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Test Coverage
package lachesis

import (

    ethparams ""


const (
    MainNetworkID uint64 = 0xfa
    TestNetworkID uint64 = 0xfa2
    FakeNetworkID uint64 = 0xfa3

var (
    // PercentUnit is used to define ratios with integers, it's 1.0
    PercentUnit = big.NewInt(1e6)

// GasPowerConfig defines gas power rules in the consensus.
type GasPowerConfig struct {
    InitialAllocPerSec uint64          `json:"initialAllocPerSec"`
    MaxAllocPerSec     uint64          `json:"maxAllocPerSec"`
    MinAllocPerSec     uint64          `json:"minAllocPerSec"`
    MaxAllocPeriod     inter.Timestamp `json:"maxAllocPeriod"`
    StartupAllocPeriod inter.Timestamp `json:"startupAllocPeriod"`
    MinStartupGas      uint64          `json:"minStartupGas"`

// DagConfig of Lachesis DAG (directed acyclic graph).
type DagConfig struct {
    MaxParents     int `json:"maxParents"`
    MaxFreeParents int `json:"maxFreeParents"` // maximum number of parents with no gas cost

    MaxEpochBlocks   idx.Frame     `json:"maxEpochBlocks"`
    MaxEpochDuration time.Duration `json:"maxEpochDuration"`

    VectorClockConfig vector.IndexConfig `json:"vectorClockConfig"`

    MaxValidatorEventsInBlock idx.Event `json:"maxValidatorEventsInBlock"`

// BlocksMissed is information about missed blocks from a staker
type BlocksMissed struct {
    BlocksNum idx.Block
    Period    time.Duration

// EconomyConfig contains economy constants
type EconomyConfig struct {
    PoiPeriodDuration              time.Duration
    BlockMissedLatency             idx.Block
    InitialOfflinePenaltyThreshold BlocksMissed
    TxRewardPoiImpact              *big.Int
    InitialRewardPerSecond         *big.Int
    InitialMinGasPrice             *big.Int
    MaxRewardPerSecond             *big.Int

    ShortGasPower GasPowerConfig `json:"shortGasPower"`
    LongGasPower  GasPowerConfig `json:"longGasPower"`

// BlocksConfig contains blocks constants
type BlocksConfig struct {
    BlockGasHardLimit uint64 `json:"maxBlockGasLimit"` // technical hard limit, gas is mostly governed by gas power allocation

// Config describes lachesis net.
type Config struct {
    Name      string
    NetworkID uint64

    Genesis genesis.Genesis

    // Graph options
    Dag DagConfig

    // Blockchain options
    Blocks BlocksConfig

    // Economy options
    Economy EconomyConfig

// EvmChainConfig returns ChainConfig for transaction signing and execution
func (c *Config) EvmChainConfig() *ethparams.ChainConfig {
    cfg := *ethparams.AllEthashProtocolChanges
    cfg.ChainID = new(big.Int).SetUint64(c.NetworkID)
    return &cfg

func MainNetConfig() Config {
    return Config{
        Name:      "main",
        NetworkID: MainNetworkID,
        Genesis:   genesis.MainGenesis(),
        Dag:       DefaultDagConfig(),
        Economy:   DefaultEconomyConfig(),
        Blocks: BlocksConfig{
            BlockGasHardLimit: 20000000,

func TestNetConfig() Config {
    return Config{
        Name:      "test",
        NetworkID: TestNetworkID,
        Genesis:   genesis.TestGenesis(),
        Dag:       DefaultDagConfig(),
        Economy:   DefaultEconomyConfig(),
        Blocks: BlocksConfig{
            BlockGasHardLimit: 20000000,

func FakeNetConfig(accs genesis.VAccounts) Config {
    return Config{
        Name:      "fake",
        NetworkID: FakeNetworkID,
        Genesis:   genesis.FakeGenesis(accs),
        Dag:       FakeNetDagConfig(),
        Economy:   FakeEconomyConfig(),
        Blocks: BlocksConfig{
            BlockGasHardLimit: 20000000,

