import React from "react";
import { isUndefined } from "lodash";
import {
ProfilePointProps, ProfileToolProps, ProfileUtmProps, SlotProfileProps,
} from "./interfaces";
import { Color } from "../../../ui";
import { ToolPulloutDirection } from "farmbot/dist/resources/api_resources";
import { isToolFlipped } from "../../../tools/tool_slot_edit_components";
import { withinProfileRange } from "./content";
import { ToolDimensions } from "../tool_graphics/tool";
import { SlotFrontProfile, SlotSideProfile } from "../tool_graphics/slot";
import { troughSize } from "../tool_graphics/seed_trough";
import {
getToolColor, reduceToolName, ToolImplementProfile, ToolName,
} from "../tool_graphics/all_tools";
import { TaggedToolSlotPointer } from "farmbot";
import { CustomToolProfile } from "../../../tools/custom_tool_graphics";
import { FilePath } from "../../../internal_urls";
export enum UTMDimensions {
height = 40,
extrusion = 20,
/** Virtual UTM profile. */
// eslint-disable-next-line complexity
export const UTMProfile = (props: ProfileUtmProps) => {
const { x, y } = props.botPosition;
const inProfile = !isUndefined(x) && !isUndefined(y) &&
axis: props.profileAxis == "x" ? "y" : "x",
selectionWidth: props.selectionWidth,
profilePosition: props.position,
location: { x, y },
const profileUtmH = props.getX(props.botPosition);
const profileUtmV = Math.abs(props.botPosition.z || 0);
const extrusion = UTMDimensions.extrusion;
if (!inProfile) { return <g id={"utm-not-in-profile"} />; }
if (!props.expanded) {
return <g id={"UTM-and-axis"} opacity={0.25}>
<line id={"z-axis"} strokeWidth={extrusion} stroke={Color.darkGray}
x1={profileUtmH} y1={0} x2={profileUtmH} y2={profileUtmV} />
<rect id={"position-indicator"} fill={}
x={profileUtmH - 5} y={profileUtmV - 5} width={10} height={10} />
const extrusionOffset = (extrusion + ToolDimensions.diameter) / 2;
const toolInfo = props.mountedToolInfo;
const xProfile = props.profileAxis == "x";
const yExtrusionX = profileUtmH - (extrusion + extrusion / 2);
const utmTopY = profileUtmV - UTMDimensions.height;
const zAxisCenter = profileUtmH + (xProfile ? 0 : extrusionOffset);
return <g id={"UTM-and-axis"} opacity={0.75}>
<linearGradient id={"utm-gradient"}>
<stop offset={"0%"} stopColor={Color.darkGray} stopOpacity={1} />
<stop offset={"10%"} stopColor={Color.darkGray} stopOpacity={0.75} />
<stop offset={"90%"} stopColor={Color.darkGray} stopOpacity={0.75} />
<stop offset={"100%"} stopColor={Color.darkGray} stopOpacity={1} />
{props.profileWidth &&
<rect id={"y-axis"}
x={xProfile ? yExtrusionX : -100}
y={-props.gantryHeight - extrusion * 3}
width={xProfile ? extrusion * 2 : props.profileWidth + 200}
height={extrusion * 3}
fill={Color.darkGray} fillOpacity={0.5} stroke={"none"} />}
<line id={"z-axis"}
strokeWidth={extrusion} stroke={Color.darkGray} opacity={0.5}
y1={-props.gantryHeight - (-props.gantryHeight < utmTopY ? 0 : extrusion * 3)}
y2={xProfile ? utmTopY : profileUtmV} />
<line id={"z-axis-separator"}
strokeWidth={0.5} stroke={Color.darkGray} opacity={0.5}
x1={profileUtmH + ToolDimensions.diameter / 2}
y1={Math.min(0, profileUtmV - UTMDimensions.height)}
x2={profileUtmH + ToolDimensions.diameter / 2}
y2={profileUtmV} />
<rect id={"UTM"} fill={"url(#utm-gradient)"} opacity={0.5}
x={profileUtmH - ToolDimensions.radius}
y={profileUtmV - UTMDimensions.height}
height={UTMDimensions.height} />
{!props.hidePositionIndicator &&
<rect id={"position-indicator"} fill={} opacity={0.5}
x={profileUtmH - 2} y={profileUtmV - 2}
width={4} height={4} />}
<image x={profileUtmH - 25} y={profileUtmV - 35} width={50} height={30}
xlinkHref={FilePath.image("farmbot")} opacity={1} />
? <ToolProfile toolName={}
x={profileUtmH - ToolDimensions.radius} y={profileUtmV}
sideView={props.profileAxis == slotPulloutAxis(toolInfo.pulloutDirection)}
props.reversed)} />
: <g id={"liquid-ports"}>
{[-20, 20, 0].map(xP =>
<rect key={xP} fill={Color.darkGray} opacity={0.5} width={8} height={2}
x={profileUtmH + xP - 4} y={profileUtmV} />)}
/** Determine if tool direction is reversed. */
export const getToolDirection = (
