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Test Coverage
  "translated": {
    "": "",
    " copy ": " copier ",
    " Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the \"Software\"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:": "L'autorisation est accordée gratuitement à toute personne obtenant une copie de ce logiciel et des fichiers de documentation associés (le \"Logiciel\"), pour traiter le Logiciel sans restriction, y compris sans limitation les droits d'utiliser, copier, modifier, fusionner, publier, distribuer, sous-licencier et/ou vendre des copies du Logiciel, et de permettre aux personnes auxquelles le Logiciel est fourni de le faire, sous réserve des conditions suivantes :",
    " request sent to device.": "requête envoyée à l'appareil",
    " The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.": "L'avis de copyright ci-dessus et cet avis d'autorisation doivent être inclus dans toutes les copies ou portions substantielles du Logiciel.",
    "? items": "? articles",
    ".img\\": ".img\\",
    "'Find Axis Length' command": "Commande 'Trouver la longueur de l'axe'",
    "'Find Home' command": "Commande 'Trouver le point d'origine'",
    "'Move To Home' command": "Commande 'Aller au point d'origine'",
    "'Set Home' command": "Commande 'Définir le point d'origine'",
    "(No selection)": "(aucune sélection)",
    "(unknown)": "(inconnu)",
    "(x, y, z)": "(x, y, z)",
    "{{axis}} (mm)": "{{axis}} (mm)",
    "{{axis}}-Offset": "{{axis}}-Décalage",
    "{{count}} items": "{{count}} éléments",
    "{{length}} {{name}} selected": "{{length}} {{name}} selectionné",
    "{{seconds}} seconds!": "{{seconds}} secondes !",
    "# of plants": "# de plantes",
    "1280 x 960 (1.3MP)": "1280 x 960 (1.3MP)",
    "1600 x 1200 (2MP)": "1600 x 1200 (2MP)",
    "24 hour response time": "Temps de reponse sur 24 heures",
    "2592 x 1944 (5MP)": "2592 x 1944 (5MP)",
    "320 x 240 (0.08MP)": "320 x 240 (0.08MP)",
    "3280 x 2464 (8MP)": "3280 x 2464 (8MP)",
    "4056 x 3040 (12.3MP)": "4056 x 3040 (12.3MP)",
    "640 x 480 (0.3MP)": "640 x 480 (0.3MP)",
    "72 hour response time": "Temps de reponse sur 72 heures",
    "800 x 600 (0.5MP)": "800 x 600 (0.5MP)",
    "Abort": "Annuler",
    "Abort and recover": "Annuler et récupérer",
    "Absolute movement": "Movement absolu",
    "Accelerate for (mm)": "Accélérer pour (mm)",
    "Account": "Compte",
    "Account has been reset.": "Le compte a été remis à zero.",
    "Account Menu": "Menu de compte",
    "Account Not Verified": "Compte non vérifié",
    "Account Settings": "Options du compte",
    "Action": "Action",
    "Action may be required": "Une action peut être requise",
    "Actions": "Actions",
    "Active": "Actif",
    "add": "Ajouter",
    "Add a seed container": "Ajouter un conteneur de graines",
    "Add a tool or seed container": "Ajouter un outil ou un conteneur de graines",
    "Add Command": "Ajouter Une Commande",
    "Add event": "Ajouter événement",
    "Add Event": "Ajouter un événement",
    "add filter": "Ajouter un filtre",
    "Add garden": "Ajouter un jardin",
    "Add group": "Ajouter un groupe",
    "Add more groups": "Ajouter plus de groupes",
    "Add more plants": "Ajouter plus de plantes",
    "Add new": "Ajouter un nouveau",
    "Add new garden": "Ajouter un nouveau jardin",
    "add new group": "ajouter un nouveau groupe",
    "add new height curve": "ajouter une nouvelle courbe de hauteur",
    "Add new pin binding": "Ajouter une nouvelle liaison de broche",
    "add new regimen": "ajouter un nouveau régime",
    "add new saved garden": "ajouter un nouveau jardin sauvegardé",
    "add new sequence": "ajouter une nouvelle séquence",
    "Add new slot": "Ajouter un nouvel emplacement",
    "add new spread curve": "ajouter une nouvelle courbe de dispersion",
    "Add new tool": "Ajouter un nouvel outil",
    "add new water curve": "ajouter une nouvelle courbe d'eau",
    "Add new zone": "Ajouter une nouvelle zone",
    "add number filter": "ajouter un filtre de numéro",
    "add peripheral": "ajouter un périphérique",
    "add plant": "ajouter une plante",
    "Add Plant": "Ajouter une plante",
    "Add plant at current FarmBot location {{coordinate}}": "Ajouter une plante à l'emplacement actuel de la FarmBot {{coordinate}} ",
    "Add plant at current location": "Ajouter une plante à l'amplacement actuel",
    "Add plants to map": "Ajouter une plante à la carte",
    "add point": "ajouter un point",
    "Add point at this location": "Ajouter un point à cet emplacement",
    "Add pre-made resources upon selection": "Ajouter des ressources pré-faites lors de la sélection",
    "Add selected": "Ajouter la sélection",
    "add sensor reading": "ajouter une lecture de capteur",
    "add sensors": "ajouter des capteurs",
    "Add sensors here to monitor FarmBot's sensors. To edit and create new sensors, press the EDIT button.": "Ajouter un capteur au capteur actuel de la FarmBot. Pour éditer et créer un nouveau capteur, appuyer sur le bouton EDITER.",
    "add sequence step": "ajouter une étape de séquence",
    "Add slot": "Ajouter un emplacement",
    "add stock peripherals": "ajouter des périphériques en stock",
    "add stock pin bindings": "ajouter des liaisons de broches en stock",
    "add stock sensors": "ajouter des capteurs en stock",
    "add this crop on OpenFarm?": "ajouter cette plante à OpenFarm ?",
    "Add variable": "Ajouter une variable",
    "Add watering nozzle": "Ajouter une buse d'arrosage",
    "Add webcam": "Ajouter une webcam",
    "add weed": "ajouter une mauvaise herbe",
    "Add weed": "Ajouter mauvaise herbe",
    "add week": "ajouter la semaine",
    "Add zone": "Ajouter zone",
    "Adjust one or both camera offset values and check again.": "Ajustez une ou les deux valeurs de décalage de la caméra et vérifiez à nouveau.",
    "advance": "avancé",
    "Advanced": "Avancé",
    "advanced mode": "mode avancé",
    "age": "age",
    "Age": "Age",
    "age selection empty": "sélection d'âge vide",
    "agree": "d'accord",
    "Agree to Terms of Service": "Accepter les condition d'utilisation",
    "all": "tout",
    "All": "Tout",
    "All items scheduled before the start time. Nothing to run.": "Tous les éléments sont planifiés avant l'heure de début. Rien à exécuter.",
    "All systems nominal.": "Tous les systèmes nominaux.",
    "alpha": "alpha",
    "Already added.": "Déjà ajouté.",
    "Always": "Toujours",
    "Always Power Motors": "Toujours allumer les moteurs",
    "analog": "analogique",
    "Analog": "Analogique",
    "and": "et",
    "Angle (0-180)": "Angle (0-180)",
    "any": "n'importe lequel",
    "App could not be fully loaded, we recommend you try refreshing the page.": "L'application n'a pas pu être chargé complètement, nous vous recommandons de rafraîchir la page.",
    "apply": "appliquer",
    "Arduino/Farmduino": "Arduino/Farmduino",
    "Are they in use by sequences?": "Sont-ils utilisés pas séquences ?",
    "Are you sure you want to delete all items?": "Êtes-vous sûr de vouloir supprimer tout les objets ?",
    "Are you sure you want to delete this first party farmware? Doing so will limit the functionality of your FarmBot and may cause unexpected behavior.": "Êtes-vous sûr de vouloir supprimer cette première partie du farmware ? Cela limiterait les fonctionnalités de votre FarmBot et pourrait provoquer un comportement inattendu.",
    "Are you sure you want to delete this item?": "Êtes-vous sûr de vouloir supprimer cet objet ?",
    "Are you sure you want to delete this step?": "Êtes-vous sûr de vouloir supprimer cette étape ?",
    "Are you sure you want to unlock the device?": "Êtes-vous sûr de vouloir déverrouiller ce dispositif ?",
    "Areas": "Zones",
    "as": "comme",
    "Attempting to reconnect to the message broker": "Tentative de reconnexion au service de transmission des messages",
    "Author": "Auteur",
    "auto update": "Mise à jour automatique",
    "Automatic": "Automatique",
    "Average time": "Temps moyen",
    "Axis Length (mm)": "Longueur des axes (mm)",
    "back": "retour",
    "Back": "Retour",
    "BACK": "RETOUR",
    "back to sequence": "retour à la séquence",
    "back to sequences": "retour aux séquences",
    "Bad username or password": "Mauvais nom d'utilisateur ou mot de passe",
    "Begin": "Commencez",
    "Begin?": "Commencer?",
    "Best time": "Meilleur temps",
    "beta": "beta",
    "BIND": "LIER",
    "Binomial Name": "Nom Binomial",
    "Blue": "Bleu",
    "Boot Sequence": "Sequence de boot",
    "Bottom Left": "Bas gauche",
    "Bottom Right": "Bas droit",
    "Box LED 3": "Boîte LED 3",
    "Box LED 4": "Boîte LED 4",
    "Box LEDs": "Boîte LEDs",
    "Busy": "Occupé",
    "Button {{ num }}": "Bouton {{ num }}",
    "Button 1": "Bouton 1",
    "Button 2": "Bouton 2",
    "Button 3": "Bouton 3",
    "Button 4": "Bouton 4",
    "Button 5": "Bouton 5",
    "Calibrate": "Calibrer",
    "Calibrate camera first": "Calibrer la caméra d'abord",
    "Calibrate FarmBot's camera for use in the weed detection software.": "Calibrer la caméra de la FarmBot pour une utilisation dans le logiciel de détection des mauvaises herbes.",
    "Calibrate your camera in the Photos panel before detecting weeds.": "Calibrez votre caméra dans le panneau Photos avant de détecter les mauvaises herbes.",
    "Calibration": "Calibration",
    "camera": "camera",
    "Camera": "Caméra",
    "Camera calibration": "Étalonnage de la caméra",
    "Camera Calibration": "Calibration Camera",
    "Camera settings": "Réglages de la caméra",
    "Camera view": "Vue caméra",
    "Camera voltage is low": "La tension de la caméra est basse",
    "Cameras": "Caméras",
    "Can't connect to bot": "Ne peux pas se connecter au robot",
    "Can't execute unsaved sequences": "Impossible d'exécuter des séquences non enregistrées",
    "cancel": "annuler",
    "Cancel": "Annuler",
    "Cannot delete built-in pin binding.": "Impossible de supprimer la liaison par broches.",
    "Change firmware path to...": "Modifier le chemin d'accès du firmware pour...",
    "Change Ownership": "Changer de Propriétaire",
    "Change password": "Changer le mot de passe",
    "Change the account FarmBot is connected to.": "Changer le compte auquel Farmbot est connecté",
    "Check for Updates": "Vérifier les mises à jour",
    "Choose a crop": "Choisir une plante",
    "Choose Firmware": "Choisir le Firmware",
    "Choose location": "Choisir l'emplacement",
    "Choose whether advanced step options are open or closed by default.": "Choisisez si les options de pas sont ouvertes ou fermées par défaut.",
    "Choose your FarmBot": "Choisissez votre FarmBot",
    "clear": "effacer",
    "clear filters": "effacer les filtres",
    "Click": "Click",
    "Click \"+\" to create a new regimen.": "Cliquer sur \"+\" pour créer un nouveau régime.",
    "Click \"+\" to create a new sequence.": "Cliquer sur \"+\" pour créer une nouvelle séquence.",
    "CLICK anywhere within the grid": "CLIQUER n'importe où dans la grille ",
    "Click one in the Regimens panel to edit, or click \"+\" to create a new one.": "Cliquez sur l'un des panneaux dans le groupe de Posologies pour le modifier ou cliquez sur \"+\" pour en créer un.",
    "Click one in the Sequences panel to edit, or click \"+\" to create a new one.": "Cliquez sur l'un des panneaux dans le panneau Séquences pour le modifier ou cliquez sur \"+\" pour en créer un.",
    "Click the edit button to add or edit a feed URL.": "Cliquer sur le bouton modifier pour ajouter ou modifier un flux URL",
    "Close": "Fermer",
    "Color": "Couleur",
    "Color Range": "Gamme de couleurs",
    "Commands": "Commandes",
    "Common Names": "Noms Communs",
    "Complete": "Terminé",
    "Completed": "Terminé",
    "computer": "ordinateur",
    "Confirm emergency unlock": "Confirmer le déverouillage d'urgence",
    "Confirm New Password": "Confirmer le nouveau mot de passe",
    "Confirm plant deletion": "Confirmer la suppression de plante",
    "Confirm sequence deletion": "Confirmer la suppression de séquence",
    "Confirm step deletion": "Confirmer la suppression d'étape",
    "Confirm when unlocking FarmBot after an emergency stop.": "Confirmer lorsque vous déverrouiller FarmBot après un arrêt d'urgence.",
    "connected": "connecté",
    "Connected.": "Connecté.",
    "Connection": "Connexion",
    "Connectivity": "Connectivité",
    "Continue": "Continuer",
    "Continue setup": "Continuer l'installation",
    "Continue?": "Continuer?",
    "Control Peripheral": "Contrôle de périphérique",
    "Controls": "Contrôles",
    "Coordinate": "Coordonnée",
    "copy": "copier",
    "Could not delete image.": "Ne peut pas supprimer l'image",
    "Could not download FarmBot OS update information.": "Impossible de télécharger les informations de mise à jour du système d'exploitation FarmBot.",
    "Could not fetch package name": "Impossible de récupérer le nom du paquet",
    "CPU temperature": "La température du CPU",
    "CPU usage": "Usage CPU",
    "Create Account": "Créer compte",
    "Create An Account": "Créer un compte",
    "Create group": "Créer un groupe",
    "Created Point": "Point créé",
    "Created Weed": "Mauvaise herbe créée",
    "Current position": "Position actuelle",
    "Data Label": "Nom des données",
    "Date": "Date",
    "Day": "Jour",
    "Day {{day}}": "Jour {{day}}",
    "days": "jours",
    "Days": "Jours",
    "days old": "jours",
    "Default value": "Valeur par defaut",
    "Default Value": "Valeur par Defaut",
    "delete": "supprimer",
    "Delete": "Supprimer",
    "Delete all created points": "Supprimer tout les points créés ",
    "Delete all created weeds": "Supprimer toutes les mauvaises herbes",
    "Delete all of the points created through this panel.": "Supprimez tous les points créés via ce panneau.",
    "Delete all of the weeds created through this panel.": "Supprime toutes les mauvaises herbes avec ce panneau.",
    "Delete all the points you have created?": "Supprimer tout les points que vous avez créer ?",
    "Delete all the weeds you have created?": "Supprimer toutes les mauvaises herbes que vous avez créer ?",
    "Delete multiple": "Suppression multiple",
    "Delete Photo": "Supprimer la photo ",
    "Delete this plant": "Supprimer cette plante",
    "Deleted event.": "Supprimer événement.",
    "Deleting...": "Suppression...",
    "Description": "Description",
    "Deselect all": "Désélectionner",
    "detect weeds": "Détecter des graines",
    "Detect weeds using FarmBot's camera and display them on the Farm Designer map.": "Détecter des graines en utilisant la caméra de FarmBot, et les afficher sur la carte du potager.",
    "Deviation": "Déviation",
    "Device": "Appareil",
    "Device ID": "ID de l'appareil",
    "Diagnosis": "Diagnostic",
    "Did you know?": "Le saviez-vous ?",
    "digital": "digital",
    "Digital": "Digital",
    "Disallow account data changes. This does not prevent Farmwares or FarmBot OS from changing settings.": "Interdit les changements de donnée du compte. Cela n'empêche pas les Farmwares ou FarmBot OS de changer des paramètres.",
    "Discard Unsaved Changes": "Supprimer les changements non sauvegardés",
    "Disk usage": "Utilisation du disque",
    "Display Encoder Data": "Afficher les données de l'encodeur de position",
    "Display time using the 24-hour notation, i.e., 23:00 instead of 11:00pm": "Affiche l'heure au format 24 heure, i.e., 23:00 au lieu de 11:00pm",
    "Documentation": "Documentation",
    "Don't ask about saving work before closing browser tab. Warning: may cause loss of data.": "Ne demandez pas si vous voulez sauvegarder votre travail avant de fermer l’onglet du navigateur. Attention : peut entraîner une perte de données.",
    "Drag and drop": "Glisser déposer",
    "Drag and drop into map": "Glisser/déposer sur la carte",
    "Dynamic map size": "Taille dynamique de la carte",
    "E-STOP": "ARRÊT-U",
    "E-Stop on Movement Error": "E-Stop lors d'une erreur de mouvement",
    "Edit": "Modifier",
    "Edit on": "Mode édition",
    "Edit Sequence": "Modifier une séquence",
    "Edit tool": "Editer l'outil",
    "Edit weed": "Modifier la mauvaise herbe",
    "Electronics Board": "Carte électronique",
    "Else Execute": "Sinon Exécuter",
    "email": "email",
    "Email": "Email",
    "Email has been sent.": "L'email a été envoyé.",
    "emergency stop": "arrêt d'urgence",
    "Emergency stop": "Arrêt d'urgence",
    "Enable 2nd X Motor": "Activer le deuxième moteur X",
    "Enable Encoders": "Activer les encodeurs de position",
    "Enable plant animations in the garden map.": "Active les animation de plantation sur la carte du jardin.",
    "Encoder Scaling": "Échelle des encodeurs de position",
    "End date must not be before start date.": "La date de fin ne doit pas être avant la date de départ",
    "End time must be after start time.": "Le temps de fin doit être après le temps de départ",
    "Enter Email": "Entrez votre e-mail",
    "Enter Password": "Entrer le mot de passe",
    "Environment": "Environnement",
    "error": "erreur",
    "Error": "Erreur",
    "Error taking photo": "Erreur lors de la prise de photo",
    "Events": "Événements",
    "Every": "Tous",
    "Execute a sequence if a condition is satisfied. If the condition is not satisfied, chose to do nothing or execute a different sequence.": "Execute une séquence si la condition est satisfaite. Si la condition n'est pas satisfaite, choisir de ne rien faire ou execute une séquence différente.",
    "Execute Sequence": "Exécuter la séquence",
    "exit": "sortie",
    "Exit": "Sortie",
    "Export": "Exporter",
    "Export data": "Exporter les données",
    "Export parameters": "Exporter les paramètres",
    "Export request received. Please allow up to 10 minutes for delivery.": "Une demande d'exportation a été reçu. Veuillez allouer jusqu'à 10 minutes avant de recevoir les informations.",
    "Externally defined": "Définition externe",
    "extras": "extras",
    "Factory reset": "Réinitialisation d'usine",
    "false": "faux",
    "Farm Designer": "Editeur de potager",
    "FarmBot": "FarmBot",
    "FarmBot and the browser both have internet connectivity, but we haven't seen any activity from FarmBot on the Web App in a while. This could mean that FarmBot has not synced in a while, which might not be a problem. If you are experiencing usability issues, however, it could be a sign of HTTP blockage on FarmBot's local internet connection.": "FarmBot et le navigateur sont tout deux connecté à internet, mais aucune activité de FarmBot n'a été vu sur l'application web depuis longtemps. Cela peut signifier que FarmBot n'a pas été synchronisé récemment, ce qui peut être un problème. Si vous avez des difficultés d'utilisation, cela peut être un signe de blocage HTTP sur la connexion internet locale de FarmBot.",
    "FarmBot forum": "FarmBot Forum",
    "FarmBot forum.": "Forum du FarmBot",
    "FarmBot Info": "FarmBot Info",
    "FarmBot is already at the home position": "FarmBot est déjà en position d'origine",
    "FarmBot is at position ": "FarmBot est en position",
    "FarmBot is busy": "FarmBot est occupé",
    "FarmBot is locked": "FarmBot est verrouillé",
    "FarmBot is not connected.": "FarmBot n'est pas connecté ",
    "FarmBot is offline": "FarmBot est hors ligne",
    "FarmBot OS": "OS FarmBot",
    "FarmBot OS action.": "Action OS FarmBot.",
    "FarmBot sent a malformed message. You may need to upgrade FarmBot OS. Please upgrade FarmBot OS and log back in.": "FarmBot a envoyé un message erroné. Il est peut-être nécessaire de mettre à jour le système d'exploitation de Farmbot. Merci de mettre à jour le système d'exploitation de Farmbot et de vous reconnecter.",
    "FarmBot Version": "Version de FarmBot",
    "FarmBot Web App": "l'Application Web FarmBot",
    "Farmware": "Farmware",
    "Farmware not found.": "Farmware non trouvé.",
    "Farmware Tools version": "Version du Farmware",
    "Feed Name": "Nom du Flux",
    "filter": "Filtrer",
    "Filters active": "Filtres actifs",
    "find home": "Trouver maison",
    "Find Home": "Trouver Maison",
    "Find Home on Boot": "Rejoindre la position initiale au démarrage",
    "Find out more": "Trouver plus",
    "Finish setup": "Finir l'installation",
    "Firmware": "Firmware",
    "Firmware code": "Code du firmware",
    "Firmware commit": "Firmware commit",
    "Firmware Name": "Nom Firmware",
    "Firmware path": "Chemin du firmware",
    "flash firmware": "flasher le firmware",
    "Flash Firmware": "Flash le Firmware",
    "Forgot password?": "Mot de passe oublié ?",
    "from": "de",
    "Fun": "Cool",
    "Garden not found.": "Jardin introuvable.",
    "Garden Saved.": "Potager enregistré.",
    "Gardens": "Jardin",
    "Get growing!": "Silence ça pousse !",
    "GO": "GO",
    "go back": "Retourne",
    "Groups": "Groupes",
    "Growing Degree Days": "Degrés-jours croissants",
    "Hardware setting conflict": "Conflit de paramétrage matériel",
    "Harvested": "Récolté",
    "Have the browser also read aloud log messages on the \"Speak\" channel that are spoken by FarmBot.": "Demandez au navigateur de lire également à haute voix les messages du journal sur le canal \"Parlez\" qui sont prononcés par FarmBot.",
    "Head over to": "Rendez-vous sur",
    "Height": "Hauteur",
    "Help": "Aide",
    "Here you'll find important information about your account, your FarmBot, and news such as new feature announcements. Look for the blue badge in the main menu to see when new messages are available.": "Ici vous retrouverez toutes les informations importantes à propos de votre compte, votre FarmBot et les actualités comme par exemple les annonces des nouvelles fonctionnalités. Un badge bleu apparait dans le menu principal si de nouelles actualitées sont disponibles.",
    "hide": "Cache",
    "Hide Webcam widget": "Cacher le widget de la caméra",
    "Hotkeys": "Raccourcis",
    "hours": "Heures",
    "Hours": "Heures",
    "HUE": "COULEUR",
    "I agree to the": "J'accepte le",
    "I Agree to the Terms of Service": "J'accepte les Conditions du Service",
    "If ...": "Si ...",
    "If Test Fails": "Si Test Échoue",
    "If you are sure you want to delete your account, type in your password below to continue.": "Si vous êtes sûr de vouloir supprimer votre compte, entrez votre mot de passe ci-dessous pour continuer.",
    "Image Deleted.": "Image supprimée ",
    "in slot": "dans la fente",
    "inactive": "inactif",
    "Info": "Info",
    "Input is not needed for this Farmware.": "Aucune entrée n'est nécessaire pour ce Farmware.",
    "Install": "Installer",
    "Install Farmware": "Installer Farmware",
    "Install first-party Farmware": "Installer first-party Farmware",
    "Install new Farmware": "Installer un nouveau Farmware",
    "installation pending": "installation en attente",
    "Internationalize Web App": "Internationaliser Web App",
    "Internet": "Internet",
    "Invalid date": "Date invalide",
    "Invalid Raspberry Pi GPIO pin number.": "Numéro de pin de Raspberry Pi invalide",
    "Invert 2nd X Motor": "Inverser le deuxième moteur X",
    "Invert Encoders": "Inverser les encodeurs de position",
    "Invert Jog Buttons": "Inverser les boutons de jogging",
    "Invert Motors": "Inverser les moteurs",
    "is": "est",
    "is equal to": "est égal à",
    "is greater than": "est plus grand que",
    "is less than": "est plus petit que",
    "is not": "n'est pas",
    "is not equal to": "est différent de",
    "is unknown": "est inconnu",
    "Item(s) added.": "Élement(s) ajouté(s).",
    "Language": "Langue",
    "Last updated": "Dernière mise à jour",
    "Learn more about the app": "En savoir plus a propos de l'application",
    "Let's get you familiar with the app and finish setting everything up.": "C'est parti pour vous familiariser avec l'application et finaliser la mise en place.",
    "Lighting": "Éclairage",
    "Loading": "Chargement",
    "Loading...": "Chargement...",
    "Location": "Emplacement",
    "Login": "Connexion",
    "Logout": "Déconnexion",
    "Logs": "Logs",
    "Make a real account": "Créer un vrai compte",
    "Manage": "Gérer",
    "Manual input": "Entrée manuelle",
    "Manual Input": "Entrée Manuelle",
    "Map": "Carte",
    "Map origin": "Origine de la carte",
    "Map Points": "Points de la carte",
    "Map size": "Taille de la carte",
    "Mark": "Marquer",
    "Mark As": "Marquer comme",
    "max": "max",
    "Max Missed Steps": "Pas sautés max",
    "Max Retries": "Essais max",
    "Max Speed (mm/s)": "Vitesse max (mm/s)",
    "Memory usage": "Utilisation de la mémoire",
    "Menu": "Menu",
    "Message": "Message",
    "Message Broker": "Messagerie",
    "Messages": "Messages",
    "Microsteps per step": "Micro-pas par pas",
    "Min OS version required": "Version min OS requise",
    "Minimum Speed (mm/s)": "Vitesse Minimum(mm/s)",
    "Minutes": "Minutes",
    "mm": "mm",
    "Mode": "Mode",
    "Month": "Mois",
    "Months": "Mois",
    "more": "plus",
    "more bugs!": "plus de bugs!",
    "Motor Current": "Courant Moteur",
    "Motor position plot": "Tracé de la position du moteur",
    "Motors": "Moteurs",
    "Move": "Déplacer",
    "move {{axis}} axis": "déplacer axe {{axis}}",
    "move mode": "mode de déplacement",
    "Move Relative": "Déplacer relativement",
    "Move To": "Déplacer vers",
    "Move to chosen location": "Déplacer à l'emplacement choisi",
    "Move to this coordinate": "Déplacer à cette coordonnée",
    "Movement out of bounds for: ": "Mouvement en dehors des limites pour :",
    "name": "nom",
    "Name": "Nom",
    "Negative Coordinates Only": "Coordonnées négatives uniquement",
    "Negative X": "X Négatif",
    "Negative Y": "Y Négatif",
    "New message from bot": "Nouveaux messages du robot",
    "New Password": "Nouveau mot de passe",
    "New password and confirmation do not match.": "Le nouveau mot de passe et sa confirmation ne sont pas les mêmes",
    "New Peripheral": "Nouveau périphérique",
    "New regimen ": "Nouveau régime",
    "New Sensor": "Nouveau capteur",
    "new sequence {{ num }}": "nouvelle séquence {{ num }}",
    "New Terms of Service": "Nouvelles conditions générales d'utilisation",
    "Newer than": "Plus nouveau que",
    "Next": "Suivant",
    "no": "non",
    "No day(s) selected.": "Aucun jour sélectionné.",
    "No events scheduled.": "Aucun événement planifié.",
    "No groups yet.": "Aucun groupe actuellement.",
    "No inputs provided.": "Aucune entrée fournie.",
    "No logs to display. Visit Logs page to view filters.": "Aucun journal à afficher. Visitez la page Journaux pour voir les filtres.",
    "No logs yet.": "Aucun log pour le moment.",
    "No messages seen yet.": "Aucun messages vus pour le moment.",
    "No messages.": "Aucun message.",
    "No more messages.": "Aucun autre message.",
    "No points yet.": "Aucun point actuellement.",
    "No recent messages.": "Aucun message récent.",
    "No Regimen selected.": "Aucun régime sélectionné.",
    "No Regimens.": "Aucun régime.",
    "No results.": "Aucun résultat.",
    "No saved gardens yet.": "Aucun jardin sauvegardé pour le moment.",
    "No search results": "Aucun résultat",
    "No Sequence selected.": "Aucune séquence sélectionnée",
    "No Sequences.": "Aucune séquence.",
    "No webcams yet. Click the edit button to add a feed URL.": "Pas encore de webcam. Cliquer sur le bouton d'édition pour ajouter une URL de flux vidéo",
    "No weeds yet.": "Aucune mauvaises herbes actuellement.",
    "No zones yet.": "Aucune zones pour le moment.",
    "Node name": "Nom noeud",
    "None": "Aucun",
    "normal": "normal",
    "Not available when device is offline.": "Non disponible lorsque l'appareil est hors ligne.",
    "Note: The selected timezone for your FarmBot is different than your local browser time.": "Remarque: le fuseau horaire sélectionné pour votre FarmBot est différent de l'heure de votre navigateur local.",
    "notes": "notes",
    "Now": "Maintenant",
    "number": "nombre",
    "Number": "Nombre",
    "numbers": "nombres",
    "off": "off",
    "OFF": "OFF",
    "offline": "hors ligne",
    "Offline": "Hors-ligne",
    "ok": "ok",
    "Ok": "Ok",
    "Old Password": "Ancien mot de passe",
    "Older than": "Plus vieux que",
    "on": "on",
    "ON": "ON",
    "Open documentation in a new tab": "Ouvrir la documentation dans un nouvel onglet",
    "Open link in a new tab": "Ouvrir le lien dans un nouvel onglet",
    "open move mode panel": "Ouvrir le panneau mode déplacement",
    "Open in a new tab": "Ouvrir dans un nouvel onglet",
    "Open options by default": "Ouvrir les options par défaut",
    "Operator": "Operateur",
    "Optimized": "Optimisé",
    "options": "options",
    "Options": "Options",
    "or": "ou",
    "Or view FarmBot's current location in the virtual garden.": "Ou consultez l'emplacement actuel de la FarmBot dans le jardin virtuel.",
    "Orange": "Orange",
    "Origin": "Origine",
    "Other": "Autre",
    "Outside of planting area. Plants must be placed within the grid.": "En dehors de la zone de plantation. Les plantes doivent être placées dans la grille.",
    "Package Name": "Nom du paquet",
    "Page Not Found.": "Page introuvable",
    "Parameters": "Paramètres",
    "Password": "Mot de passe",
    "Password must be 8 or more characters.": "Le mot de passe doit être de 8 caractères ou plus.",
    "pending install": "Installation en attente.",
    "Pending installation.": "Installation en attente.",
    "Percent OK": "Pourcentage OK",
    "Period End Date": "Date de fin de période",
    "Peripheral": "Périphérique",
    "Peripheral ": "Périphérique",
    "Peripherals": "Périphériques",
    "phone": "téléphone",
    "Photo": "Photo",
    "Photos": "Photos",
    "Photos are viewable from the": "Les photos sont visionnables depuis le",
    "pin": "pin",
    "Pin": "Pin",
    "Pin ": "Pin",
    "Pin Bindings": "Liaisons des Pins",
    "Pin Guard": "Protection des Pins",
    "Pin number cannot be blank.": "Le numéro de pin ne peut pas être laissé vide.",
    "Pin numbers must be unique.": "Le nombre de pins doit être unique.",
    "Pings received": "Pings reçus",
    "Pings sent": "Pings envoyés",
    "Pink": "Rose",
    "Pins": "Pins",
    "Planned": "Planifié",
    "plant icon": "Icône de plante",
    "Plant Type": "Type de plante",
    "Planted": "Planté",
    "plants": "plantes",
    "Plants": "Plantes",
    "Please agree to the terms.": "Veuillez accepter les conditions",
    "Please check your email for the verification link.": "Cliquez sur le lien de vérification dans vos e-mail",
    "Please clear current garden first.": "Merci de supprimer le potager actuel avant.",
    "Please enter a number.": "Entrez un numéro",
    "Please enter a URL.": "Entrez un url",
    "Please note:": "Veuillez noter :",
    "Please select a sequence or action.": "Sélectionnez une séquence ou une action.",
    "Please Update": "Merci de mettre à jour",
    "Please wait": "Attendez s'il-vous-plaît",
    "Points": "Points",
    "Position (mm)": "Position (mm)",
    "Positions": "Positions",
    "Positive X": "X positif",
    "Positive Y": "Y positif",
    "Power and Reset": "Alimentation et remise-à-zéro",
    "Power Off Bot": "Éteindre le robot",
    "Press \"+\" to add a garden.": "Cliquez sur \"+\" pour ajouter un jardin.",
    "Press \"+\" to add a group.": "Cliquez sur \"+\" pour ajouter un groupe.",
    "Press \"+\" to add a plant to your garden.": "Cliquer sur \"+\" pour ajouter une plante dans le jardin",
    "Press \"+\" to add a point to your garden.": "Cliquez sur \"+\" pour ajouter un point à votre jardin.",
    "Press \"+\" to add a weed.": "Cliquez sur \"+\" pour ajouter une mauvaise herbe.",
    "Press \"+\" to add a zone.": "Cliquez sur \"+\" pour ajouter une zone",
    "Press \"+\" to schedule an event.": "Cliquez  sur \"+\" pour planifier un événement",
    "Prev": "Précédent",
    "Privacy Policy": "Politique de confidentialité",
    "Problem Loading Terms of Service": "Problème avec le chargement des Conditions du Service",
    "Processing Parameters": "Traitement des paramètres",
    "Provided new and old passwords match. Password not changed.": "Nouveau mot de passe identique au précédent. Aucun changement effectué.",
    "publishing": "publier",
    "Purple": "Violet",
