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Test Coverage
package pos

import (



type (
    // Stake amount.
    Stake uint64

type (
    // StakeCounterProvider providers stake counter.
    StakeCounterProvider func() *StakeCounter

    // StakeCounter counts stakes.
    StakeCounter struct {
        validators Validators
        already    []bool // idx.Validator -> bool

        quorum Stake
        sum    Stake

var (
    balanceToStakeRatio = big.NewInt(params.Ether / 1e3)

// BalanceToStake balance to validator's stake
func BalanceToStake(balance *big.Int) Stake {
    stakeBig := new(big.Int).Div(balance, balanceToStakeRatio)
    if stakeBig.Sign() < 0 || stakeBig.BitLen() >= 64 {
        log.Error("Too big stake amount!", "balance", balance.String())
        return 0
    return Stake(stakeBig.Uint64())

// StakeToBalance converts validator's stake to balance
// Warning: for tests only!
func StakeToBalance(stake Stake) *big.Int {
    return new(big.Int).Mul(big.NewInt(int64(stake)), balanceToStakeRatio)

// NewCounter constructor.
func (vv Validators) NewCounter() *StakeCounter {
    return newStakeCounter(vv)

func newStakeCounter(vv Validators) *StakeCounter {
    return &StakeCounter{
        validators: vv,
        quorum:     vv.Quorum(),
        already:    make([]bool, vv.Len()),
        sum:        0,

// Count validator and return true if it hadn't counted before.
func (s *StakeCounter) Count(v idx.StakerID) bool {
    stakerIdx := s.validators.GetIdx(v)
    return s.CountByIdx(stakerIdx)

// CountByIdx validator and return true if it hadn't counted before.
func (s *StakeCounter) CountByIdx(stakerIdx idx.Validator) bool {
    if s.already[stakerIdx] {
        return false
    s.already[stakerIdx] = true

    s.sum += s.validators.GetStakeByIdx(stakerIdx)
    return true

// HasQuorum achieved.
func (s *StakeCounter) HasQuorum() bool {
    return s.sum >= s.quorum

// Sum of counted stakes.
func (s *StakeCounter) Sum() Stake {
    return s.sum