direction: ToolPulloutDirection | undefined,
flipped: boolean,
reversed: boolean,
) => {
const toolFlipped = flipped ? -1 : 1;
const mirror = mirrorSlot(direction, reversed) ? -1 : 1;
return (toolFlipped * mirror) == -1;
/** Is tool slot direction negative? */
const negativeDirection = (slotDirection: ToolPulloutDirection | undefined) => [
].includes(slotDirection || ToolPulloutDirection.NONE);
/** Determine toolbay slot side profile direction. */
const mirrorSlot = (
slotDirection: ToolPulloutDirection | undefined,
reversed: boolean,
) => {
const negative = negativeDirection(slotDirection);
return reversed ? !negative : negative;
/** Determine toolbay slot view angle (front or side). */
export const slotPulloutAxis =
(slotDirection: ToolPulloutDirection | undefined) => {
switch (slotDirection) {
case ToolPulloutDirection.NEGATIVE_X:
case ToolPulloutDirection.POSITIVE_X:
return "x";
case ToolPulloutDirection.NEGATIVE_Y:
case ToolPulloutDirection.POSITIVE_Y:
return "y";
/** Toolbay slot profile. */
const SlotProfile = (props: SlotProfileProps) => {
const { x, y, width, height, slotDirection, sideView } = props;
if (!slotDirection) { return <g id={"no-slot-direction"} />; }
return sideView
? <SlotSideProfile x={x} y={y} width={width} height={height}
mirror={mirrorSlot(slotDirection, props.reversed)} />
: <SlotFrontProfile x={x} y={y} width={width} height={height} />;
/** SVG tool profile element with color and label. */
export const ToolProfile = (props: ProfileToolProps) => {
const { toolName, x, y, width, height, sideView } = props;
const toolType = reduceToolName(toolName);
const fontColor = toolType == ToolName.seeder
? Color.darkGray
: Color.offWhite;
const bodyColor = getToolColor(toolName);
const bodyFill = toolType == ToolName.seedTrough
? bodyColor
: `url(#tool-body-gradient-${toolType})`;
return <g id={"profile-tool"}>
<linearGradient id={`tool-body-gradient-${toolType}`}>
<stop offset={"0%"} stopColor={bodyColor} stopOpacity={1} />
<stop offset={"10%"} stopColor={bodyColor} stopOpacity={0.75} />
<stop offset={"90%"} stopColor={bodyColor} stopOpacity={0.75} />
<stop offset={"100%"} stopColor={bodyColor} stopOpacity={1} />
<rect id={"tool-body"} opacity={0.75} fill={bodyFill}
x={x} y={y} width={width} height={height} />
<line x1={x} y1={y} x2={x + width} y2={y}
stroke={bodyColor} strokeWidth={0.5} opacity={0.75} />
<line x1={x} y1={y + height} x2={x + width} y2={y + height}
stroke={bodyColor} strokeWidth={0.5} opacity={0.5} />
<SlotProfile sideView={sideView}
slotDirection={props.slotDirection} reversed={props.reversed}
x={x} y={y} width={width} height={height} />
<CustomToolProfile toolName={toolName} sideView={sideView}
xToolMiddle={x + width / 2} yToolBottom={y + height} />
<ToolImplementProfile x={x + width / 2} y={y + height} toolName={toolName}
toolFlipped={props.toolFlipped} sideView={sideView} />
{!(toolType == ToolName.seedTrough && !sideView) &&
<text x={x + 5} y={y + height - 2.5} opacity={1}
textLength={width - 10} lengthAdjust={"spacingAndGlyphs"}
stroke={"none"} fill={fontColor} fontWeight={"bold"}>
{(props.coordinate ?? true) && !props.hidePositionIndicator &&
<circle id={"point-coordinate-indicator"}
opacity={0.5} fill={Color.darkGray}
cx={x + width / 2} cy={y} r={5} />}
/** Point -> tool profile with color and label (if applicable). */
export const ToolProfilePoint =
(props: ProfilePointProps<TaggedToolSlotPointer>) => {
const { point, tools } = props;
const { tool_id, gantry_mounted, pullout_direction } = point.body;
const toolName = tools.filter(tool => == tool_id)[0]?;
const trough = reduceToolName(toolName) == ToolName.seedTrough;
const width = trough
? troughSize(props.profileAxis == "y").width
: ToolDimensions.diameter;
const slotDirection = gantry_mounted
? ToolPulloutDirection.NONE
: pullout_direction;
return <ToolProfile toolName={toolName} reversed={props.reversed}
x={props.getX(point.body) - width / 2} y={Math.abs(point.body.z)}
width={width} height={ToolDimensions.thickness}
sideView={props.profileAxis == slotPulloutAxis(slotDirection)}
props.reversed)} />;