    "Quiet Mode": "Mode silencieux",
    "quit": "quitter",
    "radius (mm)": "rayon (mm)",
    "Random Order": "Ordre aléatoire ",
    "Raspberry Pi": "Raspberry Pi",
    "Raspberry Pi Camera": "Caméra de la Raspberry Pi",
    "Raspberry Pi GPIO pin already bound or in use.": "La pin Raspberry Pi GPIO est déjà liée ou en cours d'utilisation",
    "Raw Encoder data": "Données brutes du codeur",
    "Raw encoder position": "Position brute du codeur",
    "Read pin": "Lire pin",
    "read sensor": "Lire capteur",
    "Read Sensor": "Lire capteur",
    "Read speak logs in browser": "Lire les journaux de conversation dans le navigateur",
    "Read status": "Lire status",
    "Read Status": "Lire Statut",
    "Read the docs": "Lire la documentation",
    "realtime": "temps réel",
    "Reboot": "Redémarrer",
    "Reboot Bot": "Redémarrer Bot",
    "Received change of ownership.": "Changements d'appartenance reçus.",
    "Recursive condition.": "Condition récursive",
    "red": "rouge",
    "Red": "Rouge",
    "Regimens": "Posologie",
    "Release Notes": "Notes de version",
    "Remove": "Supprimer",
    "Remove Farmware": "Retirer le Farmware",
    "Removed": "Supprimé",
    "Repeats?": "Répétitions ?",
    "Request sent": "Demande envoyée",
    "Resend Verification Email": "Renvoyer l'email de vérification",
    "Reserved Raspberry Pi pin may not work as expected.": "Les pins réservées de la Raspberry Pi peuvent ne pas fonctionner comme voulu.",
    "Reset": "Réinitialiser",
    "Reset password": "Réinitialiser mot de passe",
    "Reset Password": "Réinitiliser le mot de passe",
    "Reset your password": "Réinitiliser votre mot de passe",
    "Restart Firmware": "Redémarrer le Firmware",
    "Restart the Farmduino or Arduino firmware.": "Redémarrer le Farmduino ou Arduino firmware.",
    "Restoring hardware parameter defaults will destroy the current settings, resetting them to default values.": "Restaurer les paramètres hardware par défaut supprimera les réglage actuels en les remplaçant par les valeurs par défaut.",
    "Retry": "Réessayer",
    "Rotate map": "Tourner la carte",
    "Row Spacing": "Espacement des colonnes",
    "Run": "Démarrer",
    "Run Farmware": "Lancer le Farmware",
    "Save": "Sauvegarder",
    "Save sequence and sync device before running.": "Sauvegardez et synchronisez avant de démarrer.",
    "Saved": "Sauvegardé",
    "Saving": "Enregistrement",
    "Scaled Encoder (mm)": "Échelle des encodeurs de position (mm)",
    "Scaled encoder position": "Échelle des encodeurs de position",
    "Scheduler": "Planificateur",
    "Search for a crop to add to your garden.": "Chercher une plante à ajouter au potager.",
    "Search OpenFarm...": "Rechercher dans OpenFarm...",
    "Search term too short": "Expression de recherche trop courte",
    "Search your gardens...": "Rechercher des jardins...",
    "Search your groups...": "Rechercher des groupes...",
    "Search your plants...": "Rechercher des plantes...",
    "Search your points...": "Rechercher des points...",
    "Search your tools...": "Rechercher des outils...",
    "Search your weeds...": "Rechercher des mauvaises herbes...",
    "Search your zones...": "Rechercher des zones...",
    "Searching...": "Recherche...",
    "seconds ago": "il y a quelques secondes",
    "Seed Bin": "Bac à graines",
    "Seed Tray": "Plateau à graines",
    "Seeder": "semoir",
    "Seeding in progress.": "Platation en cours.",
    "Select a location": "Sélectionner un emplacement",
    "Select a peripheral": "Sélectionner un périphérique",
    "Select a pin": "Sélectionner un pin",
    "Select a pin ": "Sélectionner un pin ",
    "Select a regimen first or create one.": "Sélectionnez ou créer d'abord une routine",
    "Select a sensor": "Sélectionner un capteur",
    "Select a sequence": "Sélectionner une séquence",
    "Select a sequence first": "Sélectionnez d'abord une séquence",
    "Select a sequence from the dropdown first.": "Sélectionnez une séquence dans la liste déroulante",
    "Select all": "Tout sélectionner",
    "Select none": "Tout désélectionner",
    "Select one": "Sélectionner un",
    "Send a log message for each sequence step.": "Envoyez un message pour chaque étape de la séquence.",
    "Send a log message upon the end of sequence execution.": "Envoyer un message de log à la fin de l'exécution de la séquence ",
    "Send a log message upon the start of sequence execution.": "Envoyer un message de log au démarrage de l'exécution de la séquence. ",
    "Send Message": "Envoyer un message",
    "Sending firmware configuration...": "Envoie de la configuration firware",
    "Sensor": "Capteur",
    "Sensor History": "Historique du capteur ",
    "sensor or peripheral": "capteur ou périphérique",
    "Sensors": "Capteurs",
    "Sequence": "Séquence",
    "Sequence Editor": "Editeur de Séquence",
    "Sequence execution": "Execution de la sequence",
    "Sequence logs:": "Logs de la sequence :",
    "Sequence Name": "Nom de la séquence",
    "Sequence or Regimen": "Séquence ou Posologie",
    "Sequences": "Séquences",
    "Server": "Serveur",
    "Servo pin": "Servo pin",
    "set to": "mettre à",
    "Settings": "Paramètres",
    "Setup, customize, and control FarmBot from your": "Installer, customiser et contrôler FarmBot depuis votre",
    "show": "Montrer",
    "Show a confirmation dialog when deleting a plant.": "Afficher un pop-up de confirmation lorsque vous supprimez une plante.",
    "Show a confirmation dialog when deleting a sequence step.": "Afficher un pop-up de confirmation lorsque vous supprimez une étape de séquence.",
    "Show a confirmation dialog when deleting a sequence.": "Afficher un pop-up de confirmation lorsque vous supprimez une séquence.",
    "show all": "tout montrer",
    "Show pins": "Afficher les pins",
    "Show Previous Period": "Montrer la période précédente",
    "Shutdown": "Arrêt",
    "Since you're new around here, we recommend taking our guided tours of the app. This is the fastest way to learn about the most important pages and features at your fingertips.": "Puisque vous êtes nouveau ici, nous vous recommandons d'effectuer nos visites guidées de l'application. C'est le moyen le plus rapide de connaître les pages et les fonctionnalités les plus importantes.",
    "size": "taille",
    "Slot": "Emplacement",
    "smartphone": "téléphone",
    "Snapshot current garden": "Instantané du jardin actuel",
    "": "",
    "Soil Moisture": "Humidité du sol",
    "Soil Sensor": "Capteur d'humidité",
    "Some {{points}} failed to delete.": "La suppression de certains {{points}} a échoué.",
    "Some other issue is preventing FarmBot from working. Please see the table above for more information.": "Un autre problème empêche la FarmBot de fonctionner. Veuillez consulter le tableau ci-dessus pour plus d'informations.",
    "Something went wrong while rendering this page.": "Quelque chose s'est mal passé lors de l'affichage de cette page.",
    "Sowing Method": "Méthode de semis",
    "Speak": "Parler",
    "Speed": "Vitesse",
    "Speed (%)": "Vitesse (%)",
    "Spread": "Étaler",
    "Sprouted": "Germée",
    "stable": "stable",
    "Stall Sensitivity": "Sensibilité aux sauts",
    "Start tour": "Visite de découverte",
    "Started": "Démarré",
    "Starts": "Démarre",
    "status": "status",
    "Status": "Statut",
    "Steps": "Pas",
    "Steps per MM": "Pas par MM",
    "Stock sensors": "Capteurs en stock",
    "Stop at Home": "Stop à la position initiale",
    "Stop at Max": "Stop au max",
    "submit": "Soumettre",
    "Success": "Succès",
    "Sun Requirements": "Exigences d'ensoleillement",
    "Svg Icon": "Icon Svg",
    "Swap jog buttons (and rotate map)": "Permuter les boutons Jog (et faire pivoter la carte)",
    "Sync": "Synchronisation",
    "Synced": "Synchronisé",
    "Syncing...": "Synchronisation...",
    "System": "Système",
    "tablet": "tablette",
    "Take a guided tour": "Faites une visite guidée",
    "Take a photo": "Prendre une photo",
    "Take a Photo": "Prendre une Photo",
    "Take and view photos": "Prendre et voir des photos.",
    "Take photo": "Prendre une photo",
    "Take Photo": "Prendre une Photo",
    "Target": "Cible",
    "Temp": "Temp",
    "Terms of Use": "Conditions générales d'utilisation",
    "text": "texte",
    "Text": "Texte",
    "The device has never been seen. Most likely, there is a network connectivity issue on the device's end.": "L'appareil n'a jamais été détecté. Il y a sûrement un problème de connectivité au bot de l'appareil.",
    "The FarmBot web app is a powerful tool that allows you to control and configure your FarmBot in any way you want. To give you so much power, we've packed the app with a ton of settings, features, and pages, which can be a lot to understand. That's why we've created comprehensive written documentation and videos to teach you how to use everything.": "L'application Web FarmBot est un outil puissant qui vous permet de contrôler et de configurer votre FarmBot comme vous le souhaitez. Pour nous donner autant de puissance, nous avons founi à l'application une multitude de paramètres, de fonctionnalités et de pages qui peuvent être très complexes à comprendre. C'est pourquoi nous avons crée une documentation écrite complète et des vidéos pour vous apprendre à tout utiliser.",
    "The image is black": "L'image est noire",
    "The image is rotated": "L'image est pivotée",
    "The number of the pin to guard. This pin will be set to the specified state after the duration specified by TIMEOUT.": "Le numéro de la broche à garder. Cette broche sera définie sur l'état spécifié après la durée spécifiée par TIMEOUT.",
    "The terms of service have recently changed. You must accept the new terms of service to continue using the site.": "Les conditions d'utilisation ont récemment changé. Vous devez accepter les nouvelles conditions d'utilisation pour continuer à utiliser le site.",
    "Then Execute": "Alors Exécuter",
    "There is no access to FarmBot or the message broker. This is usually caused by outdated browsers (Internet Explorer) or firewalls that block WebSockets on port 3002.": "Il n'y a pas d'accès à la FarmBot ou au centre des messages. Cela est généralement dû à des navigateurs obsolètes (Internet Explorer) ou à des pare-feu qui bloquent WebSockets sur le port 3002.",
    "There is no image": "Il n'y a pas d'image",
    "There is no power": "Il n'y a pas d'énergie",
    "There is no value": "Il n'y a pas de valeur",
    "These are the most basic commands FarmBot can execute. Drag and drop them to create sequences for watering, planting seeds, measuring soil properties, and more.": "Ce sont les commandes les plus basiques que FarmBot puisse exécuter. Glisser-déposer les commandes pour créer des séquences d'arrosage, de plantation de graines, de mesure des propriétés du sol, et bien plus.",
    "This phone": "Ce téléphone",
    "this photo": "cette photo",
    "This will restart FarmBot's Raspberry Pi and controller software.": "Ceci redémarrera le programme de contrôle de la Raspberry Pi de FarmBot.",
    "This will shutdown FarmBot's Raspberry Pi. To turn it back on, unplug FarmBot and plug it back in.": "Ceci éteindra la Raspberry Pi de FarmBot. Pour la redémarrer, débranchez puis rebranchez FarmBot.",
    "Ticker Notification": "Ticket de Notification",
    "Time": "Heure",
    "Time in milliseconds": "Temps en millisecondes",
    "Time is not properly formatted.": "Le temps n'est pas correctement formaté.",
    "Time period": "Période de temps",
    "time zone": "fuseau horaire",
    "Timeout (sec)": "Délai d'attente (sec)",
    "Timeout after (seconds)": "Délai d'attente après (secondes)",
    "timezone": "fuseau horaire",
    "to": "pour",
    "To finish setting up your account and FarmBot, please select which FarmBot you have. Once you make a selection, we'll automatically add some tools, sensors, peripherals, sequences, and more to get you up and running faster. If you want to start completely from scratch, feel free to select \"Custom bot\" and we won't change a thing.": "Pour terminer la configuration de votre compte et de FarmBot, veuillez sélectionner votre FarmBot. Une fois votre sélection effectuée, nous ajouterons automatiquement des outils, des capteurs, des périphériques, des séquences, ect. Pour vous permettre de fonctionner plus rapidement. Si vous voulez commencez à partir de zéro, n'hésitez pas à sélectionner \"Custom Bot\" et nous ne changerons rien.",
    "to get started": "pour commencer",
    "To State": "Établir",
    "Toast Pop Up": "Afficher un pop up",
    "Tool Mount": "Montage d'outil",
    "Tool or Seed Container": "Conteneur d'Outils ou de Graines",
    "Tool Verification": "Vérification d'outil ",
    "Tools": "Outils",
    "Top Left": "Haut gauche",
    "Top Right": "Haut droite",
    "Tours": "Visites",
    "true": "vrai",
    "Turn off to set Web App to English.": "Désactiver pour définir l'Application Web en anglais.",
    "type": "type",
    "Type": "Type",
    "Unable to load content.": "Impossible de charger le contenu.",
    "Unable to load webcam feed.": "Impossible de charger le flux de la webcam.",
    "Unable to properly display this step.": "Impossible d'afficher correctement cette étape.",
    "Unable to resend verification email. Are you already verified?": "Impossible de renvoyer l'e-mail de vérification. Êtes-vous déjà vérifié?",
    "Unable to save event.": "Impossible de sauvgarder l'événement.",
    "Unexpected error occurred, we've been notified of the problem.": "Une erreur inattendue s'est produite, nous avons été informés du problème.",
    "unknown": "Inconnu ",
    "Unknown": "Inconnu ",
    "Unknown Farmware": "Farmware inconnu",
    "Unknown.": "Inconnu.",
    "unlock device": "Déverrouiller l'appareil ",
    "Until": "Jusqu'à",
    "Untitled Group": "Groupe sans nom",
    "UP TO DATE": "A JOUR",
    "Update": "Mise à jour",
    "update Farmware": "mettre à jour le Firmware",
    "Update Farmware": "Mettre à jour Firmware",
    "update time": "mettre à jour l'heure",
    "uploading photo": "Téléversement de la photo",
    "Uptime": "Durée de fonctionnement ",
    "USB Camera": "Caméra USB",
    "Use 24-hour time format": "Utiliser le format 24 heure",
    "Use current location": "Utiliser l'emplacement actuel ",
    "Use Encoders for Positioning": "Utiliser les encodeurs de position pour le positionnement",
    "Use these manual control buttons to move FarmBot in realtime. Press the arrows for relative movements or type in new coordinates and press GO for an absolute movement. Tip: Press the Home button when you are done so FarmBot is ready to get back to work.": "Utilisez ces boutons de contrôle manuel pour diriger FarmBot en temps réel. Utilisez les flèches pour des mouvements relatifs ou entrez des coordonnées et appuyez sur GO pour un mouvement absolu. Astuce : Cliquez sur le bouton Home lorsque vous avez fini pour que FarmBot soit prêt à retourner travailler. ",
    "Use these toggle switches to control FarmBot's peripherals in realtime. To edit and create new peripherals, press the EDIT button. Make sure to turn things off when you're done!": "Utilisez ces commutateurs pour contrôler les périphériques de la FarmBot en temps réel. Pour éditer et créer de nouveaux périphériques, appuyez sur le bouton EDIT. Assurez-vous d'éteindre les choses quand vous avez terminé!",
    "Used in another resource. Protected from deletion.": "Utilisé dans une autre ressource. Ne peut être supprimé. ",
    "User Interface Read Only Mode": "Interface utilisateur en lecture seule",
    "Vacuum": "Vide",
    "VACUUM": "VIDE",
    "Vacuum pump": "pompe à vide",
    "value": "valeur",
    "Value": "Valeur",
    "VALUE": "VALEUR",
    "Value must be greater than or equal to {{min}}.": "La valeur doit être supérieure ou égale à {{min}}.",
    "Value must be less than or equal to {{max}}.": "La valeur doit être inférieure ou égale à {{max}}.",
    "Variable": "Variable",
    "Verification email resent. Please check your email!": "L'email de vérification a été ré-envoyé. Merci de vérifier vos mails !",
    "verify": "vérification",
    "Verify Password": "Vérifier le mot de passe",
    "Version": "Version",
    "Version {{ version }}": "Version {{ version }}",
    "versions": "versions",
    "view": "vue",
    "View": "Vue",
    "View and filter historical sensor reading data.": "Regarder et filtrer l'historique des mesures du capteur.",
    "View and filter log messages.": "Afficher et filtrer les messages du journal.",
    "View crop info": "Regarder les informations de la plante",
    "View current location": "Voir l'emplacement actuel",
    "View FarmBot's current location using the axis position display.": "Affichez la position actuelle de FarmBot à l'aide de l'affichage de la position de l'axe.",
    "View log messages": "Afficher les messages du journal",
    "View Logs": "Voir les Logs",
    "View photos your FarmBot has taken here.": "Regarder les photos que FarmBot a pris ici.",
    "View recent log messages here. More detailed log messages can be shown by adjusting filter settings.": "Voir les messages récents du journal ici. Des messages de journaux plus détaillés peuvent être affichés en ajustant les paramètres du filtre.",
    "Viewing saved garden": "Voir le potager sauvegardé",
    "visualize": "visualisation",
    "Voltage": "Voltage",
    "Wait": "Attendre",
    "Warn": "Avertir",
    "Warning": "Attention",
    "Warning: Binding to a pin without a physical button and pull-down resistor connected may put FarmBot into an unstable state.": "Avertissement : le fait de se lier à une broche sans bouton physique et avec la résistance de tirage vers le bas peut mettre la FarmBot dans un état instable.",
    "Warning: This will reset all hardware settings to the default values. Are you sure you wish to continue?": "Avertissement : Ceci réinitialisera tous les paramètres matériels aux valeurs par défaut. Êtes-vous sûr de vouloir continuer?",
    "WARNING! Deleting your account will permanently delete all of your Sequences, Regimens, Events, and Farm Designer data. Upon deleting your account, FarmBot will cease to function and become inaccessible until it is paired with another web app account. To do this, you will need to reboot your FarmBot so that is goes back into configuration mode for pairing with another user account. When this happens, all of the data on your FarmBot will be overwritten with the new account's data. If the account is brand new, then FarmBot will become a blank slate.": "ATTENTION! La suppression de votre compte supprimera définitivement toutes vos données de Séquences, de Régimes, d'Événements et les données du Farm Designer. Lors de la suppression de votre compte, FarmBot cessera de fonctionner et deviendra inaccessible jusqu'à ce qu'il soit associé à un autre compte d'application Web. Pour ce faire, vous devrez redémarrer votre FarmBot afin qu'il retourne en mode de configuration pour l'appariement avec un autre compte d'utilisateur. Lorsque cela arrive, toutes les données de votre FarmBot seront écrasées par les données du nouveau compte. S'il s'agit d'un nouveau compte, FarmBot partira de zéro.",
    "Warning! When enabled, any unsaved changes will be discarded when refreshing or closing the page. Are you sure?": "Attention! Lorsque cette option est activée, toutes les modifications non enregistrées seront ignorées lors de l'actualisation ou de la fermeture de la page. Êtes-vous sûr?",
    "Water": "Eau",
    "WATER": "EAU",
    "Watering Nozzle": "Pomme d'arrosage",
    "Web App": "App Web",
    "Webcam Feeds": "Flux Webcam",
    "Weed Detector": "Detecteur de mauvaise herbe",
    "Weeder": "Distributeur de graines",
    "weeds": "graines",
    "Weeds": "Mauvaises herbes",
    "Week": "Semaine",
    "Weeks": "Semaines",
    "Welcome to the": "Bienvenue sur",
    "Welcome to the FarmBot Web App": "Bienvenue sur l'application web FarmBot",
    "What do you want to grow?": "Que voulez-vous faire pousser?",
    "When": "Quand",
    "When you're finished with a message, press the x button in the top right of the card to dismiss it.": "Quand vous avez finit de lire un message, appuyez sur le x en haut à droite de ce dernier pour le faire disparaitre.",
    "while your garden is applied.": "tant que votre potager est appliqué.",
    "White": "Blanc",
    "Widget load failed.": "Le chargement du widget a échoué.",
    "width": "largeur",
    "WiFi": "WiFi",
    "WiFi strength": "Force du WiFi",
    "Worst time": "Pire temps",
    "Would you like to": "Voulez-vous ",
    "X": "X",
    "x (mm)": "x (mm)",
    "X (mm)": "X (mm)",
    "x and y axis": "axe x et y",
    "X Axis": "Axe X",
    "X AXIS": "AXE X",
    "X position": "Position X",
    "X/Y, Ascending": "X/Y, Ascendant",
    "X/Y, Descending": "X/Y, Descendant",
    "Y": "Y",
    "y (mm)": "y (mm)",
    "Y (mm)": "Y (mm)",
    "Y Axis": "Axe Y",
    "Y AXIS": "AXE Y",
    "Y position": "Position Y",
    "Y/X, Ascending": "Y/X, Ascendant",
    "Y/X, Descending": "Y/X, Descendant",
    "Year": "Année",
    "Years": "Années",
    "Yellow": "Jaune",
    "yes": "oui",
    "You are either offline, using a web browser that does not support WebSockets, or are behind a firewall that blocks port 3002. Do not attempt to debug FarmBot hardware until you solve this issue first. You will not be able to troubleshoot hardware issues without a reliable browser and internet connection.": "Soit vous êtes hors-ligne, soit votre navigateur internet ne supporte pas WebSockets, soit votre pare-feu bloque le port 3002. N'essayez pas de débugger le circuit de FarmBot tant que ce problème n'est pas résolu. Vous ne serez pas apte à debugger le circuit de FarmBot sans un navigateur fiable et une connexion internet.  ",
    "You are scheduling a regimen to run today. Be aware that running a regimen too late in the day may result in skipped regimen tasks. Consider rescheduling this event to tomorrow if this is a concern.": "Vous planifiez d'exécuter un régime aujourd'hui.  Notez qu'exécuter un régime trop tard dans une journée peut conduire à sauter des tâches d'un régime. Si c'est le cas, considérez à reporter cet événement à demain pour éviter ce problème.",
    "You haven't yet taken any photos with your FarmBot. Once you do, they will show up here.": "Vous n'avez pas encore pris de photos avec FarmBot. Une fois fait, elles apparaîtront ici.",
    "You may click the button below to resend the email.": "Vous pouvez cliquer sur le bouton ci-dessous pour renvoyer un e-mail.",
    "You may experience data loss if you do not refresh the page.": "Vous pourriez perdre des données si vous ne rafraichissez pas la page.",
    "You're currently using a demo account": "Vous utilisez actuellement un compte de démo",
    "You're currently viewing the": "Vous voyez actuellement le",
    "your copy": "votre copie",
    "Your device has no firmware": "Votre appareil n'a pas de firmware",
    "Your Name": "Votre Nom",
    "Your password is changed.": "Votre mot de passe est changé.",
    "Your version of FarmBot OS is outdated and will soon no longer be supported. Please update your device as soon as possible.": "Votre version du système d'exploitation de FarmBot n'est plus à jour et ne sera bientôt plus supportée. Merci de la mettre à jour dès que possible.",
    "Your web browser is unable to communicate with the web app server. Make sure you are connected to the Internet.": "Votre navigateur web est incapable de communiquer avec le serveur web. Vérifiez que vous êtes bien connecté à Internet.",
    "z": "z",
    "Z": "Z",
    "Z (mm)": "Z (mm)",
    "Z Axis": "Axe Z",
    "Z AXIS": "AXE Z",
    "Z position": "Position Z",
    "Z-axis": "Axe Z",
    "Z-axis length": "Longueur de l'axe Z",
    "zone name": "nom de zone",
    "Zones": "Zones",
    "zoom in": "Zoomer",
    "zoom out": "Dézoomer"
  "untranslated": {
    "\"Break in\" the cable carrier, double check belt tension, and double check the eccentric spacers (Genesis kits only).": "\"Break in\" the cable carrier, double check belt tension, and double check the eccentric spacers (Genesis kits only).",
    "\"Break in\" the cable carrier, double check belt tension, and double check the eccentric spacers.": "\"Break in\" the cable carrier, double check belt tension, and double check the eccentric spacers.",
    "(resets upon refresh)": "(resets upon refresh)",
    "{{ amount }}mm": "{{ amount }}mm",
    "{{ axis }}-axis profile": "{{ axis }}-axis profile",
    "{{ name }} Grid": "{{ name }} Grid",
    "{{ resetMethod }} resetting your FarmBot will not affect any of your data or settings from your web app account, allowing you to do a complete restore to your device once it is back online and paired with your web app account.": "{{ resetMethod }} resetting your FarmBot will not affect any of your data or settings from your web app account, allowing you to do a complete restore to your device once it is back online and paired with your web app account.",
    "% Change": "% Change",
    "A different axis moved": "A different axis moved",
    "A microstep value of 1 is recommended for best performance when quiet motor mode is enabled.": "A microstep value of 1 is recommended for best performance when quiet motor mode is enabled.",
    "A new version of the FarmBot web app has been released. Refresh page?": "A new version of the FarmBot web app has been released. Refresh page?",
    "Accelerate for toward home (mm)": "Accelerate for toward home (mm)",
    "All of the plants you added to your garden are listed here in the plants panel. Mousing over a plant will highlight it in the map and vice versa. Go ahead and click a plant and then advance the tour.": "All of the plants you added to your garden are listed here in the plants panel. Mousing over a plant will highlight it in the map and vice versa. Go ahead and click a plant and then advance the tour.",
    "All Soil Height": "All Soil Height",
    "always highlight current photo in map": "always highlight current photo in map",
    "Always review and test auto-generated code": "Always review and test auto-generated code",
    "Amount of time to wait for a command to execute before stopping. (default: x: {{ x }}, y: {{ y }}, z: {{ z }} seconds)": "Amount of time to wait for a command to execute before stopping. (default: x: {{ x }}, y: {{ y }}, z: {{ z }} seconds)",
    "apply garden": "apply garden",
    "Are all configurator steps complete?": "Are all configurator steps complete?",
    "Are FarmBot's motors unpowered? (Try moving the Y-axis by hand)": "Are FarmBot's motors unpowered? (Try moving the Y-axis by hand)",
    "Are you finished customizing the buttons?": "Are you finished customizing the buttons?",
    "Are you planning on using WiFi or have you connected the ethernet cable?": "Are you planning on using WiFi or have you connected the ethernet cable?",
    "Are you sure you want to delete {{length}} plants?": "Are you sure you want to delete {{length}} plants?",
    "Are you sure you want to delete all logs? A page refresh will be required.": "Are you sure you want to delete all logs? A page refresh will be required.",
    "Are you sure you want to delete all setup progress?": "Are you sure you want to delete all setup progress?",
    "as described in the software documentation.": "as described in the software documentation.",
    "As soon as possible": "As soon as possible",
    "Assemble your FarmBot.": "Assemble your FarmBot.",
    "Assembly": "Assembly",
    "Assembly documentation": "Assembly documentation",
    "Assertion": "Assertion",
    "Assign an action or sequence to execute when a Raspberry Pi GPIO pin is activated.": "Assign an action or sequence to execute when a Raspberry Pi GPIO pin is activated.",
    "at soil level": "at soil level",
    "Attach the rotary tool to the UTM and press VERIFY.": "Attach the rotary tool to the UTM and press VERIFY.",
    "Attach the seeder tool to the UTM and press VERIFY.": "Attach the seeder tool to the UTM and press VERIFY.",
    "Attach the soil sensor tool to the UTM and press the READ SENSOR for the SOIL MOISTURE sensor.": "Attach the soil sensor tool to the UTM and press the READ SENSOR for the SOIL MOISTURE sensor.",
    "Attach the soil sensor tool to the UTM and press VERIFY.": "Attach the soil sensor tool to the UTM and press VERIFY.",
    "Attach the watering nozzle tool to the UTM and press VERIFY.": "Attach the watering nozzle tool to the UTM and press VERIFY.",
    "Attach the weeder tool to the UTM and press VERIFY.": "Attach the weeder tool to the UTM and press VERIFY.",
    "auto-generate Lua code": "auto-generate Lua code",
    "auto-generate sequence description": "auto-generate sequence description",
    "auto-generate sequence title": "auto-generate sequence title",
    "auto-update preview": "auto-update preview",
    "automatically update preview": "automatically update preview",
    "Average": "Average",
    "away": "away",
    "Axes": "Axes",
    "axis": "axis",
    "Axis is already at maximum position": "Axis is already at maximum position",
    "Axis is already at minimum position": "Axis is already at minimum position",
    "Back to plant overview": "Back to plant overview",
    "Before attaching the rotary tool or turning it on, ensure that all hands, feet, hair, and other body parts will be kept away from the tool and a safe distance will be maintained while the rotary tool is attached. Be mindful of debris that may be projected and use appropriate protective equipment. Disconnect the rotary tool when not in use.": "Before attaching the rotary tool or turning it on, ensure that all hands, feet, hair, and other body parts will be kept away from the tool and a safe distance will be maintained while the rotary tool is attached. Be mindful of debris that may be projected and use appropriate protective equipment. Disconnect the rotary tool when not in use.",
    "before troubleshooting.": "before troubleshooting.",
    "Black": "Black",
    "Boot sequence": "Boot sequence",
    "bot is online": "bot is online",
    "Browser FarmBot activity beep": "Browser FarmBot activity beep",
    "Business Documentation": "Business Documentation",
    "Button {{ num }}: E-STOP": "Button {{ num }}: E-STOP",
    "Button {{ num }}: UNLOCK": "Button {{ num }}: UNLOCK",
    "calibration blur": "calibration blur",
    "Calibration card": "Calibration card",
    "calibration hue": "calibration hue",
    "calibration iterations": "calibration iterations",
    "calibration morph": "calibration morph",
    "calibration object separation": "calibration object separation",
    "calibration object separation along axis": "calibration object separation along axis",
    "Calibration preparation": "Calibration preparation",
    "Calibration retries": "Calibration retries",
    "Calibration retry reset distance (mm)": "Calibration retry reset distance (mm)",
    "calibration saturation": "calibration saturation",
    "Calibration total retries": "Calibration total retries",
    "calibration value": "calibration value",
    "Camera calibrated at z-axis height": "Camera calibrated at z-axis height",
    "Camera calibration allows correct photo rotation and placement in the Farm Designer map. Place the camera calibration card on the soil underneath the camera with the side shown below face up. The card must be fully visible to the camera.": "Camera calibration allows correct photo rotation and placement in the Farm Designer map. Place the camera calibration card on the soil underneath the camera with the side shown below face up. The card must be fully visible to the camera.",
    "Camera calibration cards are available in the shop and can be used with any FarmBot version.": "Camera calibration cards are available in the shop and can be used with any FarmBot version.",
    "Camera calibration required": "Camera calibration required",
    "Camera not yet calibrated.": "Camera not yet calibrated.",
    "Camera offset from the UTM position in millimeters. Once calibrated, use these values to align photos to the Farm Designer grid by matching the grid and locations in photos to the grid and locations in the Farm Designer. (default: (x: {{ defaultX }}, y: {{ defaultY }}))": "Camera offset from the UTM position in millimeters. Once calibrated, use these values to align photos to the Farm Designer grid by matching the grid and locations in photos to the grid and locations in the Farm Designer. (default: (x: {{ defaultX }}, y: {{ defaultY }}))",
