import { t } from "../i18next_wrapper";
import { round } from "lodash";
import { SetupWizardContent, ToolTips } from "../constants";
import {
WizardSection, WizardStepDataProps, WizardSteps, WizardToC, WizardToCSection,
} from "./interfaces";
import { botOnlineReq, ProductRegistration } from "./prerequisites";
import {
} from "./checks";
import { TaggedWizardStepResult } from "farmbot";
import {
hasEthernet, hasExtraButtons, hasRotaryTool, hasUTM, hasWeeder, isExpress,
} from "../settings/firmware/firmware_hardware_support";
import { BooleanSetting } from "../session_keys";
import { ExternalUrl } from "../external_urls";
import {
motorCurrentMaToPercent, motorCurrentPercentToMa,
} from "../settings/hardware_settings";
const motorCurrentProps = ({
inputMax: 100,
toInput: motorCurrentMaToPercent,
fromInput: motorCurrentPercentToMa,
export const setupProgressString = (
results: TaggedWizardStepResult[],
stepDataProps: WizardStepDataProps,
) => {
const completed = results.filter(result => result.body.answer).length;
const total = WIZARD_STEPS(stepDataProps).length;
return `${round(completed / total * 100)}% ${t("complete")}`;
export enum WizardSectionSlug {
intro = "intro",
os = "os",
connectivity = "connectivity",
map = "map",
motors = "motors",
controls = "controls",
home = "home",
movements = "movements",
axisLength = "axisLength",
peripherals = "peripherals",
camera = "camera",
tools = "tools",
tours = "tours",
const WIZARD_TOC =
(props: WizardStepDataProps): WizardToC => {
const toc: WizardToC = {
[WizardSectionSlug.intro]: { title: t("INTRO"), steps: [] },
[WizardSectionSlug.os]: { title: t("INSTALL FARMBOT OS"), steps: [] },
[WizardSectionSlug.connectivity]: { title: t("CONNECTIVITY"), steps: [] },
[]: { title: t("MAP"), steps: [] },
[WizardSectionSlug.motors]: { title: t("MOTORS"), steps: [] },
[WizardSectionSlug.controls]: { title: t("MANUAL CONTROLS"), steps: [] },
[WizardSectionSlug.home]: { title: t("HOME POSITION"), steps: [] },
[WizardSectionSlug.movements]: { title: t("MOVEMENTS"), steps: [] },
[WizardSectionSlug.axisLength]: { title: t("AXIS LENGTH"), steps: [] },
[WizardSectionSlug.peripherals]: { title: t("PERIPHERALS"), steps: [] },
[]: { title: t("CAMERA"), steps: [] },
[]: {
title: hasUTM(props.firmwareHardware) ? t("UTM and TOOLS") : t("TOOLS"),
steps: [],
[]: { title: t("TOURS"), steps: [] },
return toc;
export enum WizardStepSlug {
intro = "intro",
language = "language",
orderInfo = "orderInfo",
model = "model",
rpi = "rpi",
downloadOs = "downloadOs",
downloadImager = "downloadImager",
computerSdCard = "computerSdCard",
flashSdCard = "flashSdCard",
insertSdCard = "insertSdCard",
assembled = "assembled",
prePowerPosition = "prePowerPosition",
networkPorts = "networkPorts",
ethernetOption = "ethernetOption",
power = "power",
configuratorNetwork = "configuratorNetwork",
configuratorBrowser = "configuratorBrowser",
configuratorSteps = "configuratorSteps",
connection = "connection",
autoUpdate = "autoUpdate",
mapOrientation = "mapOrientation",
xMotor = "xMotor",
yMotor = "yMotor",
zMotor = "zMotor",
controlsVideo = "controlsVideo",
xAxis = "xAxis",
yAxis = "yAxis",
zAxis = "zAxis",
xAxisFindHome = "xAxisFindHome",
yAxisFindHome = "yAxisFindHome",
zAxisFindHome = "zAxisFindHome",
findHomeOnBoot = "findHomeOnBoot",
movementsVideo = "movementsVideo",
xAxisMovement = "xAxisMovement",
yAxisMovement = "yAxisMovement",
zAxisMovement = "zAxisMovement",
xAxisLength = "xAxisLength",
yAxisLength = "yAxisLength",
zAxisLength = "zAxisLength",
dynamicMapSize = "dynamicMapSize",
valve = "valve",
vacuum = "vacuum",
lights = "lights",
eStopButton = "eStopButton",
unlockButton = "unlockButton",
customButtons = "customButtons",
photo = "photo",
cameraCalibrationPreparation = "cameraCalibrationPreparation",
cameraCalibrationCard = "cameraCalibrationCard",
cameraCalibration = "cameraCalibration",
cameraOffsetAdjustment = "cameraOffsetAdjustment",
soilHeight = "soilHeight",
utm = "utm",
seeder = "seeder",
wateringNozzle = "wateringNozzle",
flowRate = "flowRate",
weeder = "weeder",
soilSensor = "soilSensor",
soilSensorValue = "soilSensorValue",
rotaryTool = "rotaryTool",
rotaryToolForward = "rotaryToolForward",
rotaryToolReverse = "rotaryToolReverse",
appTour = "appTour",
gardenTour = "gardenTour",
toolsTour = "toolsTour",
// eslint-disable-next-line complexity
export const WIZARD_STEPS = (props: WizardStepDataProps): WizardSteps => {
const { firmwareHardware } = props;
const xySwap = !!props.getConfigValue?.(BooleanSetting.xy_swap);
const positiveMovementInstruction = (swap: boolean) =>
? SetupWizardContent.PRESS_UP_JOG_BUTTON
: SetupWizardContent.PRESS_RIGHT_JOG_BUTTON;
const positiveMovementQuestion = (swap: boolean) =>
? t("Did FarmBot **move away from you**?")
