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# Building queries

## Select

If no fields are set, all fields are selected:

(new Query)

// SELECT * FROM "table"

Specify fields:

(new Query)
    ->addSelect(['id', 'name'])
// SELECT "id", "name" FROM "table"

With aliases:

(new Query)
    ->addSelect('id', 'i')
    ->addSelect(['n' => 'name', 'p' => 'price'])
    ->from('table', 't');

// SELECT "id" AS "i", "name" AS "n", "price" AS "p" FROM "table" AS "t"

### Aggregates

(new Query)
    ->addAvg('price', 'avg_price')
    ->addSum('amount', 'sum')

// SELECT COUNT(*), AVG("price") AS "avg_price", MIN("value"), MAX("value"), SUM("AMOUNT") AS "sum" FORM "orders"

## Insert

Use `$grammar->compileInsert()` to compile an insert query. It returns an array of compiled queries because not all the 
DBMSs support all cases of inserting many rows at once.

    (new Query)
        ->addInsert(['name' => 'John', 'role' => 5])
        ->addInsert(['name' => 'Bob', 'role' => 1])

// Value 1:
//  - SQL: INSERT INTO "users" ("name". "role") VALUES (?, ?), (?, ?)
//  - Bindings: ['John', 5, 'Bob', 1]

Many rows at once:

    (new Query)
            ['name' => 'Jack', 'role' => 2],
            ['name' => 'Bob', 'role' => 5]

// Value 1:
//  - SQL: INSERT INTO "users" ("name". "role") VALUES (?, ?), (?, ?)
//  - Bindings: ['Jack', 2, 'Bob', 5]

Insert from a select statement:

    (new Query)
        ->addInsertFromSelect(['name', 'phone'], function ($query) {
                ->addSelect(['first_name', 'primary_phone'])

// Value 1:
//  - SQL: ("name", "phone") SELECT "first_name", "primary_phone" FROM "contacts"

## Update

Use `$grammar->compile()` or `$grammar->compileUpdate()` to compile an update query.

(new Query)
    ->addUpdate(['title' => 'Awesome', 'position' => 1])
    ->where('id', 55);

// UPDATE "posts" SET "title" = ?, "positoin" = ? WHERE "id" = ?
// Bindings: ['Awesome', 1, 55]

## Delete

Use `$grammar->compile()` or `$grammar->compileDelete()` to compile a delete query.

(new Query)
    ->where('date', '<', '2017-01-01');

// DELETE FROM "posts" WHERE "date" < ?

## Join

Join a table to a query:

(new Query)
    ->join('authors', '', '=', 'posts.author_id');
// SELECT * FROM "posts" INNER JOIN "authors" ON "authors"."id" = "posts"."author_id"

You can also use `innerJoin`, `outerJoin`, `leftJoin`, `rightJoin` and `crossJoin`.

You can omit the equal sign and add a table alias:

(new Query)
    ->from('posts', 'p')
    ->join(['authors', 'a'], '', 'p.author_id');

More complex joining conditions:

(new Query)
    ->join('authors', [
        ['posts.author_id', '=', ''], // Appended with the AND rule
        ['posts.created_at', '>', 'authors.updated_at']

(new Query)
    ->join('authors', function ($query) {
            ->on('posts.author_id', '')
            ->orOn('posts.reviewer_id', '');

Joining a subquery:

(new Query)
    ->join([function ($query) {
    }, 'statuses']);
// SELECT * FROM "posts" INNER JOIN (SELECT "name" FROM "states") AS "statuses"

## Where

Simple where clauses:

(new Query)
    ->where('name', 'Bill')
    ->where('age', '>', 5)
    ->orWhere('position', 'like', '%boss%');

// SELECT * FROM "table" WHERE "name" = ? AND "age" > ? OR "position" LIKE ?

### Grouped clauses

(new Query)
        ['name', 'Orange'],
        ['weight' > 6]
        ['name', 'Banana'],
        ['weight' < 15]

// SELECT * FROM "fruits" WHERE ("name" = ? AND "weight" > ?) OR ("name" = ? AND "weight" < ?)

Or using a closure:

(new Query)
    ->where(function ($query) {
            ->where('name', 'Apple')
            ->orWhere('name', 'Pine');
    ->notWhere(function ($query) {
            ->where('weight', '<', 1)
            ->orWhere('weight', '>', 100)

// SELECT * FROM "fruits" WHERE ("name" = ? OR "name" = ?) AND NOT("weight" < ? OR "weight" > ?)