    "camera offset x": "camera offset x",
    "camera offset y": "camera offset y",
    "camera rotation": "camera rotation",
    "Camera rotation in degrees. This value should be minimized (to near zero) by rotating the camera in its mount until it is aligned with FarmBot's axes. (default: {{ defaultAngle }})": "Camera rotation in degrees. This value should be minimized (to near zero) by rotating the camera in its mount until it is aligned with FarmBot's axes. (default: {{ defaultAngle }})",
    "camera view area": "camera view area",
    "Camera voltage may be low. Try a different Raspberry Pi USB power cable.": "Camera voltage may be low. Try a different Raspberry Pi USB power cable.",
    "Can't edit variable name while in use.": "Can't edit variable name while in use.",
    "Cannot change between Sequences and Regimens.": "Cannot change between Sequences and Regimens.",
    "Cannot create a group with these plants. Try leaving the saved garden first.": "Cannot create a group with these plants. Try leaving the saved garden first.",
    "Cannot delete while in a slot.": "Cannot delete while in a slot.",
    "Cannot delete while mounted.": "Cannot delete while mounted.",
    "Cannot remove points selected by filters.": "Cannot remove points selected by filters.",
    "Caution: Changing these settings to extreme values can cause hardware malfunction. Make sure to test any new settings to verify that everything works as expected before letting your FarmBot use them unsupervised.": "Caution: Changing these settings to extreme values can cause hardware malfunction. Make sure to test any new settings to verify that everything works as expected before letting your FarmBot use them unsupervised.",
    "Change {{ curveName }} curve for {{ num }} items?": "Change {{ curveName }} curve for {{ num }} items?",
    "Change color to {{ color }} for {{ num }} items?": "Change color to {{ color }} for {{ num }} items?",
    "Change depth to {{ depth }}mm for {{ num }} items?": "Change depth to {{ depth }}mm for {{ num }} items?",
    "Change radius to {{ radius }}mm for {{ num }} items?": "Change radius to {{ radius }}mm for {{ num }} items?",
    "Change status to '{{ status }}' for {{ num }} items?": "Change status to '{{ status }}' for {{ num }} items?",
    "Change the garden map size based on axis length. A value must be input in AXIS LENGTH and STOP AT MAX must be enabled in the HARDWARE widget. Overrides MAP SIZE values.": "Change the garden map size based on axis length. A value must be input in AXIS LENGTH and STOP AT MAX must be enabled in the HARDWARE widget. Overrides MAP SIZE values.",
    "Change the image origin and check again.": "Change the image origin and check again.",
    "Check for the FarmBot WiFi network. If it is present,": "Check for the FarmBot WiFi network. If it is present,",
    "Check hardware for resistance.": "Check hardware for resistance.",
    "Check motor cable connections. Try again while observing electronics box LED activity.": "Check motor cable connections. Try again while observing electronics box LED activity.",
    "Check power cable connections.": "Check power cable connections.",
    "Check that the camera is plugged in correctly to either a Raspberry Pi USB port (Express v1.0 kits and all Genesis kits) or into one of the vertically oriented USB ports on the Farmduino (Express v1.1 kits). For cameras with a 90 degree intermediary connector at the cross-slide, ensure the connectors are fully connected.": "Check that the camera is plugged in correctly to either a Raspberry Pi USB port (Express v1.0 kits and all Genesis kits) or into one of the vertically oriented USB ports on the Farmduino (Express v1.1 kits). For cameras with a 90 degree intermediary connector at the cross-slide, ensure the connectors are fully connected.",
    "Check the E-STOP button wiring.": "Check the E-STOP button wiring.",
    "Check the LED light strip power cable connections.": "Check the LED light strip power cable connections.",
    "Check the side of the box your FarmBot came in. What is the labeled version?": "Check the side of the box your FarmBot came in. What is the labeled version?",
    "Check the solenoid valve power cable connections.": "Check the solenoid valve power cable connections.",
    "Check the tube connections.": "Check the tube connections.",
    "Check the UNLOCK button wiring.": "Check the UNLOCK button wiring.",
    "Check the UTM to tool electrical connections. Ensure pin jumpers are installed across the Farmduino UTM pins. Brush the top of the tool electrical connection screws and UTM pogo pins with a cloth to clean the surface and ensure good electrical conductivity. If a connection still cannot be made, try loosening and tightening the tool electrical connection M3 screws.": "Check the UTM to tool electrical connections. Ensure pin jumpers are installed across the Farmduino UTM pins. Brush the top of the tool electrical connection screws and UTM pogo pins with a cloth to clean the surface and ensure good electrical conductivity. If a connection still cannot be made, try loosening and tightening the tool electrical connection M3 screws.",
    "Check the UTM top and Farmduino connections.": "Check the UTM top and Farmduino connections.",
    "Check the vacuum pump power cable connections.": "Check the vacuum pump power cable connections.",
    "Check your garden hose connection and try again.": "Check your garden hose connection and try again.",
    "Check your purchase confirmation email.": "Check your purchase confirmation email.",
    "Choose the starting page that loads after logging in.": "Choose the starting page that loads after logging in.",
    "clear age selection": "clear age selection",
    "clear all config data": "clear all config data",
    "clear all filters": "clear all filters",
    "Clear all group filters?": "Clear all group filters?",
    "clear manual selections": "clear manual selections",
    "clear selections": "clear selections",
    "clear weeds": "clear weeds",
    "Click and drag or use the inputs to draw a point.": "Click and drag or use the inputs to draw a point.",
    "Click and drag or use the inputs to draw a weed.": "Click and drag or use the inputs to draw a weed.",
    "Click any location in the map to choose a profile.": "Click any location in the map to choose a profile.",
    "Click anywhere in the map to add an individual plant. If you are on a desktop or laptop computer, you may also drag and drop the crop icon into the map. If you want to make any location adjustments or delete plants, you can do that in a few steps from now. Ready to add a lot of plants at once? Go to the next step of the tour!": "Click anywhere in the map to add an individual plant. If you are on a desktop or laptop computer, you may also drag and drop the crop icon into the map. If you want to make any location adjustments or delete plants, you can do that in a few steps from now. Ready to add a lot of plants at once? Go to the next step of the tour!",
    "Click here for document to show to your IT department.": "Click here for document to show to your IT department.",
    "Click here to learn more about connectivity codes.": "Click here to learn more about connectivity codes.",
    "Click the button below to start the tour": "Click the button below to start the tour",
    "Click to add": "Click to add",
    "click to edit": "click to edit",
    "click to open power and reset menu": "click to open power and reset menu",
    "Clip photos out of bounds": "Clip photos out of bounds",
    "close profile viewer": "close profile viewer",
    "close saved garden": "close saved garden",
    "Closed": "Closed",
    "collage": "collage",
    "collapse": "collapse",
    "Color range. (default: {{ defaultLow }} - {{ defaultHigh }} ({{ defaultColor }}))": "Color range. (default: {{ defaultLow }} - {{ defaultHigh }} ({{ defaultColor }}))",
    "Color saturation, 0 (white) to 255 (color). (default: {{ defaultLow }} - {{ defaultHigh }})": "Color saturation, 0 (white) to 255 (color). (default: {{ defaultLow }} - {{ defaultHigh }})",
    "Color value, 0 (black) to 255 (color) (default: {{ defaultLow }} - {{ defaultHigh }})": "Color value, 0 (black) to 255 (color) (default: {{ defaultLow }} - {{ defaultHigh }})",
    "colorized depth": "colorized depth",
    "Command not available while locked.": "Command not available while locked.",
    "Commit": "Commit",
    "Community help": "Community help",
    "Companions": "Companions",
    "complete": "complete",
    "Complete setup wizard": "Complete setup wizard",
    "Complete the configurator steps.": "Complete the configurator steps.",
    "Completed jobs older than five minutes may be cleared upon refresh": "Completed jobs older than five minutes may be cleared upon refresh",
    "Config data successfully deleted.": "Config data successfully deleted.",
    "Config editor": "Config editor",
    "Configurator": "Configurator",
    "Configurator network": "Configurator network",
    "Configurator steps": "Configurator steps",
    "Connect the microSD card to your computer": "Connect the microSD card to your computer",
    "Connect the UTM cable.": "Connect the UTM cable.",
    "connect to Configurator": "connect to Configurator",
    "Connected": "Connected",
    "Connecting FarmBot to the Internet": "Connecting FarmBot to the Internet",
    "Connection Quality": "Connection Quality",
    "Connection type": "Connection type",
    "Connectivity code": "Connectivity code",
    "Constant Value": "Constant Value",
    "Control peripheral": "Control peripheral",
    "Control servo": "Control servo",
    "Control Servo": "Control Servo",
    "Copy curve": "Copy curve",
    "copy sequence": "copy sequence",
    "copyright holders": "copyright holders",
    "Could not get release notes.": "Could not get release notes.",
    "CPU": "CPU",
    "Create a new garden from scratch or by copying plants from the current garden.": "Create a new garden from scratch or by copying plants from the current garden.",
    "Create a new sequence and add the FIND HOME command.": "Create a new sequence and add the FIND HOME command.",
    "create subfolder": "create subfolder",
    "Create subfolder": "Create subfolder",
    "Crop images displayed in the garden map to remove black borders from image rotation. Crop amount determined by CAMERA ROTATION value.": "Crop images displayed in the garden map to remove black borders from image rotation. Crop amount determined by CAMERA ROTATION value.",
    "Crop map images": "Crop map images",
    "Crop search": "Crop search",
    "Current position (mm)": "Current position (mm)",
    "Current version only": "Current version only",
    "Currently used with this crop": "Currently used with this crop",
    "curve": "curve",
    "Curve already has the maximum number of control points.": "Curve already has the maximum number of control points.",
    "Curve in use.": "Curve in use.",
    "Curves": "Curves",
    "Custom": "Custom",
    "Custom buttons": "Custom buttons",
    "Custom coordinate": "Custom coordinate",
    "Custom coordinates": "Custom coordinates",
    "Custom field": "Custom field",
    "Custom number": "Custom number",
    "Custom Settings": "Custom Settings",
    "Custom settings can be added here and accessed via the Lua env() function.": "Custom settings can be added here and accessed via the Lua env() function.",
    "Custom text": "Custom text",
    "custom tool graphics": "custom tool graphics",
    "Custom tools": "Custom tools",
    "Customize which Action or Sequence you want FarmBot to execute when you press Button 3, 4, or 5 on the electronics box. To start, we recommend setting Button 5 to the 'Find Home' sequence. You can change this later from the controls panel.": "Customize which Action or Sequence you want FarmBot to execute when you press Button 3, 4, or 5 on the electronics box. To start, we recommend setting Button 5 to the 'Find Home' sequence. You can change this later from the controls panel.",
    "Date Planted": "Date Planted",
    "DAY": "DAY",
    "Day {{ num }}": "Day {{ num }}",
    "day old": "day old",
    "debug log stream": "debug log stream",
    "debug logs": "debug logs",
    "default": "default",
    "Default plant depth": "Default plant depth",
    "Delete account": "Delete account",
    "delete all": "delete all",
    "Delete all {{ count }} plants in your main garden?": "Delete all {{ count }} plants in your main garden?",
    "Delete all {{ count }} points in section?": "Delete all {{ count }} points in section?",
    "delete all data": "delete all data",
    "Delete all logs": "Delete all logs",
    "delete all plants in garden": "delete all plants in garden",
    "Delete curve": "Delete curve",
    "delete folder": "delete folder",
    "delete garden": "delete garden",
    "Delete group": "Delete group",
    "delete log": "delete log",
    "delete regimen": "delete regimen",
    "delete sequence": "delete sequence",
    "delete step": "delete step",
    "demo the app": "demo the app",
    "Deprecated Mark As": "Deprecated Mark As",
    "depth (mm)": "depth (mm)",
    "deselect all days": "deselect all days",
    "Detect soil height using FarmBot's camera and display the results on the Farm Designer map.": "Detect soil height using FarmBot's camera and display the results on the Farm Designer map.",
    "Detect weeds": "Detect weeds",
    "detection blur": "detection blur",
    "detection hue": "detection hue",
    "detection iterations": "detection iterations",
    "detection morph": "detection morph",
    "detection saturation": "detection saturation",
    "detection value": "detection value",
    "developer documentation": "developer documentation",
    "Developer Documentation": "Developer Documentation",
    "Did any lights in the electronics box light up?": "Did any lights in the electronics box light up?",
    "Did calibration complete without error logs?": "Did calibration complete without error logs?",
    "Did FarmBot move to the end of the axis and then move back to the home position for this axis?": "Did FarmBot move to the end of the axis and then move back to the home position for this axis?",
    "Did FarmBot reach the home position (touching the hardstop) for this axis and set the coordinate to 0? Note: sometimes after a movement, FarmBot will settle into place and coordinates may change by +/-0.5mm from the desired value. If the coordinates are within 1mm of 0, that is acceptable.": "Did FarmBot reach the home position (touching the hardstop) for this axis and set the coordinate to 0? Note: sometimes after a movement, FarmBot will settle into place and coordinates may change by +/-0.5mm from the desired value. If the coordinates are within 1mm of 0, that is acceptable.",
    "Did FarmBot's {{ axis }}-axis move? (Don't worry about the direction right now)": "Did FarmBot's {{ axis }}-axis move? (Don't worry about the direction right now)",
    "Did FarmBot's motors power back on? (Try moving the Y-axis by hand)": "Did FarmBot's motors power back on? (Try moving the Y-axis by hand)",
    "Did the lights turn on?": "Did the lights turn on?",
    "Did the rotary tool rotate?": "Did the rotary tool rotate?",
    "Did the sensor return a value?": "Did the sensor return a value?",
    "Did the vacuum pump run?": "Did the vacuum pump run?",
    "Did the writing process complete?": "Did the writing process complete?",
    "Did water flow?": "Did water flow?",
    "Did you finish the tour?": "Did you finish the tour?",
    "Did you mean meta.{{field}}?": "Did you mean meta.{{field}}?",
    "Did you watch the video?": "Did you watch the video?",
    "Direction": "Direction",
    "Disable axis": "Disable axis",
    "disabled": "disabled",
    "Discard unsaved sequence changes": "Discard unsaved sequence changes",
    "disconnected": "disconnected",
    "Disconnected": "Disconnected",
    "Disk": "Disk",
    "Display a virtual trail for FarmBot in the garden map to show movement and watering history while the map is open. Toggling this setting will clear data for the current trail.": "Display a virtual trail for FarmBot in the garden map to show movement and watering history while the map is open. Toggling this setting will clear data for the current trail.",
    "Display high motor load warning indicators in map. Requires TRAIL and stall detection to be enabled.": "Display high motor load warning indicators in map. Requires TRAIL and stall detection to be enabled.",
    "Display raw": "Display raw",
    "Display seconds in time, i.e., 10:00:00am instead of 10:00am": "Display seconds in time, i.e., 10:00:00am instead of 10:00am",
    "Distance": "Distance",
    "Distance between calibration objects in millimeters. The distance between the objects on the camera calibration card is 100mm. (default: {{ defaultSeparation }})": "Distance between calibration objects in millimeters. The distance between the objects on the camera calibration card is 100mm. (default: {{ defaultSeparation }})",
    "Distance in millimeters to group calibration retries. If the distance traveled while detecting the axis end location exceeds this value, the calibration retry counter is reset. (default: x: {{ x }}, y: {{ y }}, z: {{ z }})": "Distance in millimeters to group calibration retries. If the distance traveled while detecting the axis end location exceeds this value, the calibration retry counter is reset. (default: x: {{ x }}, y: {{ y }}, z: {{ z }})",
    "Do you want to": "Do you want to",
    "documentation page for adjustment suggestions.": "documentation page for adjustment suggestions.",
    "Does the image include red and green highlighted regions?": "Does the image include red and green highlighted regions?",
    "Does the image look OK?": "Does the image look OK?",
    "Does the toggle indicate ON?": "Does the toggle indicate ON?",
    "Does the virtual FarmBot match your real life FarmBot?": "Does the virtual FarmBot match your real life FarmBot?",
    "Don't allow movement past the maximum value provided in AXIS LENGTH (for AXIS LENGTH values other than '0'). (default: x: {{ x }}, y: {{ y }}, z: {{ z }})": "Don't allow movement past the maximum value provided in AXIS LENGTH (for AXIS LENGTH values other than '0'). (default: x: {{ x }}, y: {{ y }}, z: {{ z }})",
    "Don't ask about saving sequence work before closing browser tab. Warning: may cause loss of data.": "Don't ask about saving sequence work before closing browser tab. Warning: may cause loss of data.",
    "Don't save weeds detected outside of garden bed. (default: {{ defaultUseBounds }})": "Don't save weeds detected outside of garden bed. (default: {{ defaultUseBounds }})",
    "Download": "Download",
    "Download FarmBot OS": "Download FarmBot OS",
    "Download Link": "Download Link",
    "Download Photo": "Download Photo",
    "Download Raspberry Pi Imager": "Download Raspberry Pi Imager",
    "Download the version of FarmBot OS that corresponds to your FarmBot kit and its internal computer.": "Download the version of FarmBot OS that corresponds to your FarmBot kit and its internal computer.",
    "Drag a box around the items you would like to select.": "Drag a box around the items you would like to select.",
    "duplicate step": "duplicate step",
    "Duration": "Duration",
    "E-stop button": "E-stop button",
    "E-STOP Button": "E-STOP Button",
    "edit curve": "edit curve",
    "Edit event": "Edit event",
    "edit filter settings": "edit filter settings",
    "edit folder": "edit folder",
    "Edit garden": "Edit garden",
    "Edit group": "Edit group",
    "edit in map": "edit in map",
    "Edit plant group": "Edit plant group",
    "Edit point group": "Edit point group",
    "Edit slot": "Edit slot",
    "Edit slot coordinates": "Edit slot coordinates",
    "Edit slot coordinates setup": "Edit slot coordinates setup",
    "Edit slot group": "Edit slot group",
    "Edit slot panel": "Edit slot panel",
    "Edit weed group": "Edit weed group",
    "Education Documentation": "Education Documentation",
    "Emergency stop active": "Emergency stop active",
    "Emergency stop if movement is not complete after the maximum number of retries. (default: {{ eStopOnError }})": "Emergency stop if movement is not complete after the maximum number of retries. (default: {{ eStopOnError }})",
    "Emergency unlock": "Emergency unlock",
    "Empty": "Empty",
    "Enable limit switches": "Enable limit switches",
    "Enable quiet motors. (default: x: {{ x }}, y: {{ y }}, z: {{ z }})": "Enable quiet motors. (default: x: {{ x }}, y: {{ y }}, z: {{ z }})",
    "Enable sequence begin logs": "Enable sequence begin logs",
    "Enable sequence complete logs": "Enable sequence complete logs",
    "Enable sequence step logs": "Enable sequence step logs",
    "Enable Stall Detection": "Enable Stall Detection",
    "Enable use of a second x-axis motor. Connects to E0 on RAMPS. (default: {{ x2Motor }})": "Enable use of a second x-axis motor. Connects to E0 on RAMPS. (default: {{ x2Motor }})",
    "Enable use of electronic limit switches for end detection, finding axis length, and homing. Limit switches are contact switches or momentary push buttons that can be added to the end of each axis to be engaged when an axis reaches the end. (default: x: {{ x }}, y: {{ y }}, z: {{ z }})": "Enable use of electronic limit switches for end detection, finding axis length, and homing. Limit switches are contact switches or momentary push buttons that can be added to the end of each axis to be engaged when an axis reaches the end. (default: x: {{ x }}, y: {{ y }}, z: {{ z }})",
    "Enable use of motor stall detection for detecting missed steps, finding axis length, and homing. (default: x: {{ x }}, y: {{ y }}, z: {{ z }})": "Enable use of motor stall detection for detecting missed steps, finding axis length, and homing. (default: x: {{ x }}, y: {{ y }}, z: {{ z }})",
    "Enable use of rotary encoders for stall detection, finding axis length, and homing. (default: x: {{ x }}, y: {{ y }}, z: {{ z }})": "Enable use of rotary encoders for stall detection, finding axis length, and homing. (default: x: {{ x }}, y: {{ y }}, z: {{ z }})",
    "enabled": "enabled",
    "encoder scaling factor = 10000 * (motor resolution) / (encoder resolution). (default: x: {{ x }}, y: {{ y }}, z: {{ z }} (10000*200/360))": "encoder scaling factor = 10000 * (motor resolution) / (encoder resolution). (default: x: {{ x }}, y: {{ y }}, z: {{ z }} (10000*200/360))",
    "Encoders": "Encoders",
    "Ensure that the camera lens is not covered and there is adequate lighting. Try unplugging the camera and plugging it back in.": "Ensure that the camera lens is not covered and there is adequate lighting. Try unplugging the camera and plugging it back in.",
    "Entire system": "Entire system",
    "ENV Editor": "ENV Editor",
    "Environment variables added here can be accessed via the LUA sequence step 'env()' function.": "Environment variables added here can be accessed via the LUA sequence step 'env()' function.",
    "Error deleting config data": "Error deleting config data",
    "Error Handling": "Error Handling",
    "Error: tour step does not exist": "Error: tour step does not exist",
    "Ethernet connection (optional)": "Ethernet connection (optional)",
    "Evaluate Lua commands. For power users and software developers.": "Evaluate Lua commands. For power users and software developers.",
    "Event start time needs to be in the future, not the past.": "Event start time needs to be in the future, not the past.",
    "Execute Lua commands. For power users and software developers.": "Execute Lua commands. For power users and software developers.",
    "Execute sequence": "Execute sequence",
    "Expected height (mm)": "Expected height (mm)",
    "Expected spread (mm)": "Expected spread (mm)",
    "Export all data related to this device. Exports are delivered via email as JSON file attachments.": "Export all data related to this device. Exports are delivered via email as JSON file attachments.",
    "Express Documentation": "Express Documentation",
    "ext": "ext",
    "Fallback Soil Height": "Fallback Soil Height",
    "FarmBot and the browser are both connected to the internet (or have been recently). Try rebooting FarmBot and refreshing the browser. If the issue persists, something may be preventing FarmBot from accessing the message broker (used to communicate with your web browser in real-time). If you are on a company or school network, a firewall may be blocking port 5672 or port 8883. Ensure that the blue LED communications light on the FarmBot electronics box is illuminated.": "FarmBot and the browser are both connected to the internet (or have been recently). Try rebooting FarmBot and refreshing the browser. If the issue persists, something may be preventing FarmBot from accessing the message broker (used to communicate with your web browser in real-time). If you are on a company or school network, a firewall may be blocking port 5672 or port 8883. Ensure that the blue LED communications light on the FarmBot electronics box is illuminated.",
    "FarmBot Connection": "FarmBot Connection",
    "FarmBot Kit": "FarmBot Kit",
    "FarmBot model": "FarmBot model",
    "FarmBot motor load": "FarmBot motor load",
    "FarmBot Network Requirements": "FarmBot Network Requirements",
    "FarmBot origin (home) location in images. If the origin does not correspond to an image corner, rotate the camera until one does. (default: {{ defaultOrigin }})": "FarmBot origin (home) location in images. If the origin does not correspond to an image corner, rotate the camera until one does. (default: {{ defaultOrigin }})",
    "Farmbot OS": "Farmbot OS",
    "FarmBot OS or micro-controller firmware action.": "FarmBot OS or micro-controller firmware action.",
    "FarmBot OS update": "FarmBot OS update",
    "FarmBot OS will automatically download and install software updates at the chosen time.": "FarmBot OS will automatically download and install software updates at the chosen time.",
    "FarmBot position (X, Y, Z)": "FarmBot position (X, Y, Z)",
    "FarmBot position unknown.": "FarmBot position unknown.",
    "FarmBot soil z": "FarmBot soil z",
    "FarmBot's current position": "FarmBot's current position",
    "FarmBot's motors are still powered": "FarmBot's motors are still powered",
    "FarmBot's motors are still unpowered": "FarmBot's motors are still unpowered",
    "Farmduino firmware is missing. Press the yellow FLASH FIRMWARE button to flash the firmware to your FarmBot. Verify FIRMWARE selection matches FarmBot kit version and check the USB cable between the Raspberry Pi and the Farmduino. Reboot FarmBot after a reconnection. If the issue persists, reconfiguration of FarmBot OS may be necessary.": "Farmduino firmware is missing. Press the yellow FLASH FIRMWARE button to flash the firmware to your FarmBot. Verify FIRMWARE selection matches FarmBot kit version and check the USB cable between the Raspberry Pi and the Farmduino. Reboot FarmBot after a reconnection. If the issue persists, reconfiguration of FarmBot OS may be necessary.",
    "Farmware execution": "Farmware execution",
    "Farmware manifest URL": "Farmware manifest URL",
    "Featured Sequences": "Featured Sequences",
    "Featured Shared Sequences": "Featured Shared Sequences",
    "Featured shared sequences published by FarmBot Inc.": "Featured shared sequences published by FarmBot Inc.",
    "Feedback already sent.": "Feedback already sent.",
    "Feedback sent.": "Feedback sent.",
    "Feedback submitted through this form will be linked to your user account and email so that we may follow up when necessary. If your account email is not the best way for us to reach you, please include your phone number or preferred means of contact.": "Feedback submitted through this form will be linked to your user account and email so that we may follow up when necessary. If your account email is not the best way for us to reach you, please include your phone number or preferred means of contact.",
    "field": "field",
    "Filter map photos": "Filter map photos",
    "filters": "filters",
    "Find a detail in the image at the soil level where the coordinates are known (for example, a spot watered by FarmBot), and compare the known coordinates against the location for the detail shown in the map.": "Find a detail in the image at the soil level where the coordinates are known (for example, a spot watered by FarmBot), and compare the known coordinates against the location for the detail shown in the map.",
    "Find axis length": "Find axis length",
    "Find home": "Find home",
    "FIND HOME {{ axis }}": "FIND HOME {{ axis }}",
    "Finish creating the group": "Finish creating the group",
    "Finish setting up your account and FarmBot using our setup wizard. To open the setup wizard, click the **Setup: {{ percentComplete }}** button in the main navigation bar.": "Finish setting up your account and FarmBot using our setup wizard. To open the setup wizard, click the **Setup: {{ percentComplete }}** button in the main navigation bar.",
    "Firmware value from your choice in the dropdown to the right, as understood by the Web App.": "Firmware value from your choice in the dropdown to the right, as understood by the Web App.",
    "Firmware value reported from the firmware, as understood by FarmBot OS.": "Firmware value reported from the firmware, as understood by FarmBot OS.",
    "Firmware value reported from the firmware.": "Firmware value reported from the firmware.",
    "Fix issues above to continue.": "Fix issues above to continue.",
    "flash": "flash",
    "Flash firmware": "Flash firmware",
    "follow": "follow",
    "for help, please provide a detailed description of what you need help with and we'll get in touch.": "for help, please provide a detailed description of what you need help with and we'll get in touch.",
    "For IT Security Professionals": "For IT Security Professionals",
    "for more information.": "for more information.",
    "Formula": "Formula",
    "front": "front",
    "Fully raised tool head": "Fully raised tool head",
    "FYI": "FYI",
    "Gantry": "Gantry",
    "Gantry Height": "Gantry Height",
    "Gantry main beam": "Gantry main beam",
    "Gantry-mounted": "Gantry-mounted",
    "Garden": "Garden",
    "generate code": "generate code",
    "generating": "generating",
    "Genesis Documentation": "Genesis Documentation",
    "Genesis v1.2 through v1.4 bots did not include the camera calibration card. Instead, these kits included red calibration objects and must be calibrated using an alternative method": "Genesis v1.2 through v1.4 bots did not include the camera calibration card. Instead, these kits included red calibration objects and must be calibrated using an alternative method",
    "Get Help": "Get Help",
    "Get in touch with our support staff. Only available to customers who have purchased a full FarmBot kit from FarmBot Inc.": "Get in touch with our support staff. Only available to customers who have purchased a full FarmBot kit from FarmBot Inc.",
    "Get in touch with our support staff. Only available to customers with a": "Get in touch with our support staff. Only available to customers with a",
    "Get Started": "Get Started",
    "Getting started": "Getting started",
    "Getting Started": "Getting Started",
    "Give your group a descriptive name such as \"All Spinach Plants\". When you are finished editing your group press the back button and advance the tour.": "Give your group a descriptive name such as \"All Spinach Plants\". When you are finished editing your group press the back button and advance the tour.",
    "Go ahead and add more groups. It is best to have a group for every set of plants where you wish to perform the same operation (such as watering) on each member of the group. Once you have added additional groups, you are finished with this tour!": "Go ahead and add more groups. It is best to have a group for every set of plants where you wish to perform the same operation (such as watering) on each member of the group. Once you have added additional groups, you are finished with this tour!",