: t("Did FarmBot **move to the right**?");
const xyMovementInstruction = (swap: boolean) =>
? t("Press the up arrow.")
: t("Press the right arrow.");
return [
section: WizardSectionSlug.intro,
slug: WizardStepSlug.intro,
title: t("Introduction"),
content: SetupWizardContent.INTRO,
question: t("Begin?"),
outcomes: [
slug: "notYet",
description: t("I do not wish to continue yet"),
tips: t("Press YES when ready."),
slug: "incorrect",
description: t("I pressed the wrong button"),
tips: t("Press YES."),
section: WizardSectionSlug.intro,
slug: WizardStepSlug.language,
title: t("Language"),
content: t("What is your preferred language?"),
component: Language,
question: t("Continue?"),
outcomes: [
section: WizardSectionSlug.intro,
slug: WizardStepSlug.orderInfo,
title: t("Order info"),
content: t("Please enter your FarmBot order number."),
component: ProductRegistration,
question: t("Continue?"),
outcomes: [
slug: "missing",
description: t("I do not know my order number"),
tips: t("Check your purchase confirmation email."),
section: WizardSectionSlug.intro,
slug: WizardStepSlug.model,
title: t("FarmBot model"),
content: t("Select your FarmBot model."),
component: FirmwareHardwareSelection,
question: t("Have you selected your FarmBot model?"),
outcomes: [
slug: "unknown",
description: t("I do not know my FarmBot model"),
tips: t("Check your purchase confirmation email."),
...(firmwareHardware == "farmduino_k16"
? [{
section: WizardSectionSlug.intro,
slug: WizardStepSlug.rpi,
title: t("Raspberry Pi model"),
content: SetupWizardContent.RPI,
component: RpiSelection,
question: t("Have you identified which Raspberry Pi is in your FarmBot?"),
outcomes: [
: []),
section: WizardSectionSlug.intro,
slug: WizardStepSlug.assembled,
title: t("Assembly"),
content: t("Assemble your FarmBot."),
component: AssemblyDocs,
question: t("Is FarmBot assembled and ready to power on?"),
outcomes: [
slug: "assemble",
description: t("I still need to assemble FarmBot"),
tips: t("Visit the documentation."),
component: AssemblyDocs,
section: WizardSectionSlug.intro,
slug: WizardStepSlug.prePowerPosition,
title: isExpress(firmwareHardware)
? t("Manually position the FarmBot")
: t("Move FarmBot away from the hardstops"),
content: isExpress(firmwareHardware)
: SetupWizardContent.PRE_POWER_POSITION,
question: isExpress(firmwareHardware)
? t("Is FarmBot positioned?")
: t("Is FarmBot positioned away from the hardstops?"),
outcomes: [
section: WizardSectionSlug.os,
slug: WizardStepSlug.downloadOs,
title: t("Download FarmBot OS"),
content: SetupWizardContent.DOWNLOAD_OS,
component: DownloadOS,
question: t("Has the download finished?"),
outcomes: [
section: WizardSectionSlug.os,
slug: WizardStepSlug.downloadImager,
title: t("Download Raspberry Pi Imager"),
content: SetupWizardContent.IMAGER,
images: ["rpi_imager.png"],
component: DownloadImager,
question: t("Is Raspberry Pi Imager installed?"),
outcomes: [
section: WizardSectionSlug.os,
slug: WizardStepSlug.computerSdCard,
title: t("Connect the microSD card to your computer"),
content: isExpress(firmwareHardware)
images: [
? ["rpi_02_card_installed.png"]
: ["rpi_3_card_installed.jpeg"]),
question: t("Is the card connected?"),
outcomes: [
section: WizardSectionSlug.os,
slug: WizardStepSlug.flashSdCard,
title: t("Install FarmBot OS onto the microSD card"),
content: SetupWizardContent.FLASH_SD_CARD,
images: ["rpi_imager_flash.png"],
question: t("Did the writing process complete?"),
outcomes: [
section: WizardSectionSlug.os,
slug: WizardStepSlug.insertSdCard,
title: t("Insert the microSD card into FarmBot"),
content: isExpress(firmwareHardware)
: SetupWizardContent.INSERT_SD_CARD_GENESIS,
images: isExpress(firmwareHardware)
? ["rpi_02_card_installed.png"]
: ["rpi_3_card_installed.jpeg"],
question: t("Have you inserted the microSD card into the Raspberry Pi?"),
outcomes: [
section: WizardSectionSlug.connectivity,
slug: WizardStepSlug.networkPorts,
title: t("Open network ports"),
content: SetupWizardContent.NETWORK_PORTS,
component: NetworkRequirementsLink,
question: SetupWizardContent.NETWORK_PORTS_QUESTION,
outcomes: [],
? [{
section: WizardSectionSlug.connectivity,
slug: WizardStepSlug.ethernetOption,
title: t("Ethernet connection (optional)"),
content: SetupWizardContent.ETHERNET_OPTION,
question: SetupWizardContent.ETHERNET_OPTION_QUESTION,
outcomes: [
slug: "ethernetPort",
description: t("I do not know where to connect the ethernet cable"),
tips: "",
images: isExpress(firmwareHardware)
? ["farmduino_ethernet_port.jpg"]
: ["rpi_ethernet_port.jpg"],
: []),
section: WizardSectionSlug.connectivity,
slug: WizardStepSlug.power,
title: t("Power up"),
content: t("Plug in FarmBot's power."),
question: t("Did any lights in the electronics box light up?"),
outcomes: [
