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Test Coverage
package genesis

import (

    ethereum ""
    notify ""

var (
    ErrLocked  = accounts.NewAuthNeededError("password or unlock")
    ErrNoMatch = errors.New("no key for given address or file")

type (
    // wallet implements the accounts.Wallet interface for tests.
    wallet struct {
        account  accounts.Account // Single account contained in this wallet
        keystore *keyStore        // Keystore where the account originates from

    // keyStore implements accounts.Backend for tests.
    keyStore struct {
        all      Accounts
        unlocked Accounts

func NewAccountsBackend(accs Accounts, unlock ...common.Address) accounts.Backend {
    ks := &keyStore{
        all:      accs,
        unlocked: make(Accounts),

    for _, u := range unlock {
        if a, ok := ks.all[u]; ok {
            ks.unlocked[u] = a

    return ks

// Wallets retrieves the list of wallets the backend is currently aware of.
func (ks *keyStore) Wallets() []accounts.Wallet {
    ww := make([]accounts.Wallet, 0, len(ks.all))

    for addr := range ks.all {
        ww = append(ww, &wallet{
            account:  accounts.Account{Address: addr},
            keystore: ks,

    return ww

// Subscribe creates an async subscription to receive notifications when the
// backend detects the arrival or departure of a wallet.
func (ks *keyStore) Subscribe(sink chan<- accounts.WalletEvent) notify.Subscription {
    // NOTE: isn't implemented.
    return nil

// URL implements accounts.Wallet, returning the URL of the account within.
func (w *wallet) URL() accounts.URL {
    return w.account.URL

// Status implements accounts.Wallet, returning whether the account held by the
// keystore wallet is unlocked or not.
func (w *wallet) Status() (string, error) {
    if _, ok := w.keystore.unlocked[w.account.Address]; ok {
        return "Unlocked", nil
    return "Locked", nil

// Open implements accounts.Wallet, but is a noop for plain wallets since there
// is no connection or decryption step necessary to access the list of accounts.
func (w *wallet) Open(passphrase string) error {
    return nil

// Close implements accounts.Wallet, but is a noop for plain wallets since there
// is no meaningful open operation.
func (w *wallet) Close() error {
    return nil

// Accounts implements accounts.Wallet, returning an account list consisting of
// a single account that the plain kestore wallet contains.
func (w *wallet) Accounts() []accounts.Account {
    return []accounts.Account{w.account}

// Contains implements accounts.Wallet, returning whether a particular account is
// or is not wrapped by this wallet instance.
func (w *wallet) Contains(account accounts.Account) bool {
    return account.Address == w.account.Address && (account.URL == (accounts.URL{}) || account.URL == w.account.URL)

// Derive implements accounts.Wallet, but is a noop for plain wallets since there
// is no notion of hierarchical account derivation for plain keystore accounts.
func (w *wallet) Derive(path accounts.DerivationPath, pin bool) (accounts.Account, error) {
    return accounts.Account{}, accounts.ErrNotSupported

// SelfDerive implements accounts.Wallet, but is a noop for plain wallets since
// there is no notion of hierarchical account derivation for plain keystore accounts.
func (w *wallet) SelfDerive(bases []accounts.DerivationPath, chain ethereum.ChainStateReader) {

// signHash attempts to sign the given hash with
// the given account. If the wallet does not wrap this particular account, an
// error is returned to avoid account leakage (even though in theory we may be
// able to sign via our shared keystore backend).
func (w *wallet) signHash(account accounts.Account, hash []byte) ([]byte, error) {
    // Make sure the requested account is contained within
    if !w.Contains(account) {
        return nil, accounts.ErrUnknownAccount
    // Account seems valid, request the keystore to sign
    return w.keystore.SignHash(account, hash)

// SignData signs keccak256(data). The mimetype parameter describes the type of data being signed
func (w *wallet) SignData(account accounts.Account, mimeType string, data []byte) ([]byte, error) {
    return w.signHash(account, crypto.Keccak256(data))