    "Go ahead and add more plants to your garden. Once you have added at least two crop types, advance the tour.": "Go ahead and add more plants to your garden. Once you have added at least two crop types, advance the tour.",
    "good": "good",
    "Good": "Good",
    "Grace Period": "Grace Period",
    "Gray": "Gray",
    "grayscale depth": "grayscale depth",
    "Greater than": "Greater than",
    "Green": "Green",
    "Grid and row planting": "Grid and row planting",
    "Grid and Row Planting": "Grid and Row Planting",
    "Grid point": "Grid point",
    "Group": "Group",
    "Group Filters": "Group Filters",
    "GROUP MEMBERS ({{count}})": "GROUP MEMBERS ({{count}})",
    "Groups of plants are listed in the groups section. Once you create some groups, they will be listed here for you to view and manage. To make your first group, press the group + button and then advance the tour.": "Groups of plants are listed in the groups section. Once you create some groups, they will be listed here for you to view and manage. To make your first group, press the group + button and then advance the tour.",
    "Hard": "Hard",
    "Hard Reset": "Hard Reset",
    "Hard reset your FarmBot by reflashing the latest version of FarmBot OS onto the microSD card. This will erase all data from the device and allow you to start from a clean slate. This is recommended if you are experiencing problems with your setup. Upon hard resetting, your device will go into Configurator mode.": "Hard reset your FarmBot by reflashing the latest version of FarmBot OS onto the microSD card. This will erase all data from the device and allow you to start from a clean slate. This is recommended if you are experiencing problems with your setup. Upon hard resetting, your device will go into Configurator mode.",
    "hardware and software documentation hubs": "hardware and software documentation hubs",
    "Hardware parameter import error.": "Hardware parameter import error.",
    "Has the download finished?": "Has the download finished?",
    "Has the value been entered?": "Has the value been entered?",
    "Has your IT department confirmed that the necessary ports are opened or are you installing FarmBot at home?": "Has your IT department confirmed that the necessary ports are opened or are you installing FarmBot at home?",
    "Have a question for the greater FarmBot community? Get help by asking our global community of users on the": "Have a question for the greater FarmBot community? Get help by asking our global community of users on the",
    "Have you identified which Raspberry Pi is in your FarmBot?": "Have you identified which Raspberry Pi is in your FarmBot?",
    "Have you inserted the microSD card into the Raspberry Pi?": "Have you inserted the microSD card into the Raspberry Pi?",
    "Have you selected your FarmBot model?": "Have you selected your FarmBot model?",
    "height": "height",
    "height curves": "height curves",
    "help": "help",
    "here": "here",
    "hexagonal packing": "hexagonal packing",
    "hide icons": "hide icons",
    "Hide Sensors panel": "Hide Sensors panel",
    "hide z display": "hide z display",
    "Highlight modified settings": "Highlight modified settings",
    "history": "history",
    "Home position adjustment travel speed (homing and finding axis length) in millimeters per second. (default: x: {{ x }}mm/s, y: {{ y }}mm/s, z: {{ z }}mm/s)": "Home position adjustment travel speed (homing and finding axis length) in millimeters per second. (default: x: {{ x }}mm/s, y: {{ y }}mm/s, z: {{ z }}mm/s)",
    "Home X": "Home X",
    "Home Y": "Home Y",
    "Home Z": "Home Z",
    "Homing Speed (mm/s)": "Homing Speed (mm/s)",
    "hours prior to most recent record": "hours prior to most recent record",
    "I can see the farmbot-xxxx network but my device will not connect": "I can see the farmbot-xxxx network but my device will not connect",
    "I can't find the calibration card": "I can't find the calibration card",
    "I do not know my FarmBot model": "I do not know my FarmBot model",
    "I do not know my order number": "I do not know my order number",
    "I do not know where to connect the ethernet cable": "I do not know where to connect the ethernet cable",
    "I do not wish to continue yet": "I do not wish to continue yet",
    "I pressed the wrong button": "I pressed the wrong button",
    "I still need to assemble FarmBot": "I still need to assemble FarmBot",
    "I was redirected to a page": "I was redirected to a page",
    "I'm not sure": "I'm not sure",
    "icon in the main navigation bar to open up the documentation in-app": "icon in the main navigation bar to open up the documentation in-app",
    "If enabled, FarmBot will: (1) Move Z to the Safe Z height, (2) Move X and Y to the new location, and (3) Move Z to the new location": "If enabled, FarmBot will: (1) Move Z to the Safe Z height, (2) Move X and Y to the new location, and (3) Move Z to the new location",
    "If encoders or limit switches are enabled, find home for an axis (set zero position).": "If encoders or limit switches are enabled, find home for an axis (set zero position).",
    "If encoders or limit switches are enabled, find the home position when the device powers on. Warning! This will perform homing on all axes when the device powers on. Encoders or limit switches must be enabled. It is recommended to make sure homing works properly before enabling this feature. (default: x: {{ x }}, y: {{ y }}, z: {{ z }})": "If encoders or limit switches are enabled, find the home position when the device powers on. Warning! This will perform homing on all axes when the device powers on. Encoders or limit switches must be enabled. It is recommended to make sure homing works properly before enabling this feature. (default: x: {{ x }}, y: {{ y }}, z: {{ z }})",
    "If encoders or limit switches are enabled, home axis and determine maximum. Will set axis length value.": "If encoders or limit switches are enabled, home axis and determine maximum. Will set axis length value.",
    "If encoders, stall detection, or limit switches are enabled, home axis and determine maximum. Will set axis length value.": "If encoders, stall detection, or limit switches are enabled, home axis and determine maximum. Will set axis length value.",
    "If not using a webcam, use this setting to remove the widget from the Controls panel.": "If not using a webcam, use this setting to remove the widget from the Controls panel.",
    "If not using sensors, use this setting to remove the panel from the Farm Designer.": "If not using sensors, use this setting to remove the panel from the Farm Designer.",
    "If stall detection or limit switches are enabled, find home for an axis (set zero position).": "If stall detection or limit switches are enabled, find home for an axis (set zero position).",
    "If stall detection or limit switches are enabled, find the home position when the device powers on. Warning! This will perform homing on all axes when the device powers on. Stall detection or limit switches must be enabled. It is recommended to make sure homing works properly before enabling this feature. (default: x: {{ x }}, y: {{ y }}, z: {{ z }})": "If stall detection or limit switches are enabled, find the home position when the device powers on. Warning! This will perform homing on all axes when the device powers on. Stall detection or limit switches must be enabled. It is recommended to make sure homing works properly before enabling this feature. (default: x: {{ x }}, y: {{ y }}, z: {{ z }})",
    "If stall detection or limit switches are enabled, home axis and determine maximum. Will set axis length value.": "If stall detection or limit switches are enabled, home axis and determine maximum. Will set axis length value.",
    "If statement": "If statement",
    "If the problem persists after performing the recommendations above, you may have a defective camera. You can request a free replacement": "If the problem persists after performing the recommendations above, you may have a defective camera. You can request a free replacement",
    "If using a phone, disable cellular data and try again.": "If using a phone, disable cellular data and try again.",
    "If you already tried the troubleshooting tips above and looked through the": "If you already tried the troubleshooting tips above and looked through the",
    "If you are installing FarmBot at a school or enterprise where the internet network is managed by an IT department, you must ensure that certain ports are opened to allow FarmBot to fully connect to the web app. If you are installing FarmBot in one of these locations, have your IT department review the following help page to ensure FarmBot will be able to fully connect once configured.": "If you are installing FarmBot at a school or enterprise where the internet network is managed by an IT department, you must ensure that certain ports are opened to allow FarmBot to fully connect to the web app. If you are installing FarmBot in one of these locations, have your IT department review the following help page to ensure FarmBot will be able to fully connect once configured.",
    "If you are sure you want to reset your account, type in your password below to continue.": "If you are sure you want to reset your account, type in your password below to continue.",
    "If you are upgrading your FarmBot, you may need to manually add any new peripherals, sensors, and tools that your new electronics board supports.": "If you are upgrading your FarmBot, you may need to manually add any new peripherals, sensors, and tools that your new electronics board supports.",
    "If you ever purchase new tools or make your own, add them to the app by clicking the + tool button. Once the tool has been added, load it into an available slot to begin using it in your sequences!": "If you ever purchase new tools or make your own, add them to the app by clicking the + tool button. Once the tool has been added, load it into an available slot to begin using it in your sequences!",
    "If you have a webcam, you can view the video stream in this widget. Press the edit button to update and save your webcam URL. Note: Some webcam services do not allow webcam feeds to be embedded in other sites. If you see a web browser error after adding a webcam feed, there is unfortunately nothing FarmBot can do to fix the problem. Please contact your webcam's customer support to see if the security policy for embedding feeds into other sites can be changed.": "If you have a webcam, you can view the video stream in this widget. Press the edit button to update and save your webcam URL. Note: Some webcam services do not allow webcam feeds to be embedded in other sites. If you see a web browser error after adding a webcam feed, there is unfortunately nothing FarmBot can do to fix the problem. Please contact your webcam's customer support to see if the security policy for embedding feeds into other sites can be changed.",
    "If you want to play around and keep your data, feel free to make a real account at": "If you want to play around and keep your data, feel free to make a real account at",
    "ignore detections out of bounds": "ignore detections out of bounds",
    "Image blur kernel size. Must be an odd number greater than 1. (default: {{ defaultBlur }})": "Image blur kernel size. Must be an odd number greater than 1. (default: {{ defaultBlur }})",
    "Image pixel to FarmBot coordinate scale. Typically between 0.1 and 2, this value matches image scale with the FarmBot coordinate system. (default: {{ defaultScale }} (uncalibrated))": "Image pixel to FarmBot coordinate scale. Typically between 0.1 and 2, this value matches image scale with the FarmBot coordinate system. (default: {{ defaultScale }} (uncalibrated))",
    "image resolution": "image resolution",
    "Images": "Images",
    "Images may take up to 3 minutes to appear.": "Images may take up to 3 minutes to appear.",
    "Images may take up to 30 seconds to appear.": "Images may take up to 30 seconds to appear.",
    "Import parameters": "Import parameters",
    "import this sequence": "import this sequence",
    "Imported and edited publicly shared sequence.": "Imported and edited publicly shared sequence.",
    "Imported publicly shared sequence.": "Imported publicly shared sequence.",
    "importing": "importing",
    "Importing the sequence into their FarmBot account to view and use it as they deem fit": "Importing the sequence into their FarmBot account to view and use it as they deem fit",
    "Importing this sequence will allow you to use it with your FarmBot and make changes. If the original author of the sequence publishes a new version, you will have the option to upgrade your copy.": "Importing this sequence will allow you to use it with your FarmBot and make changes. If the original author of the sequence publishes a new version, you will have the option to upgrade your copy.",
    "in map": "in map",
    "In real life, load one of FarmBot's tools (such as the watering nozzle) into a toolbay slot. Then, using the controls popup, instruct FarmBot to find the home position.": "In real life, load one of FarmBot's tools (such as the watering nozzle) into a toolbay slot. Then, using the controls popup, instruct FarmBot to find the home position.",
    "In this tour you'll learn how to add plants to your garden, create filter-based groups of those plants, and snapshot your garden layout for future growing seasons. Let's get started!": "In this tour you'll learn how to add plants to your garden, create filter-based groups of those plants, and snapshot your garden layout for future growing seasons. Let's get started!",
    "IN USE": "IN USE",
    "incompatible": "incompatible",
    "indoor": "indoor",
    "Input required": "Input required",
    "Insert a luer lock needle into the 3-in-1 tool head and place a seed trough into the gantry-mounted seed trough holder. Then, using the controls popup, instruct FarmBot to find the home position.": "Insert a luer lock needle into the 3-in-1 tool head and place a seed trough into the gantry-mounted seed trough holder. Then, using the controls popup, instruct FarmBot to find the home position.",
    "Insert the microSD card into FarmBot": "Insert the microSD card into FarmBot",
    "Inspect the ports on the top edge of the Raspberry Pi and select which Raspberry Pi model is in your FarmBot.": "Inspect the ports on the top edge of the Raspberry Pi and select which Raspberry Pi model is in your FarmBot.",
    "Inspect the wood raised bed (Express kits) or track extrusions (Genesis kits) for bumps. Use sand paper to smooth out imperfections.": "Inspect the wood raised bed (Express kits) or track extrusions (Genesis kits) for bumps. Use sand paper to smooth out imperfections.",
    "Install error": "Install error",
    "Install FarmBot OS onto the microSD card": "Install FarmBot OS onto the microSD card",
    "install Farmware": "install Farmware",
    "Installing FarmBot OS": "Installing FarmBot OS",
    "Internal Computer": "Internal Computer",
    "internal envs": "internal envs",
    "Interpolated Soil Z at": "Interpolated Soil Z at",
    "Interpolation step size": "Interpolation step size",
    "Interpolation use nearest": "Interpolation use nearest",
    "Interpolation weight": "Interpolation weight",
    "INTRO": "INTRO",
    "Introduction": "Introduction",
    "Invalid property for resource.": "Invalid property for resource.",
    "Invalid selection.": "Invalid selection.",
    "Invert {{ axis }}-axis Jog Buttons": "Invert {{ axis }}-axis Jog Buttons",
    "Invert axis limit switches. Enable for normally closed (NC), disable for normally open (NO). (default: x: {{ x }}, y: {{ y }}, z: {{ z }})": "Invert axis limit switches. Enable for normally closed (NC), disable for normally open (NO). (default: x: {{ x }}, y: {{ y }}, z: {{ z }})",
    "Invert direction of motor while finding axis length. (default: x: {{ x }}, y: {{ y }}, z: {{ z }})": "Invert direction of motor while finding axis length. (default: x: {{ x }}, y: {{ y }}, z: {{ z }})",
    "Invert direction of motor. (default: {{ x }})": "Invert direction of motor. (default: {{ x }})",
    "invert hue range selection": "invert hue range selection",
    "Invert limit switches": "Invert limit switches",
    "Invert the range of hues selected. Typically used to select the full range of reds. (default: {{ defaultInvertState }})": "Invert the range of hues selected. Typically used to select the full range of reds. (default: {{ defaultInvertState }})",
    "Invert X Axis Jog Button": "Invert X Axis Jog Button",
    "Invert Y Axis Jog Button": "Invert Y Axis Jog Button",
    "Invert Z Axis Jog Button": "Invert Z Axis Jog Button",
    "Is FarmBot assembled and ready to power on?": "Is FarmBot assembled and ready to power on?",
    "Is FarmBot online?": "Is FarmBot online?",
    "Is FarmBot positioned away from the hardstops?": "Is FarmBot positioned away from the hardstops?",
    "Is Raspberry Pi Imager installed?": "Is Raspberry Pi Imager installed?",
    "Is the 'Find Home' sequence selected?": "Is the 'Find Home' sequence selected?",
    "Is the calibration card on the soil underneath the camera?": "Is the calibration card on the soil underneath the camera?",
    "Is the card connected?": "Is the card connected?",
    "Is the configurator loaded?": "Is the configurator loaded?",
    "Is the FarmBot able to move reliably along the full length of the X-axis in both directions?": "Is the FarmBot able to move reliably along the full length of the X-axis in both directions?",
    "Is the FarmBot able to move reliably along the full length of the Y-axis in both directions?": "Is the FarmBot able to move reliably along the full length of the Y-axis in both directions?",
    "Is the FarmBot able to move reliably along the full length of the Z-axis in both directions?": "Is the FarmBot able to move reliably along the full length of the Z-axis in both directions?",
    "Is the location in the image aligned with the map location?": "Is the location in the image aligned with the map location?",
    "Is the status 'connected'?": "Is the status 'connected'?",
    "Is the UTM cable plugged in?": "Is the UTM cable plugged in?",
    "Is the z-axis as high as it will go?": "Is the z-axis as high as it will go?",
    "Is your phone or computer connected to the FarmBot WiFi network?": "Is your phone or computer connected to the FarmBot WiFi network?",
    "It does not line up": "It does not line up",
    "It made sounds like it was trying to move, but didn't move": "It made sounds like it was trying to move, but didn't move",
    "It moved in a different direction": "It moved in a different direction",
    "It moved the opposite direction": "It moved the opposite direction",
    "It moved up": "It moved up",
    "It seems like it is trying to move too fast, or doesn't have enough torque": "It seems like it is trying to move too fast, or doesn't have enough torque",
    "It stalls or has trouble at certain locations": "It stalls or has trouble at certain locations",
    "It started to move, but stopped early": "It started to move, but stopped early",
    "It stopped before reaching the axis end": "It stopped before reaching the axis end",
    "It struggles to move along the whole length of the axis": "It struggles to move along the whole length of the axis",
    "item": "item",
    "Job": "Job",
    "Job count": "Job count",
    "Just the Arduino": "Just the Arduino",
    "Keep power applied to motors. Prevents slipping from gravity in certain situations. (default: x: {{ x }}, y: {{ y }}, z: {{ z }})": "Keep power applied to motors. Prevents slipping from gravity in certain situations. (default: x: {{ x }}, y: {{ y }}, z: {{ z }})",
    "Key cannot be blank.": "Key cannot be blank.",
    "Key has already been taken.": "Key has already been taken.",
    "Landing page": "Landing page",
    "last message seen ": "last message seen ",
    "Last seen": "Last seen",
    "Latest": "Latest",
    "latitude": "latitude",
    "Learn more": "Learn more",
    "Learn more about connecting": "Learn more about connecting",
    "Learn more about ports": "Learn more about ports",
    "LED 3": "LED 3",
    "LED 4": "LED 4",
    "LED light strip": "LED light strip",
    "Less": "Less",
    "Less than": "Less than",
    "License": "License",
    "Limit Switches": "Limit Switches",
    "Limit switches warning": "Limit switches warning",
    "Linear Ramp": "Linear Ramp",
    "Link": "Link",
    "live chat": "live chat",
    "Loading slots": "Loading slots",
    "Local IP": "Local IP",
    "location": "location",
    "Location {{ num }}": "Location {{ num }}",
    "Location info": "Location info",
    "Log not sent by current version of FarmBot OS.": "Log not sent by current version of FarmBot OS.",
    "logout": "logout",
    "Logout and destroy token": "Logout and destroy token",
    "longitude": "longitude",
    "Look for the 'Available UART devices' log message.": "Look for the 'Available UART devices' log message.",
    "Look inside the electronics box. What color cable is plugged into the top of the Raspberry Pi (the green circuit board)?": "Look inside the electronics box. What color cable is plugged into the top of the Raspberry Pi (the green circuit board)?",
    "Low": "Low",
    "Lua": "Lua",
    "M-F 9-5 PST": "M-F 9-5 PST",
    "MAC address": "MAC address",
    "Make sure the calibration card has been placed flat on the soil surface and is fully and clearly visible to the camera. The card must not be warped, bent, overexposed, or obscured in the above image. Lighting may be improved by shading the card from direct sunlight, trying a different time of day, or using FarmBot's lights in the evening or at night. There must be good contrast between the white dots and black calibration card background for calibration to complete successfully. Trying calibration in a different location with fewer distractions in the area surrounding the card may also help.": "Make sure the calibration card has been placed flat on the soil surface and is fully and clearly visible to the camera. The card must not be warped, bent, overexposed, or obscured in the above image. Lighting may be improved by shading the card from direct sunlight, trying a different time of day, or using FarmBot's lights in the evening or at night. There must be good contrast between the white dots and black calibration card background for calibration to complete successfully. Trying calibration in a different location with fewer distractions in the area surrounding the card may also help.",
    "Make sure the motors are working properly. Return to the": "Make sure the motors are working properly. Return to the",
    "Making changes to their copy": "Making changes to their copy",
    "Manage data": "Manage data",
    "Manual": "Manual",
    "Manual controls video": "Manual controls video",
    "Manually add group members by clicking in the map. Group members selected by filters can only be removed by changing the filters. Filters will be applied at the time of sequence execution. Group members at that time may differ from those currently displayed.": "Manually add group members by clicking in the map. Group members selected by filters can only be removed by changing the filters. Filters will be applied at the time of sequence execution. Group members at that time may differ from those currently displayed.",
    "Manually enter a value by measuring the usable distance FarmBot can travel along the axis.": "Manually enter a value by measuring the usable distance FarmBot can travel along the axis.",
    "manually selected": "manually selected",
    "MAP": "MAP",
    "map boxes will change location filter": "map boxes will change location filter",
    "map boxes will manually add plants": "map boxes will manually add plants",
    "Map filters enabled.": "Map filters enabled.",
    "Map orientation": "Map orientation",
    "Map photo layer off": "Map photo layer off",
    "Map photo layer on": "Map photo layer on",
    "map settings": "map settings",
    "Mark as...": "Mark as...",
    "Max": "Max",
    "Max Motor Load": "Max Motor Load",
    "Max Speed toward home (mm/s)": "Max Speed toward home (mm/s)",
    "max value": "max value",
    "Maximum": "Maximum",
    "Maximum motor load (determined by stepper driver) before motor is considered to have stalled. (default: x: {{ x }}, y: {{ y }}, z: {{ z }})": "Maximum motor load (determined by stepper driver) before motor is considered to have stalled. (default: x: {{ x }}, y: {{ y }}, z: {{ z }})",
    "Maximum number of control points reached.": "Maximum number of control points reached.",
    "Maximum travel speed after acceleration in millimeters per second. (default: {{ z }}mm/s)": "Maximum travel speed after acceleration in millimeters per second. (default: {{ z }}mm/s)",
    "Maximum travel speed after acceleration in millimeters per second. (default: x: {{ x }}mm/s, y: {{ y }}mm/s, z: {{ z }}mm/s)": "Maximum travel speed after acceleration in millimeters per second. (default: x: {{ x }}mm/s, y: {{ y }}mm/s, z: {{ z }}mm/s)",
    "maximum weed size": "maximum weed size",
    "Maximum weed size (diameter) in millimeters. Set to 0 to disable limit. (default: {{ defaultMaxDiameter }})": "Maximum weed size (diameter) in millimeters. Set to 0 to disable limit. (default: {{ defaultMaxDiameter }})",
    "measure": "measure",
    "Measure": "Measure",
    "Measure soil height": "Measure soil height",
    "Memory": "Memory",
    "min": "min",
    "Minimum movement speed in millimeters per second. Also used for homing and finding axis length. (default: {{ z }}mm/s)": "Minimum movement speed in millimeters per second. Also used for homing and finding axis length. (default: {{ z }}mm/s)",
    "Minimum movement speed in millimeters per second. Also used for homing and finding axis length. (default: x: {{ x }}mm/s, y: {{ y }}mm/s, z: {{ z }}mm/s)": "Minimum movement speed in millimeters per second. Also used for homing and finding axis length. (default: x: {{ x }}mm/s, y: {{ y }}mm/s, z: {{ z }}mm/s)",
    "Minimum Speed toward home (mm/s)": "Minimum Speed toward home (mm/s)",
    "minimum weed size": "minimum weed size",
    "Minimum weed size (diameter) in millimeters. Set to 0 to disable limit. (default: {{ defaultMinDiameter }})": "Minimum weed size (diameter) in millimeters. Set to 0 to disable limit. (default: {{ defaultMinDiameter }})",
    "Minor adjustments": "Minor adjustments",
    "minutes of": "minutes of",
    "Missed Step Decay": "Missed Step Decay",
    "Missing dependency": "Missing dependency",
    "MIT License": "MIT License",
    "mL": "mL",
    "Model": "Model",
    "Moisture": "Moisture",
    "More": "More",
    "More options": "More options",
    "MORPH": "MORPH",
    "Most people connect their FarmBot to the internet over WiFi, though you may optionally use a hardwired ethernet connection. If you would like to use an ethernet connection, simply connect an ethernet cable between your WiFi router and the Raspberry Pi.": "Most people connect their FarmBot to the internet over WiFi, though you may optionally use a hardwired ethernet connection. If you would like to use an ethernet connection, simply connect an ethernet cable between your WiFi router and the Raspberry Pi.",
    "Motor current in milliamps. (default: x: {{ x }}, y: {{ y }}, z: {{ z }})": "Motor current in milliamps. (default: x: {{ x }}, y: {{ y }}, z: {{ z }})",
    "Motor Load": "Motor Load",
    "Motor stall sensitivity. Most sensitive: -63. Least sensitive: +63. (default: x: {{ x }}, y: {{ y }}, z: {{ z }})": "Motor stall sensitivity. Most sensitive: -63. Least sensitive: +63. (default: x: {{ x }}, y: {{ y }}, z: {{ z }})",
    "mounted": "mounted",
    "mounted tool": "mounted tool",
    "Mounted Tool": "Mounted Tool",
    "Move a servo to the provided angle. An angle of 90 degrees corresponds to the servo midpoint (or, for a continuous rotation servo, no movement). Tip: follow with a WAIT command to allow the servo to reach the target position.": "Move a servo to the provided angle. An angle of 90 degrees corresponds to the servo midpoint (or, for a continuous rotation servo, no movement). Tip: follow with a WAIT command to allow the servo to reach the target position.",
    "Move FarmBot away from the hardstops": "Move FarmBot away from the hardstops",
    "Move FarmBot to a different location and try again.": "Move FarmBot to a different location and try again.",
    "Move FarmBot to home for the provided axis.": "Move FarmBot to home for the provided axis.",
    "Move into": "Move into",
    "Move out of folders": "Move out of folders",
    "move sequence": "move sequence",
    "move step": "move step",
    "move to home": "move to home",
    "Move to Home": "Move to Home",
    "Movement": "Movement",
    "Movements video": "Movements video",
    "My Sequences": "My Sequences",
    "Name already taken.": "Name already taken.",
    "Navigate Left": "Navigate Left",
    "Navigate Right": "Navigate Right",
    "Nearby": "Nearby",
    "network": "network",
    "Never": "Never",
    "New Folder": "New Folder",
    "New password must be at least 8 characters.": "New password must be at least 8 characters.",
    "newer": "newer",
    "newest": "newest",
    "next image": "next image",
    "Next image": "Next image",
    "no active jobs": "no active jobs",
    "No active weeds.": "No active weeds.",
    "No camera selected": "No camera selected",
    "No Curve selected": "No Curve selected",
    "No curves yet.": "No curves yet.",
    "No description provided for this subsequence.": "No description provided for this subsequence.",
    "No Farmware selected": "No Farmware selected",
    "No Farmware yet.": "No Farmware yet.",
    "No Group selected": "No Group selected",
    "No location chosen.": "No location chosen.",
    "No location selected. Using default value.": "No location selected. Using default value.",
    "No pending weeds.": "No pending weeds.",
    "No Peripherals yet.": "No Peripherals yet.",
    "No Regimen selected": "No Regimen selected",
    "No removed weeds.": "No removed weeds.",
    "No results in your garden": "No results in your garden",
    "No Sensors yet.": "No Sensors yet.",
    "No Sequence selected": "No Sequence selected",
    "none": "none",
    "not all features of the app will work because there is not a real FarmBot connected to this account. Additionally, keep in mind that when you leave this web page, the demo account and all data will be deleted.": "not all features of the app will work because there is not a real FarmBot connected to this account. Additionally, keep in mind that when you leave this web page, the demo account and all data will be deleted.",
    "Not available": "Not available",
    "Not found": "Not found",
    "Not hidden": "Not hidden",
    "not mirrored": "not mirrored",
    "not set": "not set",
    "not shown in map": "not shown in map",
    "Note: Times displayed according to FarmBot's local time, which is currently different from your browser's time. Timezone data is configurable in the Settings panel).": "Note: Times displayed according to FarmBot's local time, which is currently different from your browser's time. Timezone data is configurable in the Settings panel).",
    "Nothing happened": "Nothing happened",
    "Now that you have a garden with a few crops in it. Let's create groups of plants, where each group contains all of the plants of one crop type. Advance the tour when you're ready.": "Now that you have a garden with a few crops in it. Let's create groups of plants, where each group contains all of the plants of one crop type. Advance the tour when you're ready.",
    "Number {{ num }}": "Number {{ num }}",
    "Number of erosion and dilation morphological transformation cycles. (default: {{ defaultIteration }})": "Number of erosion and dilation morphological transformation cycles. (default: {{ defaultIteration }})",
    "Number of millimeters used for acceleration and deceleration. (default: {{ z }}mm)": "Number of millimeters used for acceleration and deceleration. (default: {{ z }}mm)",
