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3 hrs
Test Coverage
import React from "react";
import { FarmwareData } from "../interfaces";
import { DropDownItem, BlurableInput, Help } from "../../ui/index";
import { without, isNumber } from "lodash";
import { ExecuteScript, Pair, FarmwareConfig } from "farmbot";
import { getConfigEnvName } from "../../farmware/farmware_forms";
import { ToolTips } from "../../constants";
import { t } from "../../i18next_wrapper";
import { FarmwareName } from "./tile_execute_script";

/** Create a Farmware input pair to include in the step body. */
const createPair = (envName: string, label: string, value: string): Pair => ({
  kind: "pair",
  args: { label: envName, value },
  comment: label

/** Prepare body pairs for manipulation. */
const cleanAll = (pairs: Pair[] | undefined): Pair[] => {
  const newPairs = pairs || [];, index) => {
    newPairs[index].args.value = "" + pair.args.value;
  return newPairs;

/** Add Pair to body (for editStep) */
const executorAdd = (inputPair: Pair) => (s: ExecuteScript) => {
  s.body = cleanAll(s.body);

/** Add all pairs to body (for editStep) */
const executorAddAll = (fwName: string, configs: FarmwareConfig[]) =>
  (s: ExecuteScript) => {
    s.body = cleanAll(s.body); => {
      const envName = getConfigEnvName(fwName,;
      if (!hasPair(s, envName)) {
        const pair = createPair(envName, config.label, config.value.toString());
        (s.body as Pair[]).push(pair);

/** Replace Pair in body (for editStep) */
const executorReplace = (inputPair: Pair) => (s: ExecuteScript) => {
  const inputName = inputPair.args.label;
  s.body = cleanAll(s.body);
  // Find index of inputPair in step body
  const inputIndex = without(, idx) => {
    if (pair.args.label == inputName) { return idx; }
  }), undefined)[0];
  if (isNumber(inputIndex)) {
    s.body[inputIndex] = inputPair;

/** Remove pair in body (for editStep) */
const executorRemove = (inputName: string) => (s: ExecuteScript) => {
  s.body = cleanAll(s.body);
  s.body = s.body.filter(x => x.args.label !== inputName);

/** Remove all pairs from body (for editStep) */
const executorRemoveAll = (s: ExecuteScript) => {
  delete s.body;

/** Check if the current step already has a Farmware input. */
const hasPair = (step: ExecuteScript, envName: string): Boolean => {
  // A list of Farmware input pair names in the current step.
  const inputNames: string[] = (step.body || []).map(x => x.args.label);
  return inputNames.includes(envName);

/** Replace the Farmware input pair if it exists, otherwise add it. */
const addOrUpdatePair =
  (inputPair: Pair, step: ExecuteScript, stepUpdate: Function) => {

    const inputName = inputPair.args.label;
    const executor = hasPair(step, inputName)
      ? executorReplace(inputPair)
      : executorAdd(inputPair);

/** List of requested inputs, if Farmware installed on a connected bot. */
const currentFarmwareInputs =
  (fwName: string, configs: FarmwareConfig[]): string[] => {
    return => getConfigEnvName(fwName,;

/** Check if a pair is requested by the selected Farmware (if connected) */
const isCurrentFarmwareInput = (configEnvNames: string[], inputName: string) =>

/** Load default and editing/saved Farmware input pairs. */
const farmwareInputs =
  (fwName: string, configs: FarmwareConfig[], currentStep: ExecuteScript) => {
    const inputs:
      { [x: string]: { label: string, value: string } }
      = {};

    // Load default input data for farmware
      .map(config => {
        inputs[getConfigEnvName(fwName,] = {
          label: config.label,
          value: config.value.toString(),

    // Load input data in sequence step
    (currentStep.body || []).map(pair => {
      inputs[pair.args.label] = {
        label: "" + pair.comment,
        value: "" + pair.args.value

    return inputs;

/** List of installed Farmware, if bot is connected (for DropDown). */
export const farmwareList =
  (farmwareData: FarmwareData | undefined): DropDownItem[] => {
    if (farmwareData) {
      const { farmwareNames, firstPartyFarmwareNames } = farmwareData;
      return farmwareNames
        .filter(farmwareName => !firstPartyFarmwareNames.includes(farmwareName))
        .filter(farmwareName => farmwareName != FarmwareName.MeasureSoilHeight)
        .map(farmwareName => ({ value: farmwareName, label: farmwareName }));
    return [];

export interface FarmwareInputsProps {
  farmwareName: string;
  currentStep: ExecuteScript;
  farmwareInstalled: boolean;
  defaultConfigs: FarmwareConfig[];
  updateStep: Function;