// SignDataWithPassphrase signs keccak256(data). The mimetype parameter describes the type of data being signed
func (w *wallet) SignDataWithPassphrase(account accounts.Account, passphrase, mimeType string, data []byte) ([]byte, error) {
    // Make sure the requested account is contained within
    if !w.Contains(account) {
        return nil, accounts.ErrUnknownAccount
    // Account seems valid, request the keystore to sign
    return w.keystore.SignHashWithPassphrase(account, passphrase, crypto.Keccak256(data))

func (w *wallet) SignText(account accounts.Account, text []byte) ([]byte, error) {
    return w.signHash(account, accounts.TextHash(text))

// SignTextWithPassphrase implements accounts.Wallet, attempting to sign the
// given hash with the given account using passphrase as extra authentication.
func (w *wallet) SignTextWithPassphrase(account accounts.Account, passphrase string, text []byte) ([]byte, error) {
    // Make sure the requested account is contained within
    if !w.Contains(account) {
        return nil, accounts.ErrUnknownAccount
    // Account seems valid, request the keystore to sign
    return w.keystore.SignHashWithPassphrase(account, passphrase, accounts.TextHash(text))

// SignTx implements accounts.Wallet, attempting to sign the given transaction
// with the given account. If the wallet does not wrap this particular account,
// an error is returned to avoid account leakage (even though in theory we may
// be able to sign via our shared keystore backend).
func (w *wallet) SignTx(account accounts.Account, tx *types.Transaction, chainID *big.Int) (*types.Transaction, error) {
    // Make sure the requested account is contained within
    if !w.Contains(account) {
        return nil, accounts.ErrUnknownAccount
    // Account seems valid, request the keystore to sign
    return w.keystore.SignTx(account, tx, chainID)

// SignTxWithPassphrase implements accounts.Wallet, attempting to sign the given
// transaction with the given account using passphrase as extra authentication.
func (w *wallet) SignTxWithPassphrase(account accounts.Account, passphrase string, tx *types.Transaction, chainID *big.Int) (*types.Transaction, error) {
    // Make sure the requested account is contained within
    if !w.Contains(account) {
        return nil, accounts.ErrUnknownAccount
    // Account seems valid, request the keystore to sign
    return w.keystore.SignTxWithPassphrase(account, passphrase, tx, chainID)

// SignHash calculates a ECDSA signature for the given hash. The produced
// signature is in the [R || S || V] format where V is 0 or 1.
func (ks *keyStore) SignHash(a accounts.Account, hash []byte) ([]byte, error) {
    unlockedKey, found := ks.unlocked[a.Address]
    if !found {
        return nil, ErrLocked
    // Sign the hash using plain ECDSA operations
    return crypto.Sign(hash, unlockedKey.PrivateKey)

// SignHashWithPassphrase signs hash if the private key matching the given address
// can be decrypted with the given passphrase. The produced signature is in the
// [R || S || V] format where V is 0 or 1.
func (ks *keyStore) SignHashWithPassphrase(a accounts.Account, passphrase string, hash []byte) (signature []byte, err error) {
    acc, found := ks.all[a.Address]
    if !found {
        return nil, ErrNoMatch

    return crypto.Sign(hash, acc.PrivateKey)

// SignTx signs the given transaction with the requested account.
func (ks *keyStore) SignTx(a accounts.Account, tx *types.Transaction, chainID *big.Int) (*types.Transaction, error) {
    unlockedKey, found := ks.unlocked[a.Address]
    if !found {
        return nil, ErrLocked
    // Depending on the presence of the chain ID, sign with EIP155 or homestead
    if chainID != nil {
        return types.SignTx(tx, types.NewEIP155Signer(chainID), unlockedKey.PrivateKey)
    return types.SignTx(tx, types.HomesteadSigner{}, unlockedKey.PrivateKey)

// SignTxWithPassphrase signs the transaction if the private key matching the
// given address can be decrypted with the given passphrase.
func (ks *keyStore) SignTxWithPassphrase(a accounts.Account, passphrase string, tx *types.Transaction, chainID *big.Int) (*types.Transaction, error) {
    acc, found := ks.all[a.Address]
    if !found {
        return nil, ErrNoMatch

    // Depending on the presence of the chain ID, sign with EIP155 or homestead
    if chainID != nil {
        return types.SignTx(tx, types.NewEIP155Signer(chainID), acc.PrivateKey)
    return types.SignTx(tx, types.HomesteadSigner{}, acc.PrivateKey)