    "Number of millimeters used for acceleration and deceleration. (default: x: {{ x }}mm, y: {{ y }}mm, z: {{ z }}mm)": "Number of millimeters used for acceleration and deceleration. (default: x: {{ x }}mm, y: {{ y }}mm, z: {{ z }}mm)",
    "Number of steps missed (determined by encoder) before motor is considered to have stalled. (default: x: {{ x }}, y: {{ y }}, z: {{ z }})": "Number of steps missed (determined by encoder) before motor is considered to have stalled. (default: x: {{ x }}, y: {{ y }}, z: {{ z }})",
    "Number of times to retry a movement before stopping. (default: {{ retries }})": "Number of times to retry a movement before stopping. (default: {{ retries }})",
    "Number of times to retry calibration. (default: x: {{ x }}, y: {{ y }}, z: {{ z }})": "Number of times to retry calibration. (default: x: {{ x }}, y: {{ y }}, z: {{ z }})",
    "Occurred": "Occurred",
    "offset": "offset",
    "Offset adjustment": "Offset adjustment",
    "Offset from current location": "Offset from current location",
    "older": "older",
    "oldest": "oldest",
    "Once published, anyone may find and use the sequence free of charge for tasks including but not limited to:": "Once published, anyone may find and use the sequence free of charge for tasks including but not limited to:",
    "Once you have input the coordinate locations for every slot, choose which tool or seed container is loaded into each slot. Remember: the virtual configuration must always match your real-life configuration.": "Once you have input the coordinate locations for every slot, choose which tool or seed container is loaded into each slot. Remember: the virtual configuration must always match your real-life configuration.",
    "Once you make a selection, we'll automatically add some tools, sensors, peripherals, sequences, and more to get you up and running faster.": "Once you make a selection, we'll automatically add some tools, sensors, peripherals, sequences, and more to get you up and running faster.",
    "Online": "Online",
    "only show current photo in map": "only show current photo in map",
    "Only show logs sent from current FarmBot OS version.": "Only show logs sent from current FarmBot OS version.",
    "Open": "Open",
    "Open a browser and navigate to ": "Open a browser and navigate to ",
    "open full-page editor": "open full-page editor",
    "Open Guide": "Open Guide",
    "open linked sequence": "open linked sequence",
    "open map settings menu": "open map settings menu",
    "Open network ports": "Open network ports",
    "open plants panel": "open plants panel",
    "open point select panel": "open point select panel",
    "open regimen": "open regimen",
    "open scheduler panel": "open scheduler panel",
    "Open the ... menu for the {{ axis }} axis and click **FIND HOME**.": "Open the ... menu for the {{ axis }} axis and click **FIND HOME**.",
    "Open the ... menu for the {{ axis }} axis and click **FIND LENGTH**.": "Open the ... menu for the {{ axis }} axis and click **FIND LENGTH**.",
    "Open up the Raspberry Pi Imager program and click \\": "Open up the Raspberry Pi Imager program and click \\",
    "Order info": "Order info",
    "Order number": "Order number",
    "Order Number": "Order Number",
    "origin location in image": "origin location in image",
    "OS release channel": "OS release channel",
    "Other curves": "Other curves",
    "Outside of filter range": "Outside of filter range",
    "Over time you may need to make minor adjustments to the coordinates of your slots. At any time you can come back to the edit slot panel and manually adjust the X, Y, and Z input fields.": "Over time you may need to make minor adjustments to the coordinates of your slots. At any time you can come back to the edit slot panel and manually adjust the X, Y, and Z input fields.",
    "override": "override",
    "Parameter load progress": "Parameter load progress",
    "Parameter Management": "Parameter Management",
    "Paste the output from EXPORT PARAMETERS into the text field and press IMPORT to import new hardware parameters to your FarmBot.": "Paste the output from EXPORT PARAMETERS into the text field and press IMPORT to import new hardware parameters to your FarmBot.",
    "Pending": "Pending",
    "Perform camera rotation compensation when image is captured instead of in garden map. If enabled, image files will include adjustment for camera rotation (black angled borders may show in viewer). Enabling this setting will slow down photo capture.": "Perform camera rotation compensation when image is captured instead of in garden map. If enabled, image files will include adjustment for camera rotation (black angled borders may show in viewer). Enabling this setting will slow down photo capture.",
    "photo step": "photo step",
    "Photo upload": "Photo upload",
    "photos in map": "photos in map",
    "photos panel": "photos panel",
    "Pin a sequence in the sequence editor to add it to this list.": "Pin a sequence in the sequence editor to add it to this list.",
    "Pin Guard 1": "Pin Guard 1",
    "Pin Guard 2": "Pin Guard 2",
    "Pin Guard 3": "Pin Guard 3",
    "Pin Guard 4": "Pin Guard 4",
    "Pin Guard 5": "Pin Guard 5",
    "Pin Reporting": "Pin Reporting",
    "Pin Reporting 1": "Pin Reporting 1",
    "Pin Reporting 2": "Pin Reporting 2",
    "pin timeout (sec) to state": "pin timeout (sec) to state",
    "pinned sequences": "pinned sequences",
    "Pinned Sequences": "Pinned Sequences",
    "pixel coordinate scale": "pixel coordinate scale",
    "Place the camera calibration card face down on the soil underneath the camera, with the grid of white circles facing up. Can be in any orientation but must be fully visible to the camera. Caution: FarmBot will make three small x-axis and y-axis movements during calibration.": "Place the camera calibration card face down on the soil underneath the camera, with the grid of white circles facing up. Can be in any orientation but must be fully visible to the camera. Caution: FarmBot will make three small x-axis and y-axis movements during calibration.",
    "Place the two red calibration objects 100mm apart and aligned with FarmBot's axes on the soil underneath the camera.": "Place the two red calibration objects 100mm apart and aligned with FarmBot's axes on the soil underneath the camera.",
    "plant": "plant",
    "Plant animations": "Plant animations",
    "Plant Details": "Plant Details",
    "Plant groups": "Plant groups",
    "Plant Groups": "Plant Groups",
    "Plant inventory": "Plant inventory",
    "Plant may exceed the distance between the soil and FarmBot": "Plant may exceed the distance between the soil and FarmBot",
    "Plant may spread beyond the growing area": "Plant may spread beyond the growing area",
    "Plant stage": "Plant stage",
    "Planting a garden": "Planting a garden",
    "Please check your email to confirm email address changes.": "Please check your email to confirm email address changes.",
    "Please choose a firmware version to install. Your choice should be based on the type of electronics in your FarmBot according to the reference table below.": "Please choose a firmware version to install. Your choice should be based on the type of electronics in your FarmBot according to the reference table below.",
    "Please contact the system(s) administrator(s) and ask them to enable HTTPS://": "Please contact the system(s) administrator(s) and ask them to enable HTTPS://",
    "Please enter a URL": "Please enter a URL",
    "Please enter a value between 0 and {{ max }}": "Please enter a value between 0 and {{ max }}",
    "Please enter a value.": "Please enter a value.",
    "Please enter your FarmBot order number.": "Please enter your FarmBot order number.",
    "Please make a grid with less than 100 {{ itemType }}": "Please make a grid with less than 100 {{ itemType }}",
    "Please re-flash your FarmBot's SD card.": "Please re-flash your FarmBot's SD card.",
    "Please select a model": "Please select a model",
    "Please select a pin.": "Please select a pin.",
    "Please select a sensor with a valid pin number.": "Please select a sensor with a valid pin number.",
    "Please select a sequence or regimen.": "Please select a sequence or regimen.",
    "Please upgrade": "Please upgrade",
    "Plug in FarmBot's power.": "Plug in FarmBot's power.",
    "point": "point",
    "Point created.": "Point created.",
    "Point Groups": "Point Groups",
    "Point status": "Point status",
    "points panel": "points panel",
    "Ports": "Ports",
    "Power cycle FarmBot's onboard computer.": "Power cycle FarmBot's onboard computer.",
    "Power down FarmBot's onboard computer.": "Power down FarmBot's onboard computer.",
    "Power up": "Power up",
    "Presets": "Presets",
    "Press \"+\" to add a curve.": "Press \"+\" to add a curve.",
    "Press \"+\" to add a Farmware.": "Press \"+\" to add a Farmware.",
    "Press \"+\" to add a new tool or seed container.": "Press \"+\" to add a new tool or seed container.",
    "Press \"+\" to add a seed container.": "Press \"+\" to add a seed container.",
    "Press \"edit\" to add a peripheral.": "Press \"edit\" to add a peripheral.",
    "Press \"edit\" to add a sensor.": "Press \"edit\" to add a sensor.",
    "Press the **{{ toggle }}** toggle, wait a few seconds, and then press the toggle again.": "Press the **{{ toggle }}** toggle, wait a few seconds, and then press the toggle again.",
    "Press the button below to calibrate the camera.": "Press the button below to calibrate the camera.",
    "Press the button below to take a photo.": "Press the button below to take a photo.",
    "Press the button to install your device's firmware.": "Press the button to install your device's firmware.",
    "Press the down arrow.": "Press the down arrow.",
    "Press the physical E-Stop button on top of the electronics box.": "Press the physical E-Stop button on top of the electronics box.",
    "Press the physical Unlock button on top of the electronics box.": "Press the physical Unlock button on top of the electronics box.",
    "Press the right arrow.": "Press the right arrow.",
    "Press the toggle button to enable dynamic map size.": "Press the toggle button to enable dynamic map size.",
    "Press the UNLOCK button below.": "Press the UNLOCK button below.",
    "Press the up arrow.": "Press the up arrow.",
    "Press YES to proceed to camera calibration.": "Press YES to proceed to camera calibration.",
    "Press YES when ready.": "Press YES when ready.",
    "Press YES.": "Press YES.",
    "Preview": "Preview",
    "previous image": "previous image",
    "Previous image": "Previous image",
    "Priority support": "Priority support",
    "priority support subscription": "priority support subscription",
    "Processing now. Results usually available in one minute. Check log messages for result status.": "Processing now. Results usually available in one minute. Check log messages for result status.",
    "Progress": "Progress",
    "property": "property",
    "Provide feedback": "Provide feedback",
    "public copy": "public copy",
    "public version": "public version",
    "Publish error": "Publish error",
    "Published as a publicly shared sequence.": "Published as a publicly shared sequence.",
    "Publishing this sequence will create a": "Publishing this sequence will create a",
    "Publishing, distributing, and even selling their copy": "Publishing, distributing, and even selling their copy",
    "Radius": "Radius",
    "Raspberry Pi model": "Raspberry Pi model",
    "Raspberry Pi Model 3": "Raspberry Pi Model 3",
    "Raspberry Pi Model 4": "Raspberry Pi Model 4",
    "Raspberry Pi model from your choice in the dropdown to the right, as understood by the Web App.": "Raspberry Pi model from your choice in the dropdown to the right, as understood by the Web App.",
    "Raspberry Pi model reported from your device, as understood by FarmBot OS.": "Raspberry Pi model reported from your device, as understood by FarmBot OS.",
    "Raspberry Pi power status since last reboot. If supply voltage drops below the standard operational threshold the indicator will turn red. Once the voltage level recovers the status will turn yellow, indicating that a low voltage event has occurred. Low voltage may adversely affect WiFi and camera functionality.": "Raspberry Pi power status since last reboot. If supply voltage drops below the standard operational threshold the indicator will turn red. Once the voltage level recovers the status will turn yellow, indicating that a low voltage event has occurred. Low voltage may adversely affect WiFi and camera functionality.",
    "re-seed account": "re-seed account",
    "Read sensor": "Read sensor",
    "Readings": "Readings",
    "Reconnected to the message broker.": "Reconnected to the message broker.",
    "Recover and continue": "Recover and continue",
    "Recovery Sequence": "Recovery Sequence",
    "Redirecting": "Redirecting",
    "Reduction to missed step total for every good step. (default: x: {{ x }}, y: {{ y }}, z: {{ z }})": "Reduction to missed step total for every good step. (default: x: {{ x }}, y: {{ y }}, z: {{ z }})",
    "Refer to the": "Refer to the",
    "Refusing to modify data in read-only mode": "Refusing to modify data in read-only mode",
    "Register your ORDER NUMBER": "Register your ORDER NUMBER",
    "released under the": "released under the",
    "Removal method": "Removal method",
    "Removal Method": "Removal Method",
    "Remove all manual selections?": "Remove all manual selections?",
    "remove Farmware": "remove Farmware",
    "remove filter": "remove filter",
    "remove number criteria": "remove number criteria",
    "Remove portions of images that extend beyond the garden map boundaries.": "Remove portions of images that extend beyond the garden map boundaries.",
    "Remove the microSD card from the FarmBot's Raspberry Pi. The card slot is located on the back side of the Raspberry Pi, on the right-hand edge. Then connect the microSD card to your computer using a card reader. You may need to use the microSD card to SD card adapter included with your kit.": "Remove the microSD card from the FarmBot's Raspberry Pi. The card slot is located on the back side of the Raspberry Pi, on the right-hand edge. Then connect the microSD card to your computer using a card reader. You may need to use the microSD card to SD card adapter included with your kit.",
    "Remove the microSD card from the FarmBot's Raspberry Pi. The card slot is located on the front side of the Raspberry Pi, on the left-hand edge. Then connect the microSD card to your computer using a card reader. You may need to use the microSD card to SD card adapter included with your kit.": "Remove the microSD card from the FarmBot's Raspberry Pi. The card slot is located on the front side of the Raspberry Pi, on the left-hand edge. Then connect the microSD card to your computer using a card reader. You may need to use the microSD card to SD card adapter included with your kit.",
    "Remove the microSD card from your computer and insert it into FarmBot's Raspberry Pi. The card slot is located on the front side of the Raspberry Pi, on the left-hand edge.": "Remove the microSD card from your computer and insert it into FarmBot's Raspberry Pi. The card slot is located on the front side of the Raspberry Pi, on the left-hand edge.",
    "remove week": "remove week",
    "Republishing this sequence will prevent you from viewing public copies and upgrading to versions from the current import source.": "Republishing this sequence will prevent you from viewing public copies and upgrading to versions from the current import source.",
    "Requires": "Requires",
    "Resend parameters": "Resend parameters",
    "reset": "reset",
    "Reset {{ count }} values?": "Reset {{ count }} values?",
    "Reset account": "Reset account",
    "Reset all values": "Reset all values",
    "Reset calibration values": "Reset calibration values",
    "Reset Farmware config values": "Reset Farmware config values",
    "Reset filters": "Reset filters",
    "Reset hardware parameters": "Reset hardware parameters",
    "reset to default": "reset to default",
    "resolution": "resolution",
    "resource": "resource",
    "Resource": "Resource",
    "Resource {{ num }}": "Resource {{ num }}",
    "Resources added!": "Resources added!",
    "restart": "restart",
    "Restart Farmbot": "Restart Farmbot",
    "restart firmware": "restart firmware",
    "Restart setup wizard": "Restart setup wizard",
    "Restrict travel to negative coordinate locations. Overridden by disabling STOP AT HOME. (default: x: {{ x }}, y: {{ y }}, z: {{ z }})": "Restrict travel to negative coordinate locations. Overridden by disabling STOP AT HOME. (default: x: {{ x }}, y: {{ y }}, z: {{ z }})",
    "result toast": "result toast",
    "Results are viewable from the": "Results are viewable from the",
    "Results are viewable in the": "Results are viewable in the",
    "retry fetch package name": "retry fetch package name",
    "Return to the": "Return to the",
    "Return to the wizard": "Return to the wizard",
    "Reverse the direction of encoder position reading. (default: x: {{ x }}, y: {{ y }}, z: {{ z }})": "Reverse the direction of encoder position reading. (default: x: {{ x }}, y: {{ y }}, z: {{ z }})",
    "revert changes": "revert changes",
    "Rotary tool": "Rotary tool",
    "Rotary Tool": "Rotary Tool",
    "Rotary tool forward": "Rotary tool forward",
    "Rotary tool reverse": "Rotary tool reverse",
    "Rotary Tool Reverse": "Rotary Tool Reverse",
    "rotate during capture": "rotate during capture",
    "Rotate during capture": "Rotate during capture",
    "rotate tool 180 degrees": "rotate tool 180 degrees",
    "run water for 5 seconds": "run water for 5 seconds",
    "S-Curve": "S-Curve",
    "safe": "safe",
    "Safe height": "Safe height",
    "Safe Height": "Safe Height",
    "Safe Z": "Safe Z",
    "same as front": "same as front",
    "save": "save",
    "save as default": "save as default",
    "Save as default": "Save as default",
    "save detected plants": "save detected plants",
    "Save detected plants as map points. (default: {{ defaultSavePlants }})": "Save detected plants as map points. (default: {{ defaultSavePlants }})",
    "Save error. Click to retry.": "Save error. Click to retry.",
    "save folder name": "save folder name",
    "Save new slot?": "Save new slot?",
    "Save sequence first.": "Save sequence first.",
    "saved garden": "saved garden",
    "Saved pin bindings": "Saved pin bindings",
    "saving...": "saving...",
    "scale": "scale",
    "Scan current image": "Scan current image",
    "Scan this image": "Scan this image",
    "Schedule item": "Schedule item",
    "search all crops?": "search all crops?",
    "Search commands and sequences...": "Search commands and sequences...",
    "Search logs...": "Search logs...",
    "Search sequences...": "Search sequences...",
    "Search settings...": "Search settings...",
    "Search your curves...": "Search your curves...",
    "Search your events...": "Search your events...",
    "Search your Farmware...": "Search your Farmware...",
    "Search your regimens...": "Search your regimens...",
    "Search your seed containers...": "Search your seed containers...",
    "sec": "sec",
    "See what FarmBot is doing": "See what FarmBot is doing",
    "Seed Container": "Seed Container",
    "seed containers": "seed containers",
    "Seed Trough 1": "Seed Trough 1",
    "Seed Trough 2": "Seed Trough 2",
    "Seeding your account without resetting it first may result in duplicate resources. Continue?": "Seeding your account without resetting it first may result in duplicate resources. Continue?",
    "select": "select",
    "Select a camera on the Settings panel to take photos.": "Select a camera on the Settings panel to take photos.",
    "Select a curve": "Select a curve",
    "Select a default value for this variable. If the sequence is ever run without the variable explicitly set to another value, the default value will be used.": "Select a default value for this variable. If the sequence is ever run without the variable explicitly set to another value, the default value will be used.",
    "Select a group": "Select a group",
    "Select a location in the map.": "Select a location in the map.",
    "Select a map origin by clicking on one of the four quadrants to adjust the garden map to your viewing angle.": "Select a map origin by clicking on one of the four quadrants to adjust the garden map to your viewing angle.",
    "Select a model": "Select a model",
    "Select a status": "Select a status",
    "select all days": "select all days",
    "Select all in group": "Select all in group",
    "Select an action": "Select an action",
    "select color": "select color",
    "Select the 'Find Home' sequence in the dropdown. FarmBot will execute this sequence every time it boots up. You can modify this sequence or choose a different boot sequence later to have FarmBot perform different functions when it turns on.": "Select the 'Find Home' sequence in the dropdown. FarmBot will execute this sequence every time it boots up. You can modify this sequence or choose a different boot sequence later to have FarmBot perform different functions when it turns on.",
    "Select the correct map origin.": "Select the correct map origin.",
    "Select your FarmBot model.": "Select your FarmBot model.",
    "selected": "selected",
    "selected by filters": "selected by filters",
    "selection type": "selection type",
    "selections empty": "selections empty",
    "Send message": "Send message",
    "Sensor readings": "Sensor readings",
    "Sequence load error": "Sequence load error",
    "Sequence not found": "Sequence not found",
    "sequence steps": "sequence steps",
    "Sequence upgraded.": "Sequence upgraded.",
    "Set axis length": "Set axis length",
    "Set axis length to the current FarmBot axis position.": "Set axis length to the current FarmBot axis position.",
    "Set Farmware Env": "Set Farmware Env",
    "Set home": "Set home",
    "Set Home": "Set Home",
    "SET HOME {{ axis }}": "SET HOME {{ axis }}",
    "Set the current location as home (zero).": "Set the current location as home (zero).",
    "Set the length of each axis to provide software limits. Used only if STOP AT MAX is enabled. (default: x: {{ x }}, y: {{ y }}, z: {{ z }} (disabled))": "Set the length of each axis to provide software limits. Used only if STOP AT MAX is enabled. (default: x: {{ x }}, y: {{ y }}, z: {{ z }} (disabled))",
    "Setting name (key)": "Setting name (key)",
    "Setting toggle": "Setting toggle",
    "Setting up slots": "Setting up slots",
    "settings": "settings",
    "Setup": "Setup",
    "Setup Complete!": "Setup Complete!",
    "shape": "shape",
    "share sequence": "share sequence",
    "Shop": "Shop",
    "Show advanced settings": "Show advanced settings",
    "Show all download links": "Show all download links",
    "Show Areas Map Layer": "Show Areas Map Layer",
    "show assertion log messages": "show assertion log messages",
    "show busy log messages": "show busy log messages",
    "show calibration images": "show calibration images",
    "show camera view area": "show camera view area",
    "show debug log messages": "show debug log messages",
    "show error log messages": "show error log messages",
    "Show FarmBot Map Layer": "Show FarmBot Map Layer",
    "show fun log messages": "show fun log messages",
    "show icons": "show icons",
    "show info log messages": "show info log messages",
    "Show logs": "Show logs",
    "Show Moisture Interpolation Map Layer": "Show Moisture Interpolation Map Layer",
    "show motor position plot display": "show motor position plot display",
    "show only photos taken within": "show only photos taken within",
    "show only this photo and": "show only this photo and",
    "show photos in map": "show photos in map",
    "Show Photos Map Layer": "Show Photos Map Layer",
    "Show Plants Map Layer": "Show Plants Map Layer",
    "Show Points Map Layer": "Show Points Map Layer",
    "Show raw pin lists in Read Sensor, Control Peripheral, and If Statement steps.": "Show raw pin lists in Read Sensor, Control Peripheral, and If Statement steps.",
    "Show Readings Map Layer": "Show Readings Map Layer",
    "Show removed": "Show removed",
    "Show Removed Weeds Map Layer": "Show Removed Weeds Map Layer",
    "Show seconds in time": "Show seconds in time",
    "show soil height images": "show soil height images",
    "Show Soil Interpolation Map Layer": "Show Soil Interpolation Map Layer",
    "Show Spread Map Layer": "Show Spread Map Layer",
    "show success log messages": "show success log messages",
    "show take photo images": "show take photo images",
    "Show the camera's field of view in the garden map.": "Show the camera's field of view in the garden map.",
    "Show the camera's uncropped and unrotated field of view in the garden map when CROP MAP IMAGES is enabled.": "Show the camera's uncropped and unrotated field of view in the garden map when CROP MAP IMAGES is enabled.",
    "show warn log messages": "show warn log messages",
    "show weed detector images": "show weed detector images",
    "Show Weeds Map Layer": "Show Weeds Map Layer",
    "showing single setting": "showing single setting",
    "shown in map": "shown in map",
    "Shutdown Farmbot": "Shutdown Farmbot",
    "single input": "single input",
    "Single photo mode active": "Single photo mode active",
    "Size doesn't match calibration": "Size doesn't match calibration",
    "Size matches camera calibration": "Size matches camera calibration",
    "Size of the structuring element used for morphological transformations. (default: {{ defaultMorph }})": "Size of the structuring element used for morphological transformations. (default: {{ defaultMorph }})",
    "slot": "slot",
    "slot direction": "slot direction",
    "slots": "slots",
    "Slots": "Slots",
    "Snaps a photo using the device camera. Select the camera type in the Settings panel.": "Snaps a photo using the device camera. Select the camera type in the Settings panel.",
    "Soft": "Soft",
    "Soft Reset": "Soft Reset",
    "Soft resetting your FarmBot will revoke your FarmBot's ability to connect to your web app account and your home WiFi network. Upon soft resetting, your device will go into Configurator mode.": "Soft resetting your FarmBot will revoke your FarmBot's ability to connect to your web app account and your home WiFi network. Upon soft resetting, your device will go into Configurator mode.",
    "Software": "Software",
    "Software Documentation": "Software Documentation",
    "soil": "soil",
    "Soil": "Soil",
    "Soil height": "Soil height",
    "Soil Height": "Soil Height",
    "soil height at plant location": "soil height at plant location",
    "Soil Height Detector": "Soil Height Detector",
    "Soil height measurement": "Soil height measurement",
    "Soil height measurements": "Soil height measurements",
    "Soil sensor": "Soil sensor",
    "Soil sensor reading": "Soil sensor reading",
    "Solenoid valve": "Solenoid valve",
    "Something else happened and I need additional help": "Something else happened and I need additional help",
    "Sorry, that feature is unavailable in demo accounts.": "Sorry, that feature is unavailable in demo accounts.",
    "sort by": "sort by",
    "Sort by": "Sort by",
    "SORT BY": "SORT BY",
    "Source": "Source",
    "Spacing (MM)": "Spacing (MM)",
    "Specify custom map dimensions (in millimeters). These values set the size of the garden map unless DYNAMIC MAP SIZE is enabled.": "Specify custom map dimensions (in millimeters). These values set the size of the garden map unless DYNAMIC MAP SIZE is enabled.",
    "spread curves": "spread curves",
    "Stage": "Stage",
    "Stall Detection": "Stall Detection",
    "Stall Detection note": "Stall Detection note",
    "Standard support": "Standard support",
    "Standing from where you will normally view the FarmBot, **press the right arrow button**.": "Standing from where you will normally view the FarmBot, **press the right arrow button**.",
    "Standing from where you will normally view the FarmBot, **press the up arrow button**.": "Standing from where you will normally view the FarmBot, **press the up arrow button**.",
    "Standing from where you will normally view the FarmBot, **press the z-axis down arrow button**.": "Standing from where you will normally view the FarmBot, **press the z-axis down arrow button**.",
    "start date": "start date",
    "start over": "start over",
    "Start time and date must be in the future.": "Start time and date must be in the future.",
    "Starting X": "Starting X",
    "starting Y": "starting Y",
    "stereo inputs": "stereo inputs",
    "Stock": "Stock",
    "Stock Bindings": "Stock Bindings",
    "stock names": "stock names",
    "Stock pin bindings": "Stock pin bindings",
    "Stop at the home (zero) location of the axis. If enabled, moving past zero is disallowed. (default: x: {{ x }}, y: {{ y }}, z: {{ z }})": "Stop at the home (zero) location of the axis. If enabled, moving past zero is disallowed. (default: x: {{ x }}, y: {{ y }}, z: {{ z }})",
    "Stops a device from moving until it is unlocked by a user.": "Stops a device from moving until it is unlocked by a user.",
    "strings": "strings",
    "submitted": "submitted",
    "Swap axis minimum and maximum limit switches. (default: x: {{ x }}, y: {{ y }}, z: {{ z }})": "Swap axis minimum and maximum limit switches. (default: x: {{ x }}, y: {{ y }}, z: {{ z }})",
    "Swap jog buttons: x and y axes": "Swap jog buttons: x and y axes",
    "Swap limit switches": "Swap limit switches",
    "Swap map X and Y axes, making the Y axis horizontal and X axis vertical. This setting will also swap the X and Y jog control buttons in the Move widget.": "Swap map X and Y axes, making the Y axis horizontal and X axis vertical. This setting will also swap the X and Y jog control buttons in the Move widget.",
    "swap x and y axis jog buttons": "swap x and y axis jog buttons",
    "Sync error": "Sync error",
    "Sync LED": "Sync LED",
    "Sync unknown": "Sync unknown",
    "Table": "Table",
    "Take a Tour": "Take a Tour",
    "Taxon": "Taxon",
    "templates": "templates",
    "Temporarily hidden": "Temporarily hidden",
    "Text {{ num }}": "Text {{ num }}",
    "Thanks for taking the Getting Started Tour! You're now ready to dive into the details of each panel and begin planting your first garden with FarmBot. Check out our other tours for practical step-by-step help, and refer to our in-depth documentation in case you get stuck on anything.": "Thanks for taking the Getting Started Tour! You're now ready to dive into the details of each panel and begin planting your first garden with FarmBot. Check out our other tours for practical step-by-step help, and refer to our in-depth documentation in case you get stuck on anything.",
    "Thanks for trying out the FarmBot web app! This is a great way to introduce yourself to building sequences, regimens, events, and designing a virtual garden.": "Thanks for trying out the FarmBot web app! This is a great way to introduce yourself to building sequences, regimens, events, and designing a virtual garden.",
    "The **GANTRY HEIGHT** is the distance in millimeters between the bottom of FarmBot's tool head and the bottom of the gantry main beam when the Z-axis is fully raised. It is used to determine if a plant is too tall for the gantry to pass over it. (default: {{ distance }})": "The **GANTRY HEIGHT** is the distance in millimeters between the bottom of FarmBot's tool head and the bottom of the gantry main beam when the Z-axis is fully raised. It is used to determine if a plant is too tall for the gantry to pass over it. (default: {{ distance }})",
    "The axis is not at the home position": "The axis is not at the home position",
    "The axis length value looks incorrect": "The axis length value looks incorrect",
    "The camera will capture images at the closest available resolution to the selected size. Changing image resolution requires recalibration of the camera. Higher quality images will take longer to process.": "The camera will capture images at the closest available resolution to the selected size. Changing image resolution requires recalibration of the camera. Higher quality images will take longer to process.",
