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package vector

import (

func (vi *Index) getBytes(table kvdb.KeyValueStore, id hash.Event) []byte {
    key := id.Bytes()
    b, err := table.Get(key)
    if err != nil {
        vi.Log.Crit("Failed to get key-value", "err", err)
    return b

func (vi *Index) setBytes(table kvdb.KeyValueStore, id hash.Event, b []byte) {
    key := id.Bytes()
    err := table.Put(key, b)
    if err != nil {
        vi.Log.Crit("Failed to put key-value", "err", err)

// GetLowestAfterSeq reads the vector from DB
func (vi *Index) GetLowestAfterSeq(id hash.Event) LowestAfterSeq {
    if bVal, okGet := vi.cache.LowestAfterSeq.Get(id); okGet {
        return bVal.(LowestAfterSeq)

    b := vi.getBytes(vi.table.LowestAfterSeq, id)
    vi.cache.LowestAfterSeq.Add(id, LowestAfterSeq(b))
    return b

// GetHighestBeforeSeq reads the vector from DB
func (vi *Index) GetHighestBeforeSeq(id hash.Event) HighestBeforeSeq {
    if bVal, okGet := vi.cache.HighestBeforeSeq.Get(id); okGet {
        return bVal.(HighestBeforeSeq)

    b := vi.getBytes(vi.table.HighestBeforeSeq, id)
    vi.cache.HighestBeforeSeq.Add(id, HighestBeforeSeq(b))
    return b

// GetHighestBeforeTime reads the vector from DB
func (vi *Index) GetHighestBeforeTime(id hash.Event) HighestBeforeTime {
    if bVal, okGet := vi.cache.HighestBeforeTime.Get(id); okGet {
        return bVal.(HighestBeforeTime)

    b := vi.getBytes(vi.table.HighestBeforeTime, id)
    vi.cache.HighestBeforeTime.Add(id, HighestBeforeTime(b))
    return b

// SetLowestAfter stores the vector into DB
func (vi *Index) SetLowestAfter(id hash.Event, seq LowestAfterSeq) {
    vi.setBytes(vi.table.LowestAfterSeq, id, seq)

    vi.cache.LowestAfterSeq.Add(id, seq)

// SetHighestBefore stores the vectors into DB
func (vi *Index) SetHighestBefore(id hash.Event, seq HighestBeforeSeq, time HighestBeforeTime) {
    vi.setBytes(vi.table.HighestBeforeSeq, id, seq)
    vi.setBytes(vi.table.HighestBeforeTime, id, time)

    vi.cache.HighestBeforeSeq.Add(id, seq)
    vi.cache.HighestBeforeTime.Add(id, time)

// setEventBranchID stores the event's global branch ID
func (vi *Index) setEventBranchID(id hash.Event, branchID idx.Validator) {
    vi.setBytes(vi.table.EventBranch, id, branchID.Bytes())

// getEventBranchID reads the event's global branch ID
func (vi *Index) getEventBranchID(id hash.Event) idx.Validator {
    b := vi.getBytes(vi.table.EventBranch, id)
    if b == nil {
        vi.Log.Crit("Failed to read event's branch ID (inconsistent DB)")
        return 0
    branchID := idx.BytesToValidator(b)
    return branchID