(key)
    if err != nil {
        s.Log.Crit("Failed to get key-value", "err", err)
    if idBytes == nil {
        return nil
    id := hash.BytesToEvent(idBytes)
    return &id

// SetEventHeader returns stored event header.
func (s *Store) SetEventHeader(epoch idx.Epoch, h hash.Event, e *inter.EventHeaderData) {
    es := s.getEpochStore(epoch)
    if es == nil {

    key := h.Bytes()

    s.set(es.Headers, key, e)

    // Save to LRU cache.
    if e != nil && s.cache.EventsHeaders != nil {
        s.cache.EventsHeaders.Add(h, e)

// GetEventHeader returns stored event header.
func (s *Store) GetEventHeader(epoch idx.Epoch, h hash.Event) *inter.EventHeaderData {
    key := h.Bytes()

    // Check LRU cache first.
    if s.cache.EventsHeaders != nil {
        if v, ok := s.cache.EventsHeaders.Get(h); ok {
            if w, ok := v.(*inter.EventHeaderData); ok {
                return w

    es := s.getEpochStore(epoch)
    if es == nil {
        return nil

    w, _ := s.get(es.Headers, key, &inter.EventHeaderData{}).(*inter.EventHeaderData)

    // Save to LRU cache.
    if w != nil && s.cache.EventsHeaders != nil {
        s.cache.EventsHeaders.Add(h, w)

    return w

// HasEvent returns true if event exists.
func (s *Store) HasEventHeader(h hash.Event) bool {
    es := s.getEpochStore(h.Epoch())
    if es == nil {
        return false

    return s.has(es.Headers, h.Bytes())

// DelEventHeader removes stored event header.
func (s *Store) DelEventHeader(epoch idx.Epoch, h hash.Event) {
    es := s.getEpochStore(epoch)
    if es == nil {

    key := h.Bytes()
    err := es.Headers.Delete(key)
    if err != nil {
        s.Log.Crit("Failed to delete key", "err", err)

    // Remove from LRU cache.
    if s.cache.EventsHeaders != nil {