slug: "noPower",
description: t("There is no power"),
tips: t("Check power cable connections."),
section: WizardSectionSlug.connectivity,
slug: WizardStepSlug.configuratorNetwork,
title: t("Configurator network"),
content: SetupWizardContent.CONFIGURATOR_CONTENT,
outcomes: [
slug: "noSetupNetwork",
description: t("The FarmBot WiFi network isn't showing up"),
tips: SetupWizardContent.NO_SETUP_NETWORK,
slug: "cantConnect",
description: SetupWizardContent.CANT_CONNECT,
tips: SetupWizardContent.CANT_CONNECT_TIP,
section: WizardSectionSlug.connectivity,
slug: WizardStepSlug.configuratorBrowser,
title: t("Configurator"),
content: t("Open a browser and navigate to ``"),
images: ["configurator.png"],
question: t("Is the configurator loaded?"),
outcomes: [
slug: "noPageLoad",
description: t("The page won't load"),
tips: t("Try navigating to `` instead."),
slug: "redirect",
description: t("I was redirected to a page"),
tips: t("If using a phone, disable cellular data and try again."),
section: WizardSectionSlug.connectivity,
slug: WizardStepSlug.configuratorSteps,
title: t("Configurator steps"),
content: t("Complete the configurator steps."),
question: t("Are all configurator steps complete?"),
outcomes: [
slug: "error",
description: t("There was an error"),
tips: t("Check for the FarmBot WiFi network. If it is present,"),
goToStep: {
text: t("connect to Configurator"),
step: WizardStepSlug.configuratorNetwork,
section: WizardSectionSlug.connectivity,
slug: WizardStepSlug.connection,
title: t("Online"),
content: "",
component: Connectivity,
question: t("Is FarmBot online?"),
outcomes: [
slug: "offline",
description: t("FarmBot is offline"),
tips: t("Check for the FarmBot WiFi network. If it is present,"),
goToStep: {
text: t("connect to Configurator"),
step: WizardStepSlug.configuratorNetwork,
slug: "noFirmware",
description: t("The firmware is missing"),
tips: t("Press the button to install your device's firmware."),
component: FlashFirmware,
section: WizardSectionSlug.connectivity,
slug: WizardStepSlug.autoUpdate,
title: t("Auto update"),
content: SetupWizardContent.AUTO_UPDATE,
component: AutoUpdate,
question: t(SetupWizardContent.AUTO_UPDATE_QUESTION),
outcomes: [
slug: WizardStepSlug.mapOrientation,
title: t("Map orientation"),
content: SetupWizardContent.MAP_ORIENTATION,
video: ExternalUrl.Video.mapOrientation,
component: MapOrientation,
question: t("Does the virtual FarmBot match your real life FarmBot?"),
outcomes: [
slug: "rotated",
description: t("The map is rotated incorrectly"),
tips: "",
component: RotateMapToggle,
slug: "incorrectOrigin",
description: t("The map origin is in a different corner"),
tips: t("Select the correct map origin."),
component: SelectMapOrigin,
section: WizardSectionSlug.motors,
slug: WizardStepSlug.xMotor,
title: t("X-axis motor"),
prerequisites: [botOnlineReq],
content: xyMovementInstruction(xySwap),
controlsCheckOptions: { axis: "x" },
question: t(SetupWizardContent.DID_AXIS_MOVE, { axis: "x" }),
outcomes: [
slug: "nothing",
description: t("Nothing happened"),
tips: SetupWizardContent.NO_MOTOR_ACTIVITY,
component: FlashFirmware,
slug: "noMovement",
description: SetupWizardContent.NO_MOTOR_MOVEMENT,
tips: "",
component: CheckForResistance,
slug: "stall",
description: t("It started to move, but stopped early"),
tips: "",
component: DisableStallDetection("x"),
slug: "wrongAxis",
description: t("A different axis moved"),
tips: t("Verify axis motor connections."),
section: WizardSectionSlug.motors,
slug: WizardStepSlug.yMotor,
title: t("Y-axis motor"),
prerequisites: [botOnlineReq],
content: xyMovementInstruction(!xySwap),
controlsCheckOptions: { axis: "y" },
question: t(SetupWizardContent.DID_AXIS_MOVE, { axis: "y" }),
outcomes: [
slug: "nothing",
description: t("Nothing happened"),
tips: SetupWizardContent.NO_MOTOR_ACTIVITY,
slug: "noMovement",
description: SetupWizardContent.NO_MOTOR_MOVEMENT,
tips: "",
component: CheckForResistance,
slug: "stall",
description: t("It started to move, but stopped early"),
tips: "",
component: DisableStallDetection("y"),
slug: "wrongAxis",
description: t("A different axis moved"),
tips: t("Verify axis motor connections."),
section: WizardSectionSlug.motors,
slug: WizardStepSlug.zMotor,
title: t("Z-axis motor"),
prerequisites: [botOnlineReq],
content: t("Press the down arrow."),
controlsCheckOptions: { axis: "z" },
question: t(SetupWizardContent.DID_AXIS_MOVE, { axis: "z" }),
outcomes: [
slug: "nothing",
description: t("Nothing happened"),
tips: SetupWizardContent.NO_MOTOR_ACTIVITY,
slug: "noMovement",
description: SetupWizardContent.NO_MOTOR_MOVEMENT,
tips: "",
component: CheckForResistance,
slug: "stall",
description: t("It started to move, but stopped early"),
tips: "",
component: DisableStallDetection("z"),
