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Test Coverage
package ancestor

import (


// SearchStrategy defines a criteria used to estimate the "best" subset of parents to emit event with.
type SearchStrategy interface {
    // Init must be called before using the strategy
    Init(selfParent *hash.Event)
    // Find chooses the hash from the specified options
    Find(options hash.Events) hash.Event

// FindBestParents returns estimated parents subset, according to provided strategy
// max is max num of parents to link with (including self-parent)
// returns set of parents to link, len(res) <= max
func FindBestParents(max int, options hash.Events, selfParent *hash.Event, strategy SearchStrategy) (*hash.Event, hash.Events) {
    optionsSet := options.Set()
    parents := make(hash.Events, 0, max)
    if selfParent != nil {
        parents = append(parents, *selfParent)


    for len(parents) < max && len(optionsSet) > 0 {
        best := strategy.Find(optionsSet.Slice())
        parents = append(parents, best)

    return selfParent, parents

 * CasualityStrategy

// CasualityStrategy uses vector clock to check which parents observe "more" than others
// The strategy uses "observing more" as a search criteria
type CasualityStrategy struct {
    vecClock   *vector.Index
    template   vector.HighestBeforeSeq
    validators *pos.Validators

// NewCasualityStrategy creates new CasualityStrategy with provided vector clock
func NewCasualityStrategy(vecClock *vector.Index, validators *pos.Validators) *CasualityStrategy {
    return &CasualityStrategy{
        vecClock:   vecClock,
        validators: validators,

type eventScore struct {
    event hash.Event
    score idx.Event
    vec   vector.HighestBeforeSeq

// Init must be called before using the strategy
func (st *CasualityStrategy) Init(selfParent *hash.Event) {
    if selfParent != nil {
        // we start searching by comparing with self-parent
        st.template = st.vecClock.GetHighestBeforeAllBranches(*selfParent)

// Find chooses the hash from the specified options
func (st *CasualityStrategy) Find(options hash.Events) hash.Event {
    scores := make([]eventScore, 0, 100)

    // estimate score of each option as number of validators it observes higher than provided template
    for _, id := range options {
        score := eventScore{}
        score.event = id
        score.vec = st.vecClock.GetHighestBeforeAllBranches(id)
        if st.template == nil {
            st.template = vector.NewHighestBeforeSeq(st.validators.Len()) // nothing observes
        for creatorIdx := idx.Validator(0); creatorIdx < idx.Validator(st.validators.Len()); creatorIdx++ {
            my := st.template.Get(creatorIdx)
            his := score.vec.Get(creatorIdx)

            // observes higher
            if his.Seq > my.Seq && !my.IsForkDetected() {
            // observes a fork
            if his.IsForkDetected() && !my.IsForkDetected() {
        scores = append(scores, score)

    // take the option with best score
    sort.Slice(scores, func(i, j int) bool {
        a, b := scores[i], scores[j]
        return a.score < b.score
    // memorize its template for next calls
    st.template = scores[0].vec
    return scores[0].event

 * RandomStrategy

// RandomStrategy is used in tests, when vector clock isn't available
type RandomStrategy struct {
    r *rand.Rand

func NewRandomStrategy(r *rand.Rand) *RandomStrategy {
    if r == nil {
        r = rand.New(rand.NewSource(time.Now().UnixNano()))
    return &RandomStrategy{
        r: r,

func (st *RandomStrategy) Init(myLast *hash.Event) {}

// Find chooses the hash from the specified options
func (st *RandomStrategy) Find(heads hash.Events) hash.Event {
    return heads[st.r.Intn(len(heads))]