// DefaultEconomyConfig returns mainnet economy
func DefaultEconomyConfig() EconomyConfig {
    // 45%
    txRewardPoiImpact := new(big.Int).Mul(big.NewInt(45), PercentUnit)
    txRewardPoiImpact.Div(txRewardPoiImpact, big.NewInt(100))

    initialRewardPerSecond := new(big.Int).Add(utils.ToFtm(16), big.NewInt(483988584467592592)) // 16.483988584467592592 FTM per sec, or 1424216,6136 FTM per day
    maxRewardPerSecond := new(big.Int).Mul(initialRewardPerSecond, big.NewInt(2))

    return EconomyConfig{
        PoiPeriodDuration:      30 * 24 * time.Hour,
        BlockMissedLatency:     3,
        TxRewardPoiImpact:      txRewardPoiImpact,
        InitialRewardPerSecond: initialRewardPerSecond,
        InitialMinGasPrice:     big.NewInt(1e9),
        MaxRewardPerSecond:     maxRewardPerSecond,
        InitialOfflinePenaltyThreshold: BlocksMissed{
            BlocksNum: 1000,
            Period:    24 * time.Hour,
        ShortGasPower: DefaultShortGasPowerConfig(),
        LongGasPower:  DefaulLongGasPowerConfig(),

// FakeEconomyConfig returns fakenet economy
func FakeEconomyConfig() EconomyConfig {
    cfg := DefaultEconomyConfig()
    cfg.PoiPeriodDuration = 15 * time.Minute
    cfg.InitialOfflinePenaltyThreshold.Period = 10 * time.Minute
    cfg.InitialOfflinePenaltyThreshold.BlocksNum = 10
    cfg.ShortGasPower = FakeShortGasPowerConfig()
    cfg.LongGasPower = FakeLongGasPowerConfig()
    return cfg

func DefaultDagConfig() DagConfig {
    return DagConfig{
        MaxParents:                10,
        MaxFreeParents:            3,
        MaxEpochBlocks:            1000,
        MaxEpochDuration:          4 * time.Hour,
        MaxValidatorEventsInBlock: 50,
        VectorClockConfig:         vector.DefaultIndexConfig(),

func FakeNetDagConfig() DagConfig {
    cfg := DefaultDagConfig()
    cfg.MaxEpochBlocks = 200
    cfg.MaxEpochDuration = 10 * time.Minute
    return cfg

// DefaulLongGasPowerConfig is long-window config
func DefaulLongGasPowerConfig() GasPowerConfig {
    return GasPowerConfig{
        InitialAllocPerSec: 100 * params.EventGas,
        MaxAllocPerSec:     1000 * params.EventGas,
        MinAllocPerSec:     10 * params.EventGas,
        MaxAllocPeriod:     inter.Timestamp(60 * time.Minute),
        StartupAllocPeriod: inter.Timestamp(5 * time.Second),
        MinStartupGas:      params.EventGas * 20,

// DefaultShortGasPowerConfig is short-window config
func DefaultShortGasPowerConfig() GasPowerConfig {
    // 5x faster allocation rate, 12x lower max accumulated gas power
    cfg := DefaulLongGasPowerConfig()
    cfg.InitialAllocPerSec *= 5
    cfg.MaxAllocPerSec *= 5
    cfg.MinAllocPerSec *= 5
    cfg.StartupAllocPeriod /= 5
    cfg.MaxAllocPeriod /= 5 * 12
    return cfg

// FakeLongGasPowerConfig is fake long-window config
func FakeLongGasPowerConfig() GasPowerConfig {
    config := DefaulLongGasPowerConfig()
    config.InitialAllocPerSec *= 1000
    config.MaxAllocPerSec *= 1000
    return config

// FakeShortGasPowerConfig is fake short-window config
func FakeShortGasPowerConfig() GasPowerConfig {
    config := DefaultShortGasPowerConfig()
    config.InitialAllocPerSec *= 1000
    config.MaxAllocPerSec *= 1000
    return config