slug: "wrongAxis",
description: t("A different axis moved"),
tips: t("Verify axis motor connections."),
section: WizardSectionSlug.controls,
slug: WizardStepSlug.controlsVideo,
title: t("Manual controls video"),
content: SetupWizardContent.CONTROLS_VIDEO,
video: ExternalUrl.Video.manualControls,
question: t("Did you watch the video?"),
outcomes: [],
section: WizardSectionSlug.controls,
slug: WizardStepSlug.xAxis,
title: t("X-axis"),
prerequisites: [botOnlineReq],
content: positiveMovementInstruction(xySwap),
controlsCheckOptions: { axis: "x" },
question: positiveMovementQuestion(xySwap),
outcomes: [
slug: "nothing",
description: t("Nothing happened"),
tips: t("Return to the"),
goToStep: { step: WizardStepSlug.xMotor, text: t("x-axis motor step") },
slug: "inverted",
description: t("It moved the opposite direction"),
tips: "",
component: InvertJogButton("x"),
slug: "otherMovement",
description: t("It moved in a different direction"),
tips: "",
component: SwapJogButton,
slug: "noMovement",
description: SetupWizardContent.NO_MOTOR_MOVEMENT,
tips: t("Return to the"),
goToStep: { step: WizardStepSlug.xMotor, text: t("x-axis motor step") },
section: WizardSectionSlug.controls,
slug: WizardStepSlug.yAxis,
title: t("Y-axis"),
prerequisites: [botOnlineReq],
content: positiveMovementInstruction(!xySwap),
controlsCheckOptions: { axis: "y" },
question: positiveMovementQuestion(!xySwap),
outcomes: [
slug: "nothing",
description: t("Nothing happened"),
tips: t("Return to the"),
goToStep: { step: WizardStepSlug.yMotor, text: t("y-axis motor step") },
slug: "inverted",
description: t("It moved the opposite direction"),
tips: "",
component: InvertJogButton("y"),
slug: "otherMovement",
description: t("It moved in a different direction"),
tips: "",
component: SwapJogButton,
slug: "noMovement",
description: SetupWizardContent.NO_MOTOR_MOVEMENT,
tips: t("Return to the"),
goToStep: { step: WizardStepSlug.yMotor, text: t("y-axis motor step") },
section: WizardSectionSlug.controls,
slug: WizardStepSlug.zAxis,
title: t("Z-axis"),
prerequisites: [botOnlineReq],
content: SetupWizardContent.PRESS_DOWN_JOG_BUTTON,
controlsCheckOptions: { axis: "z" },
question: t("Did FarmBot **move down**?"),
outcomes: [
slug: "nothing",
description: t("Nothing happened"),
tips: t("Return to the"),
goToStep: { step: WizardStepSlug.zMotor, text: t("z-axis motor step") },
slug: "inverted",
description: t("It moved up"),
tips: "",
component: InvertJogButton("z"),
slug: "otherMovement",
description: t("It moved in a different direction"),
tips: t("Return to the"),
goToStep: { step: WizardStepSlug.zMotor, text: t("z-axis motor step") },
slug: "noMovement",
description: SetupWizardContent.NO_MOTOR_MOVEMENT,
tips: t("Return to the"),
goToStep: { step: WizardStepSlug.zMotor, text: t("z-axis motor step") },
section: WizardSectionSlug.home,
slug: WizardStepSlug.zAxisFindHome,
title: t("Home Z"),
prerequisites: [botOnlineReq],
content: isExpress(firmwareHardware)
? SetupWizardContent.FIND_HOME_Z_EXPRESS
: t(SetupWizardContent.FIND_HOME, { axis: "Z" }),
component: isExpress(firmwareHardware) ? undefined : AxisActions,
controlsCheckOptions: isExpress(firmwareHardware) ? {} : undefined,
question: isExpress(firmwareHardware)
? SetupWizardContent.HOME_Z_EXPRESS
: SetupWizardContent.HOME,
outcomes: [
slug: "notAtHome",
description: t("The axis is not at the home position"),
tips: t(SetupWizardContent.HOME_AXIS, { axis: "z" }),
component: CheckForResistance,
controlsCheckOptions: { home: true },
slug: "notZero",
description: t("The coordinate is not zero"),
tips: "",
component: SetHome("z"),
section: WizardSectionSlug.home,
slug: WizardStepSlug.yAxisFindHome,
title: t("Home Y"),
prerequisites: [botOnlineReq],
content: t(SetupWizardContent.FIND_HOME, { axis: "Y" }),
component: AxisActions,
question: SetupWizardContent.HOME,
outcomes: [
slug: "notAtHome",
description: t("The axis is not at the home position"),
tips: t(SetupWizardContent.HOME_AXIS, { axis: "y" }),
component: CheckForResistance,
controlsCheckOptions: { home: true },
slug: "notZero",
description: t("The coordinate is not zero"),
tips: "",
component: SetHome("y"),
section: WizardSectionSlug.home,
slug: WizardStepSlug.xAxisFindHome,
title: t("Home X"),
prerequisites: [botOnlineReq],
content: t(SetupWizardContent.FIND_HOME, { axis: "X" }),
component: AxisActions,
question: SetupWizardContent.HOME,
outcomes: [
slug: "notAtHome",
description: t("The axis is not at the home position"),
tips: t(SetupWizardContent.HOME_AXIS, { axis: "x" }),
component: CheckForResistance,
controlsCheckOptions: { home: true },
slug: "notZero",
description: t("The coordinate is not zero"),
tips: "",
component: SetHome("x"),
section: WizardSectionSlug.home,
slug: WizardStepSlug.findHomeOnBoot,
