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Test Coverage
import numba as nb
import numpy as np

from vpso.typing import Array1d, Array1i, Array2i, Array3d

    nb.types.UniTuple(nb.float64[:], 2)(
        nb.float64[:, :, :],  # sx
        nb.float64[:],  # sf
        nb.float64[:, :, :],  # sx_new
        nb.float64[:],  # sf_new
        nb.float64[:, :, :],  # lb
        nb.float64[:, :, :],  # ub
        nb.float64[:],  # xtol
        nb.float64[:],  # ftol
        nb.int32[:, :],  # current_patience_level
def update_patience(
    sx: Array3d,
    sf: Array1d,
    sx_new: Array3d,
    sf_new: Array1d,
    lb: Array3d,
    ub: Array3d,
    xtol: Array1d,
    ftol: Array1d,
    current_patience_level: Array2i,
) -> tuple[Array1d, Array1d]:
    """Updates the patience level for each problem as a function of the previous and
    next best particle. The level is increased if tolerances are met, and reset to zero
    if the new best particle is better than the previous one by a margin larger than the
    tolerances. `current_patience_level` is modified in-place.

    sx : 3d array
        Social best, i.e., the best particle so far. An array of shape `(N, 1, d)`,
        where `N` is the number of vectorized problems to solve simultaneously, and `d`
        is the dimension of the search space.
    sf : 1d array
        Social best value. An array of shape `(N,)`.
    sx_new : 3d array
        The new social best at the next iteration. An array of shape `(N, 1, d)`.
    sf_new : 1d array
        The new social best value at the next iteration. An array of shape `(N,)`.
    lb : 3d array
        Lower bound of the search space. An array of shape `(N, 1, d)`.
    ub : 3d array
        Upper bound of the search space. An array of shape `(N, 1, d)`.
    xtol : 1d array
        Tolerance for average changes in the objective minimizer before terminating the
        solver. An array of shape `(N,)`.
    ftol : 1d array
        Number of iterations to wait before terminating the solver if no improvement is
        witnessed. An array of shape `(N,)`.
    current_patience_level : 2d array of ints
        Current patience level, i.e., for how many iterations the tolerances have been
        met. An array of shape `(N, 2)`, where the first column corresponds to the
        tolerance in `x`, and the second column in `f`. This array is modified in-place.

    tuple of 1d arrays
        Returns the current termination criteria for `x` and `f`, respectively, for each
        vectorized problem.
    # NOTE: current patience level is to be modified in-place
    # normalize sx and sx_new and compute normalized euclidean distance (could call
    # batch_cdist here, but it's only one vector per bathc, so this should be faster)
    domain = ub - lb
    D = np.sqrt(np.square((sx - sx_new) / domain).sum(2))[:, 0]
    current_patience_level[:, 0] = np.where(
        D <= xtol, current_patience_level[:, 0] + 1, 0

    # compute tolerance for f
    F = np.maximum(0.0, sf - sf_new)
    current_patience_level[:, 1] = np.where(
        F <= ftol, current_patience_level[:, 1] + 1, 0
    return D, F

    nb.types.Tuple((nb.bool_, nb.types.unicode_type, nb.float64, nb.float64))(
        nb.float64[:, :, :],  # sx
        nb.float64[:],  # sf
        nb.float64[:, :, :],  # sx_new
        nb.float64[:],  # sf_new
        nb.float64[:, :, :],  # lb
        nb.float64[:, :, :],  # ub
        nb.float64[:],  # xtol
        nb.float64[:],  # ftol
        nb.int32[:],  # patience
        nb.int32[:, :],  # current_patience_level
def termination(
    sx: Array3d,
    sf: Array1d,
    sx_new: Array3d,
    sf_new: Array1d,
    lb: Array3d,
    ub: Array3d,
    xtol: Array1d,
    ftol: Array1d,
    patience: Array1i,
    current_patience_level: Array2i,
) -> tuple[bool, str, float, float]:
    """Checks whether the solver should terminate, and the reason why. Updates the
    patience level for each problem as a function of the previous and next best
    particle. The level is increased if tolerances are met, and reset to zero if the new
    best particle is better than the previous one by a margin larger than the
    tolerances. `current_patience_level` is modified in-place.

    sx : 3d array
        Social best, i.e., the best particle so far. An array of shape `(N, 1, d)`,
        where `N` is the number of vectorized problems to solve simultaneously, and `d`
        is the dimension of the search space.
    sf : 1d array
        Social best value. An array of shape `(N,)`.
    sx_new : 3d array
        The new social best at the next iteration. An array of shape `(N, 1, d)`.
    sf_new : 1d array
        The new social best value at the next iteration. An array of shape `(N,)`.
    lb : 3d array
        Lower bound of the search space. An array of shape `(N, 1, d)`.
    ub : 3d array
        Upper bound of the search space. An array of shape `(N, 1, d)`.
    xtol : 1d array
        Tolerance for average changes in the objective minimizer before terminating the
        solver. An array of shape `(N,)`.
    ftol : 1d array
        Number of iterations to wait before terminating the solver if no improvement is
        witnessed. An array of shape `(N,)`.
    patience : 1d array of ints, optional
        Number of iterations to wait before terminating the solver if no improvement is
        witnessed. An array of shape `(N,)`.
    current_patience_level : 2d array of ints
        Current patience level, i.e., for how many iterations the tolerances have been
        met. An array of shape `(N, 2)`, where the first column corresponds to the
        tolerance in `x`, and the second column in `f`. This array is modified in-place.

    tuple of bool, str, range_min, range_max
        Returns whether the solver should terminate, and the reason why. The reason can
        be either `xtol` or `ftol`, depending on which tolerance was met first.
        Moreover, the min/max range for the tolerances that induced termination across
        the vectorized problems is returned.
    D, F = update_patience(
        sx, sf, sx_new, sf_new, lb, ub, xtol, ftol, current_patience_level
    # NOTE: can't f-string here because of numba, so we just return the ingredients
    if (current_patience_level[:, 0] >= patience).all():
        return True, "xtol", D.min(), D.max()
    if (current_patience_level[:, 1] >= patience).all():
        return True, "ftol", F.min(), F.max()
    return False, "", np.nan, np.nan