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Test Coverage
package hash

import (


type (
    // Transaction is a unique identifier of internal transaction.
    // It is a hash of Transaction.
    Transaction common.Hash

var (
    // ZeroTransaction is a hash of virtual initial transaction.
    ZeroTransaction = Transaction{}

// HexToTransactionHash sets byte representation of s to hash.
// If b is larger than len(h), b will be cropped from the left.
func HexToTransactionHash(s string) Transaction {
    return Transaction(common.HexToHash(s))

// Bytes returns value as byte slice.
func (h Transaction) Bytes() []byte {
    return (common.Hash)(h).Bytes()

// Hex converts an event hash to a hex string.
func (h Transaction) Hex() string {
    return common.Hash(h).Hex()

// IsZero returns true if hash is empty.
func (h *Transaction) IsZero() bool {
    return *h == Transaction{}

 * Utils:

// FakeTransaction generates random fake hash for testing purpose.
func FakeTransaction() Transaction {
    return Transaction(FakeHash())

// FakeHash generates random fake hash for testing purpose.
func FakeHash(seed ...int64) (h common.Hash) {
    randRead := rand.Read

    if len(seed) > 0 {
        src := rand.NewSource(seed[0])
        rnd := rand.New(src)
        randRead = rnd.Read

    _, err := randRead(h[:])
    if err != nil {