title: t("Boot sequence"),
prerequisites: [botOnlineReq],
content: SetupWizardContent.BOOT_SEQUENCE,
component: BootSequence,
question: t("Is the 'Find Home' sequence selected?"),
outcomes: [
slug: "noFindHomeSequence",
description: t("There is no 'Find Home' sequence"),
tips: t("Create a new sequence and add the FIND HOME command."),
section: WizardSectionSlug.movements,
slug: WizardStepSlug.movementsVideo,
title: t("Movements video"),
content: SetupWizardContent.MOVEMENTS_VIDEO,
video: ExternalUrl.Video.movements,
question: t("Did you watch the video?"),
outcomes: [],
section: WizardSectionSlug.movements,
slug: WizardStepSlug.xAxisMovement,
title: t("X-axis movements"),
content: SetupWizardContent.X_AXIS_MOVEMENTS,
controlsCheckOptions: { axis: "x", both: true },
question: SetupWizardContent.X_AXIS_MOVEMENTS_QUESTION,
outcomes: [
slug: "stalls",
description: t("It stalls or has trouble at certain locations"),
tips: SetupWizardContent.MOVEMENT_STALLS,
component: MotorCurrentContent,
firmwareNumberSettings: [{
key: "movement_motor_current_x",
label: t("x-axis motor current (%)"),
slug: "struggles",
description: t("It struggles to move along the whole length of the axis"),
tips: SetupWizardContent.MOVEMENT_ALL_X,
component: MotorCurrentContent,
firmwareNumberSettings: [{
key: "movement_motor_current_x",
label: t("x-axis motor current (%)"),
slug: "untuned",
description: SetupWizardContent.MOVEMENT_SETTINGS_DESCRIPTION,
tips: SetupWizardContent.MOVEMENT_SETTINGS,
video: ExternalUrl.Video.motorTuning,
firmwareNumberSettings: [
key: "movement_min_spd_x",
label: t("x-axis minimum speed (mm/s)"),
scale: "x",
key: "movement_max_spd_x",
label: t("x-axis maximum speed (mm/s)"),
scale: "x",
key: "movement_steps_acc_dec_x",
label: t("x-axis acceleration (mm)"),
scale: "x",
key: "movement_motor_current_x",
label: t("x-axis motor current (%)"),
section: WizardSectionSlug.movements,
slug: WizardStepSlug.yAxisMovement,
title: t("Y-axis movements"),
content: SetupWizardContent.Y_AXIS_MOVEMENTS,
controlsCheckOptions: { axis: "y", both: true },
question: SetupWizardContent.Y_AXIS_MOVEMENTS_QUESTION,
outcomes: [
slug: "stalls",
description: t("It stalls or has trouble at certain locations"),
tips: SetupWizardContent.MOVEMENT_STALLS,
component: MotorCurrentContent,
firmwareNumberSettings: [{
key: "movement_motor_current_y",
label: t("y-axis motor current (%)"),
slug: "struggles",
description: t("It struggles to move along the whole length of the axis"),
tips: SetupWizardContent.MOVEMENT_ALL_Y_AND_Z,
component: MotorCurrentContent,
firmwareNumberSettings: [{
key: "movement_motor_current_y",
label: t("y-axis motor current (%)"),
slug: "untuned",
description: SetupWizardContent.MOVEMENT_SETTINGS_DESCRIPTION,
tips: SetupWizardContent.MOVEMENT_SETTINGS,
video: ExternalUrl.Video.motorTuning,
firmwareNumberSettings: [
key: "movement_min_spd_y",
label: t("y-axis minimum speed (mm/s)"),
scale: "y",
key: "movement_max_spd_y",
label: t("y-axis maximum speed (mm/s)"),
scale: "y",
key: "movement_steps_acc_dec_y",
label: t("y-axis acceleration (mm)"),
scale: "y",
key: "movement_motor_current_y",
label: t("y-axis motor current (%)"),
section: WizardSectionSlug.movements,
slug: WizardStepSlug.zAxisMovement,
title: t("Z-axis movements"),
content: SetupWizardContent.Z_AXIS_MOVEMENTS,
controlsCheckOptions: { axis: "z", both: true },
question: SetupWizardContent.Z_AXIS_MOVEMENTS_QUESTION,
outcomes: [
slug: "stalls",
description: t("It stalls or has trouble at certain locations"),
tips: SetupWizardContent.MOVEMENT_STALLS,
component: MotorCurrentContent,
firmwareNumberSettings: [{
key: "movement_motor_current_z",
label: t("z-axis motor current (%)"),
slug: "struggles",
description: t("It struggles to move along the whole length of the axis"),
tips: SetupWizardContent.MOVEMENT_ALL_Y_AND_Z,
component: MotorCurrentContent,
firmwareNumberSettings: [{
key: "movement_motor_current_z",
label: t("z-axis motor current (%)"),
slug: "untuned",
description: SetupWizardContent.MOVEMENT_SETTINGS_DESCRIPTION,
tips: SetupWizardContent.MOVEMENT_SETTINGS,
video: ExternalUrl.Video.motorTuning,
firmwareNumberSettings: [
key: "movement_min_spd_z",
label: t("z-axis minimum speed (mm/s)"),
scale: "z",
key: "movement_max_spd_z",
label: t("z-axis maximum speed (mm/s)"),
scale: "z",
key: "movement_steps_acc_dec_z",
label: t("z-axis acceleration (mm)"),
scale: "z",
key: "movement_motor_current_z",
label: t("z-axis motor current (%)"),
section: WizardSectionSlug.axisLength,
slug: WizardStepSlug.xAxisLength,
title: t("X-axis length"),
content: t(SetupWizardContent.FIND_AXIS_LENGTH, { axis: "X" }),
component: AxisActions,
question: SetupWizardContent.FIND_LENGTH,
outcomes: [
slug: "stalls",
description: t("It stopped before reaching the axis end"),
