import React from "react";
import { DeviceSetting, ToolTips } from "../../constants";
import { t } from "../../i18next_wrapper";
import { Help, BlurableInput, Row, FBSelect, DropDownItem } from "../../ui";
import { CaptureSizeSelectionProps, CaptureSizeSelectionState } from "./interfaces";
import { Camera, parseCameraSelection } from "./camera_selection";
import { getModifiedClassNameSpecifyDefault } from "../../settings/default_values";
import { Highlight } from "../../settings/maybe_highlight";
import { Path } from "../../internal_urls";
import { UserEnv } from "../../devices/interfaces";
const getCurrentSizeSetting =
(env: UserEnv): Record<"width" | "height", string> => ({
width: env["take_photo_width"] || "640",
height: env["take_photo_height"] || "480",
export const PhotoResolutionSettingChanged =
(props: CaptureSizeSelectionProps) => {
const { env, dispatch, saveFarmwareEnv } = props;
const { width, height } = getCurrentSizeSetting(env);
const selectedLongEdge = Math.max(parseInt(width), parseInt(height));
const calibratedX = env["CAMERA_CALIBRATION_center_pixel_location_x"];
const calibratedY = env["CAMERA_CALIBRATION_center_pixel_location_y"];
const calibratedWidth = calibratedX && parseInt(calibratedX) * 2;
const calibratedHeight = calibratedY && parseInt(calibratedY) * 2;
const calibratedLongEdge = calibratedWidth && calibratedHeight &&
Math.max(calibratedWidth, calibratedHeight);
const sizeDifference = calibratedLongEdge &&
calibratedLongEdge != selectedLongEdge;
const options = SIZE_OPTIONS(parseCameraSelection(env));
const valueGuess = Object.values(options).map(ddi => ddi.value)
.filter(value => ("" + value).startsWith("" + calibratedLongEdge))[0];
const ddiGuess = options[valueGuess as Size];
const sizeGuess = SIZES[valueGuess as Size];
return <div className={"resolution-change-warning"}>
{sizeDifference && <i className={"fa fa-exclamation-triangle"}></i>}
{sizeDifference && <p>
{t("The camera was previously calibrated for a different resolution.")}
{sizeDifference && <p>
{t("Calibrate the camera again for the selected resolution.")}
{sizeDifference && ddiGuess && <p
onClick={() => {
dispatch(saveFarmwareEnv("take_photo_width", "" + sizeGuess.width));
dispatch(saveFarmwareEnv("take_photo_height", "" + sizeGuess.height));
{t("Alternatively, revert to the previous resolution")}: {ddiGuess.label}.
export class CaptureSizeSelection
extends React.Component<CaptureSizeSelectionProps, CaptureSizeSelectionState> {
state: CaptureSizeSelectionState = { custom: false };
render() {
const { env, dispatch, saveFarmwareEnv } = this.props;
const { width, height } = getCurrentSizeSetting(env);
const selectedSize = getSelection(width, height);
return <Highlight settingName={DeviceSetting.imageResolution}
<div className={"image-size-inputs grid"}>
<Row className="row grid-2-col">
<div className="row grid-exp-2 half-gap">
<Help text={ToolTips.IMAGE_RESOLUTION} />
selectedSize.value, Size.r640x480)}
.filter(ddi => !!ddi)
.map((ddi: DropDownItem) => ddi)}
onChange={ddi => {
if (ddi.value == Size.custom) {
this.setState({ custom: true });
} else {
this.setState({ custom: false });
const size = SIZES[ddi.value as Size];
dispatch(saveFarmwareEnv("take_photo_width", "" + size.width));
dispatch(saveFarmwareEnv("take_photo_height", "" + size.height));
}} />
{(this.state.custom || selectedSize.value == Size.custom) &&
<div className={"size-inputs grid"}>
<Row className="row grid-2-col">
<BlurableInput type="number"
onCommit={e => dispatch(saveFarmwareEnv(
"take_photo_width", e.currentTarget.value))} />
<Row className="row grid-2-col">
<BlurableInput type="number"
onCommit={e => dispatch(saveFarmwareEnv(
"take_photo_height", e.currentTarget.value))} />
<PhotoResolutionSettingChanged {...this.props} />
const getSelection = (width: string, height: string): DropDownItem => {
if (parseInt(width) > 5000 && parseInt(height) > 5000) { return MAXIMUM(); }
const sizeOption: DropDownItem | undefined =
SIZE_OPTIONS()[`${width}x${height}` as Size];
return sizeOption || CUSTOM();
enum Size {
maximum = "maximum",
custom = "custom",
r320x240 = "320x240",
r640x480 = "640x480",
r800x600 = "800x600",
r1280x960 = "1280x960",
r1600x1200 = "1600x1200",
r2592x1944 = "2592x1944",
r3280x2464 = "3280x2464",
r4056x3040 = "4056x3040",
const MAXIMUM = () => ({ label: t("Maximum"), value: Size.maximum });
const CUSTOM = () => ({ label: t("Custom"), value: Size.custom });
type Options = Partial<Record<Size, DropDownItem>>;
const SIZE_OPTIONS = (camera = Camera.RPI): Options => {
const OPTIONS: Options = {
[Size.maximum]: MAXIMUM(),
[Size.custom]: CUSTOM(),
[Size.r320x240]: { label: t("320 x 240 (0.08MP)"), value: Size.r320x240 },
[Size.r640x480]: { label: t("640 x 480 (0.3MP)"), value: Size.r640x480 },
[Size.r800x600]: { label: t("800 x 600 (0.5MP)"), value: Size.r800x600 },
[Size.r1280x960]: { label: t("1280 x 960 (1.3MP)"), value: Size.r1280x960 },
[Size.r1600x1200]: { label: t("1600 x 1200 (2MP)"), value: Size.r1600x1200 },
if (camera == Camera.RPI) {
OPTIONS[Size.r2592x1944] = {
label: t("2592 x 1944 (5MP)"), value: Size.r2592x1944,
OPTIONS[Size.r3280x2464] = {
label: t("3280 x 2464 (8MP)"), value: Size.r3280x2464,
OPTIONS[Size.r4056x3040] = {
label: t("4056 x 3040 (12.3MP)"), value: Size.r4056x3040,
return OPTIONS;
const SIZES: Record<Size, Record<"width" | "height", number>> = {
[Size.maximum]: { width: 10000, height: 10000 },
[Size.custom]: { width: 0, height: 0 },
[Size.r320x240]: { width: 320, height: 240 },
[Size.r640x480]: { width: 640, height: 480 },
[Size.r800x600]: { width: 800, height: 600 },
[Size.r1280x960]: { width: 1280, height: 960 },
[Size.r1600x1200]: { width: 1600, height: 1200 },
[Size.r2592x1944]: { width: 2592, height: 1944 },
[Size.r3280x2464]: { width: 3280, height: 2464 },
[Size.r4056x3040]: { width: 4056, height: 3040 },