 * Farmware inputs are requested via a Farmware's manifest.
 * 'config' data includes 'name', 'label', and default 'value' for each input.
 * An input 'name' must be namespaced in a pair by using `getConfigEnvName()`.
 * Configs can be:
 *   * unset.
 *   * set in the Farmware's widget on the Farmware Web App page.
 *   * set in the `Run Farmware` sequence step (overrides other values).
export function FarmwareInputs(props: FarmwareInputsProps) {
  const {
    farmwareName, currentStep, farmwareInstalled, defaultConfigs, updateStep
  } = props;

  /** Add a Farmware input pair. */
  const addStepPair = (inputPair: Pair) => () => {
    addOrUpdatePair(inputPair, currentStep, updateStep);

  /** Add default input pairs. */
  const addAllDefaultPairs = () => {
    updateStep(executorAddAll(farmwareName, defaultConfigs));

  /** Remove a Farmware input pair. */
  const removeStepPair = (inputName: string) => () => {

  /** Remove all input pairs. */
  const removeAllPairs = () => {

  /** Change a Farmware input pair value. */
  const changePairValue = (envName: string, label: string) =>
    (e: React.SyntheticEvent<HTMLInputElement>) => {
      const value = e.currentTarget.value;
      const pair = createPair(envName, label, value);
      addOrUpdatePair(pair, currentStep, updateStep);

  /** Reset Farmware input pair value to the default value. */
  const resetPairValue = (envName: string, label: string) =>
    () => {
      const value = defaultValues()[envName];
      const pair = createPair(envName, label, value);
      addOrUpdatePair(pair, currentStep, updateStep);

  /** Get default values for Farmware inputs. */
  const defaultValues = () => {
    const defaults: { [x: string]: string } = {}; => {
      defaults[getConfigEnvName(farmwareName,] =
    return defaults;

  /** Check if a value is the default input value. */
  const isDefault = (envName: string, value: string): Boolean =>
    defaultValues()[envName] === value;

  /** All requested inputs (namespaced, only if connected to bot). */
  const configEnvNames = currentFarmwareInputs(farmwareName, defaultConfigs);

  /** All inputs in the step body. */
  const inputsInBody = (currentStep.body || []).map(x => x.args.label);

  /** Check if every requested input is present in the step body. */
  const areAllPresent = configEnvNames.every(x => inputsInBody.includes(x));

  /** Return "partial" class name if only some requested inputs are present. */
  const partial = inputsInBody.length > 0 && !areAllPresent ? "partial" : "";

  const farmwareInputEntries =
    Object.entries(farmwareInputs(farmwareName, defaultConfigs, currentStep));

  return farmwareInputEntries.length > 0
    ? <div className="farmware-step-input-fields">
      <div className="checkbox-row">
        <div className={`fb-checkbox ${partial}`}>
          <input type="checkbox" name="parameters"
            onChange={areAllPresent ? removeAllPairs : addAllDefaultPairs} />
        <Help text={ToolTips.FARMWARE_CONFIGS} />
      {[envName, config], i) => {
        const pair = createPair(envName, config.label, config.value);
        const outdated = farmwareInstalled &&
          !isCurrentFarmwareInput(configEnvNames, envName);
        return <fieldset key={i + envName}
          title={outdated ? t("Input is not needed for this Farmware.") : ""}>
          <div className="checkbox-row">
            <div className="fb-checkbox">
              <input type="checkbox" name="parameter"
                  ? removeStepPair(envName)
                  : addStepPair(pair)} />
            <label style={outdated ? { color: "gray" } : {}}>
          {inputsInBody.includes(envName) &&
            <div className="farmware-input-group">
                onCommit={changePairValue(envName, config.label)}
                disabled={outdated} />
              {!isDefault(envName, config.value) &&
                <i className="fa fa-times-circle"
                  onClick={resetPairValue(envName, config.label)} />}
    : <div className={"no-farmware-inputs"} />;