tips: SetupWizardContent.MOVEMENT_STALLS,
component: FindAxisLength("x"),
slug: "incorrect",
description: t("The axis length value looks incorrect"),
tips: SetupWizardContent.AXIS_LENGTH,
firmwareNumberSettings: [{
key: "movement_axis_nr_steps_x",
label: t("x-axis length (mm)"),
scale: "x",
intSize: "long",
slug: "disabled",
description: t("The FIND LENGTH button is disabled"),
tips: "",
component: DisableStallDetection("x", false),
section: WizardSectionSlug.axisLength,
slug: WizardStepSlug.yAxisLength,
title: t("Y-axis length"),
content: t(SetupWizardContent.FIND_AXIS_LENGTH, { axis: "Y" }),
component: AxisActions,
question: SetupWizardContent.FIND_LENGTH,
outcomes: [
slug: "stalls",
description: t("It stopped before reaching the axis end"),
tips: SetupWizardContent.MOVEMENT_STALLS,
component: FindAxisLength("y"),
slug: "incorrect",
description: t("The axis length value looks incorrect"),
tips: SetupWizardContent.AXIS_LENGTH,
firmwareNumberSettings: [{
key: "movement_axis_nr_steps_y",
label: t("y-axis length (mm)"),
scale: "y",
intSize: "long",
slug: "disabled",
description: t("The FIND LENGTH button is disabled"),
tips: "",
component: DisableStallDetection("y", false),
section: WizardSectionSlug.axisLength,
slug: WizardStepSlug.zAxisLength,
title: t("Z-axis length"),
content: isExpress(firmwareHardware)
: t(SetupWizardContent.FIND_AXIS_LENGTH, { axis: "Z" }),
component: isExpress(firmwareHardware) ? undefined : AxisActions,
controlsCheckOptions: isExpress(firmwareHardware) ? {} : undefined,
question: isExpress(firmwareHardware)
? SetupWizardContent.FIND_LENGTH_Z_EXPRESS
: SetupWizardContent.FIND_LENGTH,
outcomes: [
slug: "stalls",
description: t("It stopped before reaching the axis end"),
tips: SetupWizardContent.MOVEMENT_STALLS,
component: FindAxisLength("z"),
slug: "incorrect",
description: t("The axis length value looks incorrect"),
tips: SetupWizardContent.AXIS_LENGTH,
firmwareNumberSettings: [{
key: "movement_axis_nr_steps_z",
label: t("z-axis length (mm)"),
scale: "z",
intSize: "long",
? []
: [{
slug: "disabled",
description: t("The FIND LENGTH button is disabled"),
tips: "",
component: DisableStallDetection("z", false),
section: WizardSectionSlug.axisLength,
slug: WizardStepSlug.dynamicMapSize,
title: t("Dynamic map size"),
content: t("Press the toggle button to enable dynamic map size."),
component: DynamicMapToggle,
question: t("Does the toggle indicate ON?"),
outcomes: [
section: WizardSectionSlug.peripherals,
slug: WizardStepSlug.valve,
title: t("Solenoid valve"),
prerequisites: [botOnlineReq],
content: t(SetupWizardContent.TOGGLE_PERIPHERAL, { toggle: t("WATER") }),
component: PeripheralsCheck,
componentOptions: { border: false },
question: t("Did water flow?"),
outcomes: [
slug: "nothing",
description: t("Nothing happened"),
tips: t("Check the solenoid valve power cable connections."),
slug: "noWater",
description: t("The valve clicked, but there isn't any water"),
tips: t("Check your garden hose connection and try again."),
section: WizardSectionSlug.peripherals,
slug: WizardStepSlug.vacuum,
title: t("Vacuum pump"),
prerequisites: [botOnlineReq],
content: t(SetupWizardContent.TOGGLE_PERIPHERAL, { toggle: t("VACUUM") }),
component: PeripheralsCheck,
componentOptions: { border: false },
question: t("Did the vacuum pump run?"),
outcomes: [
slug: "nothing",
description: t("Nothing happened"),
tips: t("Check the vacuum pump power cable connections."),
slug: "noSuction",
description: t("The pump is on, but there isn't any suction"),
tips: t("Check the tube connections."),
section: WizardSectionSlug.peripherals,
slug: WizardStepSlug.lights,
title: t("LED light strip"),
prerequisites: [botOnlineReq],
content: t(SetupWizardContent.TOGGLE_PERIPHERAL, { toggle: t("LIGHTING") }),
component: PeripheralsCheck,
componentOptions: { border: false },
question: t("Did the lights turn on?"),
outcomes: [
slug: "nothing",
description: t("Nothing happened"),
tips: t("Check the LED light strip power cable connections."),
section: WizardSectionSlug.peripherals,
slug: WizardStepSlug.eStopButton,
title: t("E-stop button"),
prerequisites: [botOnlineReq],
content: SetupWizardContent.ESTOP_BUTTON,
pinBindingOptions: { editing: false },
componentOptions: { fullWidth: true },
question: SetupWizardContent.ESTOP_BUTTON_QUESTION,
outcomes: [
slug: "stillPowered",
description: t("FarmBot's motors are still powered"),
tips: t("Check the E-STOP button wiring."),
? [{
section: WizardSectionSlug.peripherals,
slug: WizardStepSlug.unlockButton,
title: t("Unlock button"),
prerequisites: [botOnlineReq],
content: SetupWizardContent.UNLOCK_BUTTON_BOX,
pinBindingOptions: { editing: false },
componentOptions: { fullWidth: true },
question: SetupWizardContent.UNLOCK_BUTTON_QUESTION,
