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import React from "react";
import {
  selectAllSavedPeripherals, selectAllSavedSensors,
} from "../../../resources/selectors";
import { ResourceIndex } from "../../../resources/interfaces";
import { DropDownItem, Col, FBSelect } from "../../../ui";
import { range, isNumber, isString } from "lodash";
import {
  TaggedPeripheral, TaggedSensor, ResourceName, Nothing, SequenceBodyItem,
  WritePin, TogglePin, ReadPin, AllowedPinTypes, NamedPin,
} from "farmbot";
import { bail } from "../../../util/errors";
import { StepParams } from "../../interfaces";
import { editStep } from "../../../api/crud";
import { joinKindAndId } from "../../../resources/reducer_support";
import { t } from "../../../i18next_wrapper";
import {
  getFwHardwareValue, hasExtraButtons,
} from "../../../settings/firmware/firmware_hardware_support";
import { getFbosConfig } from "../../../resources/getters";

/** `headingIds` required to group the four kinds of pins. */
export enum PinGroupName {
  Sensor = "Sensor",
  Peripheral = "Peripheral",
  BoxLed = "Box LED",
  Pin = "Pin",
  Position = "Position"

/** User-controllable box LEDs connected to the RPi. */
export enum BoxLed {
  BoxLed3 = "BoxLed3",
  BoxLed4 = "BoxLed4",

const BOX_LED_LABELS = (): { [x: string]: string } => ({
  [BoxLed.BoxLed3]: t("Box LED 3"),
  [BoxLed.BoxLed4]: t("Box LED 4"),

export const PERIPHERAL_HEADING = (): DropDownItem => ({
  heading: true, headingId: PinGroupName.Peripheral,
  label: t("Peripherals"), value: 0,

export const SENSOR_HEADING = (): DropDownItem => ({
  heading: true, headingId: PinGroupName.Sensor,
  label: t("Sensors"), value: 0,

const BOX_LED_HEADING = (): DropDownItem => ({
  heading: true, headingId: PinGroupName.BoxLed,
  label: t("Box LEDs"), value: 0,

export const PIN_HEADING = (): DropDownItem => ({
  heading: true, headingId: PinGroupName.Pin,
  label: t("Pins"), value: 0,

/** Pass it the number X and it will generate a DropDownItem for `pin x`. */
const pinNumber2DropDown =
  (valueFormat: (n: number) => (string | number)) =>
    (n: number): DropDownItem => {
      const analog = n > 53 ? ` (A${n - 54})` : "";
      const label = `${t("Pin")} ${n}${analog}`;
      return { label, value: valueFormat(n), headingId: PinGroupName.Pin };

const peripheral2DropDown =
  (x: TaggedPeripheral): DropDownItem => ({
    label: x.body.label,
    value: x.uuid,
    headingId: PinGroupName.Peripheral

const sensor2DropDown =
  (x: TaggedSensor): DropDownItem => ({
    label: x.body.label,
    value: x.uuid,
    headingId: PinGroupName.Sensor

const boxLed2DropDown =
  (boxLed: BoxLed): DropDownItem => ({
    label: t(BOX_LED_LABELS()[boxLed]),
    value: boxLed,
    headingId: PinGroupName.BoxLed

export function peripheralsAsDropDowns(input: ResourceIndex): DropDownItem[] {
  const list = selectAllSavedPeripherals(input).map(peripheral2DropDown);
  return list.length ? [PERIPHERAL_HEADING(), ...list] : [];

export function sensorsAsDropDowns(input: ResourceIndex): DropDownItem[] {
  const list = selectAllSavedSensors(input).map(sensor2DropDown);
  return list.length ? [SENSOR_HEADING(), ...list] : [];

function boxLedsAsDropDowns(): DropDownItem[] {
  const list = Object.values(BoxLed).map(boxLed2DropDown);
  return [BOX_LED_HEADING(), ...list];

/** Number of pins in an Arduino Mega */
export const PIN_RANGE = range(0, 70);

export function pinDropdowns(
  valueFormat: (n: number) => string | number): DropDownItem[] {
  return [PIN_HEADING(),];

const pinsAsDropDownsWritePin = (
  resources: ResourceIndex, showPins: boolean,
): DropDownItem[] => {
  const firmwareHardware = getFwHardwareValue(getFbosConfig(resources));
  return [
    ...(hasExtraButtons(firmwareHardware) ? boxLedsAsDropDowns() : []),
    ...(showPins ? pinDropdowns(n => n) : []),

const pinsAsDropDownsTogglePin = (
  resources: ResourceIndex, showPins: boolean,
): DropDownItem[] =>
    ...(showPins ? pinDropdowns(n => n) : []),

