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 * @namespace MVM

var MVM = MVM || {};

 * @classdesc The data management subsystem of MVM. It works by maintaining a stack of scope frames - themselves parts of a wider scope tree. Variable modifications are made by chaining up parent scopes when necessary.
 * @class MVM.DataModel
 * @public
 * @author FelixMcFelix (Kyle S.)
MVM.DataModel = function(){
    this.root = new MVM.StackFrame(null);
    this.stack = [this.root];

MVM.DataModel.prototype = {
     * Retrieve the currently active scope frame.
     * @method MVM.DataModel#current
     * @return {MVM.StackFrame}
     * @public
    current: function(){
            return this.stack[this.stack.length - 1];
        } catch(e){
            return undefined;

     * Retrieve the scope frame a set height above the current frame, where 0 retrieves the current frame.
     * @method MVM.DataModel#relative
     * @param {number} count - the target relative height to retrieve a scope frame from.
     * @return {MVM.StackFrame}
     * @public
    relative: function(count){
        var cursor = this.current();
        while(count>0 && cursor && cursor.parent){
            cursor = cursor.parent;

            throw "Invalid relative call - too few parents.";

        return cursor;

     * Enter a new {@link MVM.StackFrame} - signifying a new block scope.
     * @method MVM.DataModel#enter
     * @return {MVM.DataModel} Returns self to allow for some degree of method chaining.
     * @public
    enter: function(){
        var tmp = new MVM.StackFrame(this.current());
        this.stack[this.stack.length - 1] = tmp;

        return this;

     * Leave the current {@link MVM.StackFrame} - signifying an end to a block scope.
     * @method MVM.DataModel#exit
     * @return {MVM.DataModel} Returns self to allow for some degree of method chaining.
     * @public
    exit: function(){
        if(this.current() !== this.root){
            this.stack[this.stack.length - 1] = this.current().parent;
        } else{
            throw "Tried to exit from scope past root level.";

        return this;

     * Call a function at another point in the code, moving any relevant data into the new {@link MVM.StackFrame}.
     * @method MVM.DataModel#call
     * @param {number} argc - the amount of arguments to copy into the new scope.
     * @param {number} rel - the relative height in scope frames of where the function declaration occurred.
     * @param {number} ret - the address the {@link MVM.VM} must return to once the function ends.
     * @return {MVM.DataModel} Returns self to allow for some degree of method chaining.
     * @public
    call: function(argc, rel, ret){
        var prev = this.current();
        var parent = this.relative(rel);
        this.stack.push(new MVM.StackFrame(parent));

        var c = this.current();
        c.returnAddr = ret;
        c.functionBase = true;

        while (argc>0){
            c.setVar(argc-1, prev.pop());    

        return this;

     * Return from the current function, moving back to the original scope.
     * @method MVM.DataModel#funcreturn
     * @param {*} value - the value to place into the {@link MVM.StackFrame} which we are returning to.
     * @return {number} The return address that the {@link MVM.VM} must utilise.
     * @public
    funcreturn: function(value){
        var p = this.stack.pop();

            p = p.parent;
        if (value!==null) {

        return p.returnAddr;

 * @classdesc An individual stack frame used by the {@link MVM.DataModel}.
 * @class MVM.StackFrame
 * @public
 * @author FelixMcFelix (Kyle S.)
MVM.StackFrame = function(parent){
    this.parent = parent;
    this.variables = [];
    this.stack = [];
    this.returnAddr = undefined;
    this.functionBase = false;

MVM.StackFrame.prototype = {
     * Push a new value to the top of the stack.
     * @method MVM.StackFrame#push
     * @param {*} value - the value to place onto the top of the stack.
     * @return {MVM.StackFrame} Returns self to allow for some degree of method chaining.
     * @public
    push: function(value){

        return this;

     * Pop off the top value from the stack, and return it.
     * @method MVM.StackFrame#pop
     * @return {*} The value retrieved from the top of the stack.
     * @public
    pop: function(){
        return this.stack.pop();

     * Return the top value of the stack without modifying the frame's state.
     * @method MVM.StackFrame#peek
     * @return {*} The value retrieved from the top of the stack.
     * @public
    peek: function(){
        try {
            return this.stack[this.stack.length-1];
        } catch (e){
            return undefined;

     * Set a variable in this stack frame to a given value.
     * @method MVM.StackFrame#setVar
     * @param {number} varNo - the index of the variable's location.
     * @param {*} value - the value to place into the variable store.
     * @return {MVM.StackFrame} Returns self to allow for some degree of method chaining.
     * @public
    setVar: function(varNo, val){
        this.variables[varNo] = val;

        return this;

     * Get the value of a variable in this stack frame.
     * @method MVM.StackFrame#getVar
     * @param {number} varNo - the index of the variable's location.
     * @return {*} The value obtained from the specified variable index.
     * @public
    getVar: function(varNo){
        return this.variables[varNo];