outcomes: [
slug: "stillUnpowered",
description: t("FarmBot's motors are still unpowered"),
tips: t("Check the UNLOCK button wiring."),
: [{
section: WizardSectionSlug.peripherals,
slug: WizardStepSlug.unlockButton,
title: t("Unlock button"),
prerequisites: [botOnlineReq],
content: SetupWizardContent.UNLOCK_BUTTON_VIRTUAL,
pinBindingOptions: {
editing: false,
unlockOnly: true,
componentOptions: { border: false, background: false },
question: SetupWizardContent.UNLOCK_BUTTON_QUESTION,
outcomes: [],
? [
section: WizardSectionSlug.peripherals,
slug: WizardStepSlug.customButtons,
title: t("Custom buttons"),
prerequisites: [botOnlineReq],
content: SetupWizardContent.CUSTOM_BUTTONS,
pinBindingOptions: { editing: true },
componentOptions: { fullWidth: true },
question: t("Are you finished customizing the buttons?"),
outcomes: [],
: []),
title: t("Photo"),
prerequisites: [botOnlineReq],
content: t("Press the button below to take a photo."),
component: CameraCheck,
question: t("Does the image look OK?"),
outcomes: [
slug: "nothing",
description: t("There is no image"),
tips: t("Try again while observing the log messages."),
component: CameraReplacement,
slug: "cameraError",
description: SetupWizardContent.PROBLEM_GETTING_IMAGE,
tips: SetupWizardContent.CHECK_CAMERA_CABLE,
component: CameraReplacement,
slug: "low_voltage",
description: t("Camera voltage is low"),
tips: t("Try a different Raspberry Pi USB power cable."),
hidden: true,
slug: "black",
description: t("The image is black"),
tips: SetupWizardContent.BLACK_IMAGE,
component: CameraReplacement,
detectedProblems: [{
status: lowVoltageProblemStatus,
description: SetupWizardContent.CAMERA_VOLTAGE_LOW,
slug: "rotated",
description: t("The image is rotated"),
tips: t("Press YES to proceed to camera calibration."),
slug: WizardStepSlug.cameraCalibrationPreparation,
title: t("Calibration preparation"),
prerequisites: [botOnlineReq],
controlsCheckOptions: { axis: "z", up: true },
question: t("Is the z-axis as high as it will go?"),
outcomes: [
slug: "motor",
description: t("The motor is having trouble"),
tips: t("Return to the"),
goToStep: { step: WizardStepSlug.zMotor, text: t("z-axis motor step") },
slug: "hardstop",
description: t("The z-axis did not reach the hardstop"),
tips: "",
component: FindHome("z"),
slug: WizardStepSlug.cameraCalibrationCard,
title: t("Calibration card"),
content: SetupWizardContent.CAMERA_CALIBRATION,
component: CameraCalibrationCard,
question: t("Is the calibration card on the soil underneath the camera?"),
outcomes: [
slug: "missing",
description: t("I can't find the calibration card"),
tips: SetupWizardContent.RED_DOTS,
component: SwitchCameraCalibrationMethod,
slug: WizardStepSlug.cameraCalibration,
title: t("Calibration"),
prerequisites: [botOnlineReq],
content: t("Press the button below to calibrate the camera."),
component: CameraCalibrationCheck,
question: t("Did calibration complete without error logs?"),
outcomes: [
slug: "cameraError",
description: SetupWizardContent.PROBLEM_GETTING_IMAGE,
tips: t("Return to the"),
goToStep: { step:, text: t("photo step") },
slug: "detectionError",
description: t("There is a detection error log"),
slug: "motorError",
description: t("There is an axis error log"),
tips: t("Make sure the motors are working properly. Return to the"),
goToStep: { step: WizardStepSlug.zMotor, text: t("z-axis motor step") },
slug: WizardStepSlug.cameraOffsetAdjustment,
title: t("Offset adjustment"),
prerequisites: [botOnlineReq],
content: SetupWizardContent.CAMERA_ALIGNMENT,
component: CameraCheck,
question: t("Is the location in the image aligned with the map location?"),
outcomes: [
slug: "misaligned",
description: t("It does not line up"),
tips: t("Adjust one or both camera offset values and check again."),
component: CameraOffset,
slug: "flipped",
description: t("The image appears flipped"),
tips: t("Change the image origin and check again."),
component: CameraImageOrigin,
slug: "cameraError",
description: SetupWizardContent.PROBLEM_GETTING_IMAGE,
tips: t("Return to the"),
goToStep: { step:, text: t("photo step") },
hidden: true,
slug: WizardStepSlug.soilHeight,
title: t("Soil height measurement"),
prerequisites: [botOnlineReq],
component: SoilHeightMeasurementCheck,
question: t("Does the image include red and green highlighted regions?"),
outcomes: [
slug: "detectionError",
description: t("There is a surface error message"),
tips: t("Move FarmBot to a different location and try again."),
controlsCheckOptions: {},
slug: "cameraError",
description: SetupWizardContent.PROBLEM_GETTING_IMAGE,
tips: t("Return to the"),
goToStep: { step:, text: t("photo step") },
hidden: true,
? [{
slug: WizardStepSlug.utm,
title: t("UTM"),
content: t("Connect the UTM cable."),
