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package sfctype

import (



var (
    // ForkBit is set if staker has a confirmed pair of fork events
    ForkBit = uint64(1)
    // OfflineBit is set if staker has didn't have confirmed events for a long time
    OfflineBit = uint64(1 << 8)
    // CheaterMask is a combination of severe misbehavings
    CheaterMask = ForkBit

const (
    // DelegationIDSize is size of DelegationID serialized object
    DelegationIDSize = 20 + 4

// SfcStaker is the node-side representation of SFC staker
type SfcStaker struct {
    CreatedEpoch idx.Epoch
    CreatedTime  inter.Timestamp

    DeactivatedEpoch idx.Epoch
    DeactivatedTime  inter.Timestamp

    StakeAmount *big.Int
    DelegatedMe *big.Int

    Address common.Address

    Status uint64

    IsValidator bool `rlp:"-"` // API-only field

// Ok returns true if not deactivated and not pruned
func (s *SfcStaker) Ok() bool {
    return s.Status == 0 && s.DeactivatedEpoch == 0

// IsCheater returns true if staker is cheater
func (s *SfcStaker) IsCheater() bool {
    return s.Status&CheaterMask != 0

// HasFork returns true if staker has a confirmed fork
func (s *SfcStaker) HasFork() bool {
    return s.Status&ForkBit != 0

// Offline returns true if staker was offline for long time
func (s *SfcStaker) Offline() bool {
    return s.Status&OfflineBit != 0

// SfcStakerAndID is pair SfcStaker + StakerID
type SfcStakerAndID struct {
    StakerID idx.StakerID
    Staker   *SfcStaker

// CalcTotalStake returns sum of staker's stake and delegated to staker stake
func (s *SfcStaker) CalcTotalStake() *big.Int {
    return new(big.Int).Add(s.StakeAmount, s.DelegatedMe)

// SfcDelegation is the node-side representation of SFC delegation
type SfcDelegation struct {
    CreatedEpoch idx.Epoch
    CreatedTime  inter.Timestamp

    DeactivatedEpoch idx.Epoch
    DeactivatedTime  inter.Timestamp

    Amount *big.Int

// DelegationID is a pair of delegator address and staker ID to which delegation is applied
type DelegationID struct {
    Delegator common.Address
    StakerID  idx.StakerID

func (id *DelegationID) Bytes() []byte {
    return append(id.Delegator.Bytes(), id.StakerID.Bytes()...)

func BytesToDelegationID(bb []byte) DelegationID {
    if len(bb) < DelegationIDSize {
        panic("delegation ID deserialization failed")
    delegator := common.BytesToAddress(bb[:20])
    stakerID := idx.BytesToStakerID(bb[20:])
    return DelegationID{delegator, stakerID}

// SfcDelegationAndID is pair SfcDelegation + address
type SfcDelegationAndID struct {
    Delegation *SfcDelegation
    ID         DelegationID

// EpochStats stores general statistics for an epoch
type EpochStats struct {
    Start    inter.Timestamp
    End      inter.Timestamp
    TotalFee *big.Int

    Epoch                 idx.Epoch `rlp:"-"` // API-only field
    TotalBaseRewardWeight *big.Int  `rlp:"-"` // API-only field
    TotalTxRewardWeight   *big.Int  `rlp:"-"` // API-only field

// Duration returns epoch duration
func (s *EpochStats) Duration() inter.Timestamp {
    return s.End - s.Start