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Test Coverage
package utils

import (


var startBase uint32 = 12000

// GetUnusedNetAddr return array of n unused ports starting with base port
// NB: addresses 1-1024 are reserved for non-root users;
func GetUnusedNetAddr(n int, t testing.TB) []string {
    idx := int(0)
    base := atomic.AddUint32(&startBase, 100)
    addresses := make([]string, n)
    for i := int(base); i < 65536; i++ {
        addrStr := "" + strconv.Itoa(i)
        addr, err := net.ResolveTCPAddr("tcp", addrStr)
        if err != nil {
            t.Fatalf("err: %v", err)

        l, err := net.ListenTCP("tcp", addr)
        if err != nil {
        if res := func() []string {
            defer func() {
                if err := l.Close(); err != nil {
            t.Logf("Unused port %s is chosen", addrStr)
            addresses[idx] = addrStr
            if idx == n {
                return addresses
            return nil
        }(); res != nil {
            return res
    t.Fatalf("No free port left!!!")
    return addresses

// HashFromHex converts hex string to bytes.
func HashFromHex(s string) []byte {
    if len(s) > 1 {
        if s[0:2] == "0x" || s[0:2] == "0X" {
            s = s[2:]
    if len(s)%2 == 1 {
        s = "0" + s
    h, _ := hex.DecodeString(s)
    return h

// FreePort gets free network port on host.
func FreePort(network string) (port uint16) {
    addr, err := net.ResolveTCPAddr(network, "localhost:0")
    if err != nil {

    l, err := net.ListenTCP(network, addr)
    if err != nil {
    defer func() {
        if err := l.Close(); err != nil {
    return uint16(l.Addr().(*net.TCPAddr).Port)

const (
    // number of bits in a big.Word
    wordBits = 32 << (uint64(^big.Word(0)) >> 63)
    // number of bytes in a big.Word
    wordBytes = wordBits / 8

// ReadBits encodes the absolute value of bigint as big-endian bytes. Callers must ensure
// that buf has enough space. If buf is too short the result will be incomplete.
func ReadBits(bigint *big.Int, buf []byte) {
    i := len(buf)
    for _, d := range bigint.Bits() {
        for j := 0; j < wordBytes && i > 0; j++ {
            buf[i] = byte(d)
            d >>= 8

// PaddedBigBytes encodes a big integer as a big-endian byte slice. The length
// of the slice is at least n bytes.
func PaddedBigBytes(bigint *big.Int, n int) []byte {
    if bigint.BitLen()/8 >= n {
        return bigint.Bytes()
    ret := make([]byte, n)
    ReadBits(bigint, ret)
    return ret

// NameOf returns human readable string representation.
func NameOf(p idx.StakerID) string {
    if name := hash.GetNodeName(p); len(name) > 0 {
        return name

    return fmt.Sprintf("%d", p)