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35 mins
Test Coverage
package topicsdb

import (



const MaxCount = 0xff

var ErrTooManyTopics = fmt.Errorf("Too many topics")

// Index is a specialized indexes for log records storing and fetching.
type Index struct {
    db    kvdb.KeyValueStore
    table struct {
        // topic+topicN+(blockN+TxHash+logIndex) -> topic_count
        Topic kvdb.KeyValueStore `table:"t"`
        // (blockN+TxHash+logIndex) + topicN -> topic
        Other kvdb.KeyValueStore `table:"o"`
        // (blockN+TxHash+logIndex) -> address, blockHash, data
        Logrec kvdb.KeyValueStore `table:"r"`

    fetchMethod func(topics [][]common.Hash) ([]*types.Log, error)

// New TopicsDb instance.
func New(db kvdb.KeyValueStore) *Index {
    tt := &Index{
        db: db,

    tt.fetchMethod = tt.fetchAsync

    table.MigrateTables(&tt.table, tt.db)

    return tt

// Find log records by conditions.
func (tt *Index) Find(topics [][]common.Hash) ([]*types.Log, error) {
    return tt.fetchMethod(topics)

// MustPush calls Push() and panics if error.
func (tt *Index) MustPush(recs ...*types.Log) {
    err := tt.Push(recs...)
    if err != nil {

// Push log record to database.
func (tt *Index) Push(recs ...*types.Log) error {
    for _, rec := range recs {
        if len(rec.Topics) > MaxCount {
            return ErrTooManyTopics
        count := posToBytes(uint8(len(rec.Topics)))

        id := NewID(rec.BlockNumber, rec.TxHash, rec.Index)

        for pos, topic := range rec.Topics {
            key := topicKey(topic, uint8(pos), id)
            err := tt.table.Topic.Put(key, count)
            if err != nil {
                return err

            key = otherKey(id, uint8(pos))
            err = tt.table.Other.Put(key, topic.Bytes())
            if err != nil {
                return err

        buf := make([]byte, 0, common.AddressLength+common.HashLength+len(rec.Data))
        buf = append(buf, rec.Address.Bytes()...)
        buf = append(buf, rec.BlockHash.Bytes()...)
        buf = append(buf, rec.Data...)

        err := tt.table.Logrec.Put(id.Bytes(), buf)
        if err != nil {
            return err

    return nil