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Test Coverage
package vector

import (


 * Use binary form for optimization, to avoid serialization. As a result, DB cache works as elements cache.

type (
    // LowestAfterSeq is a vector of lowest events (their Seq) which do observe the source event
    LowestAfterSeq []byte
    // HighestBeforeSeq is a vector of highest events (their Seq + IsForkDetected) which are observed by source event
    HighestBeforeSeq []byte
    // HighestBeforeTime is a vector of highest events (their ClaimedTime) which are observed by source event
    HighestBeforeTime []byte

    // BranchSeq encodes Seq and MinSeq into 8 bytes
    BranchSeq struct {
        Seq    idx.Event // maximum observed e.Seq in the branch
        MinSeq idx.Event // minimum observed e.Seq in the branch

    // allVecs is container of all the vector clocks
    allVecs struct {
        after      LowestAfterSeq
        beforeSeq  HighestBeforeSeq
        beforeTime HighestBeforeTime

// NewLowestAfterSeq creates new LowestAfterSeq vector.
func NewLowestAfterSeq(size int) LowestAfterSeq {
    return make(LowestAfterSeq, size*4)

// NewHighestBeforeTime creates new HighestBeforeTime vector.
func NewHighestBeforeTime(size int) HighestBeforeTime {
    return make(HighestBeforeTime, size*8)

// NewHighestBeforeSeq creates new HighestBeforeSeq vector.
func NewHighestBeforeSeq(size int) HighestBeforeSeq {
    return make(HighestBeforeSeq, size*8)

// Get i's position in the byte-encoded vector clock
func (b LowestAfterSeq) Get(i idx.Validator) idx.Event {
    for int(i) >= b.Size() {
        return 0
    return idx.Event(binary.LittleEndian.Uint32(b[i*4 : (i+1)*4]))

// Size of the vector clock
func (b LowestAfterSeq) Size() int {
    return len(b) / 4

// Set i's position in the byte-encoded vector clock
func (b *LowestAfterSeq) Set(i idx.Validator, seq idx.Event) {
    for int(i) >= b.Size() {
        // append zeros if exceeds size
        *b = append(*b, []byte{0, 0, 0, 0}...)

    binary.LittleEndian.PutUint32((*b)[i*4:(i+1)*4], uint32(seq))

// Get i's position in the byte-encoded vector clock
func (b HighestBeforeTime) Get(i idx.Validator) inter.Timestamp {
    for int(i) >= b.Size() {
        return 0
    return inter.Timestamp(binary.LittleEndian.Uint64(b[i*8 : (i+1)*8]))

// Set i's position in the byte-encoded vector clock
func (b *HighestBeforeTime) Set(i idx.Validator, time inter.Timestamp) {
    for int(i) >= b.Size() {
        // append zeros if exceeds size
        *b = append(*b, []byte{0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}...)
    binary.LittleEndian.PutUint64((*b)[i*8:(i+1)*8], uint64(time))

// Size of the vector clock
func (b HighestBeforeTime) Size() int {
    return len(b) / 8

// Size of the vector clock
func (b HighestBeforeSeq) Size() int {
    return len(b) / 8

// Get i's position in the byte-encoded vector clock
func (b HighestBeforeSeq) Get(i idx.Validator) BranchSeq {
    for int(i) >= b.Size() {
        return BranchSeq{}
    seq1 := binary.LittleEndian.Uint32(b[i*8 : i*8+4])
    seq2 := binary.LittleEndian.Uint32(b[i*8+4 : i*8+8])

    return BranchSeq{
        Seq:    idx.Event(seq1),
        MinSeq: idx.Event(seq2),

// Set i's position in the byte-encoded vector clock
func (b *HighestBeforeSeq) Set(i idx.Validator, seq BranchSeq) {
    for int(i) >= b.Size() {
        // append zeros if exceeds size
        *b = append(*b, []byte{0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}...)
    binary.LittleEndian.PutUint32((*b)[i*8:i*8+4], uint32(seq.Seq))
    binary.LittleEndian.PutUint32((*b)[i*8+4:i*8+8], uint32(seq.MinSeq))

var (
    // forkDetectedSeq is a special marker of observed fork by a creator
    forkDetectedSeq = BranchSeq{
        Seq:    0,
        MinSeq: idx.Event(math.MaxInt32),

// IsForkDetected returns true if observed fork by a creator (in combination of branches)
func (seq BranchSeq) IsForkDetected() bool {
    return seq == forkDetectedSeq