    "The Control Peripheral step instructs FarmBot to set the specified pin on the Arduino to the specified mode and value. Use the digital pin mode for on (1) and off (0) control, and analog pin mode for PWM (pulse width modulation) (0-255).": "The Control Peripheral step instructs FarmBot to set the specified pin on the Arduino to the specified mode and value. Use the digital pin mode for on (1) and off (0) control, and analog pin mode for PWM (pulse width modulation) (0-255).",
    "The coordinate is not zero": "The coordinate is not zero",
    "The Detect Weeds step takes a photo and detects any weeds in the area. Visit the Photos panel to view results or change parameters.": "The Detect Weeds step takes a photo and detects any weeds in the area. Visit the Photos panel to view results or change parameters.",
    "The FarmBot axis along which the calibration objects are aligned. (default: {{ defaultAxis }})": "The FarmBot axis along which the calibration objects are aligned. (default: {{ defaultAxis }})",
    "The FarmBot WiFi network isn't showing up": "The FarmBot WiFi network isn't showing up",
    "The Farmware will use the parameter values set via the Farmware panel for any parameters that are not set in this sequence step.": "The Farmware will use the parameter values set via the Farmware panel for any parameters that are not set in this sequence step.",
    "The Find Home step instructs the device to perform a homing command (using encoders, stall detection, or limit switches) to find and set home (zero) for the chosen axis or axes.": "The Find Home step instructs the device to perform a homing command (using encoders, stall detection, or limit switches) to find and set home (zero) for the chosen axis or axes.",
    "The FIND LENGTH button is disabled": "The FIND LENGTH button is disabled",
    "The firmware is missing": "The firmware is missing",
    "The gantry attaches to aluminum tracks": "The gantry attaches to aluminum tracks",
    "The gantry is set directly upon a raised bed": "The gantry is set directly upon a raised bed",
    "The image appears flipped": "The image appears flipped",
    "The map is rotated incorrectly": "The map is rotated incorrectly",
    "The map origin is in a different corner": "The map origin is in a different corner",
    "The Mark As step allows FarmBot to programmatically edit the properties of the UTM, plants, and weeds from within a sequence. For example, you can mark a plant as \"planted\" during a seeding sequence or mark a weed as \"removed\" after removing it.": "The Mark As step allows FarmBot to programmatically edit the properties of the UTM, plants, and weeds from within a sequence. For example, you can mark a plant as \"planted\" during a seeding sequence or mark a weed as \"removed\" after removing it.",
    "The Measure Soil Height step takes a photo and detects the z-axis coordinate of the visible soil surface. Visit the Points panel to view results or visit the Farmware panel to change parameters.": "The Measure Soil Height step takes a photo and detects the z-axis coordinate of the visible soil surface. Visit the Points panel to view results or visit the Farmware panel to change parameters.",
    "The motor is having trouble": "The motor is having trouble",
    "The Move Relative step instructs FarmBot to move the specified distance from its current location. For example, if FarmBot is currently at X=1000, Y=1000 and it receives a Move Relative where X=0 and Y=3000, then FarmBot will move to X=1000, Y=4000. If FarmBot must move in multiple directions, it will move diagonally. If you require straight movements along one axis at a time, use multiple Move Relative steps. Move Relative steps should be preceded by a Move To step to ensure you are starting from a known location.": "The Move Relative step instructs FarmBot to move the specified distance from its current location. For example, if FarmBot is currently at X=1000, Y=1000 and it receives a Move Relative where X=0 and Y=3000, then FarmBot will move to X=1000, Y=4000. If FarmBot must move in multiple directions, it will move diagonally. If you require straight movements along one axis at a time, use multiple Move Relative steps. Move Relative steps should be preceded by a Move To step to ensure you are starting from a known location.",
    "The Move step instructs FarmBot to move to the specified coordinate or distance from its current location.": "The Move step instructs FarmBot to move to the specified coordinate or distance from its current location.",
    "The Move To step instructs FarmBot to move to the specified coordinate regardless of the current position. For example, if FarmBot is currently at X=1000, Y=1000 and it receives a Move To where X=0 and Y=3000, then FarmBot will move to X=0, Y=3000. If FarmBot must move in multiple directions, it will move diagonally. If you require straight movements along one axis at a time, use multiple Move To steps. Offsets allow you to more easily instruct FarmBot to move to a location, but offset from it by the specified amount. For example moving to just above where a peripheral is located. Using offsets lets FarmBot do the math for you.": "The Move To step instructs FarmBot to move to the specified coordinate regardless of the current position. For example, if FarmBot is currently at X=1000, Y=1000 and it receives a Move To where X=0 and Y=3000, then FarmBot will move to X=0, Y=3000. If FarmBot must move in multiple directions, it will move diagonally. If you require straight movements along one axis at a time, use multiple Move To steps. Offsets allow you to more easily instruct FarmBot to move to a location, but offset from it by the specified amount. For example moving to just above where a peripheral is located. Using offsets lets FarmBot do the math for you.",
    "The next item in this event will run {{timeFromNow}}.": "The next item in this event will run {{timeFromNow}}.",
    "The number of microsteps required to move the motor one step. (default: x: {{ x }}, y: {{ y }}, z: {{ z }})": "The number of microsteps required to move the motor one step. (default: x: {{ x }}, y: {{ y }}, z: {{ z }})",
    "The number of motor steps required to move the axis one millimeter. (default: x: {{ x }}, y: {{ y }}, z: {{ z }})": "The number of motor steps required to move the axis one millimeter. (default: x: {{ x }}, y: {{ y }}, z: {{ z }})",
    "The number of the pin to report. Analog pin values will be reported every 500ms.": "The number of the pin to report. Analog pin values will be reported every 500ms.",
    "The page won't load": "The page won't load",
    "The pump is on, but there isn't any suction": "The pump is on, but there isn't any suction",
    "The Read Sensor step instructs FarmBot to read the current value of the specified sensor or peripheral. Pin Mode: Use digital for a 0 (LOW) or 1 (HIGH) response, and analog for a voltage reading (0-1023 for 0-5V).": "The Read Sensor step instructs FarmBot to read the current value of the specified sensor or peripheral. Pin Mode: Use digital for a 0 (LOW) or 1 (HIGH) response, and analog for a voltage reading (0-1023 for 0-5V).",
    "The Run Farmware step runs a Farmware package. Visit the Farmware panel to install and manage Farmware.": "The Run Farmware step runs a Farmware package. Visit the Farmware panel to install and manage Farmware.",
    "The Send Message step instructs FarmBot to send a custom message to the logs (and toast message and/or email, if selected). This can help you with debugging your sequences.": "The Send Message step instructs FarmBot to send a custom message to the logs (and toast message and/or email, if selected). This can help you with debugging your sequences.",
    "The status is 'disconnected'": "The status is 'disconnected'",
    "The tool currently mounted to the UTM can be set here or by using a MARK AS step in a sequence. Use the verify button or read the tool verification pin in a sequence to verify that a tool is attached.": "The tool currently mounted to the UTM can be set here or by using a MARK AS step in a sequence. Use the verify button or read the tool verification pin in a sequence to verify that a tool is attached.",
    "The valve clicked, but there isn't any water": "The valve clicked, but there isn't any water",
    "The Wait step instructs FarmBot to wait for the specified amount of time. Use it in combination with the Control Peripheral step to water for a length of time.": "The Wait step instructs FarmBot to wait for the specified amount of time. Use it in combination with the Control Peripheral step to water for a length of time.",
    "The z-axis did not reach the hardstop": "The z-axis did not reach the hardstop",
    "Then try finding the axis length again.": "Then try finding the axis length again.",
    "There is a 'camera not detected' or 'problem getting image' error log": "There is a 'camera not detected' or 'problem getting image' error log",
    "There is a detection error log": "There is a detection error log",
    "There is a surface error message": "There is a surface error message",
    "There is an axis error log": "There is an axis error log",
    "There is no 'Find Home' sequence": "There is no 'Find Home' sequence",
    "There was an error": "There was an error",
    "This command will not execute correctly because you do not have encoders, stall detection, or limit switches enabled for the chosen axis. Enable limit switches, encoders, or stall detection from the Settings panel for: ": "This command will not execute correctly because you do not have encoders, stall detection, or limit switches enabled for the chosen axis. Enable limit switches, encoders, or stall detection from the Settings panel for: ",
    "This computer": "This computer",
    "This is the account menu, providing you with links to other pages in the app, and for logging out.": "This is the account menu, providing you with links to other pages in the app, and for logging out.",
    "This is the connectivity popup. Click it to view information about the connection between your web browser, your FarmBot, and the FarmBot web app servers. Whenever your FarmBot is online and ready for action, you will see a green checkmark.": "This is the connectivity popup. Click it to view information about the connection between your web browser, your FarmBot, and the FarmBot web app servers. Whenever your FarmBot is online and ready for action, you will see a green checkmark.",
    "This is the controls panel. Here you can control your FarmBot in realtime by pressing the movement arrow buttons, toggling peripherals, and executing pinned sequences. You can also view current status information about your FarmBot including its position and an optional webcam stream.": "This is the controls panel. Here you can control your FarmBot in realtime by pressing the movement arrow buttons, toggling peripherals, and executing pinned sequences. You can also view current status information about your FarmBot including its position and an optional webcam stream.",
    "This is the crop details panel. Here you can view factual information about the chosen crop such as the expected spread and height at maturity. Proceed to the next step of the tour to learn how to add the crop to your garden.": "This is the crop details panel. Here you can view factual information about the chosen crop such as the expected spread and height at maturity. Proceed to the next step of the tour to learn how to add the crop to your garden.",
    "This is the crop search panel. Type in a crop name to the search field, for example \"Spinach\". We recommend trying generic crop names rather than specific varietals. Select the best search result and then advance the tour.": "This is the crop search panel. Type in a crop name to the search field, for example \"Spinach\". We recommend trying generic crop names rather than specific varietals. Select the best search result and then advance the tour.",
    "This is the current position indicator. FarmBot's current X, Y, and Z coordinates in millimeters are displayed for quick viewing from any page in the web app.": "This is the current position indicator. FarmBot's current X, Y, and Z coordinates in millimeters are displayed for quick viewing from any page in the web app.",
    "This is the E-STOP button, allowing you to emergency stop any movements and turn off all of FarmBot's peripherals in case something is going wrong. After E-STOPPING FarmBot, you will need to click the same button to UNLOCK the device before resuming execution of any commands.": "This is the E-STOP button, allowing you to emergency stop any movements and turn off all of FarmBot's peripherals in case something is going wrong. After E-STOPPING FarmBot, you will need to click the same button to UNLOCK the device before resuming execution of any commands.",
    "This is the edit group panel. To make a group of all plants of one crop type, select the crop type you would like to include. Check that the correct plants are listed in the Group Members section, then advance the tour.": "This is the edit group panel. To make a group of all plants of one crop type, select the crop type you would like to include. Check that the correct plants are listed in the Group Members section, then advance the tour.",
    "This is the edit slot panel where you will let FarmBot know the exact X, Y, and Z coordinates it must travel to when mounting and dismounting tools or picking up seeds from a seed container. Advance the tour to figure out the coordinates for this first slot.": "This is the edit slot panel where you will let FarmBot know the exact X, Y, and Z coordinates it must travel to when mounting and dismounting tools or picking up seeds from a seed container. Advance the tour to figure out the coordinates for this first slot.",
    "This is the events panel. Here you can view and manage all of your scheduled sequences and regimens. Clicking an event will open up the event details panel where you can edit it. Pressing the + button will create a new event.": "This is the events panel. Here you can view and manage all of your scheduled sequences and regimens. Clicking an event will open up the event details panel where you can edit it. Pressing the + button will create a new event.",
    "This is the groups section. Here you can create and manage groups of plants based on any criteria. Clicking a group will open up the group details panel where you can make edits. Pressing the group + button will create a new group.": "This is the groups section. Here you can create and manage groups of plants based on any criteria. Clicking a group will open up the group details panel where you can make edits. Pressing the group + button will create a new group.",
    "This is the help panel. Here you can browse the documentation or get support if you need it. Switch between documentation hubs and the other help resources using the dropdown at the top of the panel.": "This is the help panel. Here you can browse the documentation or get support if you need it. Switch between documentation hubs and the other help resources using the dropdown at the top of the panel.",
    "This is the message center. Here you can view and manage setup cards and announcements. Dismiss items you are finished with by pressing the X in the top right of a card. Check back often for new feature announcements and important information about your FarmBot.": "This is the message center. Here you can view and manage setup cards and announcements. Dismiss items you are finished with by pressing the X in the top right of a card. Check back often for new feature announcements and important information about your FarmBot.",
    "This is the photos panel. Here you can view and manage all of the photos of your garden. Additionally, here is where you can calibrate FarmBot's camera and weed detection settings to fine tune the performance for your lighting conditions and soil type.": "This is the photos panel. Here you can view and manage all of the photos of your garden. Additionally, here is where you can calibrate FarmBot's camera and weed detection settings to fine tune the performance for your lighting conditions and soil type.",
    "This is the plant details panel. Here you can view and edit a plant's coordinates and status, or delete it entirely.": "This is the plant details panel. Here you can view and edit a plant's coordinates and status, or delete it entirely.",
    "This is the plants panel. Here you can view and manage all of the plants in your garden. Mousing over a plant in the list will highlight it in the map and vice versa. Clicking a plant will open up the plant details panel where you can edit it. Pressing the plant + button will allow you to search for and add new crops to your garden.": "This is the plants panel. Here you can view and manage all of the plants in your garden. Mousing over a plant in the list will highlight it in the map and vice versa. Clicking a plant will open up the plant details panel where you can edit it. Pressing the plant + button will allow you to search for and add new crops to your garden.",
    "This is the plants panel. Once you add plants to your garden, they will be listed here for you to view and manage. To add a plant to your garden, press the plant + button and then advance the tour.": "This is the plants panel. Once you add plants to your garden, they will be listed here for you to view and manage. To add a plant to your garden, press the plant + button and then advance the tour.",
    "This is the points panel. Here you can view and manage all of the points in your garden, including measured soil height points. Mousing over a point in the list will highlight it in the map and vice versa. Clicking a point will open up the point details panel where you can edit it. Pressing the point + button will allow you to add a point or a grid of points to the map.": "This is the points panel. Here you can view and manage all of the points in your garden, including measured soil height points. Mousing over a point in the list will highlight it in the map and vice versa. Clicking a point will open up the point details panel where you can edit it. Pressing the point + button will allow you to add a point or a grid of points to the map.",
    "This is the regimens panel. Here you can view and manage all of your regimens which allow you to bulk schedule sequences based on the age of a plant. Clicking a regimen will open up the regimen editor panel where you can edit it. Pressing the + button will create a new regimen.": "This is the regimens panel. Here you can view and manage all of your regimens which allow you to bulk schedule sequences based on the age of a plant. Clicking a regimen will open up the regimen editor panel where you can edit it. Pressing the + button will create a new regimen.",
    "This is the sequences panel. Here you can view and manage all of your sequences. Clicking a sequence will open up the sequence editor panel where you can edit it. Pressing the + button will create a new sequence.": "This is the sequences panel. Here you can view and manage all of your sequences. Clicking a sequence will open up the sequence editor panel where you can edit it. Pressing the + button will create a new sequence.",
    "This is the settings panel. Here you can view and manage all of your FarmBot and account settings. Refer to the tooltips and documentation for information about each setting.": "This is the settings panel. Here you can view and manage all of your FarmBot and account settings. Refer to the tooltips and documentation for information about each setting.",
    "This is the tools panel. Here you can add, edit, and view your FarmBot's tools and seed containers as well the slots they are loaded into. Mousing over a slot will highlight it in the map and vice versa. We've already added all of the items included with your FarmBot kit. Your job now is to input the exact location of the slots corresponding to where you installed them in real life. Click the first slot in the list and then advance the tour.": "This is the tools panel. Here you can add, edit, and view your FarmBot's tools and seed containers as well the slots they are loaded into. Mousing over a slot will highlight it in the map and vice versa. We've already added all of the items included with your FarmBot kit. Your job now is to input the exact location of the slots corresponding to where you installed them in real life. Click the first slot in the list and then advance the tour.",
    "This is the tools panel. Here you can view and manage all of the tools, seed containers, and slots in your garden. Clicking an item will open up the details panel where you can edit it. Pressing the + buttons will allow you to add new items.": "This is the tools panel. Here you can view and manage all of the tools, seed containers, and slots in your garden. Clicking an item will open up the details panel where you can edit it. Pressing the + buttons will allow you to add new items.",
    "This is the weeds panel. Here you can view and manage all of the weeds in your garden. Mousing over a weed in the list will highlight it in the map and vice versa. Newly detected weeds will appear in the PENDING category, which you must periodically approve to be listed in the ACTIVE category. Once a weed has been dealt with by FarmBot, it can be moved to the REMOVED category with a Mark As sequence command. Clicking a weed will open up the weed details panel where you can manually edit it.": "This is the weeds panel. Here you can view and manage all of the weeds in your garden. Mousing over a weed in the list will highlight it in the map and vice versa. Newly detected weeds will appear in the PENDING category, which you must periodically approve to be listed in the ACTIVE category. Once a weed has been dealt with by FarmBot, it can be moved to the REMOVED category with a Mark As sequence command. Clicking a weed will open up the weed details panel where you can manually edit it.",
    "This page has moved. Redirecting...": "This page has moved. Redirecting...",
    "this photo from map": "this photo from map",
    "this photo in map": "this photo in map",
    "This sequence has no description.": "This sequence has no description.",
    "This sequence includes deprecated steps.": "This sequence includes deprecated steps.",
    "This sequence is pinned.": "This sequence is pinned.",
    "This sequence is published at the following link": "This sequence is published at the following link",
    "this sequence was imported": "this sequence was imported",
    "This sequence was imported from a publicly shared sequence. If the original author publishes a new version, you may upgrade your copy. Upgrading will overwrite your copy with the contents of the new version. It is recommended you check your FarmBot continues operating as expected after any upgrades.": "This sequence was imported from a publicly shared sequence. If the original author publishes a new version, you may upgrade your copy. Upgrading will overwrite your copy with the contents of the new version. It is recommended you check your FarmBot continues operating as expected after any upgrades.",
    "This step executes the sequence that contains it, which may cause an infinite loop.": "This step executes the sequence that contains it, which may cause an infinite loop.",
    "This variable is currently being used and cannot be deleted.": "This variable is currently being used and cannot be deleted.",
    "Tip: Use dot notation (i.e., 'meta.color') to access meta fields.": "Tip: Use dot notation (i.e., 'meta.color') to access meta fields.",
    "To add a grid or row of plants, scroll to the bottom of the panel, enter values into the grid and row planting fields and click PREVIEW. The previewed plants will show in the map in grayscale. Make adjustments as necessary and when you are happy with the preview, click SAVE. Then advance the tour.": "To add a grid or row of plants, scroll to the bottom of the panel, enter values into the grid and row planting fields and click PREVIEW. The previewed plants will show in the map in grayscale. Make adjustments as necessary and when you are happy with the preview, click SAVE. Then advance the tour.",
    "to add the plant to the map. Alternatively, you can plant a grid using the form below.": "to add the plant to the map. Alternatively, you can plant a grid using the form below.",
    "To calculate **WATER FLOW RATE**, hold a measuring cup below the watering nozzle and click the **RUN WATER FOR 5 SECONDS** button. Measure how much water FarmBot dispensed in milliliters (mL) and then divide this number by 5. Enter the result in the field.": "To calculate **WATER FLOW RATE**, hold a measuring cup below the watering nozzle and click the **RUN WATER FOR 5 SECONDS** button. Measure how much water FarmBot dispensed in milliliters (mL) and then divide this number by 5. Enter the result in the field.",
    "to get started or click the": "to get started or click the",
    "To prepare for camera calibration, move the z-axis all the way up.": "To prepare for camera calibration, move the z-axis all the way up.",
    "toggle": "toggle",
    "Toggle a digital pin on or off.": "Toggle a digital pin on or off.",
    "toggle advanced view": "toggle advanced view",
    "toggle beeps": "toggle beeps",
    "toggle celery script view": "toggle celery script view",
    "toggle code view": "toggle code view",
    "Toggle crop": "Toggle crop",
    "toggle editor view": "toggle editor view",
    "toggle fancy editor": "toggle fancy editor",
    "toggle folder open": "toggle folder open",
    "toggle logs": "toggle logs",
    "toggle packing method": "toggle packing method",
    "Toggle peripheral": "Toggle peripheral",
    "Toggle Peripheral": "Toggle Peripheral",
    "Toggle rotation": "Toggle rotation",
    "toggle safe z": "toggle safe z",
    "toggle settings open": "toggle settings open",
    "too weak": "too weak",
    "tools and seed containers": "tools and seed containers",
    "top": "top",
    "Total number of times to retry calibration. (default: x: {{ x }}, y: {{ y }}, z: {{ z }})": "Total number of times to retry calibration. (default: x: {{ x }}, y: {{ y }}, z: {{ z }})",
    "TOURS": "TOURS",
    "Trail": "Trail",
    "Travel in millimeters for stall detection to ignore during acceleration. (default: x: {{ x }}, y: {{ y }}, z: {{ z }})": "Travel in millimeters for stall detection to ignore during acceleration. (default: x: {{ x }}, y: {{ y }}, z: {{ z }})",
    "Try a different Raspberry Pi USB power cable.": "Try a different Raspberry Pi USB power cable.",
    "Try again while observing the log messages.": "Try again while observing the log messages.",
    "Try an alternate calibration method. Two red objects spaced 100mm apart can be used in place of the card.": "Try an alternate calibration method. Two red objects spaced 100mm apart can be used in place of the card.",
    "Try disabling cellular data or connecting with a different device.": "Try disabling cellular data or connecting with a different device.",
    "Try navigating to ": "Try navigating to ",
    "Try using the FIND HOME button a few more times. If FarmBot is still unable to reach the home position, check the hardware for resistance. You may also move FarmBot's {{ axis }}-axis with the controls or manually until the plates hit the hardstop. Then open the ... menu and click SET HOME.": "Try using the FIND HOME button a few more times. If FarmBot is still unable to reach the home position, check the hardware for resistance. You may also move FarmBot's {{ axis }}-axis with the controls or manually until the plates hit the hardstop. Then open the ... menu and click SET HOME.",
    "Try waiting three minutes from power on. Check the Raspberry Pi power LED. Check that the SD is fully inserted. Try downloading a new FarmBot OS image, ensuring that the device model is correct. Try re-flashing the SD card via Etcher. If possible, ensure line-of-sight between devices when trying to connect.": "Try waiting three minutes from power on. Check the Raspberry Pi power LED. Check that the SD is fully inserted. Try downloading a new FarmBot OS image, ensuring that the device model is correct. Try re-flashing the SD card via Etcher. If possible, ensure line-of-sight between devices when trying to connect.",
    "ttyACM0 (recommended for Genesis)": "ttyACM0 (recommended for Genesis)",
    "ttyAMA0 (recommended for Express v1.0)": "ttyAMA0 (recommended for Express v1.0)",
    "ttyUSB0 (recommended for Express v1.1)": "ttyUSB0 (recommended for Express v1.1)",
    "Type filtered": "Type filtered",
    "Type not filtered": "Type not filtered",
    "Unable to connect to FarmBot. Please reconnect FarmBot to continue.": "Unable to connect to FarmBot. Please reconnect FarmBot to continue.",
    "Unable to save changes.": "Unable to save changes.",
    "Unavailable": "Unavailable",
    "uncategorized": "uncategorized",
    "Uncropped Camera view": "Uncropped Camera view",
    "unknown (offline)": "unknown (offline)",
    "Unknown problem of priority {{priority}} ({{slug}}).": "Unknown problem of priority {{priority}} ({{slug}}).",
    "Unknown tool": "Unknown tool",
    "Unlock button": "Unlock button",
    "Unlocking a device requires user intervention.": "Unlocking a device requires user intervention.",
    "Unnamed": "Unnamed",
    "unpin sequence": "unpin sequence",
    "Unpublish error": "Unpublish error",
    "Unpublishing": "Unpublishing",
    "Untitled point": "Untitled point",
    "Untitled tool": "Untitled tool",
    "Untitled weed": "Untitled weed",
    "Untitled Zone": "Untitled Zone",
    "unvisualize": "unvisualize",
    "Update {{ curveName }} curve to": "Update {{ curveName }} curve to",
    "Update color to": "Update color to",
    "Update depth to": "Update depth to",
    "Update preview": "Update preview",
    "Update radius to": "Update radius to",
    "Update start to": "Update start to",
    "Update status to": "Update status to",
    "update to FarmBot's value": "update to FarmBot's value",
    "Update type to": "Update type to",
    "Upgrade error": "Upgrade error",
    "upgrade FarmBot OS": "upgrade FarmBot OS",
    "upgrade your copy to this version": "upgrade your copy to this version",
    "Upgrading their copy to other published versions": "Upgrading their copy to other published versions",
    "Upon successful password change, your FarmBot will soft reset allowing you to configure it with the updated credentials. You will also be logged out of other browser sessions. Continue?": "Upon successful password change, your FarmBot will soft reset allowing you to configure it with the updated credentials. You will also be logged out of other browser sessions. Continue?",
    "use alternative method": "use alternative method",
    "use average soil height": "use average soil height",
    "use average z: {{ value }}": "use average z: {{ value }}",
    "use current location": "use current location",
    "Use the encoders for calculating movements in addition to using encoders for stall detection. (default: x: {{ x }}, y: {{ y }}, z: {{ z }})": "Use the encoders for calculating movements in addition to using encoders for stall detection. (default: x: {{ x }}, y: {{ y }}, z: {{ z }})",
    "Use the manual controls to move FarmBot along the full length of the X-axis in both directions.": "Use the manual controls to move FarmBot along the full length of the X-axis in both directions.",
    "Use the manual controls to move FarmBot along the full length of the Y-axis in both directions.": "Use the manual controls to move FarmBot along the full length of the Y-axis in both directions.",
    "Use the manual controls to move FarmBot along the full length of the Z-axis in both directions.": "Use the manual controls to move FarmBot along the full length of the Z-axis in both directions.",
    "Using a demo account": "Using a demo account",