question: t("Is the UTM cable plugged in?"),
outcomes: [{
slug: "nothing",
description: t("I'm not sure"),
tips: t("Check the UTM top and Farmduino connections."),
: []),
? [{
slug: WizardStepSlug.seeder,
title: t("Seeder"),
prerequisites: [botOnlineReq],
content: t("Attach the seeder tool to the UTM and press VERIFY."),
component: ToolCheck,
question: t("Is the status 'connected'?"),
outcomes: [
slug: "dismounted",
description: t("The status is 'disconnected'"),
tips: SetupWizardContent.CHECK_TOOL_CONNECTIONS,
: []),
? [{
slug: WizardStepSlug.wateringNozzle,
title: t("Watering nozzle"),
prerequisites: [botOnlineReq],
content: t("Attach the watering nozzle tool to the UTM and press VERIFY."),
component: ToolCheck,
question: t("Is the status 'connected'?"),
outcomes: [
slug: "dismounted",
description: t("The status is 'disconnected'"),
tips: SetupWizardContent.CHECK_TOOL_CONNECTIONS,
: []),
slug: WizardStepSlug.flowRate,
title: t("Water flow rate"),
prerequisites: [botOnlineReq],
content: ToolTips.WATER_FLOW_RATE,
component: FlowRateInput,
question: t("Has the value been entered?"),
outcomes: [
? [{
slug: WizardStepSlug.weeder,
title: t("Weeder"),
prerequisites: [botOnlineReq],
content: t("Attach the weeder tool to the UTM and press VERIFY."),
component: ToolCheck,
question: t("Is the status 'connected'?"),
outcomes: [
slug: "dismounted",
description: t("The status is 'disconnected'"),
tips: SetupWizardContent.CHECK_TOOL_CONNECTIONS,
: []),
? [{
slug: WizardStepSlug.soilSensor,
title: t("Soil sensor"),
prerequisites: [botOnlineReq],
content: t("Attach the soil sensor tool to the UTM and press VERIFY."),
component: ToolCheck,
question: t("Is the status 'connected'?"),
outcomes: [
slug: "dismounted",
description: t("The status is 'disconnected'"),
tips: SetupWizardContent.CHECK_TOOL_CONNECTIONS,
: []),
? [{
slug: WizardStepSlug.soilSensorValue,
title: t("Soil sensor reading"),
prerequisites: [botOnlineReq],
content: SetupWizardContent.READ_SOIL_SENSOR,
component: SensorsCheck,
componentOptions: { border: false },
question: t("Did the sensor return a value?"),
outcomes: [
slug: "noValue",
description: t("There is no value"),
tips: SetupWizardContent.CHECK_TOOL_CONNECTIONS,
: []),
? [{
slug: WizardStepSlug.rotaryTool,
title: t("Rotary tool"),
prerequisites: [botOnlineReq],
content: t("Attach the rotary tool to the UTM and press VERIFY."),
warning: SetupWizardContent.ROTARY_TOOL_WARNING,
component: ToolCheck,
question: t("Is the status 'connected'?"),
outcomes: [
slug: "dismounted",
description: t("The status is 'disconnected'"),
tips: SetupWizardContent.CHECK_TOOL_CONNECTIONS,
: []),
? [{
slug: WizardStepSlug.rotaryToolForward,
title: t("Rotary tool forward"),
prerequisites: [botOnlineReq],
content: t(SetupWizardContent.TOGGLE_PERIPHERAL,
{ toggle: t("ROTARY TOOL") }),
warning: SetupWizardContent.ROTARY_TOOL_WARNING,
component: PeripheralsCheck,
componentOptions: { border: false },
question: t("Did the rotary tool rotate?"),
outcomes: [
slug: "nothing",
description: t("Nothing happened"),
tips: SetupWizardContent.CHECK_TOOL_CONNECTIONS,
: []),
? [{
slug: WizardStepSlug.rotaryToolReverse,
title: t("Rotary tool reverse"),
prerequisites: [botOnlineReq],
content: t(SetupWizardContent.TOGGLE_PERIPHERAL,
{ toggle: t("ROTARY TOOL REVERSE") }),
warning: SetupWizardContent.ROTARY_TOOL_WARNING,
component: PeripheralsCheck,
componentOptions: { border: false },
question: t("Did the rotary tool rotate?"),
outcomes: [
slug: "nothing",
description: t("Nothing happened"),
tips: SetupWizardContent.CHECK_TOOL_CONNECTIONS,
: []),
slug: WizardStepSlug.appTour,
title: t("Getting started"),
content: t("Click the button below to start the tour"),
component: Tour("gettingStarted"),
componentOptions: { background: false },
question: t("Did you finish the tour?"),
outcomes: [],
slug: WizardStepSlug.gardenTour,
title: t("Planting a garden"),
content: t("Click the button below to start the tour"),
component: Tour("garden"),
componentOptions: { background: false },
question: t("Did you finish the tour?"),
outcomes: [],
slug: WizardStepSlug.toolsTour,
title: t("Setting up slots"),
content: t("Click the button below to start the tour"),
component: Tour("tools"),
componentOptions: { background: false },
question: t("Did you finish the tour?"),
outcomes: [],
export const WIZARD_STEP_SLUGS = (props: WizardStepDataProps): WizardStepSlug[] =>
WIZARD_STEPS(props).map(step => step.slug);
export const WIZARD_SECTIONS = (props: WizardStepDataProps): WizardSection[] => {
const toC = WIZARD_TOC(props);
WIZARD_STEPS(props).map(step => toC[step.section].steps.push(step));
return Object.entries(toC)
.map(([sectionSlug, sectionData]: [WizardSectionSlug, WizardToCSection]) =>
({ slug: sectionSlug, ...sectionData }));