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35 mins
Test Coverage
package poset

import (



// GenesisMismatchError is raised when trying to overwrite an existing
// genesis block with an incompatible one.
type GenesisMismatchError struct {
    Stored, New common.Hash

// Error implements error interface.
func (e *GenesisMismatchError) Error() string {
    return fmt.Sprintf("database contains incompatible poset genesis (have %s, new %s)", e.Stored.String(), e.New.String())

// GenesisState stores state of previous Epoch
type GenesisState struct {
    Epoch       idx.Epoch
    Time        inter.Timestamp // consensus time of the last Atropos
    LastAtropos hash.Event
    AppHash     common.Hash

func (g *GenesisState) Hash() common.Hash {
    hasher := sha3.NewLegacyKeccak256()
    if err := rlp.Encode(hasher, g); err != nil {
    return hash.FromBytes(hasher.Sum(nil))

func (g *GenesisState) EpochName() string {
    return fmt.Sprintf("epoch%d", g.Epoch)

// calcGenesisHash calcs hash of genesis state.
func calcGenesisHash(g *genesis.Genesis, genesisAtropos hash.Event, appHash common.Hash) common.Hash {
    s := NewMemStore()
    defer s.Close()

    _ = s.ApplyGenesis(g, genesisAtropos, appHash)

    return s.GetGenesis().PrevEpoch.Hash()

// ApplyGenesis writes initial state.
func (s *Store) ApplyGenesis(g *genesis.Genesis, genesisAtropos hash.Event, appHash common.Hash) error {
    if g == nil {
        return fmt.Errorf("genesis config shouldn't be nil")
    if len(g.Alloc.Validators) == 0 {
        return fmt.Errorf("genesis validators shouldn't be empty")

    if stored := s.GetGenesis(); stored != nil {
        storedHash := stored.PrevEpoch.Hash()
        newHash := calcGenesisHash(g, genesisAtropos, appHash)
        if storedHash != newHash {
            return &GenesisMismatchError{newHash, storedHash}
        return nil

    e := &EpochState{}
    cp := &Checkpoint{
        AppHash: appHash,

    e.Validators = g.Alloc.Validators.Validators().Copy()

    // genesis object
    e.EpochN = firstEpoch
    e.PrevEpoch.Epoch = e.EpochN - 1
    e.PrevEpoch.AppHash = cp.AppHash
    e.PrevEpoch.LastAtropos = genesisAtropos
    e.PrevEpoch.Time = g.Time
    cp.LastAtropos = genesisAtropos


    return nil