    "Using a desktop computer or laptop, download and install the official Raspberry Pi Imager program from the Raspberry Pi Foundation. This is necessary for installing FarmBot OS onto the microSD card in the next step.": "Using a desktop computer or laptop, download and install the official Raspberry Pi Imager program from the Raspberry Pi Foundation. This is necessary for installing FarmBot OS onto the microSD card in the next step.",
    "Using a desktop computer or laptop, download the latest FarmBot OS .img file:": "Using a desktop computer or laptop, download the latest FarmBot OS .img file:",
    "Using another device, search for and connect to the \\": "Using another device, search for and connect to the \\",
    "Using another device, search for and connect to the `farmbot-xxxx` WiFi network": "Using another device, search for and connect to the `farmbot-xxxx` WiFi network",
    "Using the manual controls, instruct FarmBot to move towards the seed trough. As you get closer, change the MOVE AMOUNT to a smaller value for finer movements. Your goal is to position the needle just above the trough and then descend down into it until the tip of the needle is 3 to 5mm from the bottom of the trough. Click the blue button next to the slot's X, Y, and Z fields to save FarmBot's current position to the slot.": "Using the manual controls, instruct FarmBot to move towards the seed trough. As you get closer, change the MOVE AMOUNT to a smaller value for finer movements. Your goal is to position the needle just above the trough and then descend down into it until the tip of the needle is 3 to 5mm from the bottom of the trough. Click the blue button next to the slot's X, Y, and Z fields to save FarmBot's current position to the slot.",
    "Using the manual controls, instruct FarmBot to move towards the tool and slot. As you get closer, change the MOVE AMOUNT to a smaller value for finer movements. Your goal is to position the UTM just above the tool and then descend down onto it (mounting it). Once the UTM has mounted the tool, click the blue button next to the slot's X, Y, and Z fields to save FarmBot's current position to the slot.": "Using the manual controls, instruct FarmBot to move towards the tool and slot. As you get closer, change the MOVE AMOUNT to a smaller value for finer movements. Your goal is to position the UTM just above the tool and then descend down onto it (mounting it). Once the UTM has mounted the tool, click the blue button next to the slot's X, Y, and Z fields to save FarmBot's current position to the slot.",
    "UTM": "UTM",
    "UTM and TOOLS": "UTM and TOOLS",
    "Value must be greater than {{ num }}.": "Value must be greater than {{ num }}.",
    "Value must be less than {{ num }}.": "Value must be less than {{ num }}.",
    "Variables": "Variables",
    "Variance": "Variance",
    "Verify axis motor connections.": "Verify axis motor connections.",
    "Version last seen": "Version last seen",
    "View all logs": "View all logs",
    "View available tours": "View available tours",
    "View CeleryScript": "View CeleryScript",
    "View fullscreen": "View fullscreen",
    "view in map (opens in new tab)": "view in map (opens in new tab)",
    "View raw data representation of sequence steps.": "View raw data representation of sequence steps.",
    "viewing a publicly shared sequence": "viewing a publicly shared sequence",
    "Visit the documentation.": "Visit the documentation.",
    "Volume (mL)": "Volume (mL)",
    "Volume to date (L)": "Volume to date (L)",
    "Warning: Changing the values below may cause app and device errors.": "Warning: Changing the values below may cause app and device errors.",
    "Warning: Limit switches are NOT included with standard FarmBot Genesis or Express kits. Do NOT enable limit switches unless you have built your own FarmBot with them or added them to a stock kit.": "Warning: Limit switches are NOT included with standard FarmBot Genesis or Express kits. Do NOT enable limit switches unless you have built your own FarmBot with them or added them to a stock kit.",
    "Warning: low value": "Warning: low value",
    "Warning: One or more items are scheduled to run within one hour of the FarmBot OS update time setting.": "Warning: One or more items are scheduled to run within one hour of the FarmBot OS update time setting.",
    "WARNING: Sending passwords via HTTP:// is not secure.": "WARNING: Sending passwords via HTTP:// is not secure.",
    "Warning: This will erase data stored on your FarmBot's SD card, requiring you to reconfigure FarmBot so that it can reconnect to your WiFi network and web app account. Soft resetting the device will not delete data stored in your web app account. Are you sure you wish to continue?": "Warning: This will erase data stored on your FarmBot's SD card, requiring you to reconfigure FarmBot so that it can reconnect to your WiFi network and web app account. Soft resetting the device will not delete data stored in your web app account. Are you sure you wish to continue?",
    "Warning: This will overwrite all existing hardware settings, replacing them with the provided values. Are you sure you wish to continue?": "Warning: This will overwrite all existing hardware settings, replacing them with the provided values. Are you sure you wish to continue?",
    "Warning: Upon successful change of your account email or password, FarmBot will cease to function and become inaccessible until it is reconfigured with your new web app credentials.": "Warning: Upon successful change of your account email or password, FarmBot will cease to function and become inaccessible until it is reconfigured with your new web app credentials.",
    "Warning! Leaving the stable FarmBot OS release channel may reduce FarmBot system stability. Are you sure?": "Warning! Leaving the stable FarmBot OS release channel may reduce FarmBot system stability. Are you sure?",
    "WARNING! Resetting your account will permanently delete all of your Sequences, Regimens, Events, Tools, Logs, and Farm Designer data. All app settings and device settings will be reset to default values. This is useful if you want to delete all data to start from scratch while avoiding having to fully delete your account, re-signup, and re-configure your FarmBot. Note that when FarmBot syncs after resetting your account, your FarmBot will delete all of its stored Sequences, etc, because your account will no longer have any of these resources until you create new ones. Furthermore, upon reset any customized device settings will be immediately overwritten with the default values downloaded from the reset web app account.": "WARNING! Resetting your account will permanently delete all of your Sequences, Regimens, Events, Tools, Logs, and Farm Designer data. All app settings and device settings will be reset to default values. This is useful if you want to delete all data to start from scratch while avoiding having to fully delete your account, re-signup, and re-configure your FarmBot. Note that when FarmBot syncs after resetting your account, your FarmBot will delete all of its stored Sequences, etc, because your account will no longer have any of these resources until you create new ones. Furthermore, upon reset any customized device settings will be immediately overwritten with the default values downloaded from the reset web app account.",
    "Warning! When disabled, clicking the UNLOCK button will immediately unlock FarmBot instead of confirming that it is safe to do so. As a result, double-clicking the E-STOP button may not stop FarmBot. Are you sure you want to disable this feature?": "Warning! When disabled, clicking the UNLOCK button will immediately unlock FarmBot instead of confirming that it is safe to do so. As a result, double-clicking the E-STOP button may not stop FarmBot. Are you sure you want to disable this feature?",
    "Warning! When enabled, any unsaved changes to sequences will be discarded when refreshing or closing the page. Are you sure?": "Warning! When enabled, any unsaved changes to sequences will be discarded when refreshing or closing the page. Are you sure?",
    "Watch the video below and make small adjustments to the motor speed and current settings.": "Watch the video below and make small adjustments to the motor speed and current settings.",
    "Watch the video below demonstrating movements along the full length of the axes. Once you have finished watching, proceed to the next setup steps to test movements along the full length of each axis.": "Watch the video below demonstrating movements along the full length of the axes. Once you have finished watching, proceed to the next setup steps to test movements along the full length of each axis.",
    "Watch the video below showing how to match the manual controls to your real life FarmBot. Once you have finished watching, proceed to the next setup steps to test and set the controls for each axis.": "Watch the video below showing how to match the manual controls to your real life FarmBot. Once you have finished watching, proceed to the next setup steps to test and set the controls for each axis.",
    "Watch the video below showing how to match the virtual FarmBot map to your real life FarmBot. The relevant controls are available below the video for your convenience.": "Watch the video below showing how to match the virtual FarmBot map to your real life FarmBot. The relevant controls are available below the video for your convenience.",
    "Water curves": "Water curves",
    "Water flow rate": "Water flow rate",
    "Water Flow Rate (mL/s)": "Water Flow Rate (mL/s)",
    "Watering nozzle": "Watering nozzle",
    "weak": "weak",
    "weed": "weed",
    "Weed created.": "Weed created.",
    "Weed detection": "Weed detection",
    "Weed Groups": "Weed Groups",
    "Weed status": "Weed status",
    "Welcome to the FarmBot web app! In this tour you'll become familiar with the overall organization of the app.": "Welcome to the FarmBot web app! In this tour you'll become familiar with the overall organization of the app.",
    "Welcome to the setup wizard. This process will guide you through the steps necessary to get your FarmBot set up and running. Each step will include an action to perform and a question about the outcome, which can be answered yes or no. Answering yes will continue to the next step, while answering no will display a list of results that can be selected for specific troubleshooting tips.": "Welcome to the setup wizard. This process will guide you through the steps necessary to get your FarmBot set up and running. Each step will include an action to perform and a question about the outcome, which can be answered yes or no. Answering yes will continue to the next step, while answering no will display a list of results that can be selected for specific troubleshooting tips.",
    "What is your preferred language?": "What is your preferred language?",
    "What's next?": "What's next?",
    "When adding plants to the map from the web app, set each new plant's depth to this value (in millimeters).": "When adding plants to the map from the web app, set each new plant's depth to this value (in millimeters).",
    "When executing a sequence over a Group of locations, FarmBot will travel to each group member in the order of the chosen sort method. If the random option is chosen, FarmBot will travel in a random order every time, so the ordering shown below will only be representative.": "When executing a sequence over a Group of locations, FarmBot will travel to each group member in the order of the chosen sort method. If the random option is chosen, FarmBot will travel in a random order every time, so the ordering shown below will only be representative.",
    "When you program your FarmBot to perform an operation on a group of plants, you may want to control the ordering at which FarmBot visits each plant in the group. To do this, select one of the available Sort By methods. Once you have chosen a method, advance the tour.": "When you program your FarmBot to perform an operation on a group of plants, you may want to control the ordering at which FarmBot visits each plant in the group. To do this, select one of the available Sort By methods. Once you have chosen a method, advance the tour.",
    "When you publish a new version, other users of the sequence may optionally upgrade to the latest version.": "When you publish a new version, other users of the sequence may optionally upgrade to the latest version.",
    "Which FarmBot model do you have?": "Which FarmBot model do you have?",
    "Why is my FarmBot not moving?": "Why is my FarmBot not moving?",
    "With the FarmBot still powered off, manually move the gantry, cross-slide, and Z-axis roughly 150mm away from any of its hardstops. In other words, position the gantry partway along the tracks, position the cross-slide partway across the gantry main beam, and position the Z-axis halfway down.": "With the FarmBot still powered off, manually move the gantry, cross-slide, and Z-axis roughly 150mm away from any of its hardstops. In other words, position the gantry partway along the tracks, position the cross-slide partway across the gantry main beam, and position the Z-axis halfway down.",
    "Within filter range": "Within filter range",
    "Write pin": "Write pin",
    "WRITE\\": "WRITE\\",
    "X-axis": "X-axis",
    "x-axis acceleration": "x-axis acceleration",
    "X-axis length": "X-axis length",
    "x-axis length (mm)": "x-axis length (mm)",
    "x-axis maximum speed": "x-axis maximum speed",
    "x-axis minimum speed": "x-axis minimum speed",
    "X-axis motor": "X-axis motor",
    "x-axis motor current": "x-axis motor current",
    "x-axis motor step": "x-axis motor step",
    "X-axis movements": "X-axis movements",
    "x-axis stall detection": "x-axis stall detection",
    "X-max bleed": "X-max bleed",
    "X-min bleed": "X-min bleed",
    "X, Y, Z (mm)": "X, Y, Z (mm)",
    "X/Y Alternating": "X/Y Alternating",
    "Y-axis": "Y-axis",
    "y-axis acceleration": "y-axis acceleration",
    "Y-axis length": "Y-axis length",
    "y-axis length (mm)": "y-axis length (mm)",
    "y-axis maximum speed": "y-axis maximum speed",
    "y-axis minimum speed": "y-axis minimum speed",
    "Y-axis motor": "Y-axis motor",
    "y-axis motor current": "y-axis motor current",
    "y-axis motor step": "y-axis motor step",
    "Y-axis movements": "Y-axis movements",
    "y-axis stall detection": "y-axis stall detection",
    "Y-max bleed": "Y-max bleed",
    "Y-min bleed": "Y-min bleed",
    "Y/X Alternating": "Y/X Alternating",
    "You are running an old version of FarmBot OS that is no longer supported.": "You are running an old version of FarmBot OS that is no longer supported.",
    "You can publish new versions of this sequence at any time, which other users may choose to upgrade to.": "You can publish new versions of this sequence at any time, which other users may choose to upgrade to.",
    "You have a FarmBot": "You have a FarmBot",
    "You have made custom modifications to this imported sequence. Upgrading will overwrite all modifications, replacing your copy with the chosen public version.": "You have made custom modifications to this imported sequence. Upgrading will overwrite all modifications, replacing your copy with the chosen public version.",
    "You haven't made any sequences or regimens yet. To add an event, first create a sequence or regimen.": "You haven't made any sequences or regimens yet. To add an event, first create a sequence or regimen.",
    "You may also try increasing motor current by 10%.": "You may also try increasing motor current by 10%.",
    "You may also unpublish the sequence and/or delete it from your account at any time to disable the share link. However, these actions will not affect existing imports owned by other user accounts.": "You may also unpublish the sequence and/or delete it from your account at any time to disable the share link. However, these actions will not affect existing imports owned by other user accounts.",
    "You must register your original FarmBot order number before contacting support.": "You must register your original FarmBot order number before contacting support.",
    "You must save changes to the sequence before publishing a new version.": "You must save changes to the sequence before publishing a new version.",
    "Your browser is connected correctly, but we have no recent record of FarmBot connecting to the internet. This usually happens because of poor WiFi connectivity in the garden, a bad password during configuration, a very long power outage, or blocked ports on FarmBot's local network. Please refer IT staff to:": "Your browser is connected correctly, but we have no recent record of FarmBot connecting to the internet. This usually happens because of poor WiFi connectivity in the garden, a bad password during configuration, a very long power outage, or blocked ports on FarmBot's local network. Please refer IT staff to:",
    "Your FarmBot's internal computer is the": "Your FarmBot's internal computer is the",
    "Your web browser is unable to connect to the message broker. You might be behind a firewall or disconnected from the Internet. Check your network settings. View the connection status for more details.": "Your web browser is unable to connect to the message broker. You might be behind a firewall or disconnected from the Internet. Check your network settings. View the connection status for more details.",
    "Your web browser may not work properly with the FarmBot Web App. If you experience any issues, try using a recent version of Chrome, Firefox, or Edge.": "Your web browser may not work properly with the FarmBot Web App. If you experience any issues, try using a recent version of Chrome, Firefox, or Edge.",
    "Z axis coordinate (millimeters) of soil level. This value will only be used if there are no soil height measurements available. To add soil height measurements, run a sequence with the MEASURE SOIL HEIGHT command in a grid over your garden. Alternatively, use a ruler to manually measure the height at various locations in the garden and add corresponding soil height points from the points panel. (default: 0)": "Z axis coordinate (millimeters) of soil level. This value will only be used if there are no soil height measurements available. To add soil height measurements, run a sequence with the MEASURE SOIL HEIGHT command in a grid over your garden. Alternatively, use a ruler to manually measure the height at various locations in the garden and add corresponding soil height points from the points panel. (default: 0)",
    "Z axis coordinate (millimeters) to which the z axis should be retracted during Safe Z moves. It is recommended to choose a value at which the z axis is all of the way up to provide as much clearance as possible. (default: 0)": "Z axis coordinate (millimeters) to which the z axis should be retracted during Safe Z moves. It is recommended to choose a value at which the z axis is all of the way up to provide as much clearance as possible. (default: 0)",
    "Z doesn't match calibration": "Z doesn't match calibration",
    "Z height matches calibration": "Z height matches calibration",
    "z-axis acceleration": "z-axis acceleration",
    "z-axis length (mm)": "z-axis length (mm)",
    "z-axis maximum speed": "z-axis maximum speed",
    "z-axis minimum speed": "z-axis minimum speed",
    "Z-axis motor": "Z-axis motor",
    "z-axis motor current": "z-axis motor current",
    "z-axis motor step": "z-axis motor step",
    "Z-axis movements": "Z-axis movements",
    "z-axis stall detection": "z-axis stall detection"
  "other_translations": {
    " regimen": "Posologie",
    " sequence": "séquence",
    " unknown (offline)": "inconnue (hors-ligne)",
    "{{length}} plants selected": "{{length}} plantes sélectionnées",
    "13 Plants": "13 Plantes",
    "142 Plants": "142 Plantes",
    "18 Plants": "18 Plantes",
    "22 Plants": "22 Plantes",
    "459 Plants": "459 Plantes",
    "68 Plants": "68 Plantes",
    "Accelerate for (steps)": "Accélérer pour (pas)",
    "ACCELERATE FOR (steps)": "ACCÉLÉRER POUR (pas)",
    "active": "actif",
    "Add": "Ajouter",
    "Add a farm event via the + button to schedule a sequence or regimen in the calendar.": "Ajouter un événement à la ferme avec le bouton + pour programmer un schéma ou une séquence dans le calendrier.",
    "Add a tool": "Ajouter un outil",
    "Add an event via the + button to schedule a sequence or regimen in the calendar.": "Ajouter un événement via le bouton + pour programmer une séquence ou un régime dans le calendrier",
    "add command": "Ajouter une commande",
    "Add command": "Ajouter une commande",
    "Add Farm Event": "Ajouter un évènement",
    "Add Garden": "Ajouter un Jardin",
    "Add Group": "Ajouter un groupe",
    "Add new weed": "Ajouter une nouvelle mauvaise herbe",
    "Add parent groups": "Ajouter des groupes parents",
    "Add peripherals": "Ajouter des périphériques",
    "Add plant": "Ajouter une plante",
    "Add plants": "Ajouter des plantes",
    "Add plants by pressing the + button and searching for a plant, selecting one, and dragging it into the garden.": "Ajouter des plantes en cliquant sur le bouton + et en cherchant une plante, la sélectionner et la mettre dans le jardin.",
    "Add point": "Ajouter point",
    "Add Regimen Item": "Ajouter un élément de régime",
    "Add sequences to your regimen by selecting a sequence from the drop down, specifying a time, choosing which days it should run on, and then clicking the + button. For example: a Seeding sequence might be scheduled for Day 1, while a Watering sequence would be scheduled to run every other day.": "Ajoutez des séquences à votre schéma en sélectionnant une séquence dans le menu déroulant, en spécifiant une heure, en choisissant les jours sur lesquels elle doit s'exécuter, puis en cliquant sur le bouton +. Par exemple: une séquence de semis peut être programmée pour le jour 1, alors qu'une séquence d'arrosage devrait être programmée tous les deux jours.",
    "add step": "ajouter une étape",
    "Add the newly created tools to the corresponding toolbay slots on FarmBot: press edit and then + to create a toolbay slot.": "Ajoutez les outils nouvellement créés aux emplacement correspondants sur la FarmBot :  appuyez sur éditer, puis sur + pour créer un emplacement dans la baie d'outils.",
    "Add to map": "Ajouter à la carte",
    "Add tool": "Ajouter outil",
    "Add tools": "Ajouter des outils",
    "Add tools to tool bay": "Ajouter des outils à la baie d'outils",
    "Add Zone": "Ajouter une zone",
    "Amount of time to wait for a command to execute before stopping.": "Temps à attendre pour l'exécution d'une commande avant son arrêt",
    "An error occurred during configuration.": "Une erreur a eu lieu durant la configuration.",
    "App Settings": "Paramètres de l'application",
    "Apply Software Updates ": "Appliquer les mises à jour système",
    "Arduino is possibly unplugged. Check the USB cable between the Raspberry Pi and the Arduino. Reboot FarmBot after a reconnection. If the issue persists, reconfiguration of FarmBot OS may be necessary.": "Arduino n'est peut être pas connecté. Vérifier le câble USB entre la Raspberry Pi et l'Arduino. Redémarrer FarmBot après une reconnexion. Si le problèmes persiste, une reconfiguration de l'OS FarmBot peut être nécessaire. ",
    "as soon as possible": "dès que possible",
    "Assign a sequence to execute when a Raspberry Pi GPIO pin is activated.": "Attribuez une séquence à exécuter lorsqu'un GPIO du Raspberry Pi est activé.",
    "AUTO SYNC": "Synchronisation Auto",
    "Automatic Factory Reset": "Réinitialisation d'Usine Automatique",
    "Automatically factory reset when the WiFi network cannot be detected. Useful for network changes.": "Réinitialisation automatique lorsque le réseau WiFi ne peut pas être détecté. Utile pour les changements de réseau.",
    "back to farmware": "retour au farmware",
    "back to farmware list": "retour à la liste de farmware",
    "back to regimen": "retour au régime",
    "back to regimens": "retour aux regimes",
    "Before logging in, you must agree to our latest Terms of Service and Privacy Policy": "Avant de se connecter, vous devez accepter nos dernières conditions d'utilisation et politique de confidentialité.",
    "Beta release Opt-In": "Version bête Opt-in",
    "Binding": "Liaison",
    "Bot ready": "Robot prêt",
    "Browser": "Navigateur",
    "Calendar": "Calendrier",
    "CALIBRATE {{axis}}": "CALIBRER {{axis}}",
    "CALIBRATE {{target}}": "CALIBRER {{target}}",
    "Calibration Object Separation": "Séparation des Objets d’Étalonnage",
    "Calibration Object Separation along axis": "Séparation des objets d'étalonnage le long de l'axe",
    "calling FarmBot with credentials": "appeler FarmBot avec des informations d'identification",
    "Camera Offset X": "Décalage X de la caméra",
    "Camera Offset Y": "Décalage Y de la caméra",
    "Camera rotation": "Rotation de la camera",
    "Can't connect to release server": "Impossible de se connecter au serveur de publication",
    "Cannot change from a Regimen to a Sequence.": "Impossible de passer d'une Posologie à une Séquence.",
    "Change Password": "Changer le mot de passe",
    "Change settings of your FarmBot hardware with the fields below. Caution: Changing these settings to extreme values can cause hardware malfunction. Make sure to test any new settings before letting your FarmBot use them unsupervised. Tip: Recalibrate FarmBot after changing settings and test a few sequences to verify that everything works as expected.": "Modifiez les paramètres de votre matériel FarmBot avec les champs ci-dessous. Attention : le fait de modifier ces paramètres sur des valeurs extrêmes peut entraîner un dysfonctionnement du matériel. Assurez-vous de tester tous les nouveaux paramètres avant de laisser votre FarmBot les utiliser sans surveillance. Conseil: recalibrez FarmBot après avoir modifié les paramètres et testez quelques séquences pour vérifier que tout fonctionne comme prévu.",
    "Change slot direction": "Changer la direction de la rainure",
    "Change the Farm Designer map size based on axis length. A value must be input in AXIS LENGTH and STOP AT MAX must be enabled in the HARDWARE widget.": "Changer la taille de la carte du potager en fonction de la longueur des axes. Une valeur doit être entrée dand LONGUEUR AXE et STOP AU MAX doit être activé dans le widget HARDWARE.",
    "Check Again": "Revérifier",
    "Choose a species": "Choisir une espèce",
    "Choose a tour to begin": "Choisissez une visite à faire ",
    "Clear Logs": "Effacer les Logs",
    "Click a spot in the grid to choose a location. Once selected, press button to move FarmBot to this position. Press the back arrow to exit.": "Cliquez sur un endroit dans la grille pour choisir un emplacement. Une fois sélectionné, appuyez sur le bouton pour déplacer la FarmBot à cette position. Appuyez sur la flèche de retour pour quitter.",
    "Click and drag to draw a point or use the inputs and press update. Press CREATE POINT to save, or the back arrow to exit.": "Cliquez et faites glisser pour dessiner un point ou utilisez les entrées et appuyez sur mettre à jour. Appuyez sur CREATE POINT pour enregistrer ou sur la flèche retour pour quitter.",
    "Click here to learn more about error codes.": "Cliquez ici pour en apprendre plus sur les codes d'erreur.",
    "Collapse All": "Réduire tout",
    "color": "couleur",
    "Confirm Password": "Confirmer le mot de passe",
    "Confirm Sequence step deletion": "Confirmer la suppression de l'étape de la séquence",
    "Connection Attempt Period": "Période de tentative de connexion",
    "Copy": "Copier",
    "Could not download sync data": "Impossible de télécharger les données de synchronisation",
    "Create events": "Créer des événements",
    "Create farm events": "Créer des événements de jardinage",
    "Create logs for sequence:": "Créer des journaux pour la séquence:",
    "create new garden": "Créer nouveau jardin :",
    "Create new gardens from scratch or by copying plants from the current garden. View and edit saved gardens, and, when ready, apply them to the main garden.": "Créer de nouveaux potagers à partir de rien ou en copiant des plantes depuis le potager actuel. Visualise et modifie les potagers enregistrés, et une fois près, applique les au potager principal. ",
    "Create point": "Créer un point",
    "Create regimens": "Créer des régimes",
    "Create sequences": "Créer des séquences",
    "Create weed": "Créer une mauvaise herbe",
    "Created At:": "Crée à :",
    "Crop Info": "Informations sur les cultures",
    "Custom Coordinates": "Coordonnées Personnalisées",
    "Customize your web app experience": "Customisez votre expérience dans l'application web",
    "Customize your web app experience.": "Customisez votre expérience dans l'application web",
    "Danger Zone": "Zone de danger",
    "Debug": "Débogage ",
    "Delete Account": "Supprimer le compte",
    "Delete all Farmware data": "Supprimer toutes les données du Farmware",
    "Delete selected": "Suppression de la sélection",
    "Deleted farm event.": "Supprimer un événement du potager.",
    "Diagnose connectivity issues with FarmBot and the browser.": "Diagnostiquer un problème de connectivité entre FarmBot et le navigateur.",
    "Diagnostic Report": "Rapport de diagnostic",
    "Diagnostic Reports": "Rapports de diagnostic ?",
    "Diagnostic Request": "Requête de diagnostique",
    "Disconnected.": "Déconnecté.",
    "Display a virtual trail for FarmBot in the Farm Designer map to show movement and watering history while the map is open. Toggling this setting will clear data for the current trail.": "Affiche un chemin de déplacement virtuel pour FarmBot sur la carte du potager pour montrer les mouvements et l'historique d'arrosage tant que la carte est ouverte. Activer cette option effacera les données du chemin courant.",
    "Display plant animations": "Afficher les animations des plantes",
    "display raw": "affichage brut",
    "Display virtual FarmBot trail": "Afficher le chemin de déplacement virtuel de FarmBot",
    "Don't allow movement past the maximum value provided in AXIS LENGTH.": "Interdire les mouvements au-delà de la valeur renseignée dans LONGUEUR AXE.",
    "Done": "Fini",
    "Double default map dimensions": "Double la taille de la carte par défaut",
    "Double the default dimensions of the Farm Designer map for a map with four times the area.": "Double les dimensions par défaut de la carte du Farm Designer pour une carte de quatre fois la superficie.",
    "downloading device credentials": "Télécharger des identifiants du périphérique",
    "Drag a box around the plants you would like to select. Press the back arrow to exit.": "Faites glisser une boîte autour des plantes que vous souhaitez sélectionner. Appuyez sur la flèche de retour pour quitter.",
    "Edit Event": "Modifier Événement",
    "Edit Farm Event": "Editer l'événement",
    "Edit Garden": "Modifier Jardin",
    "Edit Group": "Modifier Groupe",
    "Edit point": "Modifier le point",
    "Edit Regimen": "Modifier Regime",
    "Edit this plant": "Modifier cette plante",
    "Emergency stop if movement is not complete after the maximum number of retries.": "Arrêt d'urgence si le mouvement n'est pas complet après que le nombre maximum de tentative a été atteint",
    "Enable Endstops": "Activer les capteurs de fin de course",
    "Enable plant animations in the Farm Designer.": "Activer les animations de plantes dans le potager virtuel.",
    "Enable use of a second x-axis motor. Connects to E0 on RAMPS.": "Activer l'utilisation d'un deuxième moteur pour l'axe x. A connecter à la pin E0 de la RAMPS.",
    "Enable use of electronic end-stops during calibration and homing.": "Activer l'utilisation des capteurs de fin de course pour la calibration et le retour à la position de départ.",
    "Enable use of rotary encoders during calibration and homing.": "Activer l'utilisation des encodeurs de position pour la calibration et le retour à la position de départ.",
    "Encoder Missed Step Decay": "Codeur manquant Step Decay",
    "Encoders and Endstops": "Encodeurs de position et capteurs de fin de course",
    "End Tour": "Fin de la visite",
    "Enter a URL": "Entrer un URL",
    "Enter click-to-add mode": "Entrer dans le mode cliquer-pour-ajouter",
