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Test Coverage
package hash

import (



type (
    // Event is a unique identifier of event.
    // It is a hash of Event.
    Event common.Hash

    // OrderedEvents is a sortable slice of event hashes.
    OrderedEvents []Event

    // Events is a slice of event hashes.
    Events []Event

    EventsStack []Event

    // EventsSet provides additional methods of event hash index.
    EventsSet map[Event]struct{}

var (
    // ZeroEvent is a hash of virtual initial event.
    ZeroEvent = Event{}

 * Event methods:

// Bytes returns value as byte slice.
func (h Event) Bytes() []byte {
    return (common.Hash)(h).Bytes()

// Big converts a hash to a big integer.
func (h *Event) Big() *big.Int {
    return (*common.Hash)(h).Big()

// SetBytes converts bytes to event hash.
// If b is larger than len(h), b will be cropped from the left.
func (h *Event) SetBytes(raw []byte) {

// BytesToEvent converts bytes to event hash.
// If b is larger than len(h), b will be cropped from the left.
func BytesToEvent(b []byte) Event {
    return Event(FromBytes(b))

// FromBytes converts bytes to hash.
// If b is larger than len(h), b will be cropped from the left.
func FromBytes(b []byte) common.Hash {
    var h common.Hash
    return h

// HexToEventHash sets byte representation of s to hash.
// If b is larger than len(h), b will be cropped from the left.
func HexToEventHash(s string) Event {
    return Event(common.HexToHash(s))

// Hex converts an event hash to a hex string.
func (h Event) Hex() string {
    return common.Hash(h).Hex()

// Lamport returns [4:8] bytes, which store event's Lamport.
func (h Event) Lamport() idx.Lamport {
    return idx.BytesToLamport(h[4:8])

// Epoch returns [0:4] bytes, which store event's Epoch.
func (h Event) Epoch() idx.Epoch {
    return idx.BytesToEpoch(h[0:4])

// String returns human readable string representation.
func (h Event) String() string {
    return h.ShortID(3)

// FullID returns human readable string representation with no information loss.
func (h Event) FullID() string {
    return h.ShortID(32 - 4 - 4)

// ShortID returns human readable ID representation, suitable for API calls.
func (h Event) ShortID(precision int) string {
    if name := GetEventName(h); len(name) > 0 {
        return name
    // last bytes, because first are occupied by epoch and lamport
    return fmt.Sprintf("%d:%d:%s", h.Epoch(), h.Lamport(), common.Bytes2Hex(h[8:8+precision]))

// IsZero returns true if hash is empty.
func (h *Event) IsZero() bool {
    return *h == Event{}

 * EventsSet methods:

// NewEventsSet makes event hash index.
func NewEventsSet(h ...Event) EventsSet {
    hh := EventsSet{}
    return hh

// Copy copies events to a new structure.
func (hh EventsSet) Copy() EventsSet {
    ee := make(EventsSet, len(hh))
    for k, v := range hh {
        ee[k] = v

    return ee

// String returns human readable string representation.
func (hh EventsSet) String() string {
    ss := make([]string, 0, len(hh))
    for h := range hh {
        ss = append(ss, h.String())
    return "[" + strings.Join(ss, ", ") + "]"

// Slice returns whole index as slice.
func (hh EventsSet) Slice() Events {
    arr := make(Events, len(hh))
    i := 0
    for h := range hh {
        arr[i] = h
    return arr

// Add appends hash to the index.
func (hh EventsSet) Add(hash ...Event) (changed bool) {
    for _, h := range hash {
        if _, ok := hh[h]; !ok {
            hh[h] = struct{}{}
            changed = true

// Erase erase hash from the index.
func (hh EventsSet) Erase(hash ...Event) (changed bool) {
    for _, h := range hash {
        if _, ok := hh[h]; ok {
            delete(hh, h)
            changed = true

// Contains returns true if hash is in.
func (hh EventsSet) Contains(hash Event) bool {
    _, ok := hh[hash]
    return ok

 * Events methods:

// NewEvents makes event hash slice.
func NewEvents(h ...Event) Events {
    hh := Events{}
    return hh

// Copy copies events to a new structure.
func (hh Events) Copy() Events {
    ee := make(Events, len(hh))
    for k, v := range hh {
        ee[k] = v

    return ee

// String returns human readable string representation.
func (hh Events) String() string {
    ss := make([]string, 0, len(hh))
    for _, h := range hh {
        ss = append(ss, h.String())
    return "[" + strings.Join(ss, ", ") + "]"

// Set returns whole index as a EventsSet.
func (hh Events) Set() EventsSet {
    set := make(EventsSet, len(hh))
    for _, h := range hh {
        set[h] = struct{}{}
    return set

// Add appends hash to the slice.
func (hh *Events) Add(hash ...Event) {
    *hh = append(*hh, hash...)

 * EventsStack methods:

// Push event ID on top
func (s *EventsStack) Push(v Event) {
    *s = append(*s, v)

// PushAll event IDs on top
func (s *EventsStack) PushAll(vv Events) {
    *s = append(*s, vv...)

// Pop event ID from top. Erases element.
func (s *EventsStack) Pop() *Event {
    l := len(*s)
    if l == 0 {
        return nil

    res := &(*s)[l-1]
    *s = (*s)[:l-1]

    return res

 * OrderedEvents methods:

// String returns string representation.
func (hh OrderedEvents) String() string {
    buf := &strings.Builder{}

    out := func(s string) {
        if _, err := buf.WriteString(s); err != nil {

    for _, h := range hh {
        out(h.String() + ", ")

    return buf.String()

// ToWire converts to simple slice.
func (hh OrderedEvents) ToWire() [][]byte {
    res := make([][]byte, len(hh))
    for i, h := range hh {
        res[i] = h.Bytes()

    return res

// WireToOrderedEvents converts from simple slice.
func WireToOrderedEvents(buf [][]byte) OrderedEvents {
    if buf == nil {
        return nil

    hh := make(OrderedEvents, len(buf))
    for i, b := range buf {
        hh[i] = BytesToEvent(b)

    return hh

func (hh OrderedEvents) Len() int      { return len(hh) }
func (hh OrderedEvents) Swap(i, j int) { hh[i], hh[j] = hh[j], hh[i] }
func (hh OrderedEvents) Less(i, j int) bool {
    return bytes.Compare(hh[i].Bytes(), hh[j].Bytes()) < 0

// Of returns hash of data
func Of(data ...[]byte) (hash common.Hash) {
    d := sha3.NewLegacyKeccak256()
    for _, b := range data {
        _, err := d.Write(b)
        if err != nil {
    return hash

 * Utils:

// FakePeer generates random fake peer id for testing purpose.
func FakePeer(seed ...int64) idx.StakerID {
    return idx.BytesToStakerID(FakeHash(seed...).Bytes()[:4])

// FakeEpoch gives fixed value of fake epoch for testing purpose.
func FakeEpoch() idx.Epoch {
    return 123456

// FakeEvent generates random fake event hash with the same epoch for testing purpose.
func FakeEvent() (h Event) {
    _, err := rand.Read(h[:])
    if err != nil {
    copy(h[0:4], bigendian.Int32ToBytes(uint32(FakeEpoch())))

// FakeEvents generates random hashes of fake event with the same epoch for testing purpose.
func FakeEvents(n int) Events {
    res := Events{}
    for i := 0; i < n; i++ {
    return res