const pinsAsDropDownsReadPin = (
  resources: ResourceIndex, showPins: boolean,
): DropDownItem[] =>
    ...(showPins ? pinDropdowns(n => n) : []),

export const pinsAsDropdowns =
  (kind: "read_pin" | "write_pin" | "toggle_pin") => {
    switch (kind) {
      case "read_pin": return pinsAsDropDownsReadPin;
      case "write_pin": return pinsAsDropDownsWritePin;
      case "toggle_pin": return pinsAsDropDownsTogglePin;


const TYPE_MAPPING: Record<AllowedPinTypes, PinGroupName | BoxLed> = {
  "Peripheral": PinGroupName.Peripheral,
  "Sensor": PinGroupName.Sensor,
  "BoxLed3": BoxLed.BoxLed3,
  "BoxLed4": BoxLed.BoxLed4,

export const isPinType =
  (x: string): x is AllowedPinTypes => !!TYPE_MAPPING[x as AllowedPinTypes];

const NO = "UUID or ID not found";

export const findByPinNumber =
  (ri: ResourceIndex, input: NamedPin): TaggedPeripheral | TaggedSensor => {
    const { pin_type, pin_id } = input.args;
    const kindAndId = joinKindAndId(pin_type as ResourceName, pin_id);
    const r = ri.references[ri.byKindAndId[kindAndId] || NO] || bail(NO);
    switch (r.kind) {
      case "Peripheral":
      case "Sensor": return r;
      default: return bail("Not a Peripheral or Sensor");

export function namedPin2DropDown(ri: ResourceIndex, input: NamedPin | Nothing):
  DropDownItem | undefined {
  if (input.kind === "named_pin") {
    const { pin_type } = input.args;
    if (isPinType(pin_type)) {
      switch (pin_type) {
        case BoxLed.BoxLed3:
        case BoxLed.BoxLed4:
          return boxLed2DropDown(pin_type as BoxLed);
        case PinGroupName.Peripheral:
        case PinGroupName.Sensor:
          const item = findByPinNumber(ri, input);
          switch (item.kind) {
            case PinGroupName.Peripheral:
              return peripheral2DropDown(item);
            case PinGroupName.Sensor:
              return sensor2DropDown(item);
    } else {
      bail("Bad pin_type: " + JSON.stringify(pin_type));

export const dropDown2CeleryArg =
  (ri: ResourceIndex, item: DropDownItem): number | NamedPin => {
    if (isString(item.value)) { // str means "Named Pin". num means "Raw Pin"
      if (Object.values(BoxLed).map((x: string) => x).includes(item.value)) {
        return {
          kind: "named_pin",
          args: { pin_type: item.value as AllowedPinTypes, pin_id: -1 }
      const uuid: string = item.value;
      const r = ri.references[uuid];
      if (r) {
        return {
          kind: "named_pin",
          args: { pin_type: r.kind as AllowedPinTypes, pin_id: || -99 }
      } else {
        return bail("Bad uuid in celery arg: " + uuid);
    } else {
      return item.value;

export const setArgsDotPinNumber =
  (x: StepParams) => (d: DropDownItem) => {
    const { dispatch, currentSequence, index, resources, currentStep } = x;

      step: currentStep,
      sequence: currentSequence,
      index: index,
      executor(c) {
        const celeryArg = dropDown2CeleryArg(resources, d);
        switch (c.kind) {
          case "read_pin":
          case "toggle_pin":
            c.args.pin_number = celeryArg;
          case "write_pin":
            c.args.pin_number = celeryArg;
            if (isBoxLed(c)) { c.args.pin_mode = 0; }

export const isBoxLed = (step: SequenceBodyItem) =>
  step.kind == "write_pin" && !isNumber(step.args.pin_number) && (
    step.args.pin_number.args.pin_type == BoxLed.BoxLed3 ||
    step.args.pin_number.args.pin_type == BoxLed.BoxLed4);

type PinNumber = ReadPin["args"]["pin_number"];

export function celery2DropDown(input: PinNumber, ri: ResourceIndex):
  DropDownItem | undefined {
  return isNumber(input)
    ? pinNumber2DropDown(n => n)(input)
    : namedPin2DropDown(ri, input);

interface PinSelectProps extends StepParams<WritePin | TogglePin | ReadPin> {
  label?: string;
  placeholder?: string;
  width?: number;

export const PinSelect = (props: PinSelectProps): JSX.Element => {
  const step = props.currentStep;
  const { currentSequence, resources, showPins } = props;
  const { pin_number } = step.args;
  const width = props.width || 6;

  return <Col xs={width} md={width}>
    <label>{props.label || t("Peripheral")}</label>
      selectedItem={celery2DropDown(pin_number, resources)}
      customNullLabel={props.placeholder || t("Select a peripheral")}
      list={pinsAsDropdowns(step.kind)(resources, !!showPins)} />