    "Error deleting Farmware data": "Erreur lors de la suppression des données du Farmware",
    "Error establishing socket connection": "Erreur lors de la l'établissement de la connexion avec le socket",
    "Execute Script": "Exécuter le script",
    "Executes another sequence.": "Exécuter une autre séquence.",
    "Expand All": "Étendre tout",
    "Export Account Data": "Exporter les données du compte",
    "Export all data related to this device. Exports are delivered via email as JSON.": "Exporter toutes les données lié à cet appareil. Les informations sont envoyées par mail au format JSON.",
    "Factory Reset": "Réinitialisation d'usine",
    "Factory resetting your FarmBot will destroy all data on the device, revoking your FarmBot's ability to connect to your web app account and your home wifi. Upon factory resetting, your device will restart into Configurator mode. Factory resetting your FarmBot will not affect any data or settings from your web app account, allowing you to do a complete restore to your device once it is back online and paired with your web app account.": "La réinitialisation de votre FarmBot va détruire toute les données de l'appareil, supprimer l’accès de votre FarmBot à votre site internet et à votre wifi. Lors de la réinitialisation votre appareil redémarrera en mode de Configuration. Réinitialisé votre FarmBot n'affectera pas les données et les paramètres du compte sur le site internet, vous permettant d'effectuer une restauration complète sur votre appareil une fois qu'il est en ligne et associé à votre compte Web.  ",
    "Farm Events": "Événements",
    "FarmBot and the browser are both connected to the internet (or have been recently). Try rebooting FarmBot and refreshing the browser. If the issue persists, something may be preventing FarmBot from accessing the message broker (used to communicate with your web browser in real-time). If you are on a company or school network, a firewall may be blocking port 5672.": "FarmBot et le navigateur sont tous deux connectés à Internet (ou l'ont été récemment). Essayez de redémarrer FarmBot et d'actualiser le navigateur. Si le problème persiste, quelque chose empêche peut-être FarmBot d'accéder à l'agent de messages (utilisé pour communiquer avec votre navigateur Web en temps réel). Si vous êtes sur un réseau d'entreprise ou d'école, un pare-feu peut bloquer le port 5672.",
    "Farmbot encountered an error": "La Farmbot a rencontré une erreur",
    "FarmBot was last seen {{ lastSeen }}": "FarmBot a été vu dernièrement {{lastSeen}}",
    "FarmBot?": "FarmBot ?",
    "FarmEvent start time needs to be in the future, not the past.": "Le temps de départ d'un FarmEvent doit être dans le futur, pas dans le passé.",
    "Farmware (plugin) details and management.": "Farmware (plugin) détails et gestion.",
    "Farmware data successfully deleted.": "Les données du Farmware ont bien été supprimées.",
    "farmware info": "info du farmware",
    "Farmware List": "Liste des Farmwares",
    "Filter logs": "Filtrer les journaux",
    "Find": "Trouver",
    "Find ": "Trouve",
    "FIND HOME {{axis}}": "TROUVE MAISON {{axis}}",
    "find new features": "Trouver de nouvelles fonctionnalités",
    "Firmware logs:": "Logs Firmware :",
    "Firmware Logs:": "Journaux du micrologiciel:",
    "First-party Farmware": "Première Parie du Farmware",
    "Flash the": "Flasher le",
    "Forgot Password": "Mot de passe oublié",
    "Full Name": "Nom Complet",
    "Garden name": "Nom du jardin",
    "getting started": "Commencer",
    "Hardware": "Materiel",
    "Here is the list of all of your sequences. Click one to edit.": "Voici la liste de toutes vos séquences. Cliquez sur l'une d'elle pour l'éditer.",
    "Hide Sensors widget": "Cacher le widget des capteurs",
    "Historic Points?": "Points historiques?",
    "Home button behavior": "Comportement du bouton retour à la position de départ",
    "Home position adjustment travel speed (homing and calibration) in motor steps per second.": "Ajuster la vitesse de retour à la position de départ (retour à la position de départ et calibration) en pas du moteur par seconde.",
    "Homing and Calibration": "Retour à la position de départ et calibration",
    "Homing Speed (steps/s)": "Vitesse de retour à la position de départ (pas/s)",
    "I agree to the terms of use": "J'accepte les conditions d'utilisation",
    "If encoders or end-stops are enabled, find the home position when the device powers on. Warning! This will perform homing on all axes when the device powers on. Encoders or endstops must be enabled. It is recommended to make sure homing works properly before enabling this feature.": "Si les encodeurs de position ou les capteurs de fin de course sont activés, trouve la position de départ quand l'appareil est mis sous-tension. Attention ! Cela entraînera un retour à la position de départ sur tous les axes quand l'appareil sera mis sous-tension. Les encodeurs de position ou les capteurs de fin de course doivent être activés. Il est recommandé de vérifier que le retour à la position de départ fonctionne correctement sur tous les axes avant d'activer cette fonctionnalité. ",
    "If encoders or end-stops are enabled, home axis (find zero).": "Si les encodeurs de position ou les capteurs de fin de course sont activés, reviens à la position de départ (trouve le 0).",
    "If encoders or end-stops are enabled, home axis and determine maximum.": "Si les encodeurs de position ou les capteurs de fin de course sont activés, reviens à la position de départ et détermine le maximum.",
    "If not using a webcam, use this setting to remove the widget from the Controls page.": "Si la webcam n'est pas activé, utiliser ce paramètre pour enlever le widget de la page de contrôle.",
    "If not using sensors, use this setting to remove the widget from the Controls page.": "Si vous n'utilisez pas de capteurs, utiliser ce paramètre pour enlever le widget de la page de Contrôle.",
    "If Statement": "Condition Si",
    "If you have a webcam, you can view the video stream in this widget. Press the edit button to update and save your webcam URL.": "Si vous possédez une webcam, vous pouvoir visualiser le flux vidéo dans ce widget. Pressez le bouton d'édition pour mettre à jour et sauvegarder l'URL de votre webcam.",
    "IF...": "Si...",
    "Image loading (try refreshing)": "Image en cours de chargement (rafraîchissement en cours)",
    "Import coordinates from": "Importer les coordonnées de",
    "inactive tools": "outils inactifs",
    "initiating connection": "établir la connexion",
    "Invert axis end-stops. Enable for normally closed (NC), disable for normally open (NO).": "Inverser tous les capteurs de fin de course des axes. Activer pour normalement fermé (NC), désactiver pour normalement ouvert (NO).",
    "Invert direction of motor during calibration.": "Inverser la direction du moteur durant la calibration.",
    "Invert Endstops": "Inverser les capteurs de fin de course",
    "Invert Hue Range Selection": "Inverser la sélection de la gamme de couleur",
    "Keep power applied to motors. Prevents slipping from gravity in certain situations.": "Laisse les moteurs alimentés. Permet de prévenir le glissement dû à la gravité dans certaines situations.",
    "Last checked for updates": "Dernière vérification de mise à jour",
    "Last message seen ": "Dernier message vu ",
    "LENGTH (m)": "LONGUEUR (m)",
    "Local IP address": "Adresse IP locale",
    "Location Variable": "Variable de localisation",
    "Log all commands sent to firmware (clears after refresh).": "Note toutes les commandes envoyées au firmware (effacé après l'actualisation).",
    "Log all debug received from firmware (clears after refresh).": "Log de toutes les commandes envoyées au firmware (efface après l'actualisation).",
    "Log all responses received from firmware (clears after refresh). Warning: extremely verbose.": "Log de toutes les réponses reçues du micrologiciel (effacées après l'actualisation). Attention : extrêmement bavard.",
    "low": "bas",
    "Manage Farmware (plugins).": "Gérer le Farmware (plugins).",
    "Mark As...": "Marquer comme...",
    "Max Speed (steps/s)": "Vitesse max (pas/s)",
    "Maximum travel speed after acceleration in motor steps per second.": "Vitesse de déplacement maximale après accélération en nombre de pas par seconde",
    "Message Center": "Centre de Messages",
    "Midnight": "Minuit",
    "Minimum movement speed in motor steps per second. Also used for homing and calibration.": "Vitesse de déplacement minimale en pas de moteur par seconde. Également utilisé pour l'autoguidage et l'étalonnage.",
    "Minimum Speed (steps/s)": "Vitesse minimale (pas/s)",
    "Motor Coordinates (mm)": "Coordonnées du moteur (mm)",
    "Mounted to:": "Monté à:",
    "Move Absolute": "Déplacer en valeur absolue",
    "Move FarmBot to this plant": "Déplacer FarmBot jusqu'à cette plante",
    "Move to location": "Déplacer à l'emplacement",
    "Must be a positive number. Rounding up to 0.": "Doit être un nombre positif. Arrondir à 0.",
    "My Farmware": "Mon Farmware",
    "My Groups": "Mes groupes",
    "NAME": "NOM",
    "Network Quality": "Qualité du réseau",
    "never connected to device": "Jamais connecté au dispositif",
    "new garden name": "nouveau nom de potager",
    "No Executables": "Aucun exécutable",
    "No meta data.": "Aucune métadonnée.",
    "No tool": "Aucun outil",
    "Noon": "Midi",
    "Not Connected to bot": "Pas connecté au robot",
    "Not Mounted": "Pas monté",
    "Not Set": "Pas encore défini",
    "Not supported yet.": "Pas encore supporté.",
    "Note: Times displayed according to FarmBot's local time, which is currently different from your browser's time. Timezone data is configurable on the Device page).": "Remarque: les heures sont affichées en fonction de l'heure locale de FarmBot, qui est actuellement différente de l'heure de votre navigateur. Les données de fuseau horaire sont configurables sur la page Périphérique).",
    "Number of steps missed (determined by encoder) before motor is considered to have stalled.": "Nombre de pas manqués (déterminés par le codeur) avant que le moteur ne soit considéré comme calé..",
    "Number of steps used for acceleration and deceleration.": "Nombre d'étapes utilisées pour l'accélération et la décélération.",
    "Number of times to retry a movement before stopping.": "Nombre de fois pour réessayer le mouvement avant de s'arrêter. ",
    "Origin Location in Image": "Emplacement d'origine dans l'image",
    "OS Auto Updates": "Mise à jour automatique du système d'exploitation",
    "Password change failed.": "Echec de la modification du mot de passe.",
    "perform homing (find home)": "Réaliser un retour à la position de départ",
    "Pin Guard {{ num }}": "Pin Protection {{num}}",
    "Pin Mode": "Mode Pin",
    "Pin Number": "Numéro de Pin",
    "Pin numbers are required and must be positive and unique.": "Les numéros de pin sont requis et doivent êtres positifs et uniques.",
    "Pin numbers must be less than 1000.": "Le nombre de pin doit être inférieur à 1000.",
    "Pixel coordinate scale": "Échelle de coordonnée de pixel",
    "Plant Info": "Information sur la plante",
    "Plants in this group": "Plantes dans ce groupe",
    "Plants?": "Plantes?",
    "Please check your email to confirm email address changes": "Vérifiez vos email pour confirmer le changement d'adresse",
    "Point Creator": "Créateur de point",
    "Points?": "Points ?",
    "Presets:": "Pré-réglages:",
    "Press \"+\" to add a new tool.": "Cliquez sur \"+\" pour ajouter un nouvel outil.",
    "Press edit and then the + button to add peripherals.": "Appuyez sur le bouton édition puis le bouton + pour ajouter un périphérique. ",
    "Press edit and then the + button to add tools.": "Cliquez sur éditer puis sur \"+\" pour ajouter des outils",
    "Press the + button and add your newly created sequences to a regimen via the scheduler. The regimen should include all actions needed to take care of a plant over its life.": "Appuyez sur le bouton + et ajoutez votre nouvelle séquence créée à un régime via le programmateur. Le régime doit inclure toutes les actions nécessaire afin de prendre soin d'une plante tout le long de sa vie.",
    "Processing now. Results usually available in one minute.": "En cours de traitement. Résultats généralement disponibles en une minute",
    "radius": "rayon",
    "Raspberry Pi Info": "Information du Raspberry Pi",
    "Read Pin": "Lire l'état du pin",
    "Readings?": "Mesures?",
    "Received": "Reçu",
    "Record Diagnostic": "Enregistrer le diagnostic.",
    "Redirecting...": "Redirection...",
    "Reduction to missed step total for every good step.": "Réduction du nombre total de pas manqués pour chaque bon pas.",
    "regimen": "régime",
    "Regimen Editor": "Éditeur de régime",
    "Regimen Name": "Nom de la posologie",
    "Regimens allow FarmBot to take care of a plant throughout its entire life. A regimen consists of many sequences that are scheduled to run based on the age of the plant. Regimens are applied to plants from the farm designer (coming soon) and can be re-used on many plants growing at the same or different times. Multiple regimens can be applied to any one plant.": "Les routines permettent à FarmBot de s'occuper d'une plante durant tout son cycle de vie. Une routine est constituée de nombreuses séquences planifiées pour être exécutées en fonction de l'âge de la plante. Les routines sont appliquées aux plantes depuis le \"farm designer\" (bientôt disponible) et peuvent être réutilisées sur d'autres plantes poussant ou non au même moment. Il est possible d'appliquer plusieurs routine à une même plante.",
    "Reinstall": "Réinstaller",
    "Repeats Every": "Répéter chaque",
    "Report {{ticket}} (Saved {{age}})": "Rapport {{ticket}} (enregistré {{age}})",
    "Reset Account": "Réinitialisation du compte",
    "Reset hardware parameter defaults": "Réinitialiser les paramètres hardware par défaut",
    "Restrict travel to negative coordinate locations. Overridden by disabling STOP AT HOME.": "Restreindre les déplacements aux coordonnées négatives. Ignoré en désactivant STOP A LA POSITION INITIALE.",
    "Reverse the direction of encoder position reading.": "Inverser la mesure de direction des encodeurs de position.",
    "Save snapshot of FarmBot OS system information, including user and device identity, to the database. A code will be returned that you can provide in support requests to allow FarmBot to look up data relevant to the issue to help us identify the problem.": "Enregistrez un instantané des informations système du FarmBot OS, y compris l'identité de l'utilisateur et du périphérique, dans la base de données. Un code sera renvoyé que vous pourez fournir dans les demandes d'assistance pour permettre à la FarmBot de rechercher des données pertinentes pour le problème afin de nous aider à identifier le problème.",
    "saved": "sauvegardé",
    "Saved Gardens": "Jardins sauvegardés",
    "Scaled Encoder (steps)": "Échelle des encodeurs de position (pas)",
    "Scan image": "Scanner l'image",
    "Search events...": "Rechercher des événements...",
    "Search Regimens...": "Rechercher des routines...",
    "Search Sequences...": "Rechercher des séquences...",
    "seconds": "secondes",
    "see what FarmBot is doing": "Voir ce que fait FarmBot",
    "Select from map to add": "Sélectionner depuis la carte pour ajouter",
    "Select plants": "Sélectionner des plantes",
    "Send Account Export File (Email)": "Envoyer le fichier d'exportation du compte (Email)",
    "Send Password reset": "Envoyer réinitialisation du mot de passe",
    "Sending camera configuration...": "Envoi de la configuration caméra...",
    "Sent": "Envoyé",
    "sequence": "séquence",
    "Server Port": "Port du serveur",
    "Server URL": "URL du serveur",
    "Servo angle (0-180)": "Angle servo (0-180)",
    "Set device timezone here.": "Définir le fuseau horaire de l'appareil ici.",
    "Set the current location as zero.": "Définir l'emplacement actuel comme zéro.",
    "Set the length of each axis to provide software limits. Used only if STOP AT MAX is enabled.": "Définit la longueur de chaque axe pour permettre des limites par le logiciel. Utilisé uniquement si STOP AU MAX est activé.",
    "Set zero": "Mettre à zero",
    "Set Zero": "Mettre à zero",
    "Show a confirmation dialog when the sequence delete step icon is pressed.": "Afficher une boîte de dialogue de confirmation lorsque l'utilisateur clique sur l'icône de suppression de séquence.",
    "Show in list": "Montrer dans la liste",
    "Size": "Taille",
    "Snaps a photo using the device camera. Select the camera type on the Device page.": "Prendre une photo avec la caméra de l'appareil. Sélectionnez le type de caméra sur la page Appareil",
    "Socket Connection Established": "Connexion avec le Socket Établie",
    "Spread?": "Étaler?",
    "Start": "Commencer",
    "Stock Tools": "Outils en stock",
    "Stop at the home location of the axis.": "S'arrête à l'emplacement lorigine de l'axe.",
    "Sub Sequence": "Sous Séquence",
    "Successfully configured camera!": "Caméra configurée avec succès!",
    "Swap axis minimum and maximum end-stops.": "Échanger les limites minimum et maximum des capteurs de fin de course. ",
    "Swap Endstops": "Échanger les capteurs de fin de course.",
    "Sync Required": "Synchronisation nécessaire",
    "Take a guided tour of the Web App.": "Faire une visite guidée de l'Application Web.",
    "Take and view photos with your FarmBot's camera.": "Prendre et voir des photos avec la caméra de votre FarmBot.",
    "target": "cible",
    "Test": "Tester",
    "The Farmware will use the parameter values set via the Farmware page for any parameters that are not set in this sequence step.": "Le Farmware utilisera les paramètres définies via la page du Farmware pour tous les paramètres non définis dans cette étape de la séquence.",
    "The Find Home step instructs the device to perform a homing command to find and set zero for the chosen axis or axes.": "L'étape Find Home indique au périphérique d'effectuer une commande de référencement pour rechercher et définir le zéro pour le ou les axes choisis.",
    "The Mark As step allows FarmBot to programmatically edit the properties of the UTM, plants, and weeds from within a sequence. For example, you can mark a plant as \"planted\" during a seeding sequence or delete a weed after removing it.": "L'étape Marquer Comme permet à FarmBot de modifier par programmation les propriétés de l'UTM, des plantes et des mauvaises herbes à partir d'une séquence. Par exemple, vous pouvez marquer une plante comme \"plantée\" pendant une séquence de semis ou supprimer une mauvaise herbe après l'avoir enlevée.",
    "The Move Absolute step instructs FarmBot to move to the specified coordinate regardless of the current position. For example, if FarmBot is currently at X=1000, Y=1000 and it receives a Move Absolute where X=0 and Y=3000, then FarmBot will move to X=0, Y=3000. If FarmBot must move in multiple directions, it will move diagonally. If you require straight movements along one axis at a time, use multiple Move Absolute steps. Offsets allow you to more easily instruct FarmBot to move to a location, but offset from it by the specified amount. For example moving to just above where a peripheral is located. Using offsets lets FarmBot do the math for you.": "L'instruction de movement absolu ordonne à FarmBot de se déplacer aux coordonnées spécifiées sans prendre en compte sa position actuelle. Par exemple, si FarmBot est actuellement à X=1000, Y=1000 et qu'il reçoit une instruction de déplacement absolu où X=0 et Y=3000, il se déplacera alors à X=0, Y=3000. Si FarmBot doit se déplacer dans des directions multiples, il se déplacera en diagonal. Si vous souhaitez uniquement des déplacements en ligne droite le long d'un axe à la fois, utilisez plusieurs commande de déplacement absolu. Les décalages permettent de commander FarmBot plus facilement à partir d'un emplacement connu, comme par exemple juste au-dessus de où un périphérique se trouve. Utiliser les décalages permet à FarmBot de faire les calculs de position à votre place.",
    "The Move Relative step instructs FarmBot to move the specified distance from its current location. For example, if FarmBot is currently at X=1000, Y=1000 and it receives a Move Relative where X=0 and Y=3000, then FarmBot will move to X=1000, Y=4000. If FarmBot must move in multiple directions, it will move diagonally. If you require straight movements along one axis at a time, use multiple Move Relative steps. Move Relative steps should be preceded by a Move Absolute step to ensure you are starting from a known location.": "L'étape de déplacement relatif demande à FarmBot de ce déplacer à la distance spécifiée de son emplacement actuel. Par exemple, si la FarmBot est actuellement à X = 1000, Y = 1000 et qu'elle reçoit une demande de déplacement vers X = 0 et Y = 3000, la FarmBot déplacera vers X = 1000, Y = 4000. Si la FarmBot doit se déplacer dans plusieurs directions, elle se déplacera en diagonale. Si vous avez besoin de mouvements rectilignes le long d'un axe à la fois, utilisez plusieurs étapes Déplacement relatif. Les étapes relatives de déplacement doivent être précédées d'une étape de déplacement absolu pour vous assurer de partir d'un emplacement connu.",
    "The next item in this Farm Event will run {{timeFromNow}}, but you must first SYNC YOUR DEVICE. If you do not sync, the event will not run.": "L'élément suivant de cet événement de la ferme s'exécutera {{timeFromNow}}, mais vous devez d'abord SYNCHRONISE votre appareil. Si vous ne synchronisez pas, l'événement ne sera pas exécuté.",
    "The next item in this Farm Event will run {{timeFromNow}}.": "L'élément suivant de cet événement s'exécutera {{timeFromNow}}.",
    "The number of motor steps required to move the axis one millimeter.": "Le nombre de pas du moteur requis pour avancer d'un millimètre sur l'axe.",
    "The Read Pin step instructs FarmBot to read the current value of the specified pin. Pin Mode: Use digital for a 0 (LOW) or 1 (HIGH) response, and analog for a voltage reading (0-1023 for 0-5V).": "L'étape Lire le Pin indique à la FarmBot de lire la valeur actuelle du pin spécifié. Mode Pin : Utilisation numérique pour une réponse valant 0 (BAS) ou 1 (HAUT) et analogique pour une lecture de tension (0-1023 pour 0-5V).",
    "The Run Farmware step runs a Farmware package. Visit the Farmware page to install and manage Farmware.": "L'étape Exécuter le Farmware exécute un package Farmware. Visitez la page Farmware pour installer et gérer le Farmware.",
    "The Wait step instructs FarmBot to wait for the specified amount of time. Use it in combination with the Pin Write step to water for a length of time.": "L'étape Attente indique à la FarmBot d'attendre le laps de temps spécifié. Utilisez-le en combinaison avec l'étape Écriture des Pins pour arroser pendant un certain temps.",
    "The Write Pin step instructs FarmBot to set the specified pin on the Arduino to the specified mode and value. Use the digital pin mode for on (1) and off (0) control, and analog pin mode for PWM (pulse width modulation) (0-255).": "L'étape Écriture des Pins indique à FarmBot de définir la broche spécifiée sur l'Arduino sur le mode et la valeur spécifiés. Utilisez le mode numérique pour le contrôle activé (1) et désactivé (0) et le mode analogique pour le mode PWM (modulation de l'impulsion) (0-255).",
    "THEN...": "PUIS...",
    "This account did not have a timezone set. FarmBot requires a timezone to operate. We have updated your timezone settings based on your browser. Please verify these settings in the device settings panel. Device sync is recommended.": "Ce compte n'avait pas de fuseau horaire. FarmBot nécessite un fuseau horaire pour fonctionner. Nous avons mis à jour les paramètres de votre fuseau horaire en fonction de votre navigateur. Veuillez vérifier ces paramètres dans le panneau de configuration du périphérique. La synchronisation des appareils est recommandée.",
    "This command will not execute correctly because you do not have encoders or endstops enabled for the chosen axis. Enable endstops or encoders from the Device page for: ": "Cette commande ne s'exécutera pas correctement car vous ne disposez pas d'encodeurs ni de fins de course activés pour l'axe choisi. Activez les endstops ou encoders à partir de la page Device pour:",
    "This Farm Event does not appear to have a valid run time. Perhaps you entered bad dates?": "Cet événement ne semble pas avoir d'heure d'exécution valide. Peut-être que vous avez entré une mauvaise date ?",
    "This is a list of all of your regimens. Click one to begin editing it.": "Ceci est une liste de tout vos régimes. Cliquez sur l'un d'eux pour commencer à l'éditer.",
    "This is a list of all your FarmBot Tools. Click the Edit button to add, edit, or delete tools.": "Ceci est une liste de tout vos outils FarmBot. Cliquez sur le bouton Editer pour ajouter, éditer ou supprimer des outils.",
    "TIME": "TEMPS",
    "Time in minutes to attempt connecting to WiFi before a factory reset.": "Temps en minutes pour tenter de se connecter au WiFi avant une réinitialisation d'usine.",
    "TIMEOUT AFTER (seconds)": "TIMEOUT APRÈS (secondes)",
    "to add the plant to the map. You can add the plant as many times as you need to before pressing DONE to finish.": "ajouter la plante à la carte. Vous pouvez ajouter la plante autant de fois que nécessaire avant d'appuyer sur TERMINE pour terminer.",
    "Toggle various settings to customize your web app experience.": "Modifiez divers paramètres pour personnaliser votre expérience de l'application Web.",
    "Tool": "Outil",
    "TOOL": "OUTIL",
    "Tool ": "Outil",
    "Tool Name": "Nom de l'outil",
    "Tool Slots": "Emplacements d'outil",
    "ToolBay ": "Panel d'outils",
    "Toolbays are where you store your FarmBot Tools. Each Toolbay has Slots that you can put your Tools in, which should be reflective of your real FarmBot hardware configuration.": "Les baies à outils sont les endroits où vous pouvez stockez les outils de la FarmBot. Chaque baie d'outils a des emplacements dans lesquels vous pouvez insérer vos outils, qui doivent refléter votre configuration matérielle FarmBot réelle.",
    "Tools and Seed Containers": "Conteneurs d'Outils et de Graines",
    "Topics": "Sujets",
    "Tried to delete Farm Event": "Essayer de supprimer un événement du potager",
    "Tried to delete plant": "Essayer de supprimer la plante",
    "Tried to save Farm Event": "Essayer de sauvegarder un événement du potager",
    "Tried to save plant": "Essayer de sauvegarder une plante",
    "Tried to update Farm Event": "Essayer de mettre à jour un événement du potager",
    "Unable to delete sequence": "Impossible de supprimer la séquence",
    "Unable to download device credentials": "Impossible de télécharger les identifiants du périphérique",
    "Unable to save farm event.": "Impossible de sauvegarder l'événement.",
    "Unnammed tool": "Outil sans nom",
    "Updating...": "Actualisation... ",
    "Upon successful password change, your FarmBot will factory reset allowing you to configure it with the updated credentials. You will also be logged out of other browser sessions. Continue?": "Une fois le mot de passe modifié, votre FarmBot sera réinitialisé à la configuration d'usine, ce qui vous permettra de le configurer avec les informations d'identification mises à jour. Vous serez également déconnecté des autres sessions du navigateur. Continuer?",
    "Use encoders for positioning.": "Utiliser les encodeurs de position pour le positionnement.",
    "v1.4 Stock Bindings": "Liaisons d'origines v1.4",
    "View and change device settings.": "Regarder et changer les paramètres de l'appareil.",
    "View messages.": "Voir les messages.",
    "View, select, and install new Farmware.": "Visionnez, sélectionnez et installez un nouveau Farmware",
    "Warning: FarmBot could not guess your timezone. We have defaulted your timezone to UTC, which is less than ideal for most users. Please select your timezone from the dropdown. Device sync is recommended.": "Attention : FarmBot ne pouvait pas deviner votre fuseau horaire. Nous avons réglé votre fuseau horaire sur UTC par défaut, ce qui n'est pas idéal pour la plupart des utilisateurs. Veuillez sélectionner votre fuseau horaire dans le menu déroulant. La synchronisation des appareils est recommandée.",
    "Warning: This will erase all data stored on your FarmBot's SD card, requiring you to reconfigure FarmBot so that it can reconnect to your WiFi network and a web app account. Factory resetting the device will not delete data stored in your web app account. Are you sure you wish to continue?": "Avertissement: Ceci effacera toutes les données stockées sur la carte SD de votre FarmBot, vous obligeant à reconfigurer votre FarmBot afin qu'elle puisse se reconnecter à votre réseau WiFi et à un compte Web. Une réinitialisation d'usine de l'appareil ne supprimera pas les données stockées dans votre compte Web. Êtes-vous sûr de vouloir continuer?",
    "Warning! Opting in to FarmBot OS beta releases may reduce FarmBot system stability. Are you sure?": "Attention! L'activation des versions bêta de FarmBot OS peut réduire la stabilité du système FarmBot. Êtes-vous sûr?",
    "Warning! This is an EXPERIMENTAL feature. This feature may be broken and may break or otherwise hinder your usage of the rest of the app. This feature may disappear or break at any time.": "Attention! Ceci est une fonctionnalité EXPÉRIMENTALE. Cette fonctionnalité peut être endommagée et peut endommager ou gêner votre utilisation de l'application. Cette fonctionnalité peut disparaître ou s'interrompre à tout moment.",
    "What do you need help with?": "Pour quoi avez-vous besoin d'aide?",
    "When enabled, device resources such as sequences and regimens will be sent to the device automatically. This removes the need to push \"SYNC\" after making changes in the web app. Changes to running sequences and regimens while auto sync is enabled will result in instantaneous change.": "Lorsque cette option est activée, les données du périphérique, telles que les séquences et les schémas, sont automatiquement envoyées au périphérique. Cela évite d'avoir à appuyer sur \"SYNC\" après avoir apporté des modifications à l'application Web. Les modifications apportées aux séquences en cours et aux schémas lorsque la synchronisation automatique est activée entraîneront des modifications instantanées.",
    "When enabled, FarmBot OS will periodically check for, download, and install updates automatically.": "Si activé, le système d'exploitation de FarmBot va périodiquement rechercher , télécharger et installer automatiquement ses mises à jour.",
    "Write Pin": "Ecrire l'état du pin",
    "You are running an old version of FarmBot OS.": "Vous utilisez une ancienne version du système d'exploitation de FarmBot.",
    "You have unsaved changes. Would you like to save them?": "Vous avez des changement non sauvegardés. Voulez-vous les sauvgarder ?",
    "You haven't made any regimens or sequences yet. Please create a": "Vous n'avez pas encore fait de régime ou de séquences. Merci de créer un",
    "You haven't made any regimens or sequences yet. Please create a ": "Vous n'avec pas envore créé de régime ou de séquence. Merci de créer ",
    "You must set a timezone before using the event feature.": "Vous devez définir une zone de temps avant d'utiliser les événements.",
    "You must set a timezone before using the FarmEvent feature.": "Vous devez définir un fuseau horaire avant de pouvoir utiliser la fonction FarmEvent.",
    "Your browser is connected correctly, but we have no recent record of FarmBot connecting to the internet. This usually happens because of a bad WiFi signal in the garden, a bad password during configuration, or a very long power outage.": "Votre navigateur est bien connecté, mais nous n'avons trouvé aucune trace récente de FarmBot s'étant connecté à internet. Cela peut arriver à cause d'un mauvais signal WiFi dans le potager, d'un mauvais mot de passe lors de la configuration ou d'une panne électrique prolongée.",
    "zero {{axis}}": "zéro {{axe}}"