### Raw SQL criterion

(new Query)
    ->whereRaw('YEAR(date) = ?', [1997]);
// or
(new Query)
    ->where(new Raw('YEAR(date) = ?', [1997]));

// SELECT * FROM "table" WHERE (YEAR(date) = ?)
// Bindings: [1997]

You can also use `orWhereRaw`.

### Between

(new Query)
    ->whereBetween('age', 13, 19);

// SELECT * FROM "table" WHERE ("age" BETWEEN ? AND ?)

You can also use `orWhereBetween`, `whereNotBetween` and `orWhereNotBetween`.

### In

(new Query)
    ->whereIn('caterogy_id', [5, 17, 10]);

// SELECT * FROM "table" WHERE "category_id" IN (?, ?, ?)

Using subquery:

(new Query)
    ->whereIn('user_id', function ($query) {
            ->where('name', 'Charles');

// SELECT * FROM "table" WHERE "category_id" IN (SELECT "id" FROM "users" WHERE "name" = ?)

You can also use `orWhereIn`, `whereNotIn` and `orWhereNotIn`.

### Is null

(new Query)

// SELECT * FROM "table" WHERE "description" IS NULL

You can also use `orWhereNull`, `whereNotNull` and `orWhereNotNull`.

### Compare columns

(new Query)
    ->whereColumn('age', '<', 'experiance');

// SELECT * FROM "table" WHERE "age" < "experiance"


(new Query)
        ['first_name', 'last_name'],
        ['account', '>=', 'debpt']

// SELECT * FROM "table" WHERE ("first_name" = "last_name" AND "account" >= "debpt")

You can also use `orWhereColumn`.

### Exists

(new Query)
    ->whereExists(function ($query) {
            ->whereColumn('comments.post_id', '');

// SELECT * FROM "posts" WHERE EXISTS (SELECT * FROM "comments" WHERE "comments"."post_id" = "posts"."id")

### How clauses are appended to each other

By default "where" clauses are appended to previous clauses using the AND logical rule.

Every logical clause is appended this way: _combined previous clauses APPEND_RULE clause_.

For example, the following clauses chain `where(...)->orWhere(...)->where(...)->orWhere(...)` 
is compiled to `((... OR ...) AND ...) OR ...`.

## Order

(new Query)
    ->orderBy('date', 'desc')

// SELECT * FROM "demo" ORDER BY "date" DESC, "id" ASC

### Null values first/last

(new Query)

// SELECT * FROM "demo" ORDER BY "review" IS NULL, "comment" IS NOT NULL

### In explicit order

This query makes the items with `"fruit" = 'Orange'` come first, the items with `"fruit" = 'Apple'` come next
and then all the rest:

(new Query)
    ->inExplicitOrder('fruit', ['Orange', 'Apple']);

// Bindings: ['Orange', 0, 'Apple', 1, 2]

### In random order

(new Query)


You can combine the random order with a column order.

## Limit and offset

(new Query)

// Bindings: [150, 12]

Warning! SQL doesn't allow to use offset without using limit.

## Raw SQL and subqueries

You can pass raw SQL and subqueries in many of the `Query` methods.

Call to make a raw:

use Finesse\QueryScribe\Raw;
$raw = new Raw('CONCAT(?, ?) # Your raw SQL', ['Bindings', 'here']);

// or
use Finesse\QueryScribe\Query;
$query = new Query;
$raw = $query->raw('CONCAT(?, ?)', ['Bindings', 'here']);

Example of what is possible:

(new Query)
    ->from(function($query) {
            ->addSelect(new Raw('SOMETHING()'))
    }, 'records')
        [(new Query)->addSelect('id')->addSelect('name')->from(new Raw('TABLES()')), 'tables'],
        '', '=', 'records.rate'
        'column1' => (new Query)->addAvg('price')->from('products'),
        'column2' => function ($query) {
                ->orderBy('rating', 'desc')
    ->where(function ($query) {
            ->whereColumn('events.type', new Raw(''))
    }, '<', new Raw('NOW()'))
    ->orderBy(function ($query) {
            ->addMax(new Raw('price * quantity'))
            ->whereExists((new Query)->addSelect('height')->from('person')->whereColumn([
                ['orders.person_id', ''],
                ['', new Raw('records.user_id')]
    }, 'desc')
    ->offset(function ($query) {