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Test Coverage
package election

import (

type (
    // Election is cached data of election algorithm.
    Election struct {
        // election params
        frameToDecide idx.Frame

        validators *pos.Validators

        // election state
        decidedRoots map[idx.StakerID]voteValue // decided roots at "frameToDecide"
        votes        map[voteID]voteValue

        // external world
        observe       ForklessCauseFn
        getFrameRoots GetFrameRootsFn


    // ForklessCauseFn returns true if event A is forkless caused by event B
    ForklessCauseFn func(a hash.Event, b hash.Event) bool
    // GetFrameRootsFn returns all the roots in the specified frame
    GetFrameRootsFn func(f idx.Frame) []RootAndSlot

    // Slot specifies a root slot {addr, frame}. Normal validators can have only one root with this pair.
    // Due to a fork, different roots may occupy the same slot
    Slot struct {
        Frame     idx.Frame
        Validator idx.StakerID

    // RootAndSlot specifies concrete root of slot.
    RootAndSlot struct {
        ID   hash.Event
        Slot Slot

type voteID struct {
    fromRoot     hash.Event
    forValidator idx.StakerID
type voteValue struct {
    decided      bool
    yes          bool
    observedRoot hash.Event

// Res defines the final election result, i.e. decided frame
type Res struct {
    Frame   idx.Frame
    Atropos hash.Event

// New election context
func New(
    validators *pos.Validators,
    frameToDecide idx.Frame,
    forklessCauseFn ForklessCauseFn,
    getFrameRoots GetFrameRootsFn,
) *Election {
    el := &Election{
        observe:       forklessCauseFn,
        getFrameRoots: getFrameRoots,

        Instance: logger.MakeInstance(),

    el.Reset(validators, frameToDecide)

    return el

// Reset erases the current election state, prepare for new election frame
func (el *Election) Reset(validators *pos.Validators, frameToDecide idx.Frame) {
    el.validators = validators
    el.frameToDecide = frameToDecide
    el.votes = make(map[voteID]voteValue)
    el.decidedRoots = make(map[idx.StakerID]voteValue)

// return root slots which are not within el.decidedRoots
func (el *Election) notDecidedRoots() []idx.StakerID {
    notDecidedRoots := make([]idx.StakerID, 0, el.validators.Len())

    for _, validator := range el.validators.IDs() {
        if _, ok := el.decidedRoots[validator]; !ok {
            notDecidedRoots = append(notDecidedRoots, validator)
    if len(notDecidedRoots)+len(el.decidedRoots) != el.validators.Len() { // sanity check
        el.Log.Crit("Mismatch of roots")
    return notDecidedRoots

// observedRoots returns all the roots at the specified frame which do forkless cause the specified root.
func (el *Election) observedRoots(root hash.Event, frame idx.Frame) []RootAndSlot {
    observedRoots := make([]RootAndSlot, 0, el.validators.Len())

    frameRoots := el.getFrameRoots(frame)
    for _, frameRoot := range frameRoots {
        if el.observe(root, frameRoot.ID) {
            observedRoots = append(observedRoots, frameRoot)
    return observedRoots

func (el *Election) observedRootsMap(root hash.Event, frame idx.Frame) map[idx.StakerID]RootAndSlot {
    observedRootsMap := make(map[idx.StakerID]RootAndSlot, el.validators.Len())

    frameRoots := el.getFrameRoots(frame)
    for _, frameRoot := range frameRoots {
        if el.observe(root, frameRoot.ID) {
            observedRootsMap[frameRoot.Slot.Validator] = frameRoot
    return observedRootsMap